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View Full Version : SF Considers Strict Outdoor Smoking Ban – Except For Medical Pot

07-20-2012, 03:42 PM
SF never ceases to amaze me. No cigarette, but medical marijuana is ok!

SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS) – Smoking anything other than medically-prescribed marijuana at San Francisco street fairs, festivals and other outdoor events held on city property would be banned under new legislation before the Board of Supervisors.

Supervisor Eric Mar said he introduced the proposal because of the health impacts of secondhand smoke when people light up in public.

“It’s widely known that secondhand smoke is responsible for as many as 73,000 deaths among non-smokers each year in the United States, and there is no safe level of exposure,” he said.

Like Alameda and several other Bay Area cities, San Francisco already restricts smoking in outdoor seating areas of cafes and restaurants, as well as near building entrances and vents. San Jose has similar smoking restrictions.

Mar’s bill would prohibit smoking at outdoor events on city property that require permits or permission from city agencies, except in some limited cases.

“It’s carefully crafted also to exclude smaller neighborhood organized events such as block parties. And also, importantly, it does not prohibit the use of medical cannabis,” Mar said.


07-20-2012, 03:45 PM
I can see it now.....policeman comes up to me on the street and asks if I'm smoking a cigarette.....I say, honestly officer no....it's marijuana.....

07-20-2012, 04:03 PM
I can see it now.....policeman comes up to me on the street and asks if I'm smoking a cigarette.....I say, honestly officer no....it's marijuana.....

Or just roll all your own smokes like I used to, and it'll just appear to be marijuana! I suppose they'll want medical cards from those rolling up though. Anyone know where I can get a marijuana card in NY? :lol:

07-20-2012, 04:19 PM
This is the same city that gave us former SF Mayor and current Lt. Governor : Gavin Newsom.
I'm sure some of you remember this free-wheeling progressive who has no respect for the law, zero moral fiber, and knows what is best for all of us.

This is the same guy who ordered the SF city clerk to issue gay marriage licenses which was illegal at the time. Why? Because he could care less what the law had to say about it. This is good for society so F-you California voters.

This is the same guy who allowed SF to harbor KNOWN criminal illegal aliens AND took the further step of politely sending them back to their own countries if they wished. Where was the Federal government on this one? They crack down on Arizona's immigration laws but did nothing when a City Mayor takes up the issue of our country's border enforcement all on his own and according to how he sees fit? Hey Gavin knows best.

And the best of all.
This is the same guy that screwed the wife of his own deputy chief of staff. Why? Gavin knows what's best for your marriage even if it means screwing your wife and destroying your family.

There is no other city in the country that gives birth to more nut cases. Seriously, that place needs to disappear through a tear in space-time and transported somewhere far away.
Like the Cretaceous Period.

...sorry for my little rant there. Nothing gets my blood pressure up more than any mention of SF politics. :mad:

07-20-2012, 04:45 PM
sf never ceases to amaze me. No cigarette, but medical marijuana is ok!



Nell's Room
07-21-2012, 01:41 AM
If they are going to ban smoking they should ban all forms of smoking, not allowing pot smoking but not anything else. Stupid!

07-21-2012, 01:49 AM
If they are going to ban smoking they should ban all forms of smoking, not allowing pot smoking but not anything else. Stupid!
All forms? What about smoking meats? Perhaps some cleverly crafted exemption for smoking of foods for human consumption...http://ninjapirate.com/article/farmers

07-21-2012, 04:18 AM
All forms? What about smoking meats? Perhaps some cleverly crafted exemption for smoking of foods for human consumption...http://ninjapirate.com/article/farmers

We have a ban on wood-burning fireplaces.

07-21-2012, 04:29 AM
We have a ban on wood-burning fireplaces.
Like, at all? Not even rural homes off the gas grid?
Air quality is crappy where im at, and its got better since they started having no burn days--but houses without natural gas are exempt. Same goes for new construction-- no wood burning fireplaces except where propane is the only available heat source. I miss the ambiance of a crackling fire, but it sure is nice to start my fireplace with the flip of a switch.

07-21-2012, 05:05 AM
Like, at all? Not even rural homes off the gas grid?
Air quality is crappy where im at, and its got better since they started having no burn days--but houses without natural gas are exempt. Same goes for new construction-- no wood burning fireplaces except where propane is the only available heat source. I miss the ambiance of a crackling fire, but it sure is nice to start my fireplace with the flip of a switch.

My fireplace is on timer during winter ... comes on at either a specific time or a specific temp ... whichever occurs first. I have a whole house heater, but when I just want the livingroom heated, the fireplace is great.

The rule applies to the nine-county Bay Area region, which has a population of 6.9 million.

