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View Full Version : Rahm Emanuel to Mitt Romney: ‘Stop Whining’

07-16-2012, 07:31 AM
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said this morning on “This Week” that presumptive GOP nominee for president Mitt Romney should “stop whining” about attacks on his Bain record and just defend himself.

“What are you going to do when the Chinese leader says something to you or Putin says something to you?” said Emanuel. ”I give him his own advice. ’Stop whining.’ Defend — if you want to claim Bain Capital as your calling card to the White House, then defend what happened to Bain Capital.”

Emanuel was defending Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter (http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/romney-aide-calls-obamas-outsourcing-ad-lie-16760184) for suggesting that Romney might have committed a felony for claiming in his presidential financial disclosure form that he did not have an active role at Bain after February 11, 1999 (http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/07/whos-lying-obama-romney-and-the-bain-debate/), despite maintaining formal titles and having signed SEC documents (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/13/mitt-romney-bain-sec_n_1671819.html) on behalf of the company after he said his active role ended.

“He said ‘CEO, sole shareholder, president.’ You can’t — as president of the United States you can’t have a sign on your desk that says, gone fishing.’ You can’t put that on that desk. It’s basically the buck stops there,” said Emanuel. “You can’t say to the SEC, ‘I was the CEO, chairman and president, but I’m not responsible. I’m not accountable.’”


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-16-2012, 07:59 AM
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said this morning on “This Week” that presumptive GOP nominee for president Mitt Romney should “stop whining” about attacks on his Bain record and just defend himself.

“What are you going to do when the Chinese leader says something to you or Putin says something to you?” said Emanuel. ”I give him his own advice. ’Stop whining.’ Defend — if you want to claim Bain Capital as your calling card to the White House, then defend what happened to Bain Capital.”

Emanuel was defending Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter (http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/romney-aide-calls-obamas-outsourcing-ad-lie-16760184) for suggesting that Romney might have committed a felony for claiming in his presidential financial disclosure form that he did not have an active role at Bain after February 11, 1999 (http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/07/whos-lying-obama-romney-and-the-bain-debate/), despite maintaining formal titles and having signed SEC documents (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/13/mitt-romney-bain-sec_n_1671819.html) on behalf of the company after he said his active role ended.

“He said ‘CEO, sole shareholder, president.’ You can’t — as president of the United States you can’t have a sign on your desk that says, gone fishing.’ You can’t put that on that desk. It’s basically the buck stops there,” said Emanuel. “You can’t say to the SEC, ‘I was the CEO, chairman and president, but I’m not responsible. I’m not accountable.’”


Every election the dem/lib/left plays the same lying game. They generate lies and pray that the opposition spends all their time on defending against those lies. They get a strategic win if that occurs. They also get a strategic win if the opposition does not defend against the lies . Why is it a win /win for them? Answer is because we have a system here where there is little to no punishment for lying! And that has been engineerd by the dem party for decades now. Proving a candidate is a known liar means little these days , example Obama numerous lies. His supporters basicly being so loving of lies can never be persuaded to abandone him for beinng the lying bastard that he is!
America would not be cursed with this "monster" had we the overall integrity and honor so needed for a citizenry to thrive and maintain a free and prosperous nation !
Obama and crew know the truth of that statement while many , many Americans are so blind as to still deny it.-Tyr

07-16-2012, 08:12 AM
The Republicans could respond, "It's a lie, it's explained in, (list sources), and move on. The Republicans could have a whip like person to keep attention seeking R governors and little known R congressional members in line. They could say, 'when Obama gives an accounting of all school transcripts and resumes he's sent out, we'll given all the papers you want."

Instead they fail and play defense.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-16-2012, 08:22 AM
The Republicans could respond, "It's a lie, it's explained in, (list sources), and move on. The Republicans could have a whip like person to keep attention seeking R governors and little known R congressional members in line. They could say, 'when Obama gives an accounting of all school transcripts and resumes he's sent out, we'll given all the papers you want."

Instead they fail and play defense.

