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View Full Version : Barbara Bush gushes about Bill Clinton, says he treats George H. W. Bush like a fathe

07-14-2012, 09:09 AM
Bill Clinton (http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Bill+Clinton) may have forced her husband out of office - but Barbara Bush still considers him family.
The former First Lady lavished praise on the man who defeated George H.W. Bush in 1992, lovingly saying that Clinton is “a good fellow” who is “very thoughtful about calling.”

“He never said a mean word about anyone,” she said in an interview with Parade Magazine set to appear this weekend.
She even revealed that her sons - including, of course, George W. Bush, who followed Clinton into the Oval Office - call him “My brother by another mother.”
“He’s very nice,” Barbara Bush continued. “I think she thinks of George [Sr.] as the father he never had.”

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/barbara-bush-gushes-bill-clinton-treats-george-h-w-bush-a-father-article-1.1113917#ixzz20bdD2tdM

Abbey Marie
07-15-2012, 02:19 PM
I've always said the Bush family are good people. :thumb:

07-15-2012, 02:57 PM
I've always said the Bush family are good people. :thumb:

Me too. They all seem pretty genuine to me. I liked reading that article. I admit... I even have a bit of a soft spot for Bill Clinton sometimes too...even though I hate his politics on occasion.

07-15-2012, 08:39 PM
Barbara Bush is a wonderful lady. Unlike the Obama's, and the Clinton's. She want's no part in the childishness, name calling, and false accusations the Obama and Clinton folks thrive upon.

Of course she would say such a thing. Honorable, caring, trustworthy, and responsible people like the Bush's draw circles around the Obama's and Clintons.

That's what is wrong with the Democrats, across the board.
They have no personal responsibility to be nice to others. So they disparage, and ridicule anyone who doesn't tow their FALSE LINE OF phony facts.
And they will...eventually PAY FOR IT.

07-15-2012, 10:30 PM
mr. monkey wrench here to spoil the party

Bush senoir and the Clintons have been involved together in dirty deals at least since Bill was gov of Arkansas. and they both worked with Barry Seal the drug dealer.
Mena Arkansas was a hub and both the Bush's and the Clinton's were involved.

Book came out years ago called Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA
Review "It's damaging in what's said about the Reagan/Bush administrations; it reopens the old wound of Iran-Contra." --The Wall Street Journal

"An underground classic.” --The Washington Post

"Compromised . . . will put to the test Clinton’s remarkable ability to survive." --The Boston Globe --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

About the Author Terry Reed is a former Air Force Intelligence operative who served with the most secret project of the Vietnam War. Task Force Alpha. This was the most sophisticated and highly classified intelligence gathering unit of that period. At the age of 21, armed with a top-secret security clearance provided by the Defense Intelligence Agency, a near photographic memory and strong mid western values, he was entrusted with America’s dirtiest secrets. As a civilian intelligence asset, he later worked for the FBI and CIA on projects the law had bared these agencies from undertaking. His problems began when the CIA found he had more patriotism than it had bargained for. John Cummings is a former prize-winning investigative reporter at N.Y Newsday. He has co-authored the "Heist" (1987), "Goombata: The Improbable Rise and Fall of John Gotti and His Gang" (1990) and "Death Do Us Part" (1993).
For over thirty years, since the Bay of Pigs, he has studied the confluence of intelligence gathering, money laundering and drug trafficking. He resides in New York.

If you like Tom Clancy, here's the real deal. A former Air Force intelligence officer turned manufacturing engineer, pilot, and independent business man is recruited by the CIA (Oliver North) to assist in the training of Contra pilots in Mena, Arkansas. His name is Terry Reed, and does he have an incredible story to tell! This American patriot reveals everything after the CIA tried to screw him after Iran-contra. Plenty of very interesting information about Clinton, Bush, the Arkansas elite, covert CIA operations, CIA super-agent Barry Seal, money laundering, international narcotics trafficking, and CIA influence in the US political system.

UNANSWERED QUESTIONS ANSWERED ABOUT OUR CORRUPT GOVERNMENT! (http://www.amazon.com/review/R1Y1ZMJ1HGK8XT/ref=cm_cr_dp_title?ie=UTF8&ASIN=1561712493&nodeID=283155&store=books) April 19, 1999
By mwmooney@montana.com (http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/A9MU2WJBKXLQH/ref=cm_cr_dp_pdp)
I found this book to answer the mystery of the Iran-Contra/Mena, Arkansas drug smuggling operation. Having read "Under Fire" by Oliver North and this book I find it quite obvious who's lying. Terry Reed, a CIA operative, who thought he was serving an honest government, is compelled to expose the corruption that he himself encountered. Whereas, Oliver North in his book COVERS it all up. We should be thankful for Terry Reed's courage to bring this information out. This book corroborates the documentary, "Mena Cover-up". A man who follows his conscience should never be bound to secrecy when that secrecy only hides corruption. May more COURAGEOUS men and women who have vowed "to secrecy" STAND up!


It's not the only place where this info is exposed, search Bush Clinton Cia, or Bush Clinton Mena.

CIA head G Bush is thought to a mentor and Bill Clinton, Very nice folks, like the Spranos.

07-15-2012, 11:22 PM
mr. monkey wrench here to spoil the party

Bush senoir and the Clintons have been involved together in dirty deals at least since Bill was gov of Arkansas. and they both worked with Barry Seal the drug dealer.
Mena Arkansas was a hub and both the Bush's and the Clinton's were involved.

Book came out years ago called Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA

It's not the only place where this info is exposed, search Bush Clinton Cia, or Bush Clinton Mena.

CIA head G Bush is thought to a mentor and Bill Clinton, Very nice folks, like the Spranos.

You are merely an Insult to Monkey wrenches. Nothing to brag about in any case.

07-16-2012, 06:00 AM
