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07-09-2012, 05:47 PM
Well the new job has been quite an eye opener for me...since I am doing all of the marketing for this company, I needed to do research on medical marijuana.

Now I have a better understanding of the whole process and the pros and cons, there is a lot of information and studies that just floored me and completely turned my thinking upside down on this issue.

Medical marijuana is legal in 17 states and 6 states have pending legislation. However even though it is legal in that state for a person with a medical marijuana card to legally grow or possess a certain amount (depending on state laws) of marijuana, it is still considered illegal at the federal level....

But out of all of the things I have learned here recently this one blew me away.....

4 Americans get medical pot from the fedshttp://www.cbsnews.com/2100-201_162-20112623.html

07-09-2012, 06:17 PM
I need to get me a new doctor. Damn, that's a big ass can of joints that 'ol lady has there! :420:

07-09-2012, 07:07 PM
This situation can be best summed up in a few statements:

1.) As you point out, a number of states have laws saying it is legal for certain citizens to possess small amounts of marijuana for medical purposes, if they have the proper documentation.

2.) The Fed Govt has a law saying it is illegal for any person to possess any amount of marijuana for any purpose, medical or otherwise, regardless of documentation.

3.) The Constitution says that Federal laws made in pursuance to the Constitution, shall be supreme over state laws.

4.) The Constitution gives no authority to the Fed Govt to make laws concerning medicines, drugs, or similar substances. So Federal laws on marijuana are not "pursuant to the Constitution", and are not covered under (3) above (Supremacy).

So, state and local laws are the ONLY legitimate laws governing the use and possession of marijuana.

07-09-2012, 09:04 PM
Out of a totally innocent quest for knowledge.... which states is it legal? and are there any where it doesn't have to be medical?

I mean it too, totally just out of curiosity. :angel:

07-09-2012, 09:09 PM
Out of a totally innocent quest for knowledge.... which states is it legal? and are there any where it doesn't have to be medical?

I mean it too, totally just out of curiosity. :angel:

Sure thing, cadet. Just curiosity. That's like saying You never look at naked women, because they threaten you with EYE damage.

07-09-2012, 11:03 PM
Out of a totally innocent quest for knowledge.... which states is it legal? and are there any where it doesn't have to be medical?

I mean it too, totally just out of curiosity. :angel:

The legal states at this time in regards to medical marijuana http://medicalmarijuana.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=000881

There is only one state that I have come across that is currently trying to pass legislation in regards to making it legal for personal use of marijuana. That would be Oregon. They already have a medical marijuana law, but are trying to get personal use in the privacy of ones own home passed.

07-10-2012, 02:13 AM
I watched a video from way back on the federal marijuana dispensary; I feel like it was dated though and they no longer add patients. I feel like it was initially a dozen or more, but I guess all but four now have have since succumbed to whatever disease they had. They were really nasty illnesses iirc.
I'm with la on this; prohibition was removed from the constitution for just cause-- namely, it didn't work as planned--people still drank and it gave rise to organized crime...drug prohibition is different though.:rolleyes:

07-10-2012, 06:06 AM
Sure thing, cadet. Just curiosity. That's like saying You never look at naked women, because they threaten you with EYE damage.

You saying they don't? :dunno:

Abbey Marie
07-10-2012, 08:00 AM
The legal states at this time in regards to medical marijuana http://medicalmarijuana.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=000881

There is only one state that I have come across that is currently trying to pass legislation in regards to making it legal for personal use of marijuana. That would be Oregon. They already have a medical marijuana law, but are trying to get personal use in the privacy of ones own home passed.

That is just the kind of slippery slope that people worry about when someone tries to legalize drugs for a good reason.