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View Full Version : Why we are broke, borrowing trillions instead of billions!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-10-2012, 10:18 AM

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Acronyms and Sources
ACI - Andean Counter drug Initiative
ACP - Andean Counter drug Program
AEECA - Assistance for Europe, Eurasia and Central Asia
CSH - Child Survival and Health (moved to GHCS)
DA - Development Assistance
ESF - Economic Support Fund
FMF - Foreign Military Financing
FSA - Former Soviet State Assistance
GHAI - Global HIV/AIDS Initiative
IBO - International Broadcasting Operations
IFI - International Financial Institutions
IMET - International Military Education and Training
INCLE - International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement
IPO - International Programs and Organizations
MRA - Migration and Refugee Assistance
NADR - Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining,
and Related Programs
PKO - PeaceKeeping Operations

The Complaints About Foreign Aid
Foreign Aid Purpose:
To create foreign markets for US products, esp. arms sales.
1. Foreign aid aids the giver, not the recipient.
2. Corruption is a major problem - many funds go to private bank accounts.
- - - The leaders get the money, the people get nothing.
3. Richer nations receive the most aid.

Foreign Aid Determinants:
1. Strategic considerations (Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Afghanistan)
2. Former colonial status (Africa)
3. Political alignment (Middle East)
4. Drug policy (South America)

Foreign Aid NON-determinants:
Need - The poorest nations receive the least aid.
U.N. Voting Record - Doesn't count, if you can't do anything for the US.
There are 2 main sources of US Foreign Aid -
1. The US Department of State, and
2. USAID - the U.S. Agency for International Development

The Federation of American Scientists, (Washington, DC)

Foreign Aid Index
2001 - http://ww.fas.org/asmp/profiles/aid/fy2001_fmf.pdp
2002 - http://www.fas.org/asmp/profiles/aid/fy2002part18.pdf
2003 - http://www.fas.org/asmp/profiles/aid/fy2003part14.pdf
2003 - http://www.fas.org/asmp/profiles/aid/fy2003_Table2.html
2004 - http://www.fas.org/asmp/profiles/aid/fy2004/03-summary.pdf
2005 - http://www.fas.org/asmp/profiles/aid/fy2005/CBJ05_Budgettables.pdf
2006 - http://www.fas.org/asmp/profiles/aid/fy2006/CBJAccountsum.pdf

US State Department Budget Index
2007 - http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/60643.pdf
2008 - http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/80151.pdf
2009 - http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/101368.pdf
2010 - http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/122513.pdf

From year to year, one must be diligent in seeking and finding the appropriate/ applicable data. As descriptions, the filenames are useless.

Sources of error -
1. Numbers for one parameter may be different in another document. Each parameter goes through several "stages" -
Requested, Estimated, Actual and Revised (Actual plus Supplemental)
The report for each year contains 3 figures -
1. The Requested $$$ for the current year
2. The Estimated $$$ for the last year, and
3. The Actual $$$ for the year before last.
One must therefore be careful when comparing figures. No numbers are firm, until they become ancient history.

USAID or the U.S. Agency for International Development, offers tens of thousands of results for any search for non-military aid.

Vaughn's Summaries
©2004, 2005, 2006, 2010 Vaughn Aubuchon
All Rights Reserved
This Vaughns U.S. Foreign Aid Summary
was last updated on 2012-05-31.

Why the nation is broke, indebted all those extra trillions.
We borrow trillions instead of billions! We borrow money to give away in foreign aid!
We borrow so we can increase spending. Then we spend like mad so we can increase borrowing!
Somebody tell me that is not insanity or a plan for a major default?-Tyr

07-10-2012, 03:32 PM
It's not.

07-10-2012, 04:51 PM
We start wars when we're broke, why not borrow money for various things.

07-10-2012, 04:56 PM
We start wars when we're broke, why not borrow money for various things.

I know, that's the Democrat way! They want to borrow more and give out freebies more than any party in history. And they have started WAY more wars then their R counterparts and hundreds of thousands of more deaths as a result of those wars fall at the feet of Democrats.

07-10-2012, 04:59 PM
I know, that's the Democrat way! They want to borrow more and give out freebies more than any party in history. And they have started WAY more wars then their R counterparts and hundreds of thousands of more deaths as a result of those wars fall at the feet of Democrats.

If you can't provide an answer, dance around the question. :rolleyes:

07-10-2012, 05:00 PM
We start wars when we're broke, why not borrow money for various things.

Because bureaucracies are more destructive than wars.

07-10-2012, 05:01 PM
If you can't provide an answer, dance around the question. :rolleyes:

I suppose you didn't like my correction of your ignorant statement? Sucks when things are put in true perspective and ignorant comments are exposed for what they are.

07-10-2012, 06:29 PM
Personally, I think we should cut off foreign aid to all countries that have functioning economies and can exist on their own merits. We should cut off military aid and resources to ALL countries. Excluding no one.
We should intervene in the political affairs of no country and no region. Our military forces should immediately withdraw and remain out of ALL countries.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-10-2012, 07:48 PM
Heard today that the newest estimate of obama increased debt is just over 5.4 trillion dollars in 4 years! Imagine what he will do if he gets a second term??
Folks, its race into bankruptcy and the temporay fixes will just make the crash when it comes be a hundred fold worse or more! It will make the 29' crash look like child's play.
And it will be triggered when they are ready and will reap the greatest rewards. Our nation is being robbed before the fall and will be economicly decimated after the fall. Its planned that way. Destroy the military without firing a shot in anger, do it with paper accounts of money loaned and money stolen. Take a look at how they didit in Britain to see how they are doing it to us... Take a look at Soros's actions in Britain and in France and now he is here to doing his magic! -Tyr

07-10-2012, 07:54 PM
If you can't provide an answer, dance around the question. :rolleyes:

gabby. Nobody is dancing around anything. Just giving you more of what you, and liberals practice and do so well.
You not only dance around, and never answer questions honestly. But you always provide a liberal method of answering....with another question, to disguise your inability to provide an honest answer.
People who live in glass...or should I say gabby houses. Should never throw stones.

07-10-2012, 07:55 PM
Heard today that the newest estimate of obama increased debt is just over 5.4 trillion dollars in 4 years! Imagine what he will do if he gets a second term??
Folks, its race into bankruptcy and the temporay fixes will just make the crash when it comes be a hundred fold worse or more! It will make the 29' crash look like child's play.
And it will be triggered when they are ready and will reap the greatest rewards. Our nation is being robbed before the fall and will be economicly decimated after the fall. Its planned that way. Destroy the military without firing a shot in anger, do it with paper accounts of money loaned and money stolen. Take a look at how they didit in Britain to see how they are doing it to us... Take a look at Soros's actions in Britain and in France and now he is here to doing his magic! -Tyr

​How long will China accept Monopoly money as payment for the Rising Obama debt?

07-10-2012, 08:30 PM
I can sum up why you are broke with one graph showing a comparison of military spending.


07-10-2012, 08:37 PM
I can sum up why you are broke with one graph showing a comparison of military spending.


countered by


oh and no matter how many scary stories some tell, the US aint broke.

Anton Chigurh
07-10-2012, 08:45 PM
countered by

oh and no matter how many scary stories some tell, the US aint broke.Umm.... What happened to:
My last post here for real. From a few days ago?

And why no reply to Jim's challenge about you claiming you take bullets for babies, all that rot?

Here's that: http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?35785-Intro-crap-moved&p=563093#post563093