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View Full Version : Editorial On 'Blaming The Tea Party' For Violence

07-23-2012, 06:55 AM

Whenever a new cause or movement is born, and a large number of people feel passionate about it, there's always the danger that it will inspire someone -- perhaps just a lone nut, or perhaps a group of them -- to destroy human life in its name. This is true even of the most legitimate, mainstream movements, which can suffer unjustly by the actions of a rogue sympathizer.

Someday this may happen to the Tea Party movement. So far it hasn't, because there has been no Tea Party violence. The only victims of Tea Party "extremism" are politicians who lost their positions in peaceful elections. One could be forgiven for not knowing this, given the extreme bias with which some in the liberal media treat the Tea Party...

...All that has happened since the Tea Party began -- and all that hasn't happened -- undermines the credibility of Krugman, Ross, Capehart, and other pundits who carelessly associate it with violence. When we try to explain violence like last week's theater massacre, we look to irrationality as the first explanation. It takes a uniquely arrogant sort of journalist to use this same irrationality to explain anyone who disagrees with him politically.

07-23-2012, 08:31 AM


Note to those who want ABC’s Brian Ross fired (as I do): As long as there is the threat of a libel suit, ABC executives will want to keep Ross close. If they fire him, he might turn around and testify for a plaintiff about ABC’s journalistic practices, which could be embarrassing. … A good reason for settling the defamation issue quickly (http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/147048/) is that, once it’s settled, ABC is freer to show Ross the door. Canning Ross would probably have a stronger deterrent effect than a multi-million dollar libel verdict, but the possibility of a big verdict has the perverse effect of preventing it. …

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/07/23/is-libel-law-saving-brian-ross-job/#ixzz21S6Z1y00

07-23-2012, 08:35 AM
How many called for the firing of Imus for an off color remark? Now you have outright defamation and slander. I think he should file a lawsuit to express to anyone who may have heard the news originally, and make it clear to all that he had nothing at all to do with this. But the first step is axing anyone and everyone that allowed this non-vetted crap to go out nationwide to begin with.