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View Full Version : BigFoot - from 14 months ago...alaska

07-16-2012, 08:09 AM
The constant 'omg!' type comments make me think it's a hoax.


Frame analysis


What do you think, NT?


07-16-2012, 08:28 AM
FAKE! :lol:

Honestly have no idea. But like you, I have doubts based on his reaction. If someone truly saw such a thing, I think they would be quickly going in the other direction, or at the very least, not making noise by moving and talking.

07-16-2012, 04:33 PM
Its a guy in a ghillie suit!! That's easy enough to tell by the WHITE hand sticking out!!!:thumb:

07-16-2012, 04:36 PM
Bad acting. fake :)

red state
07-16-2012, 06:03 PM
As a hunter and avid outdoorsman, I could immediately tell this "skip through the tulip type movement) was fake (not that common sense wouldn't tell ANYONE that all such clips are all fakes cuz with all the hunting in Alaska and elsewhere, some hunter would have mistakenly killed one by now for a bear. Fake, fake fake and a terrible one at that given the hand and the obvious mask that swung back and forth as the city-slicker hobbled around vines and other debris. An animal or, even human, that is accustomed to such terrain would have gracefully gone through the woods.

I better question is WHY...why do folks waste others time and WHY are we allowing ourselves to waste time. Perhaps B.O. will have Homeland Security investigate this to throw the lemmings off of truth that is surely to be revealed within the 2012 campaign.


07-16-2012, 06:07 PM
High tech is running the show for us now. We have all the time in the world to goof off.

"hey dude---I'm bored---let's make fake aliens"


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-16-2012, 06:09 PM
As a hunter and avid outdoorsman, I could immediately tell this "skip through the tulip type movement) was fake (not that common sense wouldn't tell ANYONE that all such clips are all fakes cuz with all the hunting in Alaska and elsewhere, some hunter would have mistakenly killed one by now for a bear. Fake, fake fake and a terrible one at that given the hand and the obvious mask that swung back and forth as the city-slicker hobbled around vines and other debris. An animal or, even human, that is accustomed to such terrain would have gracefully gone through the woods.

I better question is WHY...why do folks waste others time and WHY are we allowing ourselves to waste time. Perhaps B.O. will have Homeland Security investigate this to throw the lemmings off of truth that is surely to be revealed within the 2012 campaign.


ha, pay me 1500 bucks a week and my expenses and I would gladly go there and hunt that jackal down. Best place to start would be the local tavern! The guy likely not only hangs out there but runs his mouth like a vacuum cleaner working overtime!-:laugh:
Of course at that pay rate it would likely take me about ten weeks even if I found the culprit the first day! --;)--Tyr

red state
07-16-2012, 08:22 PM
ha, pay me 1500 bucks a week and my expenses and I would gladly go there and hunt that jackal down. Best place to start would be the local tavern! The guy likely not only hangs out there but runs his mouth like a vacuum cleaner working overtime!-:laugh:
Of course at that pay rate it would likely take me about ten weeks even if I found the culprit the first day! --;)--Tyr

It's a wonder B.O. and his little minions don't close public lands because of a possibly endangered species being driven out of their environment or decreasing environment. I wouldn't put it past Big Bro or Sis to use imminent domain to take over folk's homestead to study the possibility of such a creature. They've certainly done things that make less sense so I wouldn't put it past them.

07-16-2012, 11:10 PM
ha, pay me 1500 bucks a week and my expenses and I would gladly go there and hunt that jackal down. Best place to start would be the local tavern! The guy likely not only hangs out there but runs his mouth like a vacuum cleaner working overtime!-:laugh:
Of course at that pay rate it would likely take me about ten weeks even if I found the culprit the first day! --;)--Tyr

Make it last 20 weeks and I'll help.

Mr. P
07-17-2012, 12:51 AM
Worse than fake. There is no such thing as Bigfoot.

Seriously, no poop, no bodies, no camp, no bones, just no evidence anywhere of any kind. Just BS video of "Something". :laugh:

07-17-2012, 03:32 AM
...all fakes cuz with all the hunting in Alaska and elsewhere, some hunter would have mistakenly killed one by now for a bear.

Now - to be fair, that's a logical fallacy.

Lots of animals were discovered without a lot of physical evidence previously. :)

07-17-2012, 09:05 PM
It's woodland AlQuida...

07-18-2012, 02:22 PM
Make it last 20 weeks and I'll help.

Take as long as you want, and start where it will really mean something to all of us.

Go to Washington D.C, and start at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

You'll find the one occupant there with a BIG FOOT in his mouth.

red state
07-18-2012, 03:40 PM
Take as long as you want, and start where it will really mean something to all of us.

Go to Washington D.C, and start at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

You'll find the one occupant there with a BIG FOOT in his mouth.

Ha!!! So true! love that one!

As for the other previous post: You'd have an equal amount of success in discovering proof of Sasquatch as you would Evolution. Both have been disproven more than proven and both are equally ridden with corrupt "evidence" of their existence over the years. I'll stick with the Bible...it's never been proven wrong and is the BEST road map to life.

red state
07-18-2012, 03:52 PM
Now - to be fair, that's a logical fallacy.

