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View Full Version : House votes to hold Eric Holder in contempt of Congress

06-28-2012, 05:51 PM
Sickening that some want to give Holder a pass. The Dems walk out and show that they don't even care about getting to the truth, and why 300 lives were lost, including a US Federal Agent.

The full House of Representatives voted on Thursday to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress over the Justice Department's decision to withhold documents related to the failed Fast and Furious gunwalking operation.

By a vote of 255 to 67, House members voted to hold Holder in contempt, disregarding a protest walkout led by the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC).

"This is a sad day for the House of Representatives. It is an irresponsible day for the House of Representatives," House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (Md.) said on the House floor prior to the vote. "It is a day in which the majority party asked us to take an action that has never been taken in the history of America."

Thursday's vote was the first time a sitting Cabinet officer was held in contempt. Hoyer noted that Congress has issued previous contempt citations to other officials, but that the average time between committee action and consideration was 87 days. The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee voted just last week to advance the measure to the full House.

A total of 108 Democrats out of protest on Thursday chose not to vote on the measure, with 1 lawmaker voting present.

Earlier Thursday, the House Democratic caucus voted unanimously to endorse the walkout. Just prior to the vote, Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) and Hoyer joined with the CBC, members of the Hispanic, Asian Pacific American and Progressive Caucuses as well as other lawmakers to exit the House floor in protest, filing out of the chamber in a slow-moving and crowded line.

"The Republican Leadership has articulated no legislative purpose for pursuing this course of action," the Caucus stated in a letter they previously circulated to colleagues encouraging them to join the walkout. "For these reasons we cannot and will not participate in a vote to hold the Attorney General in contempt. We adamantly oppose this partisan attack and refuse to participate in any vote that would tarnish the image of Congress or of an Attorney General who has done nothing but work tirelessly to protect the rights of the American people."


06-28-2012, 05:53 PM
And another contempt charge:

Minutes after the criminal contempt vote, the House voted 258-95 to pursue a civil contempt case against Mr. Holder (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/eric-h-holder-jr/) in court, with 21 Democrats joining that effort.


06-28-2012, 05:56 PM
When I saw the report, showing the Dems walking out of House chambers into the sunlight in front of the Capitol building. I loved it.

All of America. Or rather. Thinking, Educated Americans who saw that demonstration today. Were finally shown just how twisted, and dishonest those Democrat members of Congress actually are.

Too bad the didn't have Buses waiting for them to take them to the airport, and get them out of town FOR GOOD. Like most of them HOPEFULLY will, following the November elections.

Wonder how many of them will help Holder, and Obama LOAD THE U-HAULS in January?

06-28-2012, 06:25 PM
Just gotta point out the humor in reading the latest threads with this thread title followed by aboutime. :lol:

06-28-2012, 08:03 PM
Holder is in contempt of congress. He can frame the paper and hang it proudly on his wall and go on about his business. This is going to effect him how?

Will he get a pay cut?
Have to wear a silly hat in the office?
Lose his parking space?

The aristocrats of washington really know how to punish their own.

06-28-2012, 10:59 PM
Holder is in contempt of congress. He can frame the paper and hang it proudly on his wall and go on about his business. This is going to effect him how?

Will he get a pay cut?
Have to wear a silly hat in the office?
Lose his parking space?

The aristocrats of washington really know how to punish their own.

I'd like to remind everyone that Watergate took 3 years to move along and that was with the Washington Post pursuing. To keep this up will take years, how many thought SCOTUS was going to keep the mandate? Obama could win, if so, the process will go forward:


...So what’s the outcome of a pair of historic votes in the House today?
In all likelihood, nothing.

When the House’s measure is referred to the Justice Department (http://www.csmonitor.com/tags/topic/U.S.+Department+of+Justice), the institution could use what’s known as prosecutorial discretion to avoid taking up the issue. That’s what the Justice Department decided under President Bush (http://www.csmonitor.com/tags/topic/George+W.+Bush) when House Democrats moved criminal contempt charges against two members of the White House (http://www.csmonitor.com/tags/topic/The+White+House) staff who refused to testify before Congress in 2008.

The House could then file a civil contempt suit in federal court, asking a judge to compel Holder to deliver the documents in question. If the 2008 saga is any barometer, a legal fight in the courts will likely take years....

07-05-2012, 08:54 AM
Seems the committee is still going to move the football in Congress, while perhaps taking Holder to civil court:


Sen. Grassley demands additional ‘Fast and Furious’ documents
By Debbie Siegelbaum - 07/04/12 01:51 PM ET

Less than one week after the House voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) is demanding additional information from the Justice Department regarding the botched "Fast and Furious" gun-tracking operation.

On Tuesday, Grassley, ranking member of the Senate Judiciary committee, sent a letter to Holder questioning who within the Justice Department knew of a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) memorandum reportedly circulated one day prior to the DOJ denying allegations of sanctioned “gunwalking” to lawmakers.

“I believe the Department should have been abundantly aware of allegations of gunwalking as there was more than one ATF agent providing information to Department components before the February 4, 2011, letter was sent to Congress,” he wrote.

Grassley alleges that his investigators contacted an ATF special agent on February 2, 2011, who confirmed information provided by other ATF whistleblowers. The next day, that agent produced a memo documenting this discussion, which reportedly traveled through ATF’s chain of command.

“According to ATF personnel, the memorandum was discussed by high level ATF personnel and possibly forwarded to DOJ headquarters on February 3, 2011,” Grassley wrote. “Specifically, it has been alleged that individuals within the Deputy Attorney General’s (DAG’s) office and the Office of Legislative Affairs (OLA) at the Department were aware of or actually read the memorandum before the Department’s February 4, 2011, letter was sent.”

Grassley claims the possibility of the DOJ’s awareness of the memo prior to sending the February 4, 2011 “erroneous letter” to Congress “raises more questions about DOJ’s claim that faulty information from Department components inadvertently led to the false letter...

07-05-2012, 11:45 AM
The Contempt charge will be framed and hung on the wall next to his law degree. Business as usual.

07-05-2012, 12:10 PM
The Contempt charge will be framed and hung on the wall next to his law degree. Business as usual.

The documents that inform Holder will not only be hung next to his degree on the wall. But Obama's portrait...reminding Holder who taught him how to LIE, will also be there...


07-05-2012, 12:16 PM
My point in posting earlier today is that I don't think this story is going to go away.

07-05-2012, 12:23 PM
My point in posting earlier today is that I don't think this story is going to go away.

I honestly HOPE NOT as well.
If it is swept under the table, and intentionally forgotten.
We'll all know, and remember the Nixon days of Watergate....ALL OVER AGAIN.