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07-16-2012, 01:03 PM

Seems the Romney folks are finally hitting back, twice as hard:

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/07/15/rep_paul_ryan_election_is_a_big_choice_about_two_f utures.html

<embed src="http://cnettv.cnet.com/av/video/cbsnews/atlantis2/cbsnews_player_embed.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" background="#333333" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="si=254&contentValue=50127947&shareUrl=http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-3460_162-57472590/rep-ryan-obama-is-dividing-distracting-the-country/" height="279" width="425">


Trying to make the shift from defense to offense, Mitt Romney's campaign accused President Obama Monday of making "political payoffs" to cronies while the middle class suffered. The charge was part of a new line of attack, unveiled after the Romney campaign endured a harsh week that at times seemed to put the GOP candidate on his heels.

Romney, though, made clear in an interview with Fox News on Monday that he's going to get tougher on the president by more closely scrutinizing his background.

"The best offense is to look at the president's record," Romney said.

The former Massachusetts governor also continued to decry the Obama campaign for the tone of its attacks in recent weeks, and called them "dishonest" and "misdirected."

"What does it say about a president whose record is so poor that all he can do in his campaign is attack me?" Romney said. "A campaign based on falsehood and dishonesty does not have long legs."


The Romney team, though, unveiled a new web ad Monday (http://www.mittromney.com/s/political-payoffs-and-middle-class-layoffs)http://global.fncstatic.com/static/all/img/external-link.png -- and plans to hold a related conference call -- hitting a theme they describe as "political payoffs and middle-class layoffs" under the Obama administration.

The text in the web video says: "Americans need help. So who is President Obama helping? His friends."
The campaign is highlighting news reports since Obama took office of top donors landing plum administration posts and securing government aid. The campaign cites at the top of that list the Department of Energy loan guarantees that went to alternative energy companies.

"When billions upon billions of dollars are given by the Obama administration to the businesses of campaign contributors, that's a real problem, particularly at a time when the middle class is really suffering in this country," Romney said. "I think it's wrong. I think it stinks to high heaven."


Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/07/16/romney-calls-bain-criticism-dishonest-launches-new-ad-linking-obama-to-payoffs/#ixzz20oHEI0Gh

07-16-2012, 01:16 PM
^ nah, you're too smart and honest for that.

07-16-2012, 01:19 PM
^ nah, you're too smart and honest for that.

Actually I was paid in 2000 for Bush. ;) I stayed honest!

07-16-2012, 01:26 PM
He is hitting back, but is it working?

Romney is saying he shouldn't have to release his tax forms ------------------ it would just give Obama ammunition.

So everyone keeps wondering, well, what ammunition is that, then?

07-16-2012, 01:27 PM
Just thought it was about time to remind everyone. Even those thinking of becoming a political consultant, that OBAMA LIES.

Obama is a Liar.

Obama is the guide the uninformed, and un-educated follow for using Lies.

Did anyone miss that?

DON'T DO IT. You are TOO HONEST, and HUMAN with principles to lower yourself to that level.

07-16-2012, 01:28 PM
Actually I was paid in 2000 for Bush. ;) I stayed honest!

...And they didn't hire you back in '04? :laugh:

07-16-2012, 01:37 PM
...And they didn't hire you back in '04? :laugh:

I was offered, had to stay honest. :laugh2: That was a terrible campaign. Bush wouldn't talk to the media, to his detriment. Still however, he had more support than in 2000. That will not happen with Obama. Has there ever been a two term president that got fewer votes in second term than first?

07-16-2012, 01:38 PM
He is hitting back, but is it working?

Romney is saying he shouldn't have to release his tax forms ------------------ it would just give Obama ammunition.

So everyone keeps wondering, well, what ammunition is that, then?

I love it. Anyone read what TRUMP said?

Obama and his crew of Inbred Terrorists are merely trying to Avoid talking about anything related to OBAMA'S failure with the Economy, and Unemployment.
Obama needs to change the subject at every opportunity. So, as most of us already know, and remember.
The only way OBAMA feels comfortable is when HE LIES!

Too bad there are so many millions of GULLIBLE, EASILY LED, EASILY CONVINCED Worshipers of Obama and the Democrats.
The longer they can convince "OBAMA'S PEOPLE" (his words, not mine) to fall for his lies, like they have been doing since LBJ was in the White House. The easier it will be for Obama to FOOL THEM AGAIN.

07-16-2012, 01:40 PM
He is hitting back, but is it working?

Romney is saying he shouldn't have to release his tax forms ------------------ it would just give Obama ammunition.