Although Marin, population 246,500, accounts for just 3.5 percent of the region's population, it accounted for 27 percent of the complaints lodged with the air quality district last winter.

"We are mapping all our complaints and we are concentrating our patrols that had a high number of complaints, and Marin had the highest number of complaints last year," Roselius said. "And for anyone who got a warning last year, the slate is not wiped clean this year. If they are found in violation they are subject to a $400 ticket."

The district also is aware of difficulties facing areas, such as Woodacre, where access to natural gas is limited and many families rely on wood for heat. The rules include exemptions for those families and businesses that must burn wood to stay warm. Woodacre had the most complaints of any Marin community, with 171.

"We deal with those on a one-by-one basis," said Roselius, adding Woodacre residents were sent an information packet before this burn season.But the bottom line is people need to be aware before they light a fire, a top air official said.

Every now and then we have guests over and have a firepit and we like to sit around it and visit, fix smores for the kids, etc.....but it's gotten to the point where we are worried about complaints .... we have some SF retirees who have moved into the area and they complain about the roosters, the dogs barking, the airport noise ... I truly believe they are just a bunch of complainers. They have asked me to sign a petition to get one of our neighbors to get rid of their roosters ..... I told them they wanted to live in a rural area and to get used to the rules being different out here. Then the complained about another neighbors dogs barking ... I told them there is no noise ordinance out here....they were shocked. You mean you can play music all night. I said, you can, but you might piss off some neighbors!!!

07-21-2012, 10:24 AM
Every now and then we have guests over and have a firepit and we like to sit around it and visit, fix smores for the kids, etc.....but it's gotten to the point where we are worried about complaints .... we have some SF retirees who have moved into the area and they complain about the roosters, the dogs barking, the airport noise ... I truly believe they are just a bunch of complainers. They have asked me to sign a petition to get one of our neighbors to get rid of their roosters ..... I told them they wanted to live in a rural area and to get used to the rules being different out here. Then the complained about another neighbors dogs barking ... I told them there is no noise ordinance out here....they were shocked. You mean you can play music all night. I said, you can, but you might piss off some neighbors!!!

1. Roosters, dogs, and airplanes have no other purpose in life than making noise
2. SF retirees are one peg below domestic terrorists and should never be allowed within a half-mile of one's home
3. Who is this "We" stuff about? Sassy, if you've gone and found a new love, you're gonna break the hearts of many a poster on this board :p

07-21-2012, 03:53 PM
1. Roosters, dogs, and airplanes have no other purpose in life than making noise
2. SF retirees are one peg below domestic terrorists and should never be allowed within a half-mile of one's home
3. Who is this "We" stuff about? Sassy, if you've gone and found a new love, you're gonna break the hearts of many a poster on this board :p

Not a new love ... just an old friend that wants to take care of me for the rest of my life. Struggling with what to do. Have no spark of interest as a lover, but he's a great provider and companion. Have known him for 20 years ... he's never been married, has no children.....loves my daughter and grandkids like they were his own.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-21-2012, 04:50 PM
Not a new love ... just an old friend that wants to take care of me for the rest of my life. Struggling with what to do. Have no spark of interest as a lover, but he's a great provider and companion. Have known him for 20 years ... he's never been married, has no children.....loves my daughter and grandkids like they were his own.

What!?? A man with an open and healthy pocket book and no strings attached! And yet you hesitate!
You are a rare and gentile woman indeed! Likely one in a million .
Loves you kids too..
Could be the closest thing to perfection you'll ever see.
My suggestion is stop struggling and get to harvesting. That is unless your big reservation is the lack of interest in him as a lover. I can relate as I had a lady friend years ago that I had zero sexual interest in but enjoyed her company greatly. This was after my first divorce and I could not find anyway or justification for marrying her as she had asked. She was loaded too but money didnt interest me then as the "sins of the flesh" and drop dead gorgeous ladies were my top priority back then! She later moved to Cali and married a doctor , never heard from her again.. A mistake on my part possibly but hell who hasnt made hundreds of such mistakes in their youth?

07-21-2012, 04:59 PM
Not a new love ... just an old friend that wants to take care of me for the rest of my life. Struggling with what to do. Have no spark of interest as a lover, but he's a great provider and companion. Have known him for 20 years ... he's never been married, has no children.....loves my daughter and grandkids like they were his own.
I hear you. I've seen a couple of close friends in the same situation. It's hard.
Do you settle for the safe bet despite the lack of any spark or hold out for the one that makes you weak in the knees knowing you don't have a whole life time ahead of you.
I wish I had better advice but I don't.

07-21-2012, 06:31 PM
Or just roll all your own smokes like I used to, and it'll just appear to be marijuana! I suppose they'll want medical cards from those rolling up though. Anyone know where I can get a marijuana card in NY? :lol:

try New Jersey ;)