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View Full Version : HanoiBITCH Jane Fonda pleads stupidity for picture!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-10-2012, 07:08 PM

Jane Fonda Regrets Missile Launcher Picture.

Jane Fonda will always regret the controversial 1972 photograph showing her sitting on a missile launcher aimed at U.S. soldiers, insisting she has "paid heavily" for the infamous image.

The veteran actress caused outrage in the U.S. and earned the nickname 'Hanoi Jane' when she was snapped sitting on an anti-aircraft battery in Hanoi during the Vietnam War.
Fonda admits the backlash hit her hard and has affected her ever since, and she will always chastise herself for the image.

She tells Britain's Hello! magazine, "In 1972 I was photographed, laughing, sitting on a North Vietnamese missile launcher aimed at American soldiers, without realizing what I was doing. I paid heavily for that mistake, and am still criticized for it. I'll go to my grave with regrets about that picture."

Yep, the bitch wants forgiveness. FFKK her communist loving ass! She sided with our enemies because her socialist ass agreed with the freaking communists!
I really like her dad as an actor but piss on her!
Insisting that she paid enough , BS, she will have paid enough after a few thousand years in hell..--Tyr

07-10-2012, 07:16 PM
No she isn't regretting it. Not at all. She's had almost 40 years to create the right words to say to make an EXCUSE that will change her selfish status many Vietnam Vets identify her with as...Jane (Notso)Fonda the Actor's Traitorous Stupid Daughter.

It's way too late for her to plead anything.
She did the damage, and played a part in the Torture of American POW's. One of which was punished for HER BETRAYAL of an American Service member in Vietnam.

This Fonda is the PIG we all know, and remember. And a Pig, by any other name is still a PIG.

07-10-2012, 07:16 PM
I refuse to watch or own anything she is in. I'd gladly piss on her grave.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-10-2012, 07:35 PM
I refuse to watch or own anything she is in. I'd gladly piss on her grave.

Careful my friend, if I get there first , dont piss on the back of my legs. ;)
I bet that if her grave isnt guarded the first day after her burial there will be a few dozen piles of human shat on it...-Tyr

07-10-2012, 07:40 PM
Careful my friend, if I get there first , dont piss on the back of my legs. ;)
I bet that if her grave isnt guarded the first day after her burial there will be a few dozen piles of human shat on it...-Tyr

Pissing on Hanoi Jane's grave would be a total waste of URINE. Further. It would be an Insult to other, well known Traitors.

07-10-2012, 07:48 PM
I don't remember a picture of Fonda on a NV missle launcher. Sure as hell remember the pic on a 57mm AA gun though.


07-10-2012, 09:29 PM
I'd gladly piss on her grave.
Yes, but just how many days or weeks are you willing to stand in line for the privilege?

07-10-2012, 09:31 PM
Yes, but just how many days or weeks are you willing to stand in line for the privilege?

What purpose would desecrating a grave serve Karl?

07-10-2012, 09:50 PM
What purpose would desecrating a grave serve Karl?

The point I was trying to make was that if all the people who wanted to urinate on Jane Fonda's grave were to actually do so, the line would be extremely long.... easily hundreds of thousands or millions of people...

Jane Fonda, after all, stirred up a lot of resentment for her actions and rightly so. The government did nothing to prosecute her for giving aid and comfort to the enemy while servicemen and women were being held captive and were in harm's way.

07-10-2012, 09:53 PM
The point I was trying to make was that if all the people who wanted to urinate on Jane Fonda's grave were to actually do so, the line would be extremely long.... easily hundreds of thousands or millions of people...

Jane Fonda, after all, stirred up a lot of resentment for her actions and rightly so. The government did nothing to prosecute her for giving aid and comfort to the enemy while servicemen and women were being held captive and were in harm's way.

I don't disagree with you about Jane, but pissing on a grave; and I misunderstood I guess, b/c I thought you meant that you to would like to do so.

07-10-2012, 09:54 PM
I would like for those who were present in the 60s (or thereabouts) to answer me a question:

Jane Fonda made all sorts of anti-war statements in the 60s. She posed for pictures and has since been reviled as "Hanoi Jane." No veteran has ever forgiven her.

But they are more than willing to accept Ted Nugent, who avoided the draft while degrading anyone "stupid" enough to join the military. Though Ted poses a lot with guns now, back then he thought guns (and gun owners) were evil and said bow hunters were the only true men.

Why do conservatives feel better about Ted Nugent than Jane Fonda?

07-10-2012, 10:01 PM
Never liked Ted! He just played here last week and his local radio station interview was too much to listen to him falling all over himself and how all other musicians wish they had written songs like his that are just so great to play.

To answer your question Gabby, I think we all know where most "chickenhawks" roost.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-10-2012, 11:30 PM
Pissing on Hanoi Jane's grave would be a total waste of URINE. Further. It would be an Insult to other, well known Traitors.

I bet a lot of people would like to piss on her now!--:laugh2:
What has the biatch done that she thinks she should allow her to get forgiveness?
She was an outspoken traitor that gave aid and comfort to the enemy , same as did John Kerry.

Nell's Room
07-11-2012, 12:04 AM
I don't see what the big was. It was a mistake, pure and simple, and 40 years later she is still being roasted for it. It's in the past. I bet if you had made a huge mistake years ago you would want people to forget about it and forgive you.

07-11-2012, 06:43 AM
I would like for those who were present in the 60s (or thereabouts) to answer me a question:

Jane Fonda made all sorts of anti-war statements in the 60s. She posed for pictures and has since been reviled as "Hanoi Jane." No veteran has ever forgiven her.

But they are more than willing to accept Ted Nugent, who avoided the draft while degrading anyone "stupid" enough to join the military. Though Ted poses a lot with guns now, back then he thought guns (and gun owners) were evil and said bow hunters were the only true men.

Why do conservatives feel better about Ted Nugent than Jane Fonda?

Because Ted wasn't palling around with the enemy, plain and simple.

07-11-2012, 06:44 AM
I don't see what the big was. It was a mistake, pure and simple, and 40 years later she is still being roasted for it. It's in the past. I bet if you had made a huge mistake years ago you would want people to forget about it and forgive you.

It's not a "mistake" when you end up hanging around with the enemy, the very same enemy who were holding and abusing US prisoners of war. That's like saying someone would "accidentally" be a traitor.

07-11-2012, 09:32 AM
I would like for those who were present in the 60s (or thereabouts) to answer me a question:

Jane Fonda made all sorts of anti-war statements in the 60s. She posed for pictures and has since been reviled as "Hanoi Jane." No veteran has ever forgiven her.

But they are more than willing to accept Ted Nugent, who avoided the draft while degrading anyone "stupid" enough to join the military. Though Ted poses a lot with guns now, back then he thought guns (and gun owners) were evil and said bow hunters were the only true men.

Why do conservatives feel better about Ted Nugent than Jane Fonda?

This should not be a liberal vs. conservative issue although you seem to want to make it such. This is a question of whether a private citizen should be able to willingly give aid and comfort to an enemy of the United States during a time of war. The answer is in the Federal Code... the answer is clearly NO.

From the transcript of the Congressional hearings held after Jane Fonda's visit to Hanoi

The treason statute, 18 U.S.C. 2381, provides that whoever levies war against the United States or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort, is guilty of treason. Additionally, Section III, Arti- cle 3 of the Constitution provides that no person shall be convicted of treason except on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act or a confession m open court. </pre>

To answer your question...

Did Ted Nugent give aid and comfort to the enemy while servicemen and women were being held captive and were in harm's way? No
Did Jane Fonda? YES

Did Ted Nugent willingly lend himself to be used by that enemy for the purposes of propaganda against the United States during a time of war? No
Did Jane Fonda? YES

Did Ted Nugent make statements on Radio Hanoi, North Vietnam's state owned radio, against our government during a time of war? NO
Did Jane Fonda? YES

Was Jane Fonda ever held accountable for her actions by our government? NO

That should answer your question.

Congress did hold hearings on the question of whether Jane Fonda should be tried for treason after the fact... and, for some reason, did not seem to think there were grounds...

And that's a dirt rotten shame

07-11-2012, 10:00 AM
This should not be a liberal vs. conservative issue although you seem to want to make it such. This is a question of whether a private citizen should be able to willingly give aid and comfort to an enemy of the United States during a time of war. The answer is in the Federal Code... the answer is clearly NO.