So everyone keeps wondering, well, what ammunition is that, then?

If I was advising, I'd have Romney say, "All of my taxes were legally paid. I refuse to provide ammunition to President Obama, who avails himself to the same deductions I have, but had the luxury of releasing his on his own terms." I will not be pilloried for taking all legal deductions. I will however offer to release my tax returns on the same date that President Obama releases his official school transcripts and all resume and grant applications since 1980. If he does such, I will too."

07-16-2012, 01:59 PM
I love it. Anyone read what TRUMP said?

Obama and his crew of Inbred Terrorists are merely trying to Avoid talking about anything related to OBAMA'S failure with the Economy, and Unemployment.
Obama needs to change the subject at every opportunity. So, as most of us already know, and remember.
The only way OBAMA feels comfortable is when HE LIES!

Too bad there are so many millions of GULLIBLE, EASILY LED, EASILY CONVINCED Worshipers of Obama and the Democrats.
The longer they can convince "OBAMA'S PEOPLE" (his words, not mine) to fall for his lies, like they have been doing since LBJ was in the White House. The easier it will be for Obama to FOOL THEM AGAIN.

Yep, since we all know that Obama is never going to release any background info, Mitt shouldn't either. Indeed, after saying that 'he will if Obama will, he should once again say that it's Obama's record, as president, that is the real issue. The focus from Romney should be on the overwhelming failure that is Obama's legacy.

Abbey Marie
07-16-2012, 02:22 PM
"You show me proof why you were born in Hawaii yet have a Connecticut man's SS#, and I'll release my tax returns."

07-16-2012, 02:29 PM
"You show me proof why you were born in Hawaii yet have a Connecticut man's SS#, and I'll release my tax returns."

I hear you, but most are tired of that mantra. The governor of Hawaii has approved the bc, no courts will take the cases. It's cooked, as much as I hope Obama's record of failure will be.

07-16-2012, 03:24 PM
"You show me proof why you were born in Hawaii yet have a Connecticut man's SS#, and I'll release my tax returns."

It does worry me about that Connecticut Social Security number. Does anyone know anymore about what happened there?

07-17-2012, 08:29 AM
Why "BAIN, BAIN, BAIN" in July? Message to Romney, 'what they are trying to prevent, shine the light on.' No need to go defensive, most aren't paying attention.


For the past week the Romney campaign has been under unrelenting attack (http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/romney-tries-to-regain-momentum-with-new-focus-on-obamas-political-payoffs/2012/07/15/gJQAXgScnW_story.html) concerning the Governor’s time at Bain Capital (http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/romneys-bain-capital-invested-in-companies-that-moved-jobs-overseas/2012/06/21/gJQAsD9ptV_story.html).

The Obama Campaign has unleashed ad after ad contending he was an outsourcer. The cable networks have talked and talked on the subject and the MSM has been divided between those who have said Mitt has to come clean and those who think the attacks are unfair but insist Mitt needs to answer them.

Either way, the MSM consensus is Mitt is playing prevent defense. As usual the MSM has it exactly BACKWARDS!

It isn’t the Mitt Romney team that is playing prevent defense, it is the OBAMA Campaign.
The Obama campaign knows what the score is (http://datechguyblog.com/2011/09/07/they-dont-like-the-dog-food-redux/). The Base is dissatisfied (http://datechguyblog.com/2011/05/17/but-but-i-thought-obama-had-it-in-a-walk-59-and-all-that/), Democrats (http://datechguyblog.com/2011/11/29/what-hath-barney-frank-wrought/) pols (http://datechguyblog.com/2011/09/09/words-in-washington-reality-in-nv-2-ny-9/) have been running (http://datechguyblog.com/2011/10/13/ive-always-known-how-to-count/) away (http://datechguyblog.com/2011/12/28/reality-keeps-bleeding-through-ben-nelson-retires/) from him for a year (http://datechguyblog.com/2011/11/14/a-story-even-politico-cant-ignore-dems-run-from-obama/), black voters (http://datechguyblog.com/2011/08/11/the-barber-shop-election-for-the-black-community/) are hesitating (http://datechguyblog.com/2012/06/13/the-black-voter-dam-breaks/) over Gay Marriage (http://datechguyblog.com/2012/05/14/unless-you-are-a-black-minister/), the Obamacare decision (http://datechguyblog.com/2012/06/29/im-sure-white-house-wants-it-democrats-meet-pyrrhus/) while painted as a victory has energized the tea party activists (http://datechguyblog.com/2012/06/28/every-presidental-election-now-obamacare-waiver/), and the once vaunted Obama money machine is so weak when they aren’t begging brides to be for their dowry (http://datechguyblog.com/2012/06/22/if-you-love-husband-or-wife-more-than-obama-you-are-not-worthy-of-obama/) they’re forced to travel to foreign lands for donations (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2012/07/busy-month-for-obama-campaign-with-fundraisers-in-switzerland-sweden-paris-and-communist-china/).

