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07-05-2012, 04:07 PM
Express your thoughts when seeing this picture...


07-05-2012, 04:07 PM
I agree with her.

07-05-2012, 04:11 PM
I see a look and feel of content. They don't want to let one another go. That's a lifetime of loving something, knowing something, and I think you kinda become inseparable. All the money in the world couldn't buy what they have, IMO.

07-05-2012, 04:12 PM
Inspiring, and it looks like all consuming love.

07-05-2012, 04:12 PM
Trigg and I have talks with our kids on this very topic. Relationships are "work" and the grow with time, if you expect the SAME type of relationship when your 20, 30, or 40 as you had when you were a teenager you are in for a rude awakening!!

We always tell them that there will be good as well as bad times and you need to WORK your way through it....

If the person was worth finding they are worth keeping!!

07-05-2012, 04:29 PM
I think I wrote about the New Year's before my mom died? We had a family reunion here. Brought my mom. All the cousins and close friends. Seriously about 70 people. After 5 or 6 hours the crowds thinned. All that was left were my kids, brother and his family, and my maternal cousins. We were sitting around the fireplace talking.

My mom was in her wheelchair, suddenly put out both arms towards my dad, as a little child that wants, 'up!' We helped her to his lap. She just sat there, with her arms around his neck saying, "I love you!"

Mind you, there's was NOT the perfect marriage at all times.

She was 81, he was 83 at the time.

Mr. P
07-05-2012, 04:52 PM
When I was young, I struggled with finding the meaning of "True Love", like many others have I'm sure. What is it, how do you know? etc etc

Well, here it is with all it's mystery and complexity, simply in black and white for all to see.

Great Pic! :2up:

07-05-2012, 04:55 PM
Unfortunately, I think you could die finding out, because you would willingly die for love.

Mr. P
07-05-2012, 05:30 PM
Unfortunately, I think you could die finding out, because you would willingly die for love.

Well, ya gotta use yer head, Roomy. But NOT that head!
I think the heart comes in there somewhere too.

07-05-2012, 05:31 PM
I disagree. While its true that some people view relationships as disposable, But I know many more cases were people just aren't right for each other yet they persist with the relationship, flawed as it is.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-05-2012, 06:00 PM
After two failed marraiges , I think I've found that elusive true love that also returns the same. Its the returning part that so many people dont get . When they do get it you have such as seen in that picture! -Tyr

07-05-2012, 06:04 PM
I disagree. While its true that some people view relationships as disposable, But I know many more cases were people just aren't right for each other yet they persist with the relationship, flawed as it is.

Yeah, but that's why you sort those issues out before you get married.

07-05-2012, 06:19 PM
Yeah, but that's why you sort those issues out before you get married.

Quite a few of them are married, because the girl got pregnant (and this being Northern Ireland, with the religious pressure for the elders) they get married before the birth.

Then your options divorced single mum/dad or continued flawed relationship, almost all that I know have gone of the relationship.

07-05-2012, 06:29 PM
I usually throw things away.

I can't fix anything.

07-05-2012, 06:48 PM
Express your thoughts when seeing this picture...


Mom & Dad will celebrate their 63rd wedding anniversary this fall.
They don't appear to be anywhere as old as these folks though!

07-05-2012, 09:08 PM
Mom & Dad will celebrate their 63rd wedding anniversary this fall.
They don't appear to be anywhere as old as these folks though!

Good for them. Being old, or looking old...as some might say. Is all in your mind, so to speak.

Thank you for sharing with us. Now you make me feel younger. My wife and I will celebrate our 43rd, next year, in March. The first day of Spring.

To be honest. Though I am not as old as your parents. We learned how having Grand Kids has become somewhat of a Blessing that makes us feel so much younger.

When people make fun, or laugh at us because we're older. We just laugh at them because we know. If they live long enough....SOMEBODY JUST LIKE THEM...will laugh at them.

07-05-2012, 10:28 PM
I totally agree with the sentiment. Unfortunately, a lot of others do not. They prefer to cast their partners out like garbage and go shopping for a new one. Men are particularly guilty of this. Instead of working to repair their old model, they get a newer one. Preferably with larger headlights and a smaller trunk. :rolleyes:

Divorce is simply giving up and admitting failure.