From the transcript of the Congressional hearings held after Jane Fonda's visit to Hanoi

The treason statute, 18 U.S.C. 2381, provides that whoever levies war against the United States or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort, is guilty of treason. Additionally, Section III, Arti- cle 3 of the Constitution provides that no person shall be convicted of treason except on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act or a confession m open court. </pre>

To answer your question...

Did Ted Nugent give aid and comfort to the enemy while servicemen and women were being held captive and were in harm's way? No
Did Jane Fonda? YES

Did Ted Nugent willingly lend himself to be used by that enemy for the purposes of propaganda against the United States during a time of war? No
Did Jane Fonda? YES

Did Ted Nugent make statements on Radio Hanoi, North Vietnam's state owned radio, against our government during a time of war? NO
Did Jane Fonda? YES

Was Jane Fonda ever held accountable for her actions by our government? NO

That should answer your question.

Congress did hold hearings on the question of whether Jane Fonda should be tried for treason after the fact... and, for some reason, did not seem to think there were grounds...

And that's a dirt rotten shame

Just another example of a cute women (at the time) getting away with she shouldn't have gotten away with.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-11-2012, 10:42 AM
This should not be a liberal vs. conservative issue although you seem to want to make it such. This is a question of whether a private citizen should be able to willingly give aid and comfort to an enemy of the United States during a time of war. The answer is in the Federal Code... the answer is clearly NO.

From the transcript of the Congressional hearings held after Jane Fonda's visit to Hanoi

The treason statute, 18 U.S.C. 2381, provides that whoever levies war against the United States or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort, is guilty of treason. Additionally, Section III, Arti- cle 3 of the Constitution provides that no person shall be convicted of treason except on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act or a confession m open court. </pre>

To answer your question...

Did Ted Nugent give aid and comfort to the enemy while servicemen and women were being held captive and were in harm's way? No
Did Jane Fonda? YES

Did Ted Nugent willingly lend himself to be used by that enemy for the purposes of propaganda against the United States during a time of war? No
Did Jane Fonda? YES

Did Ted Nugent make statements on Radio Hanoi, North Vietnam's state owned radio, against our government during a time of war? NO
Did Jane Fonda? YES

Was Jane Fonda ever held accountable for her actions by our government? NO

That should answer your question.

Congress did hold hearings on the question of whether Jane Fonda should be tried for treason after the fact... and, for some reason, did not seem to think there were grounds...

And that's a dirt rotten shame

Triple bravo's for that post calls for triple cold beers. -:beer: :beer: :beer: and I'll join you with one!--:beer:
She has not done a damn thing to deserve to get forgiveness. Forty years and now in old age she starts expressing regret, well piss on her! Somebody should piss in her face but she'd probaly like that, the dirty biatch!-Tyr

07-11-2012, 11:03 AM
Thanks to Karl Marx for that outstanding explanation. :beer:

07-11-2012, 11:07 AM
You knocked it out of the park Karl!

Thought I would add to your quote:

Was Jane Fonda ever held accountable for her actions by our government? NO
Was Ted Nugent? YES

07-11-2012, 11:10 AM
Thunderknuckles is quite correct.

I find this thread to be quite enlightening. Thanks to all who have contributed.

07-11-2012, 11:17 AM
If she had served time in prison for being a traitor then maybe she would have a right to ask for forgiveness. She didn't and she doesn't.

She even met a number of the prisoners and shook hands with many of them. A note passed to her by one of the prisoners was turned over to the prison officials and the man punished. She's a piece of shit.

07-12-2012, 10:16 AM
Jane Fonda, after all, stirred up a lot of resentment for her actions and rightly so. The government did nothing to prosecute her for giving aid and comfort to the enemy while servicemen and women were being held captive and were in harm's way.

That was actually treason, you know.

I was very young at the time and did war protests and so on, but I thought it all through carefully when it happened, and concluded: That's treason.

Can't do that, that was quite wrong.

So why didn't the government prosecute her for treason? Migod, talk about aid and comfort to the enemy!!

Because her father was the beloved Henry Fonda. Because she herself was a coming movie star.