And while the public knows the state the economy they are living in (http://datechguyblog.com/2012/07/03/the-single-biggest-problem-obama-2012-real-life/), the campaign understands they are not paying attention to the political side of the coin…at least not yet.

And THAT’s why the Obama campaign is spending their meager war chest and going all in on Bain in the middle of Summer.

The Democrats and their allies in the media understand that if this election becomes about the president’s record, it will be over before the first debate begins. They also understand that while people aren’t paying attention they see in passing the magazine covers, the Newspaper headlines and the various media stories as they surf the channels or see the TV screens that are now impossible to avoid as you go to the bank, the airport or the local watering hole. If those screens are full of the economy the kids will be learning how to say “President Romney” on their 2nd day back to school and the willingness of even the truest believer to open up their pocketbooks for the home stretch will be gone.

They aren’t spending their money in the middle of summer in the hopes of defining Romney to an audience that isn’t paying attention, they are spending the money NOW to keep their poll numbers from collapsing prior to the fall campaign season. This isn’t about getting ahead, it’s about treading water long enough for something ANYTHING to come along and save them.

Robert Stacy McCain gets it (http://theothermccain.com/2012/07/15/theyre-demoralized-as-hell/):

it’s only July and if the Obama campaign is already burning through that cash at an unsustaintable pace . . .

Well, there’s a good reason they’re “freaked out,” you see.

If the polls start shifting toward Romney now, the scenes inside Obama HQ in Chicago will be Hitler-in-the-bunker Downfall parody stuff.

As does Jennifer Rubin (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/right-turn/post/july-panic-for-obama--for-good-reason/2012/07/15/gJQARQFXmW_blog.html):

So the Obama team has shot its wad. Its opponent has more ammo and more money now. Romney hasn’t been mortally wounded. And there isn’t money from Obama to keep up the 4-to-1 spending barrage. In fact without it, Obama might well have fallen behind in the race. So the Obama team pleads for money and turns up the volume of the attacks. (After calling Romney a criminal in July, what’s left for September and October?)

Obama is now committed to a strategy that isn’t working. He’s left to unleash his attack dogs and to pray for a miracle.

That’s why Obama’s campaign is doing what they are and why the media is baiting the Romney campaign in the hope they will bite. Even those media outlets that call out (http://www.politico.com/blogs/burns-haberman/2012/07/obama-to-factcheckorg-drop-dead-127932.html#.UAQa9Ersblc.twitter) the attacks as the BS they are (http://www.cnn.com/2012/07/16/opinion/gergen-bain-romney/), are still aiding the overall strategy, keep the focus off of the President record and maintaining the bluff.

Unfortunately for the left and Obama they shall discover what each GOP contender has discovered before them while Romney lacks charisma, he has no shortage of patience and single minded courage when it comes to following through on a plan.

Obama’s only hope is to keep things close enough for Romney to make a fatal mistake, an Etch a Sketch moment times 20. It’s not much of a plan but it’s the the best chance they have.

As for the GOP well the advice is the same it has always been:
“Ride right through them, they’re demoralized as hell”! (http://datechguyblog.com/tag/ride-right-through-them/) The Obama Collapse has been evident for a long time, when it comes, it will be like the Berlin Wall coming down and people who have been doing this a lot longer than me who were talking about the unbeatable Obama re-election will be will talking about how inevitable his fall was.

But only a very few of us were willing to say it when it counted. (http://theothermccain.com/2012/07/16/more-cause-for-panic-at-obama-hq/)

07-17-2012, 09:59 PM
Something really amazing has happened, though --- I know a lot of you don't like to hear this, but nobody expected Romney's prime good qualification, his starting, owning, and running Bain Capital to be turned into such a negative! I didn't expect that.

Republicans all over: National Review (!), Wall Street Journal, George Wills, are telling Romney to RELEASE THE TAX FORMS. Begging him to.

Because otherwise he may be a dead man walking, like Dukakis was after the helmet and the tank ride.

I wonder if he will; I wonder if he CAN.

Apparently the Romney camp is so discombobulated that Sununu lost it completely and called Obama unAmerican and hating America.......and just now apologized for that.

Once you start apologizing, it's all over....

The rule is, no apologies, no excuses.