Nell's Room
07-05-2012, 11:38 PM
Express your thoughts when seeing this picture...


She is correct. Back then, marriage vows actually meant something. Marriage was seen as special. Nowadays, its just 'I promise to love and cherish forever...at least until I get bored and get rid of you'.

07-11-2012, 10:32 PM
That image reminds me of something that happened many years ago when I was a very new nurse. I worked nights on a neurological floor. Many of our patients had various forms of dementia. One elderly lady was a wanderer. Like many dementia patients, once she was out of her familiar environment, she was restless, wakeful, and wandered at night. Her husband of some 50 years would come in at night after the rest of the visitors were gone and put his pajamas on and cuddle up to her in her bed. She never wandered when he was there and we did not have to resort to sedatives or restraints to keep her safe. One night we had a nurse float to our unit who was unaware of this mildly unusual solution. She was appalled that we "allowed" this. I told her this lady had spent 50 years sleeping next to the love of her life and I saw no good reason to take away her security. We told her she could ask to work elsewhere. Our supervisor sided with us by the way.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-11-2012, 10:56 PM
That image reminds me of something that happened many years ago when I was a very new nurse. I worked nights on a neurological floor. Many of our patients had various forms of dementia. One elderly lady was a wanderer. Like many dementia patients, once she was out of her familiar environment, she was restless, wakeful, and wandered at night. Her husband of some 50 years would come in at night after the rest of the visitors were gone and put his pajamas on and cuddle up to her in her bed. She never wandered when he was there and we did not have to resort to sedatives or restraints to keep her safe. One night we had a nurse float to our unit who was unaware of this mildly unusual solution. She was appalled that we "allowed" this. I told her this lady had spent 50 years sleeping next to the love of her life and I saw no good reason to take away her security. We told her she could ask to work elsewhere. Our supervisor sided with us by the way.

That was right and proper thinking and true compassion. Something so often missing these days and definitely missing when one gets wrapped up fighting government regulations and red tape. Another reason the government needs to be downsized. You guys did superbly in that kindness my friend!!!! -Tyr

07-12-2012, 05:23 AM
Love is ultimately selfish for humans. Unselfish love doesn't exist in our intimate relationships because if it exists, the relationship isn't intimate.

We love people for how those people make us feel. That feeling drives our intimacy. If somebody makes us feel shitty, yet we still practive love for them, we have no intimacy with them.

So - as to the photo...

I disagree with the premise. For the core values of who we are, as adult humans, no fix should ever be required. Do I want to talk my wife into learning to be in love with me? Hell no. She should remain who she is. Same with me - should my wife want to change my love-style to suit her needs, if me changing leaves me empty or less-than fulfilled? Negative Ghost Rider.

Sometimes the 'fix' in a relationship is to part as friends.

WRT Vows: Vows are a joke. There's but ONE vow our society cares about; and only insomuch as to help determin the 'victim' in a relationship. A man can absolutely face no judgment breaking his vows to love, honor, and cherrish - but when his 'cheating his wife out of those things' leads his wife to neglect 'forsaking-all-others' we say "OMGWTF! She "cheated!!" on him!! Poor guy!!"


07-12-2012, 05:42 AM
Express your thoughts when seeing this picture...


A lot of things have been said here and i think there's a lot of truth and life in most of it.

All i know is that if you've ever had someone who smiles when they see you coming and is sad when you leave, and wants to hold you like in the pic, no matter what your age. You've had some of the best that life has to offer. If you're able maintain it for a while your blessed on earth.

07-12-2012, 06:08 AM
A lot of things have been said here and i think there's a lot of truth and life in most of it.

All i know is that if you've ever had someone who smiles when they see you coming and is sad when you leave, and wants to hold you like in the pic, no matter what your age. You've had some of the best that life has to offer. If you're able maintain it for a while your blessed on earth.

Very well said. I'd love to see more people find it. I'd love to see people hold their relationships to that standard.

07-13-2012, 12:09 PM
true love :)