And most of all, because the government was indeed losing the country. Jane Fonda represented a lot of people more upset and confused than I was, and they so very did not need to fight with all the young people of America. In fact, the country was near rebellion, I have come to realize in late years, until they ended the draft. That ended the protests, like magic, and even now though they are not able to get enough soldiers in a volunteer Army, they can't start up the draft for these unpopular Forever wars --- it would all just start up again.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-12-2012, 10:17 AM
I don't remember a picture of Fonda on a NV missle launcher. Sure as hell remember the pic on a 57mm AA gun though.


Thats how many liberals really feel, America BAD= its enemies GOOD. Hanoibiatch Jane gave aid and comfort to the enemy during a time of war and even worse she went there to do it ! How about that note slipped to her from a POW that she then turned in and the prisoner got severely punished? She deserved prison time and got none. May she rot in hell.-Tyr

07-12-2012, 10:20 AM
If she had served time in prison for being a traitor then maybe she would have a right to ask for forgiveness. She didn't and she doesn't.

I have a question for you, Gaffer: based on what you said there, what do you think about the Kathy Boudin situation? Brinks Armored car robbery, she and her partner decoyed for the Black Panther robbers. At least one policeman died. She served 20 years and is in hiding now. Do you think she has a right to ask for forgiveness?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-12-2012, 10:23 AM
If she had served time in prison for being a traitor then maybe she would have a right to ask for forgiveness. She didn't and she doesn't.

She even met a number of the prisoners and shook hands with many of them. A note passed to her by one of the prisoners was turned over to the prison officials and the man punished. She's a piece of shit.

My friend , so many liberals are indeed that as was Jane Fonda the traitor! Many today believe just as that piece of shat did.
By the way , John Kerry back then did much the same too! Don't doubt me on that amigo.- :beer:-Tyr

07-12-2012, 03:21 PM
I have a question for you, Gaffer: based on what you said there, what do you think about the Kathy Boudin situation? Brinks Armored car robbery, she and her partner decoyed for the Black Panther robbers. At least one policeman died. She served 20 years and is in hiding now. Do you think she has a right to ask for forgiveness?

I'm vague on that case and why she is presently in hiding. She should have got life in prison.

Asking for forgiveness and getting it are two different things.

07-13-2012, 11:36 AM
I'm vague on that case and why she is presently in hiding. She should have got life in prison.

Asking for forgiveness and getting it are two different things.

As you say, asking and getting are different; Kathy Boudin has asked: "I am a woman who has made mistakes," she said. There was a long New Yorker article about her years ago. She is in hiding because of the Jane Fonda situation -- two policemen died outright as she decoyed for the Black Panthers who burst out of a van and shot at the police during the robbery. That was 1981; earlier she was part of the Weather Underground.

Her partner David Gilbert DID get life and is still in prison. (Along with all the Black Panthers they could catch, of course.) Apparently the court thought he was the principal --- though I must say, if you read the Kathy Boudin page in Wikipedia, it is clear she was the indirect cause of the police deaths, not him.

I asked you because it's not dissimilar to the Jane Fonda case and I've always wondered about the situation.

07-13-2012, 01:43 PM
As you say, asking and getting are different; Kathy Boudin has asked: "I am a woman who has made mistakes," she said. There was a long New Yorker article about her years ago. She is in hiding because of the Jane Fonda situation -- two policemen died outright as she decoyed for the Black Panthers who burst out of a van and shot at the police during the robbery. That was 1981; earlier she was part of the Weather Underground.

Her partner David Gilbert DID get life and is still in prison. (Along with all the Black Panthers they could catch, of course.) Apparently the court thought he was the principal --- though I must say, if you read the Kathy Boudin page in Wikipedia, it is clear she was the indirect cause of the police deaths, not him.

I asked you because it's not dissimilar to the Jane Fonda case and I've always wondered about the situation.

Sounds like she's a prime candidate for a job in the white house, maybe an office next to bill ayers. And no I wouldn't forgive her for her "mistake". If fonda served prison time she would have the right to ask for forgiveness. I, personally, would not forgive her.

07-13-2012, 02:03 PM
Sounds like she's a prime candidate for a job in the white house, maybe an office next to bill ayers.

