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View Full Version : I wish I was born a few generations earlier

07-06-2012, 10:45 AM
By that, I mean I wish I could have lived through the 50's 40's and 30's.

Yes, I'd have to live through the great depression, no air conditioning, etc, :boohoo: but hear me out.

People cared about what they looked like, suits and stuff. You knew your neighbors. New inventions weren't spinoffs of old things. Stuff was MADE in america and to last, not the cheapest possible.
People knew of a thing called chivalry, and I wouldn't be disrespected by little old ladies who piss and moan like teenage girls. (You want respect? I'm trying, but if you're going to treat me like crap I'll treat you the same)

You wouldn't see anything like the people of walmart. People cared about what others thought of them, and showed a little respect.

Nowadays, when I hold the door for people i get one of three things, "Thanks" (I like that one), "OMG, Someones holding the door!", and the other where they just look like "That's right, you better.":death:

Plus, people had pride, in themselves, america, and what they made.

Oh, and one more thing, people didn't sit back and mooch off the gov't. almost makes me feel ripped off, if i was a piece of crap i'd have everything paid for, but since i'm not, i'm getting screwed by uncle Sam.

For all these reasons, if i move out of this country, i'm moving to Ireland. kind people, loud and terrible cussers, but kind and caring. (Oh, and redheads are hot :rolleyes:)

07-06-2012, 11:58 AM
Though I doubt many would disagree with you. Having been born in the 1940's, and grew up during the 50's and 60's.
I'm not so sure you'd feel the same way about what people used to call 'The Good Old Days' if you remembered what Most Americans take advantage of, and depend on today.

Frankly. I do believe it is those from My generation, and later, into the 70's who are, and should be held responsible for the generation of 'ME', and the 'Instant Gratification Generation' we now have.

I firmly believe. We...yes. I said WE, meaning people of my age. Wanted so badly to give our children, and grandchildren Everything WE didn't have, or couldn't afford. We Actually DID GIVE IT TO THEM. And now. All of us are paying for it in all kinds of ways. Mostly as we see today's general generation of GIMME, and I DESERVE THIS who is no longer willing to actually WORK for what they have, and take advantage of as Natural, and Required.

Of course. That same generation I spoke of above will happily BLAME people like me for being Too Old to understand THEIR NEEDS TO GET WHAT THEY DESERVE, without working for it.
If I say too much about this. Just watch the reactions to this post from those who FEEL exactly as I stated.
You'll also notice. Not a bit of Personal Responsibility, or common sense will be involved when they happily agree with me, and easily BLAME others for their terrible, miserable life situations where their Cell-phone, or X-box stop working because the ELECTRIC grid was overtaxed, or a terrible storm knocked out their Comfortable, Much needed Air conditioned computer Play room.

Just watch.
But Cadet. You have hit the right note that many of us can agree with in your wishes to have lived in those years.
That was a time when PEOPLE...known as Human beings. Actually said hello, opened doors, and cared for one-another without demanding PAYMENT for their kindness, or for a threat of being sued for being HONEST, and telling the TRUTH.

Don't give up!
I still hope, and believe. There is a larger number of Americans out there who feel just as you, and I do. But they have been scared into staying quiet, or truth be told...they are just so Uninformed, and Uncaring....all they want is to have a good time, and not care about how everything they enjoy can be taken away with the stroke of a Pen by a Little Boy who calls himself the President.

07-06-2012, 12:27 PM
Wish I was born about the same time i was born but that i knew, at 7 yrs old, what i think i know now.


07-06-2012, 12:34 PM
I'd say more than anything people care what they look like nowadays, the point being they look how they want to look, not how they think they should look for others. IMO that's a step forward, not back.

You're also free to buy brands 'made in America' with a little research, and the old people who are not showing your respect are the people from the generation you wished you were part of. And sure some thins will be worse, but imo many new things are better, which is why I'm glad to live in our age.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-06-2012, 01:06 PM
Always wanted to be born in and part of the cowboy era. Even that time over frontier days. Early times out West may have been hard and dangerous but a man could still be a man . One had to be careful how they talked to a man with a gun on his hip and that man was under the exact same obligation! I truly believe if this nation had open carry law nationwide we would have never developed the drug gangs, street gangs and violence would be less not more. Immediate and swift justice being a thing of the past and it has its effects by being absent!--Tyr