This is a big moment in the campaign, IMO. Could be trouble.

07-17-2012, 11:12 PM
Something really amazing has happened, though --- I know a lot of you don't like to hear this, but nobody expected Romney's prime good qualification, his starting, owning, and running Bain Capital to be turned into such a negative! I didn't expect that.

Republicans all over: National Review (!), Wall Street Journal, George Wills, are telling Romney to RELEASE THE TAX FORMS. Begging him to.

Because otherwise he may be a dead man walking, like Dukakis was after the helmet and the tank ride.

I wonder if he will; I wonder if he CAN.

Apparently the Romney camp is so discombobulated that Sununu lost it completely and called Obama unAmerican and hating America.......and just now apologized for that.

Once you start apologizing, it's all over....

The rule is, no apologies, no excuses.

This is a big moment in the campaign, IMO. Could be trouble.

Nah, Sununu hit it right from the start, including admitting he said it in a way he shouldn't have. Very smart. Bottom line is that many if not most of Romney's base would agree that Obama doesn't like America as it's been. He doesn't like those that break out and succeed. Sununu was feeding the base, necessary in politics, especially with the street fight going on.

I've looked for stories covering Sununu's remarks, nothing over the top. George Will? I didn't come up with his article if there is one, but can imagine. Guess what? Obama & Co. are NOT going to play nicely. Romney is right to bring the offense on, while marshaling his money for the fall.

07-18-2012, 07:27 AM
Romney and his supporters should simply employ the very same argument libs employed against advocates demanding the release of Obama's birth certificate.

Which would look something like: "Tax Returners. Lol!"

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-18-2012, 10:36 AM
Nah, Sununu hit it right from the start, including admitting he said it in a way he shouldn't have. Very smart. Bottom line is that many if not most of Romney's base would agree that Obama doesn't like America as it's been. He doesn't like those that break out and succeed. Sununu was feeding the base, necessary in politics, especially with the street fight going on.

I've looked for stories covering Sununu's remarks, nothing over the top. George Will? I didn't come up with his article if there is one, but can imagine. Guess what? Obama & Co. are NOT going to play nicely. Romney is right to bring the offense on, while marshaling his money for the fall.

So why should Romney not just tell the truth?
For the truth is damaging enough and even greater than that is -IT IS THE DAMN TRUTH!

07-18-2012, 12:51 PM
Romney and his supporters should simply employ the very same argument libs employed against advocates demanding the release of Obama's birth certificate.

Which would look something like: "Tax Returners. Lol!"

What will the libs do if ROMNEY publishes all of those tax returns tomorrow?

I think he's just playing their game, until they lose. They call Romney all kinds of names to hide their HIDDEN disgust for Obama. The frustration, headaches, and misery they all feel, but hide in their Unspoken Buyers Remorse...WILL come back to haunt them eventually.

Let them continue. The only thing the Libs need is another Obama Shovel.

Almost forgot. Did I remind you. Obama's a Liar?

07-19-2012, 12:23 AM
It would certainly be an interesting job. I wonder how I could get myself hired. lol

Obama's attacks on Romney arent having an effect. If they were, the polls wouldnt still be neck and neck.

There is a reason the left keeps saying "he's done and he needs to drop out". They are scared to death that he is going to crush them in November.

Romney is going on the offensive, on Obama's record. People arent going to making a superficial vote this election.

07-19-2012, 05:35 AM
It would certainly be an interesting job. I wonder how I could get myself hired. lol

Obama's attacks on Romney arent having an effect. If they were, the polls wouldnt still be neck and neck.

There is a reason the left keeps saying "he's done and he needs to drop out". They are scared to death that he is going to crush them in November.

Romney is going on the offensive, on Obama's record. People arent going to making a superficial vote this election.

Getting a position on a campaign isn't all that difficult, if you can leave your job for awhile. That's the tricky part. It's also why most are 'kids'.

You and myself are right about Obama's flood of ads not working, new we've some 'proof':


The race for the White House remains a dead heat, according to a new CBS News/New York Times poll (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-57475178-503544/obama-romney-in-dead-heat-in-presidential-race), despite several weeks of tough attacks by Democrats on Republican Mitt Romney's tenure at the private equity firm Bain Capital and his refusal to release more of his tax returns (http://news.yahoo.com/boehner-ryan-romneys-taxes-grand-distraction-155801116--abc-news-politics.html).

The poll shows Romney at 47 percent and Obama at 46 percent among registered voters, a difference that's within the poll's three-point margin of error.