I don't know if they are still friends; Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn did take and raise Kathy and David's child Chesna after Kathy went to prison.

07-13-2012, 03:55 PM
I don't see what the big was. It was a mistake, pure and simple, and 40 years later she is still being roasted for it. It's in the past. I bet if you had made a huge mistake years ago you would want people to forget about it and forgive you.

40 years later, you say, 'she's still being roasted' for her 'mistake'.


OK, how sorry has she shown herself to be DURING THOSE FOUR DECADES ? How come she's making her big effort to 'apologise' after ALL THAT TIME ?

From what I've seen, she gave her 'apology' to Hello Magazine just DAYS ago. And we're supposed to find her words believable ?

07-13-2012, 04:01 PM
I have a question for you, Gaffer: based on what you said there, what do you think about the Kathy Boudin situation? Brinks Armored car robbery, she and her partner decoyed for the Black Panther robbers. At least one policeman died. She served 20 years and is in hiding now. Do you think she has a right to ask for forgiveness?

Yes she does.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-13-2012, 04:02 PM
40 years later, you say, 'she's still being roasted' for her 'mistake'.


OK, how sorry has she shown herself to be DURING THOSE FOUR DECADES ? How come she's making her big effort to 'apologise' after ALL THAT TIME ?
From what I've seen, she gave her 'apology' to Hello Magazine just DAYS ago. And we're supposed to find her words believable ?

Nell is wrong, she has never been roasted by the people that she thought mattered in life and hung with during her life. People that thought her a hero for her treason! Now after all these years she may truly realise her great folly but that realisation of and in itself doesnt and shouldnt buy forgiveness! So many that she should have sought forgiveness from are themselves long dead by now! -F-her .--Tyr

07-13-2012, 04:04 PM
By the way, this following stance of hers was the position she was taking just TWO years ago ...


Hanoi Jane told Larry King last night that the right-wingers were the ones to blame for her treasonous actions during the Vietnam War.
NewsBusters reported, via Free Republic:

On Monday’s Larry King Live on CNN, guest Jane Fonda portrayed herself as a victim of a “myth” that was “created” by “right-wingers” about her infamous “Hanoi Jane” visit to Vietnam to protest the Vietnam War. Without specifying what aspect of the “Hanoi Jane” story she considered to be a fallacy, though the “Product Description” at Amazon.com seems to shed some light on what she was referring to, she claimed that author Jerry Lembcke’s new book, “Hanoi Jane: War, Sex, and Fantasies of Betrayal,” is “about the myth,” and asserted that it is “sad” that some conservatives are “still stuck in the past”:

JANE FONDA: No, it’s about the myth, you know, why it is that 300 people went to North Vietnam, people, many people before me, why me, why have they created this myth? You know, when I came back from North Vietnam, there was maybe a quarter of an inch of media about it in the New York Times. Nobody made any big deal out of it. It was created, and some people are stuck-

LARRY KING: By critics?

FONDA: By right wingers. There are some people who are like stuck there, you know, they’re still stuck in the past. I always want to say, “Get a life,” or, you know, “Read what really happened,” you know. The myths are now true.

Judging by this, her about-face really is new. Just two years ago, she was trying to blame the Right for a mud-slinging exercise against her. For her to have taken all this time to find a patriotic conscience isn't credible. So, I wonder what convinced her that she had to come clean ?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-13-2012, 04:27 PM
40 years later, you say, 'she's still being roasted' for her 'mistake'.


OK, how sorry has she shown herself to be DURING THOSE FOUR DECADES ? How come she's making her big effort to 'apologise' after ALL THAT TIME ? DEATH A KNOCKIN AT HER DOOR?
From what I've seen, she gave her 'apology' to Hello Magazine just DAYS ago. And we're supposed to find her words believable ?

By the way, this following stance of hers was the position she was taking just TWO years ago ...SHE FAILS TO BE BELIVABLE NOW

[QUOTE]Judging by this, her about-face really is new. Just two years ago, she was trying to blame the Right for a mud-slinging exercise against her. For her to have taken all this time to find a patriotic conscience isn't credible. So, I wonder what convinced her that she had to come clean ? HER AGE AND THE FACT THAT SHE WONDERS ABOUT HER JUST REWARDS.
Perhaps she has seen the devil and he made her aware that hell truly exists and the special place and treatment he has waiting just for her!-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-13-2012, 04:36 PM
[QUOTE][QUOTE=Drummond;565944]40 years later, you say, 'she's still being roasted' for her 'mistake'.


