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View Full Version : Soldiers returning home

07-22-2012, 06:27 PM
I defy anyone, regardless of political POV, regardless of faith & regardless of religion - to watch the entire 10 minutes of the video and not shed a few tears. We so often think of the soldiers putting their lives on hold to fight in wars they didn't ask to fight. Sometimes we forget just how many loved ones are behind these soldiers. It's very powerful to see the human interaction between these brave men and women, and the loved ones who waited at home for their return.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/CqiXJwmpc3E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

07-22-2012, 06:33 PM
And yet those who have returned with disabilities are sometimes treated with the worst contempt.Witness the linked to article and particularly the video this gentleman created.
"Jim Stanek, a disabled veteran and Paws and Stripes cofounder, claims United Airlines staff physically abused his service dog, Sarge, and verbally abused him during an unexpected 3-day layover at Dulles International Airport outside of Washington, D.C."

07-22-2012, 07:54 PM
Totally agree. And sadly. I know you still want us to take it easy, and not get political but. As a 30 Year Navy Veteran. I simply cannot ignore the treatment our President is pretending to provide to our Veterans today.
Less than two weeks ago. Mister Obama was bragging about how much he loved, and so fully supported OUR VETERANS...and quietly, after a Friday news cycle before the 4th of July weekend. He..MISTER OBAMA....stated "Veterans...Time to Pay Up." Meaning, in case some refuse to agree. That the PROMISED Health Care Millions of Active, and Retired Veterans were told they would get...in return for 20 years, or more of active service. Would be a reality.
UNTIL OBAMA, and the Democrats in Congress, with the blessings of Bubba Clinton decided. NO MORE!

Of course there are tears when watching such video's. But the Hidden Tears of the Veterans will NEVER BE VISIBLE, unless we get a REAL MAN to be our President...at last.