Most voters, 60 percent, say Romney's experience at Bain (http://news.yahoo.com/the-bain-migraine.html) will not influence their decision. Even more, 73 percent, say Romney's personal wealth will not be a factor.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-19-2012, 08:24 AM
Something really amazing has happened, though --- I know a lot of you don't like to hear this, but nobody expected Romney's prime good qualification, his starting, owning, and running Bain Capital to be turned into such a negative! I didn't expect that.

Republicans all over: National Review (!), Wall Street Journal, George Wills, are telling Romney to RELEASE THE TAX FORMS. Begging him to.

Because otherwise he may be a dead man walking, like Dukakis was after the helmet and the tank ride.

I wonder if he will; I wonder if he CAN.

Apparently the Romney camp is so discombobulated that Sununu lost it completely and called Obama unAmerican and hating America.......and just now apologized for that.

Once you start apologizing, it's all over....

The rule is, no apologies, no excuses.

This is a big moment in the campaign, IMO. Could be trouble.

Why should he yield to opposition demands? If he does they will make more demands and have him jumping thru so many hoops he will find time for little else. Its an old dodge to run ones opposition ragged. He should start his own loud and non-stop demand wagon on all things obama has sealed/hidden away! And there are plenty of them. Most of which have no real security reason for being sealed. Start with obama school records which will reveal both his free ride, who paid and obama's amazing lack of great intelligence. Why do you think they are sealed? If they showed his amazing genius as his supporters proclaimed that he has those babies would have been blasted around the world a million times over by now! How about his many different names, his Resko dealings, his true religion, his true dealings with Wright, Ayers and Dorn, his true drug usuage and actions , his dog eating, his most beautiful sound he ever heard!!?? Romney should make a list of demands and demand away himself. Obama is a liar and a complete fraud so he has so much hidden!-Tyr

07-19-2012, 05:35 PM
Why should he yield to opposition demands? If he does they will make more demands and have him jumping thru so many hoops he will find time for little else. Its an old dodge to run ones opposition ragged. He should start his own loud and non-stop demand wagon on all things obama has sealed/hidden away! And there are plenty of them. Most of which have no real security reason for being sealed. Start with obama school records which will reveal both his free ride, who paid and obama's amazing lack of great intelligence. Why do you think they are sealed? If they showed his amazing genius as his supporters proclaimed that he has those babies would have been blasted around the world a million times over by now! How about his many different names, his Resko dealings, his true religion, his true dealings with Wright, Ayers and Dorn, his true drug usuage and actions , his dog eating, his most beautiful sound he ever heard!!?? Romney should make a list of demands and demand away himself. Obama is a liar and a complete fraud so he has so much hidden!-Tyr

The Dems, and Obama need to keep this going. It's all they have that can prevent the pressure of being asked questions about the FAILING OBAMA ECONOMY. So, they have to keep stoking, and stirring the Nancy Pelosi Witches Pot of Hatred, and Stupidity in order to ignore the REAL PROBLEMS.

If the Dems and Obama are truly DUMB enough to think the majority of the American people who pay attention...are just as dumb as they are.
November, not OCTOBER, will be a BIG SURPRISE for Obama, and the Dumb Dems. Not to mention all of the CRYING, WHINING, AND RIOTING that takes place as Obama Loads up the U-HAUL, and moves to Beverly...Illinois.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-19-2012, 05:57 PM
The Dems, and Obama need to keep this going. It's all they have that can prevent the pressure of being asked questions about the FAILING OBAMA ECONOMY. So, they have to keep stoking, and stirring the Nancy Pelosi Witches Pot of Hatred, and Stupidity in order to ignore the REAL PROBLEMS.

If the Dems and Obama are truly DUMB enough to think the majority of the American people who pay attention...are just as dumb as they are.
November, not OCTOBER, will be a BIG SURPRISE for Obama, and the Dumb Dems. Not to mention all of the CRYING, WHINING, AND RIOTING that takes place as Obama Loads up the U-HAUL, and moves to Beverly...Illinois.

There may well be rioting if he loses my friend. I suggest that everybody that has weapons and knows how to use them be prepared to defend their lives and property. Weapons with 30 to 50 round clips preferred when facing masses of jackasses!:laugh:
If forced to defend lives shoot for chest center mass. Thats for lousy or lesser shots. I could take head shots in all instances of 50 yards or less.
What word describes most dead victims????
Answer, -- UNPREPARED!
Riot in my neighborhood threatening me or mine and I'll do some real damage! A fact because Im prepared with the weapons and the decision to do what has to be done to preserve lives ... Most are not and will become victims..--Dont be an ignorant victim...I mean innocent..;)Tyr