View Full Version : This about Karl Marx..

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-21-2012, 05:45 PM
While researching about Constant Phaulkon I discovered this about Marx by reading the preceding article in my copy of Horizon Winter 1969 . I found it quite interesting .
Page 56 , 2nd paragraph :

For relaxation he would do mathematics ; during his wife's last illness he could find solace in working on calculus. In his dealings with his young followers one sees not only Marx the political doctrinaire, but also, more surprisingly, Marx the pedagogue. On the whole the latter sounds a good deal more intimidating: "How he scolded me one day, " Liebknecht lamented, "because I did not know --- Spanish!...Every day I was questioned and had to translate a passage from Don Quixote..." Educational bullying was obviously part of Marx's nature, even apart from politics, and one can see in these reminiscences the professor he at one time seemed destined to become.
author of the article titled, - The Many Faces of Karl Marx , was J.W. Burrows a young professor at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England. Overall a flattering 5 page article on Marx's life..

In my dealings for years with marxists, socialists , Stalinists, Maoists , communists and liberals there has been one very obvious and commonly offered theme regardless of one's known or unknown educational level and that is this absolute command that their opponents bow to thier vastly Superior Intellect and/or self-acclaimed Higher Education acquired! One gets this as well even from high school dropouts that fell upon marxist literature and became botlike zombie followers!
Is it something they have in them already that leads them to Marxist or Socialist ideology or is it the ideology itself that teaches them they are so vastly superior to ANY that opposes or dares to criticise their ideology?
Myself, I lean towards it being an inner weakness that forces them to find a thing greater than themselves that will allow them (INTHEIR MINDS)to mentally dominate all things in the universe simply by being an obedient disciple.
For many are stronger and even more intolerant in their Marxist/Socalist faith than even muslims are in their Islamist faith!
That glimpse into Marx's need to engage in Educational bullying made sense when I thought about all the debates that I've had over the many years with his followers and their fellow leftsided loons that almost always will attempt to do the exact same thing without fail! ....
Also a member here that has a tagline of, "smarter than you are"! Always that need to declare vastly superior intellect..While posting obviously stupid trash and often even refuting ones own posts hours or days later without even realising it. Proving yet again that lies and deceitful offerings are damn hard to keep up with IMHO....:laugh:-Tyr

Anton Chigurh
07-21-2012, 06:44 PM
Hitler was the same way, habitually denigrating his staff and generals and what friends he did have for eating meat, smoking, being even a little bit overweight, and deriding their perceived inferior intelligence.

And like the far left nutjobs of today, was obsessed with childhood obesity as well. Thus, the "Hitler Youth" program was born.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-21-2012, 08:06 PM
Hitler was the same way, habitually denigrating his staff and generals and what friends he did have for eating meat, smoking, being even a little bit overweight, and deriding their perceived inferior intelligence.

And like the far left nutjobs of today, was obsessed with childhood obesity as well. Thus, the "Hitler Youth" program was born.

Its as if they truly feel that they are walking talking Gods on earth. Doomed to suffer from the ignorance of the lesser beings that are far too lowly to ever see the level of their Supremacy.-Tyr!