07-13-2012, 04:51 PM
Maybe so, Tyr.

Note, though, that she went through a BRITISH publication to state what she now has. I can tell you why ... it's obvious.

The British aren't nearly so centred on Fonda's betrayals as Americans would be, and besides, Left wing thought and deed is bound to be more accepted here. Consequently, Fonda doesn't have the strength and depth of animosity to face from the British public as she would from American patriots.

So, she's tried to filter perceptions of her through the British media. Folks, all this is - I'm convinced of it - is a form of salesmanship. She wants to reform her image, but to begin the process from a platform that will more readily, and more complacently, take her on face value. And will maybe add some qualified support and sympathy for her in the process, as part of the hoped-for 'package'.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-13-2012, 05:01 PM
Maybe so, Tyr.

Note, though, that she went through a BRITISH publication to state what she now has. I can tell you why ... it's obvious.

The British aren't nearly so centred on Fonda's betrayals as Americans would be, and besides, Left wing thought and deed is bound to be more accepted here. Consequently, Fonda doesn't have the strength and depth of animosity to face from the British public as she would from American patriots.

So, she's tried to filter perceptions of her through the British media. Folks, all this is - I'm convinced of it - is a form of salesmanship. She wants to reform her image, but to begin the process from a platform that will more readily, and more complacently, take her on face value. And will maybe add some qualified support and sympathy for her in the process, as part of the hoped-for 'package'.

By golly, you nailed it, thats it!-:beer:
She is trying to reform her image and has went to the easier crowd to start the process!
Which points to her being an insincere, lying SCHEMING BIATCH until the end IMHO.--Tyr

07-13-2012, 08:44 PM
By the way, this following stance of hers was the position she was taking just TWO years ago ...


Judging by this, her about-face really is new. Just two years ago, she was trying to blame the Right for a mud-slinging exercise against her. For her to have taken all this time to find a patriotic conscience isn't credible. So, I wonder what convinced her that she had to come clean ?

Notso FONDA, talking to Larry King?

Of course she'd talk to Larry. He worked for her former idiot husband, Ted Turner. And Larry has been Dead for almost 20 years, only...nobody told him.
Same with Hanoi Jane. She died the day she Betrayed ONE American, and she should never be Forgiven. Much like I will never forgive OBL, or OBAMA.

07-13-2012, 10:35 PM
JANE FONDA: No, it’s about the myth, you know, why it is that 300 people went to North Vietnam, people, many people before me, why me, why have they created this myth? You know, when I came back from North Vietnam, there was maybe a quarter of an inch of media about it in the New York Times. Nobody made any big deal out of it. It was created, and some people are stuck-

Parts of the story MAY be a myth, but it can't be true it's a myth that she went: we have the photos!

And it's definitely not true that "nobody made any big deal out of it." It was a HUGE deal at the time: I remember it very well when it happened. People had to think about it: would I do that?

That said, I can believe she wishes she never had done such a thing! There's a lesson here somewhere -- probably that we can't act rashly and impetuously and think it won't really matter.

Sometimes it really matters.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-13-2012, 10:43 PM
Parts of the story MAY be a myth, but it can't be true it's a myth that she went: we have the photos!

And it's definitely not true that "nobody made any big deal out of it." It was a HUGE deal at the time: I remember it very well when it happened. People had to think about it: would I do that?

That said, I can believe she wishes she never had done such a thing! There's a lesson here somewhere -- probably that we can't act rashly and impetuously and think it won't really matter.

Sometimes it really matters.

Could be that she realises what matters most is that most of those she should seek forgiveness from have passed on and its too late. Sometimes too late is as final as eternity is long. I think maybe because of her age she is finally facing her mortality! Too bad , in my opnion 40 years is far too late to make an effort to clean ones image or even to get forgiveness especially since most of those that could give it to her are gone themselves.-Tyr

07-14-2012, 01:02 AM
If she's sincerely sorry then she's right to apologize for her actions and ask for forgiveness. Rather or not people believe or forgive her is their choice. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Regardless, it's of no eternal consequence who forgives her here-- repent and ask for forgiveness-- that's all it takes.

