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View Full Version : I love where I live

07-20-2012, 05:51 PM
I have FREAKING SWANS in my backyard!! I just looked out my patio doors as I was getting something out of the bedroom. There were 2 swans swimming down the canal. I can't get over how cool the wildlife is around here. I have seen everything from egrets to ducks to cormorants to tropical triggerfish in the bay.

07-20-2012, 06:35 PM
Cool thread! :cool: I love where I live as well. I can't imagine ever living more than a few miles from the beach. Or in a place that experiences regular temperature extremes.

07-20-2012, 07:38 PM
We routinely have turkey, deer, racoons, foxes, possum skunk and a myriad of other species...right here in our backyard in Bellevue Nebraska :)

07-21-2012, 04:13 AM
I have a home in Norther CA and one in AZ....two completely different environments. Love them both! In AZ the weather is dry and hot. We see coyotes, rattlesnakes, deer, tarantulas and tarantula hawks (wasps), bats, lizards, large horned owls and little small owls.....and lots of thunder and lightning!!!

Northern CA is cooler (we don't even have A/C) and the wildlife vastly different. Racoons, possums, skunks, herons, cranes (I have a pond on my property), ducks, a myriad of birds (hawks, sparrows, quail, doves, blackbirds, crows, buzzards, woodpeckers, bluejays, finches....too many to name) and the snakes in my yard are not poisonous!!!!

I've heard the coyotes here in CA but haven't actually seen them.

07-21-2012, 12:34 PM
Cool thread! :cool: I love where I live as well. I can't imagine ever living more than a few miles from the beach. Or in a place that experiences regular temperature extremes.

I love where you live as well, clear across the country from me! :lol:

Seriously though, I've grown up and lived in the NE my whole life. We experience hot summers, cold and snowy winters, and enjoyable spring and autumn. I always say I wouldn't miss the snow, but I would. I just have to figure out how to never shovel again and I'll be fine. I might move to Florida or the Carolina's down the line.

07-21-2012, 02:25 PM
After all that I have been through over many years. I love where I live as well. In fact. I love the fact that I am still alive.

I live with a wonderful, best friend. A person who loves me for me, and not for what I can, or can't give her. We were married in March of 1969, and have seen much more than most of the members here on DebatePolicy.
We have been living in our home since 1981, and it is the most secure, most comfortable, warm, and full of wonderful memories place we could ask for in our years together.

And, I can't forget. Despite all of the wrongs, troubles, and dumb actions by our fellow Americans across this nation.
We LOVE living in the America most all of us were born in. And what we hope, will always be, the Greatest place on Earth to live.

07-21-2012, 04:39 PM
Cool thread! :cool: I love where I live as well. I can't imagine ever living more than a few miles from the beach. Or in a place that experiences regular temperature extremes.

I don't know about the second part, but I hear ya' on the beach. It's a good way to live cheap: Renting summer sublets inland from students, then September to May on the beach: A real money saver. You can get two or even three bedrooms cheap in as far South as the Jersey Shore, all the way up to Hampton or Portsmouth in New Hampshire.

I love where you live as well, clear across the country from me! :lol:

Seriously though, I've grown up and lived in the NE my whole life. We experience hot summers, cold and snowy winters, and enjoyable spring and autumn. I always say I wouldn't miss the snow, but I would. I just have to figure out how to never shovel again and I'll be fine. I might move to Florida or the Carolina's down the line.

I have lived all over the Eastern Seaboard, from Miami (Florida, not Ohio) to New Hampshire. I go where the money is.

07-22-2012, 02:05 PM
I love where we live as well. I live two miles from the biggest inland lake in our state and another five to the next largest one. There is a big pond one mile out my front door and woods surrounding our home. Town is also two miles from our home. Every now and then a flock of turkeys will walk across the front of our property. And a few years ago there was a family of deer that would come into our yard and eat the apples that had fallen from the tree. Two of the larger deer would stand on their back legs stretching their necks as high as they could and eat the apples at the top of the tree. It's been a few years since they have come in the yard. Could be hunters got them. Or maybe they moved on. Don't know. On occasion a wild rabbit will hop thru the yard, and we do have a fair amount of squirrels, chipmunks and gophers around here. I really enjoy listening to the birds singing. During the warmer months I go across the road into the woods with my car, putting down the rear seats and loading up the back with kindling for winter fire starting. And it's so peaceful and beautiful. Rustling thru the dead trees, leaves and being amongst mother nature revitalizes me reminding me that I am not all that and there is something much bigger and better than myself.

Gator Monroe
07-22-2012, 09:36 PM
Me too Calabama (72% GOP /89% White) most CCWs in State)