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View Full Version : Supporters vow to keep cross in California veterans tribute despite court ruling

07-25-2012, 10:46 PM
For decades, there has been a First Amendment battle raging over the Mount Soledad Veterans Memorial in La Jolla, Calif., where a large cross anchors a tribute to Korean War veterans.

Because it sits on public property, the American Civil Liberties Union has long argued that the cross amounts to an unconstitutional entanglement of government and religion.

In 2011, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals agreed, triggering an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, but in June, the high court justices declined to hear the case.
Oddly, the 9th Circuit, while ruling the cross illegal, didn't order it removed. The parties were left to begin negotiations about what to do with it. "We're going to go back and talk to the district court and talk to the government, and we will work at arriving at an appropriate remedy," ACLU attorney David Loy said at the time.

But just days ago, attorneys for the Mount Soledad Memorial Association learned that the ACLU has been negotiating with the Department of Justice without including the group that actually maintains the cross and memorial site. That sparked concern on Capitol Hill.

Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., a veteran himself, notes that there is a federal law in place protecting the memorial. Hunter worries that rather than fighting to uphold the law, the Justice Department may be negotiating away the protections outlined in the law.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/07/25/supporters-vow-to-keep-cross-in-california-veterans-tribute-despite-court/#ixzz21hGTYFoJ

red state
07-25-2012, 11:01 PM
SCUM! Even if I were such filth as the ACLU and the lil' libbie losers lemmings who support this plague, I'd hope to have enough decentcy to allow something that has been there for so long and is a representation of those who served during the Korean War. Why couldn't they have simply gather names and place a cresent from the tent people's moon god, a star of David and a happy budha there as well and let the cross be? Because they are SCUM and they have an agenda...anything American and ANYTHING but Christian. Do you think this would have happened if there had been a symbol of the moon god?! The more intelligent among us knows the answer to be a choppy NO!

Thanks for the thread....I'd been watching these cased for a while now. The lil' libbie losers don't wait on a court decision. They've already taken the law into their own hands. Even when it hasn't gone their way...they still take the law into their own hands.

If I must REDE:

Spitting in the faces of our fallen World War I heroes, as well as the Supreme Court, the rule of law and everything they pretend to stand for, secular Atheist bigots have cut down and stolen a sacred memorial cross in the Mojave Desert.

It was erected in 1934 by the Veterans of Foreign Wars to honor our troops lost in Europe during the "war to end all wars."

As I have noted, the Supreme Court recently struck down the left's constitutionally-illiterate attack on this Christian symbol...confirming that the "separation" myth really doesn't protect intolerant liberal fanatics from having to witness free religious exercise or public acknowledgments of our Judeo-Christian heritage.

REDE: lil' libbie losers SPIT on America...does it surprise anyone of what they are capable of (even the doped up orange haired ones)?!

07-25-2012, 11:10 PM
SCUM! Even if I were such filth as the ACLU and the lil' libbie losers lemmings who support this plague, I'd hope to have enough decentcy to allow something that has been there for so long and is a representation of those who served during the Korean War. Why couldn't they have simply gather names and place a cresent from the tent people's moon god, a star of David and a happy budha there as well and let the cross be? Because they are SCUM and they have an agenda...anything American and ANYTHING but Christian. Do you think this would have happened if there had been a symbol of the moon god?! The more intelligent among us knows the answer to be a choppy NO!

Thanks for the thread....I'd been watching these cased for a while now. The lil' libbie losers don't wait on a court decision. They've already taken the law into their own hands. Even when it hasn't gone their way...they still take the law into their own hands.

If I must REDE:

Spitting in the faces of our fallen World War I heroes, as well as the Supreme Court, the rule of law and everything they pretend to stand for, secular Atheist bigots have cut down and stolen a sacred memorial cross in the Mojave Desert.

It was erected in 1934 by the Veterans of Foreign Wars to honor our troops lost in Europe during the "war to end all wars."

As I have noted, the Supreme Court recently struck down the left's constitutionally-illiterate attack on this Christian symbol...confirming that the "separation" myth really doesn't protect intolerant liberal fanatics from having to witness free religious exercise or public acknowledgments of our Judeo-Christian heritage.

REDE: lil' libbie losers SPIT on America...does it surprise anyone of what they are capable of (even the doped up orange haired ones)?!

Gotta love the DOJ and their “secret negotiations”. So much for striving to be the most 'transparent' administration yet. They are 'transparent' alright...just not in the way they intended people to translate that statement.

red state
07-25-2012, 11:59 PM
Yeah....you'd have to be a FOOL not to see RIGHT thru them!!! Sadly, and with Cess Coast to remind us, we do not have a shortage of FOOLS....just jobs, rights and ethics.

07-26-2012, 02:19 AM
I feel like I read something about selling the ten by ten area the cross sits upon to a private trust-- problem solved!

07-26-2012, 02:38 AM
Apparently the solicitor general (who replaced kagan) joined the appeal, but it was nonetheless denied cert. so it isn't true that the gifts position is siding with th opponents. Previously there was a proposition to have the land sold,( again?) or auctioned, (again) but it was rejected by a popular vote! Of course, this was after two or three similar propositions passed, but were ruled unfair or some such-- opponants just won't be happy until the cross is taken down--period.