07-14-2012, 07:36 PM
If she's sincerely sorry then she's right to apologize for her actions and ask for forgiveness. Rather or not people believe or forgive her is their choice. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Regardless, it's of no eternal consequence who forgives her here-- repent and ask for forgiveness-- that's all it takes.

Fair enough ... I suppose. Still, I nevertheless wonder why it took her so many DECADES to make the attempt, why only two years previously she was trying to dump blame on her Right wing opposition in a very public way .. and why she has to be indirect enough to issue her apology through a NON-American media outlet !

If she's sincere, why not choose a more direct route to express herself ? Why not speak very directly to those with the greatest reason to feel aggrieved ? Why, instead, choose a target audience living on a different part of the planet, and one likely to be more pre-biased towards giving her a favourable reaction ??

07-14-2012, 08:15 PM
Fair enough ... I suppose. Still, I nevertheless wonder why it took her so many DECADES to make the attempt, why only two years previously she was trying to dump blame on her Right wing opposition in a very public way .. and why she has to be indirect enough to issue her apology through a NON-American media outlet !

If she's sincere, why not choose a more direct route to express herself ? Why not speak very directly to those with the greatest reason to feel aggrieved ? Why, instead, choose a target audience living on a different part of the planet, and one likely to be more pre-biased towards giving her a favourable reaction ??

Fonda may want to convince us she is sincere. But we all remember how she tried to do the very same many years ago. Truth is. She is just repeating what she tried, and was called a Coward then. Just as she is a Coward now.
She want's forgiveness?
It's not US she needs to get that from. But rather...Those Americans she Betrayed so long ago. MANY OF THEM GONE NOW.
So. It looks like she will never get that forgiveness, which is why she has attempted to sway, or convince a Foreign audience to FEEL SORRY FOR HER. After all. She is getting Older, and TRYING TO SELL A BOOK.
Just more of the same LIES, wrapped in a Different cover.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-14-2012, 08:42 PM
Fonda may want to convince us she is sincere. But we all remember how she tried to do the very same many years ago. Truth is. She is just repeating what she tried, and was called a Coward then. Just as she is a Coward now.
She want's forgiveness?
It's not US she needs to get that from. But rather...Those Americans she Betrayed so long ago. MANY OF THEM GONE NOW.
So. It looks like she will never get that forgiveness, which is why she has attempted to sway, or convince a Foreign audience to FEEL SORRY FOR HER. After all. She is getting Older, and TRYING TO SELL A BOOK.
Just more of the same LIES, wrapped in a Different cover.

I think you are dead on accurate my friend. She may be trying to improve her legacy since her age tells her the devil will soon collect his due! I mean her vanity was her sex symbol staus and looks , both consigned to the dustbin now. Whats she got left now except her career and past films? Comes a point when the money doesnt cut it anymore and vanity seeks immortality. With her it could be as simple as wanting her legacy to show her redemption and her critics to NOT blast her so hard after she is residing in hell. Pretty shallow thinking but face it she has always been a self-serving shallow person from the start.-Tyr

07-14-2012, 09:59 PM
If she's sincerely sorry then she's right to apologize for her actions and ask for forgiveness. Rather or not people believe or forgive her is their choice. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Regardless, it's of no eternal consequence who forgives her here-- repent and ask for forgiveness-- that's all it takes.

That's so nice. 3588

07-15-2012, 02:17 AM
Fair enough ... I suppose. Still, I nevertheless wonder why it took her so many DECADES to make the attempt, why only two years previously she was trying to dump blame on her Right wing opposition in a very public way .. and why she has to be indirect enough to issue her apology through a NON-American media outlet !

If she's sincere, why not choose a more direct route to express herself ? Why not speak very directly to those with the greatest reason to feel aggrieved ? Why, instead, choose a target audience living on a different part of the planet, and one likely to be more pre-biased towards giving her a favourable reaction ??

All great questions...none of which I have the answers to--Maybe it's in her book.