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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-13-2012, 08:34 AM

Congressman Hank Johnson Afraid Guam Will "Tip Over and Capsize"
Would Hank Thompson Lose If He Appeared on "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?"
Saul Relative, Yahoo! Contributor Network
Apr 1, 2010 "Share your voice on Yahoo! websites. Start Here."

Congressman Hank Johnson of Georgia might want to brush up on his basic science the next time he talks about geological formations in front of Congress. Maybe take in an episode or two of "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?" It would seem that the Democratic congressman from Georgia doesn't quite get the idea of what constitutes an island -- in this case, Guam -- and his ignorance has become quite the hot topic. The video of Hank Johnson's appearance before the House Armed Services Committee hearing addressing the matter of Guam tipping over has gone viral on the internet as well.
(That was not a typo. "Guam tipping over" is correct.)

Congressman Hank Johnson was voicing concerns over defense budgetary spending that would necessarily accompany the influx of an addition 8,000 American troops on the island of Guam. After a lengthy display that he knows the dimensions of the American territory of Guam (Admiral Willard, commander of the U. S. Navy's Pacific Fleet, acknowledged that it was "a small island"), told the gathered members of Congress and military officials as he made a tipping motion with his hand, "My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize."

To his credit, Admiral Willard chose not to educate and embarrass the congressman. Instead, Willard dryly asserted, "We don't anticipate that." But you can see in the video that the Admiral is fighting back a smile, but he soldiers (sailors?) on, explaining to the congressman that the current population of Guam (estimated at 175,000) would only attain 200,000 with the increase in American troops.

Quick geology lesson: an island is simply part of the ocean floor that protrudes above sea level. It is part of the land and is not buoyant. Although it might experience flooding and earthquakes and subsidence, no island, not even Guam, is in danger of tipping over and capsizing.

The question must be asked: Where's a 5th grader when a congressman needs them?

Johnson then moved on to environmental issues, noting that many may not want to think about such things, but they didn't want to think about global warming, either.

The Hill notes that when they attempted to contact Hank Johnson for a comment, a spokesman said that the congressman was worried about the environmental impact that the influx of troops would have on the area.

Perhaps Hank Johnson would have been better served had his spokesperson just brushed it off as an April Fool's Day joke.

Given Congressman Hank Johnson's utterances before the Congressional hearing Thursday, he also may not be the best person to use as a spokesperson for global warming.

And you just know Jon Stewart is going to have a field day with this video on "The Daily Show."


Hank Johnson's "Guam Tip Over" video via YouTube.com.

Yep, the dems loved to make fun of Bush's intelligence but biden and this guy take the cake.

:laugh:The term " about as smart as a box of rocks" comes to mind but Im sure it wasnt his intelligence that got him elected. The idiot had a double going for him to get elected, he is a dem and black, BO would be so proud and they have so much in common too!-Tyr

07-13-2012, 09:37 AM
I believe he meant that the island would tip over and capsize fiscallyand environmentally due to being overpopulated. It was obvious he was speaking metaphorically.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-13-2012, 10:41 AM

[QUOTE]Congressman Hank Johnson was voicing concerns over defense budgetary spending that would necessarily accompany the influx of an addition 8,000 American troops on the island of Guam. After a lengthy display that he knows the dimensions of the American territory of Guam (Admiral Willard, commander of the U. S. Navy's Pacific Fleet, acknowledged that it was "a small island"), told the gathered members of Congress and military officials as he made a tipping motion with his hand, "My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize."
Read again and if necessary go to the link and view the video. He was not speaking metaphoriclly my friend. And that is why it went viral on the internet and elsewhere. Sad but true..-Tyr

07-13-2012, 10:46 AM
[QUOTE=Tyr-Ziu Saxnot;565845]http://voices.yahoo.com/congressman-hank-johnson-afraid-guam-will-tip-over-5755640.html

Read again and if necessary go to the link and view the video. He was not speaking metaphoriclly my friend. And that is why it went viral on the internet and elsewhere. Sad but true..-Tyr
I was making a funny :)

07-13-2012, 10:52 AM
I watched the video carefully when this first came out a few years ago.

I honestly could not tell if the congressman was making a dead-pan joke or whether he really was that stupid.

The military officer was startled, though, I remember that. Which isn't a good sign; he didn't react like he thought it was a joke.

Since I couldn't tell for sure I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt, but some of these congresspersons are stupid beyond what we could imagine possible --- William Jefferson comes to mind immediately, with his "cold cash," the bribe he stored in the freezer.

07-13-2012, 11:19 AM
Congressman Hank Johnson Afraid Guam Will "Tip Over and Capsize"

Way to stay current. :clap: