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View Full Version : Egyptians pelt Clinton motorcade with tomatoes

07-15-2012, 06:32 PM
"I want to be clear that the United States is not in the business, in Egypt, of choosing winners and losers, even if we could, which of course we cannot," Clinton said.

OK what the hell did she think she was saying ? I swear--

07-15-2012, 08:07 PM
I heard it was just a couple of hundred Christians who were pissed that she met with the elected government before talking to Coptic leaders who snubbed her. They also reportedly yelled "Monica! Monica!" at her. Kind of a low blow.

07-15-2012, 08:29 PM
Poor Hillary. Finally. Her long time defense of her Liar-Hubby comes back to haunt her with cries of Monica????

How dare those Egyptians remind her of such terrible things.
And she honestly wonders why the people in Egypt DON'T TRUST HER, or the U.S.A.????

07-15-2012, 10:35 PM
I guess that's it---she is worried that the Egyptians know that we're fucking with their country. She really faked them out. :laugh:

07-15-2012, 11:22 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axM5kGdH_so (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axM5kGdH_so)

07-15-2012, 11:31 PM
I guess that's it---she is worried that the Egyptians know that we're fucking with their country. She really faked them out. :laugh:

Right you are. She's confident she can pull one of Bubba's tricks. Only this time. Lying to Egyptians just doesn't work like it did for Bubba with the American people.

If the Egyptians know what a MONICA is. They surely must know. Hillary represents the prime example Bubba would use again. If given the chance.
So. She's Toast with them. The representative of the Phony Obama principle of Kissing Up, while kneeling.

07-16-2012, 07:10 AM
I think these Egyptians must be terribly confused --- why shout "Monica!" at Hillary? Doesn't make sense.

Anyway, we bought and paid for the Egyptian military since the days of Nixon, and the Egyptian military has now taken over the country and is allowing the Islamist to serve as a puppet with no parliament, because the military dismissed the parliament.

So we got what we paid for and Israel is safe for yet another day, so good.

If Egyptians were REALLY free they'd make war on Israel, screw their deceased wives, destroy all the pyramids, rape all the women, destroy every ancient Coptic church, and destroy the few embassies they haven't already burned: both the Israeli and Saudi embassies are already closed. Egyptians can't handle "freedom, " they just go totally ape.

07-16-2012, 08:21 AM
I'm not a wealthy man by any means. But I would have paid whatever I could, via Paypal of course, to see a video of Hillary getting nailed dead center in the face with a rotten tomato.

07-16-2012, 08:51 AM
Apparently they were throwing thre dreaded shoes too. Does this mean a new video game is in the works? :thumb:

BTW I thought because of Oblah blah's brilliance...the world LOVED us now. Guess not.

07-16-2012, 12:20 PM
I think these Egyptians must be terribly confused --- why shout "Monica!" at Hillary? Doesn't make sense.

Anyway, we bought and paid for the Egyptian military since the days of Nixon, and the Egyptian military has now taken over the country and is allowing the Islamist to serve as a puppet with no parliament, because the military dismissed the parliament.

So we got what we paid for and Israel is safe for yet another day, so good.

If Egyptians were REALLY free they'd make war on Israel, screw their deceased wives, destroy all the pyramids, rape all the women, destroy every ancient Coptic church, and destroy the few embassies they haven't already burned: both the Israeli and Saudi embassies are already closed. Egyptians can't handle "freedom, " they just go totally ape.

Nixon gave little to Egypt, other than money to rebuild after the war. He gave $100m more to Israel. Real money flooded Egypt under Carter, with the Camp David Accords. Decent reasoning with Sadat, not so much afterwards.

07-16-2012, 12:21 PM
Apparently they were throwing thre dreaded shoes too. Does this mean a new video game is in the works? :thumb:

BTW I thought because of Oblah blah's brilliance...the world LOVED us now. Guess not.

Yep, with Obama was supposed to be, "We taught the world to sing..." Worst domestic and foreign president since Wilson.

07-16-2012, 12:28 PM
read this, so true! "If Bush getting targeted with a pair of shoes was funny, this must be hilarious!"

07-16-2012, 01:31 PM
Nothing more needs to be said in this story after you read the word 'MONICA'.

Talk about the past, coming back to haunt someone.

And Hillary is still married to the man Obama Emulates as a LIAR????

Guess the BROTHERHOOD isn't as crazy as Obama and Hillary would like us to believe.

07-16-2012, 01:33 PM
Apparently they were throwing thre dreaded shoes too. Does this mean a new video game is in the works? :thumb:

BTW I thought because of Oblah blah's brilliance...the world LOVED us now. Guess not.

Of course they Love Us. Much like they love Israel, and Pork products.

07-16-2012, 01:42 PM
Nothing more needs to be said in this story after you read the word 'MONICA'.

Talk about the past, coming back to haunt someone.

And Hillary is still married to the man Obama Emulates as a LIAR????

Guess the BROTHERHOOD isn't as crazy as Obama and Hillary would like us to believe.

I was never a Clinton fan. I never doubted though that he loved the country, still don't. I can't say that about Obama.

07-16-2012, 04:50 PM
Nothing more needs to be said in this story after you read the word 'MONICA'.

Talk about the past, coming back to haunt someone.

And Hillary is still married to the man Obama Emulates as a LIAR????

Guess the BROTHERHOOD isn't as crazy as Obama and Hillary would like us to believe.

You know these protests were by Christians and Liberals AGAINST the Brotherhood right?

07-16-2012, 08:10 PM
You know these protests were by Christians and Liberals AGAINST the Brotherhood right?


