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View Full Version : Will Supreme Court release Obamacare decision on Monday, June 25?

06-22-2012, 05:33 PM
The Supreme Court's calendar for their term that ends this month, can be found here:


Looks like only one day left where they do anything at all. IIRC, the DC v. Heller was released a few years ago, on the last day of the term - a day similar to this coming Monday.

Does this mean they will release their Obamacare decision on Monday?

06-22-2012, 06:40 PM
Found this........

See the last line quoted.



Tensions rise as justices kick healthcare ruling to next week

by Sam Baker and Elise Viebeck
06/21/12 10:40 AM ET

The Supreme Court did not rule on President Obama's healthcare law Thursday, raising tensions before a decision next week.

The ruling was possible Thursday but not expected. The court traditionally holds its biggest decisions until the last day of the term, and the healthcare case is among the most highly anticipated decisions in decades, overshadowing the current term.

The next possible day for a decision is Monday, but justices will add more days to the schedule later next week.

06-22-2012, 06:44 PM
Found this........

See the last line quoted.



Tensions rise as justices kick healthcare ruling to next week

by Sam Baker and Elise Viebeck
06/21/12 10:40 AM ET

The Supreme Court did not rule on President Obama's healthcare law Thursday, raising tensions before a decision next week.

The ruling was possible Thursday but not expected. The court traditionally holds its biggest decisions until the last day of the term, and the healthcare case is among the most highly anticipated decisions in decades, overshadowing the current term.

The next possible day for a decision is Monday, but justices will add more days to the schedule later next week.

Are they waiting to see if they get a personal audience with Obama before they release?


06-22-2012, 06:52 PM
Are they waiting to see if they get a personal audience with Obama before they release?


My guess is, some liberal-socialist Justice is saying, "Well, if you guys stick to your votes to throw out the entire thing, then I'll change mine and vote to keep Obamacare, and it will be a 5-4 decision to uphold the entire Obamacare law. But if you vote only to throw out the mandate but keep the rest, then I'll keep my vote to throw out only the mandate too, and that will make it a 5-4 vote to throw out the mandate and keep the rest."

Or something along those lines.

Or maybe some leftist is threatening to change his vote if they put language in saying that the Fed Govt has no authority to get involved in Health Care except for the military.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-22-2012, 07:02 PM
My guess is, some liberal-socialist Justice is saying, "Well, if you guys stick to your votes to throw out the entire thing, then I'll change mine and vote to keep Obamacare, and it will be a 5-4 decision to uphold the entire Obamacare law. But if you vote only to throw out the mandate but keep the rest, then I'll keep my vote to throw out only the mandate too, and that will make it a 5-4 vote to throw out the mandate and keep the rest."

Or something along those lines.

Or maybe some leftist is threatening to change his vote if they put language in saying that the Fed Govt has no authority to get involved in Health Care except for the military.

Maybe. Sure looks like something is being toyed around on this decision late in the game.-Tyr

06-22-2012, 09:17 PM
I suspect. No matter what SCOTUS decides Monday, or Tuesday, or whenever.

Everything will remain the same until November 6th, or January 1st, when all of the Taxes GO UP. Nothing will change in Washington. Congress will still remain the GONAD-LESS wonders of stupidity, and ignorance.
Obama will continue to DISOBEY his Oath, and the Constitution until he either gets voted out. Or Impeached by the New Majority in the Senate, and House of Representatives after November.

Either way. Americans should be prepared to BEND OVER, and GRAB THEIR ANKLES...Obama and the Dems will Happily RAPE the American people.

06-22-2012, 09:26 PM
None of this really matters anymore, does it?

President Romney won't have to worry about repealing Obamacare if it survives the Supreme Court test.

He just has to decide he's not going to enforce it. He can tell the IRS to "use discretion" when collecting the added taxes. Etc.

The liberals created this imperial presidency and very soon they're going to have to choke on it.

06-22-2012, 09:37 PM
None of this really matters anymore, does it?

President Romney won't have to worry about repealing Obamacare if it survives the Supreme Court test.

He just has to decide he's not going to enforce it. He can tell the IRS to "use discretion" when collecting the added taxes. Etc.

The liberals created this imperial presidency and very soon they're going to have to choke on it.

No matter what happens next week with SCOTUS. Very little, if anything, will change. As you said: "None of this really matters anymore..."

One step at a time is how I see it.
First, and foremost. GET OBAMA OUT OF THERE.
If we have much of a nation left after November...depending on who stays, or who leaves. The Border with Mexico has to be closed...somehow.
If the Taxes increase on January 1st.
All bets are off, across the board.
Obama's best friends will drop him in their own TAR and FEATHERS.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-22-2012, 10:50 PM
No matter what happens next week with SCOTUS. Very little, if anything, will change. As you said: "None of this really matters anymore..."

One step at a time is how I see it.
First, and foremost. GET OBAMA OUT OF THERE.
If we have much of a nation left after November...depending on who stays, or who leaves. The Border with Mexico has to be closed...somehow.
If the Taxes increase on January 1st.
All bets are off, across the board.
Obama's best friends will drop him in their own TAR and FEATHERS.

My friend, if obama gets a second term he will destroy this nation as it exists today. That is his reason for being there. Look at the damage he has done already! Multiply that a hundred fold in a term in which he has to reason not to go full speed ahead, Executive orders, czars and agencies like EPA, Homeland Security etc. give him powers so far beyond any of the previous Presidents that it's not even funny. Adding to that is his Supreme arrogance and perception of himself as being almost a God with divine insight. Truthfully , if he gets another term , something will have to give. Want to make an omelet , ya gotta break some eggs. Obama would break all the eggs , kill all the chickens and burn down the damn farm! And more, to implement his insane agenda=socialism and his version of "paradise"!! Tyr