Sure they fail because the system is set up to advance lying as a worthy tactic! Until the voters understand that punishment should be dished out to those that practice lying as a refined art form , we as a nation will suffer. They win because we as a nation embrace lying so joyfully. It is the primary reason that obama sits atop his throne now!-Tyr

07-16-2012, 08:29 AM
Sure they fail because the system is set up to advance lying as a worthy tactic! Until the voters understand that punishment should be dished out to those that practice lying as a refined art form , we as a nation will suffer. They win because we as a nation embrace lying so joyfully. It is the primary reason that obama sits atop his throne now!-Tyr

It's not the 'system' it's the players and the voters.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-16-2012, 08:44 AM
It's not the 'system' it's the players and the voters.

True players and voters but I maintain it is the system because the sold out lamestream media is such a huge part of it. With voters depending so heavly on the media for their knowledge of the candidates. Very few voters actually ever meet the candidates that they vote for! With such voting , media becomes supremely important to the voters and the media has sold out for a buck and to a socialist agenda. Combined they are part of and have created a solidified system IMHO. It is that "system" that put obama on the THRONE that he so richly enjoys now!-Tyr

07-16-2012, 09:16 AM
Sure they fail because the system is set up to advance lying as a worthy tactic! Until the voters understand that punishment should be dished out to those that practice lying as a refined art form , we as a nation will suffer. They win because we as a nation embrace lying so joyfully. It is the primary reason that obama sits atop his throne now!-Tyr

I think you make a good point here. It has become a throw-lots-of-mud-see-what-sticks culture.

It doesn't matter what is true; it matters what goes viral.

This is a lot like Middle Eastern culture instead of the respect for truth we used to have.

07-16-2012, 12:31 PM
I think you make a good point here. It has become a throw-lots-of-mud-see-what-sticks culture.

It doesn't matter what is true; it matters what goes viral.

This is a lot like Middle Eastern culture instead of the respect for truth we used to have.

Really? In politics? Give an example short of George Washington.

07-16-2012, 08:59 PM
Defense my ass, attack, attack, attack. The best defense is a good offense. If rahm says to defend then you need to attack, it's that simple.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-17-2012, 09:16 AM
Defense my ass, attack, attack, attack. The best defense is a good offense. If rahm says to defend then you need to attack, it's that simple.

When one is weak they would prefer the opposition to play defense instead of launching offensive actions.
obama is weak and the media tries its best to cover that fact. Remember the Saddam Hussien propagandist that kept talking about their winning victories as they were getting obliterated? Well, our media will do that exact same thing for their insane dictator hero!- Media is leftist so is he.... Tyr

07-17-2012, 03:30 PM
Defense my ass, attack, attack, attack. The best defense is a good offense. If rahm says to defend then you need to attack, it's that simple.

Wonder how long Rahm can last in the Windy City until he becomes another Jimmy Hoffa kinda guy.

Naturally. Rahm is pulling an Obama. Pushing attention away from himself, and his Major Death Numbers as the Mayor of CAPONE TOWN.

Blame someone else. Point at someone else, and pretend the CRISIS Rahm enjoys, is someone else's problem.
If Rahm is any more like Obama. They'd both have Constipation problems until they trade thumbs in each other's butts.

07-21-2012, 09:00 AM
Wonder how long Rahm can last in the Windy City until he becomes another Jimmy Hoffa kinda guy.

Naturally. Rahm is pulling an Obama. Pushing attention away from himself, and his Major Death Numbers as the Mayor of CAPONE TOWN.

Blame someone else. Point at someone else, and pretend the CRISIS Rahm enjoys, is someone else's problem.
If Rahm is any more like Obama. They'd both have Constipation problems until they trade thumbs in each other's butts.

Ever notice that it's the ones that make a point of telling you to 'stop whining'... are usually the biggest and loudest complainers? More do what I say...not what I do from this crowd. :rolleyes:

07-22-2012, 06:51 AM
The Republicans could respond, "It's a lie, it's explained in, (list sources), and move on.

????.....isn't that what we did?.......