You hate the Coptic's almost as much as you do the Jews huh?

07-16-2012, 09:04 PM

You hate the Coptic's almost as much as you do the Jews huh?

No. But I am still angry about the time I was refused service at a Coptic run pharmacy because I wouldn't accept Jesus as my saviour.

All I wanted was some paracetamol.

BTW, when I was running the show for my company in Egypt, Coptic employees had time off for their Christmas, Easter and Coptic New Year celebrations. Don't assume you know me at all :p

07-17-2012, 11:15 AM
No. But I am still angry about the time I was refused service at a Coptic run pharmacy because I wouldn't accept Jesus as my saviour.

All I wanted was some paracetamol.

BTW, when I was running the show for my company in Egypt, Coptic employees had time off for their Christmas, Easter and Coptic New Year celebrations. Don't assume you know me at all :p

I don't assume anything. I am simply pointing out that you have made remarks against Coptic's a number of times and seem to dislike them as much as you dislike (hate) the Jews.

07-17-2012, 03:10 PM
I don't assume anything. I am simply pointing out that you have made remarks against Coptic's a number of times and seem to dislike them as much as you dislike (hate) the Jews.

Gaffer. This guy sounds more like an impersonator of Obama, every time he comes here to post.
Like Obama the Liar. jafar has been caught, and must now make up other lies to cover up the former lies, that attempted to cover up the lies he forgot he lied about in the first place. My Mother and Father had a simple word for what jafar has been doing.

No need to say that word. The TRUTH always hurts too much.
Always beware of someone who frequently uses the word ASSUME. It says just about everything.

07-17-2012, 06:04 PM
I don't assume anything. I am simply pointing out that you have made remarks against Coptic's a number of times and seem to dislike them as much as you dislike (hate) the Jews.

Yes, I am critical of them when they do stupid stuff like snubbing and insulting Clinton because her meeting with the ELECTED government was scheduled before her planned meeting with them.

07-17-2012, 09:33 PM
Yes, I am critical of them when they do stupid stuff like snubbing and insulting Clinton because her meeting with the ELECTED government was scheduled before her planned meeting with them.

I don't think snubbing clinton is a bad thing. Given the chance I would snub her too. I'd even happily throw horse shit at her as she went past. There is no elected govt in egypt. Just one guy from the muslim bros. Can't really call that a govt.

Go Copts.

07-18-2012, 01:13 AM
I don't think snubbing clinton is a bad thing. Given the chance I would snub her too. I'd even happily throw horse shit at her as she went past. There is no elected govt in egypt. Just one guy from the muslim bros. Can't really call that a govt.

Go Copts.

There is an elected government and an elected President. DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED. The President is not from the Muslim Brotherhood. He resigned from FJP as soon as he was elected as promised. There is only a bone of contention about the lower house of parliament which was dissolved in a soft military coup a few days before the Presidential election because the Army wants to keep it's power. Morsi and his government just want to put the armed forces under civilian control. How can you be against that?

Morsi has also promised to appoint a woman and a copt as vice presidents. Do you disagree if he does that?

07-18-2012, 09:49 AM
There is an elected government and an elected President. DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED. The President is not from the Muslim Brotherhood. He resigned from FJP as soon as he was elected as promised. There is only a bone of contention about the lower house of parliament which was dissolved in a soft military coup a few days before the Presidential election because the Army wants to keep it's power. Morsi and his government just want to put the armed forces under civilian control. How can you be against that?

Morsi has also promised to appoint a woman and a copt as vice presidents. Do you disagree if he does that?

Morsi is a bro, whether he resigns from there or not he's still a bro. And appointing VP's doesn't mean a thing. He's placating. The egyptian military is not about to place themselves under civilian control. I'm neither for or against it.

07-18-2012, 06:31 PM
Morsi is a bro, whether he resigns from there or not he's still a bro. And appointing VP's doesn't mean a thing. He's placating. The egyptian military is not about to place themselves under civilian control. I'm neither for or against it.

AT least he is trying to do the right thing which cannot be said for a bunch of other presidents who just squandered the nation's wealth and resources for personal gain and had everyone running scared from the secret police. My wife wouldn't say a word against Mubarak until we left Egyptian soil.

red state
07-18-2012, 06:50 PM
No. But I am still angry about the time I was refused service at a Coptic run pharmacy because I wouldn't accept Jesus as my saviour.

All I wanted was some paracetamol.

BTW, when I was running the show for my company in Egypt, Coptic employees had time off for their Christmas, Easter and Coptic New Year celebrations. Don't assume you know me at all :p

(1) The story about the Coptic Pharmacy is false. Chiefly because, as a religious minority, the Copts are often subject to discrimination in modern Egypt, and are the target of attacks by militant Islamic extremist groups...especially since the thug-like muSLUM brotherhoodlums took over. And secondly, I don't believe this BULL$#!T for a second (if) the folks who denied you care were really Christian.

(2) I doubt you 'ran' anything but you probably have ran from a fight a few times after chunking rocks! Besides, company is probably following its own guidelines for equality...nothing you have anything to do with. The key word here is WHEN...as in when u were running the show for SOMEONE ELSE. I don't assume to know you at all....I own you and have your number pal! This garbage you spew out continuously is EXACTLY why I have a very difficult time being civil. I'm simply going to have to discontinue responding to your particular posts cuz you, sir, are a waste of anyone's time. I'll still read your $#!T because I don't believe in placing anyone on ignore but I'll leave the waste of time in responding to someone else who deems you worthy of such time....I do not.