Lots of animals were discovered without a lot of physical evidence previously. :)

There's a BIG difference in the comparison above that should be addressed. Sasquatch has been researched, hunted and theorized for years with a more than general awareness of where to look whereas these species that have later been discovered without having found any previous proof were accidents for the most part. The DEEP, dark jungles where science had yet to travel or the deepest, darkest depths of the sea where it wasn't possible to visit until recent breakthroughs with technology.

Still, it would be nice to discover some never before seen species but a great question would then exist....how in the world, with all the explorers, hunters and scientists, did the species go undiscovered?! That would be more exillerating to me than actually discovering the species. It would mean that intelligence is present....just as it is suspected that 'intelligence' from the bottoms of the sea is the most likely explanation of UFOs.

But the bottom line to DMP's comment can be focused on the word LOT as in: "...without a LOT of...". A little evidence is a world of difference in comparison to NO evidence.

07-19-2012, 05:12 AM
But the bottom line to dmp's comment can be focused on the word LOT as in: "...without a LOT of...". A little evidence is a world of difference in comparison to NO evidence.

How may species were found without ANY advance evidece?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-19-2012, 08:31 AM
Make it last 20 weeks and I'll help.

If I find somebody to pay for twenty weeks at that rate I 'll give you a call and we can go there to party and I'll do the first ten weeks , you do the second ten weeks!-:beer:-Tyr

red state
07-19-2012, 10:15 AM
How may species were found without ANY advance evidece?

Don't know...I'll have to research it BUT it does depend on WHO "found" it or if you're simply talking about "official" scientists who claim to have "found" any particular species. I'm certain that indigenous peoples have just about ALWAYS known what was lurking within their forests and water ways....it just took a scientist or explorer to officially give the species a scientific name. As for Native Americans, many tribes believed (as with a religious faith) that some of their own, such as 'chosen ones' could [shift]. Then there is the 'fables' of forest creatures who were sent by the Great Father to protect Mother Earth. Still, most tribes do not believe this because they've never experienced it or have known anyone who has experience any such supernatural events. So, for the most part, it is simply stories and lessons to help our people's youth understand the importance of "leave it better than you found it". Just a few weeks ago, I was on the Tennessee water way and we pulled our boat over and had a fabulous time as a family on a deserted beach/bank. We had a picnic, swam and looked at all the deer, turkey, coon and MAN footprints....but no big feet track. We were upset by all the beer cans so we used some extra bags that we brought for our garbage and picked up all the bottles and beer cans left by some trashy 'white man'. HA!!! I've always believed that we should leave things better than we find them...even if I often times get kooky looks from my kids. They will, in time, remember how their dad set an example and will HOPEFULLY do the same to their kids someday. Anyway, to our disappointment, we got back in our boat and left a few hours later with no evidence of the GREAT FORREST GUARDIAN.

DMP, to make a good example of what I stated yesterday, I'm sure that America was a known fact to many tribes before Chris came to call them Indians....and he thought he was in India! Wow! No, I doubt many species have been "discovered" without evidence of some sort. I did mention the deep dark crevices of the oceans...that would obviously be a part of the world that man would have never had a chance to discover evidence or the species itself. Even now, we don't have the technology to go as deep at the depths run...although we've been able to pretty much conquer space. Still, there are times when extraordinary discoveries have been made by simple fishermen who found "wash-ups". So, I hope this answers your questions and I do hope you're simply continuing to carry on an interesting conversation without believing that there are Sasquatch running around.

For conversational piece, If I were to believe in such things, I'd have to assume that THEY, like UFOs are from under us in some way...not above us, as with Mars. I definitely believe that they would be local because extensive and substantial space "visits" would not be possible or profitable because of the great distance and the power it would take to achieve such distances. IF...and I use that word with extreme prejudice, but (IF) they were from afar....they probably came here from long, long ago and are keeping tabs on us (just in case we were to destroy ourselves just as they probably did long ago in a galaxy far, far away. Having said this, I doubt very seriously that they wouldn't have secretly destroyed our nuclear weapons (especially with the technology that they would most definitely have). It could be that this would spark the very danger to their new world and out of wisdom, simply mind their own business and keep close tabs on everything we do (since Hiroshima). That seems to be the point to where an increased "observation" was made on man (IF you believe abductions and eyewitnesses accounts).

OK...that should just about cover all the nut-job conspiracies and possibilities of UFOs, Mr. Big Foot or the boogie man. I'll always be glad to answer any further questions though so get your note pad and take notes...I'm sure you'll learn something as I know I will.

07-19-2012, 12:04 PM
There was a member of this board that posted about a personal experience when he was out in the woods with his dog. He saw something he could not explain. He didn't exactly say it was Bigfoot but that was where he was going with it. I can't remember the poster's name but the story always stuck with me because the guy seemed like an intelligent and rational person. Of course this is the internet so that doesn't count for much but I thought his story was compelling nonetheless.

Mr. P
07-19-2012, 01:10 PM
There was a member of this board that posted about a personal experience when he was out in the woods with his dog. He saw something he could not explain. He didn't exactly say it was Bigfoot but that was where he was going with it. I can't remember the poster's name but the story always stuck with me because the guy seemed like an intelligent and rational person. Of course this is the internet so that doesn't count for much but I thought his story was compelling nonetheless.

I don't think he would make stuff up he always seemed like a straight shooter to me. I still don't believe they exist though.


07-20-2012, 05:17 AM
Larry goes squatching... :)
