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View Full Version : Healthcare: Democracy, Republican , or Sociaslism?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-23-2012, 01:25 PM
A man I respect greatly and I were having a discussion recently about our nation and it’s serious problems that have grown larger and more numerous as of late. I do often disagree with this man during the course of our discussions and I did get a glimpse into the thought processes and perhaps the roots of Dem "issues"/policies. So often we get caught up in arguing over various issues such as gun rights, healthcare, bailouts, social security,etc.

Myself, I am quite often amazed that, no matter the issue, that it seems like there is usually only one overall perspective put forth and people naturally jump to one side of that debate or the other, doing so even before the politicians come in and stir the pot to really get people pissed off at one another. So, for the most part the same people that are pro-gun control are pro-government run healthcare and are pro-abortion and pro-big government anything!!! Then on the other side you have; pro-Second Amendment, pro-individual run healthcare, pro-life, pro-small government anything, and pro-deciding for yourself what kind of car to drive, what size coke to drink, what kind of fast food to gorge on, etc.

Now to our discussion , my friend made a statement that really struck me, "A democracy means that we have to accept the will of the majority, and we have to accept what they desire, and by proxy the elected officials that represent them."(= in reality mob rule)
Now, that immediately hit me as being WRONG! First of all, we ARE not an absolute democracy. Looking back towards our founding fathers we find out that at our nation's founding, the term 'democrat' was almost a pejorative. You'd have to look back at the time frame and understand what was happening. Right after the American Revolution, the French went through their Revolution; with a quite different result. It should be noted that one of the early divisions in this country was over the French Revolution. Thomas Jefferson was an early supporter of the French Revolution, but later changed his mind because of the bloody direction it took, while John Adams opposed getting involved with the French Revolution, even though the French had supported the United States.

Now, the huge difference? The United States was based on a Republican form of government; while the French was pure democracy… mob rule. America ended up with a small representative government, where the government had a few defined responsibilities and the individuals had the rights, and responsibilities, for the rest. The French had guillotines, headless corpses, blood in the streets, fear and eventually a dictator Napoleon Bonaparte, that plunged most of the “civilized” world into long and deadly warfare.

That is the difference between a Republic and a Democracy!.

Another difference between a republic and a democracy; you can do a lot more under a democracy than you can a republic. One of our founding principles, if anyone would go back and read our founders, and the origins of the phrase, "All Men Are Created Equal", is the ideal that my elected officials have no more rights than I do as an individual. I elect neither my ruler nor my “slave master“! The people that I elect work for me.

That means that if I can't walk into your house and force you eat the food I choose, then neither can my elected officials. If I, as an individual, cannot walk into your home and force you to either pay for someone else's healthcare or take a healthcare system of my design; then my elected officials cannot do it, and it doesn't matter how many of them band together into a majority.
But under a Democracy, there are no prohibitions on the power of the masses. As a matter of fact, it doesn't even take a majority of the masses today; it only takes a majority of the elected officials.

So, how have we managed to survive for over 200 years without a universal healthcare system? Because, our founding fundamental principles prohibited our government from imposing itself on it's people. The government, in short once respected the people.
This, I believe, is where the battle line has been drawn; between a Democracy and a Republic. . On one side, you have people that see this nation as a democracy, as my friend does and the other as a republic. The democracy folks think that just because so many people want to do something, then it's alright and the rest should just suck it up… and the rest of us basically want to be left alone !
Now. I think my friend is seriously wrong. I do not think he understands the phrase, "All Men Are Created Equal".or “Give me Liberty or give me death.”

We as Conservatives, as Republicans will uphold our Constitution and defend it against any enemies be they foreign or domestic! Currently the crisis in our nation is an accumulation of 40 plus years of bad policies and insane ideals implemented that were socialistic and some even downright Marxist in nature. This leading to the insanity that managed to put a dishonorable man with hate for our country in his heart into the leadership role of that which he dearly hates! Should anybody with even average intelligence fail to see or admit that such a man would naturally seek to destroy that which he hates?? I say, yes we are suffering from the punishment this hater in chief dishes out upon the object of his hate. Shall we just cry and take it without action as would helpless children or are we to stand and fight with the greatest weapons our founders gave us, Liberty, our Constitution and our Vote!? --Tyr

06-23-2012, 02:30 PM
Does your friend have the insight to take what you say and analysis it as you do?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-23-2012, 02:36 PM
Does your friend have the insight to take what you say and analysis it as you do?

Well amigo, he has that liberal disease, so the short answer is -NO!
Liberalism bring a mental disease that immediately shortcircuits any brain cells prone to digest and store the TRUTH! I'm sure you understand my friend. Its just the liberal way...-Tyr

06-23-2012, 10:10 PM
Well given that the basis for "Obamacare"...madated coverage...was introduced as by Senate Republicans as an alternative to the Clinton healthcare plan, and touted by the likes of Newt Gingrich as late as 2009, sounds pretty Republican to me.

06-23-2012, 10:14 PM
Well given that the basis for "Obamacare"...madated coverage...was introduced as by Senate Republicans as an alternative to the Clinton healthcare plan, and touted by the likes of Newt Gingrich as late as 2009, sounds pretty Republican to me.

Well, maybe Republicans learn faster than Democrats ... :unsure:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-24-2012, 12:51 PM
Well, maybe Republicans learn faster than Democrats ... :unsure:

A false comparison made by the OP because the health hydra that obama and crew birthed was a multi-thousand page monster(Medusa) that has in it very ,very little of the original plan put forth by Republicans. The difference much like that of a comparing a hand grenade to an A-bomb IMHO. The socialism represented in the currently passed unconstitutional law so overwhelms anything the Republicans ever put forth that it is amazing that the comparison was ever made to start with.-Tyr

06-24-2012, 09:34 PM
A false comparison made by the OP because the health hydra that obama and crew birthed was a multi-thousand page monster(Medusa) that has in it very ,very little of the original plan put forth by Republicans. The difference much like that of a comparing a hand grenade to an A-bomb IMHO. The socialism represented in the currently passed unconstitutional law so overwhelms anything the Republicans ever put forth that it is amazing that the comparison was ever made to start with.-Tyr

whatever, an individual mandate is an individual mandate, regardless of details or who introduced the idea.