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07-25-2012, 11:18 PM
Here ya go guys (and ladies) ... have at it.


07-26-2012, 12:17 AM
Here ya go guys (and ladies) ... have at it.


Interesting that he believes only soldiers should carry the assault rifles .... what better way to make sure his people can outgun the citizenry.

Mr. P
07-26-2012, 12:41 AM
Dedicated to insuring ONE TERM. Been that way for a few yrs though. Just sayin

07-26-2012, 05:45 AM
Interesting that he believes only soldiers should carry the assault rifles .... what better way to make sure his people can outgun the citizenry.

What these folks do not understand is that ANY firearm employed against another person is an "assault" weapon. Further, once the gun control laws become inane enough, the government will create a whole new and very large class of criminals known as "gun owners" and eventually there will be a movement in the hallowed halls to repeal the Second Amendment. I am waiting for the executive order in the near future outlawing gun ownership. I know, that will never happen (just like nobody would EVER make it illegal to sell a 20 ounce soda).

07-26-2012, 05:53 AM
Another retard in a long list of retards who can't grasp that guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens is NOT a problem and that removing guns from law-abiding citizens is NOT going to reduce gun violence.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-26-2012, 07:57 AM
obama and Hillary want to give the UN authority over our gun rights!
That way foreign troops can someday come here to enforce world law(treaty law) and confiscate our guns, because they believe our military will refuse to do so..
We are being sold down the river, more everyday...-Tyr

07-27-2012, 02:15 AM
From the Article:

when there’s extraordinary heartbreak and tragedy like the one we saw there’s always an outcry immediately after for action."

Here's the thing: He's right. This does occur, but in pointing this out, he is also pointing out the greatest failure the politicians make: Their job is to calm the people, and get them to see the actual problem, not to let their panic have them make a kneejerk reaction to events.

Not every feeling is a valid feeling, not every fear has a grounding in reality. A good leader tones tones down the emotional level of those under them, getting them to see the bigger picture, and move forward with understanding. A bad leader allows that emotion to build up, either by accident or design, until people begin to panic.

My question is this: How would banning assault weapons have changed anything? Again, this man was to the point was mass-murdering an entire theater was a reasonable decision in his eyes, so how would a single extra charge of possession of an illegal firearm change what he did? It's like robbing a bank, then being obsessive about following the speed limits.

A law-abiding citizen is someone we have nothing to fear from, but they are the only ones harmed with stricter gun control laws. And let's look at how common the weapon of choice was. An AK-47 is not that hard to get a hold of, if you are, say, smart, and can access the internet.

Certainly, Aurora was a tragedy, but Obama has failed, again, to allay the fears of the people, instead using language that can only cause more harm.

red state
07-29-2012, 05:24 PM
obama and Hillary want to give the UN authority over our gun rights!
That way foreign troops can someday come here to enforce world law(treaty law) and confiscate our guns, because they believe our military will refuse to do so..
We are being sold down the river, more everyday...-Tyr

Yes, TOTAL gun control must happen in order to place Agenda 21 a reality. Both Gun Control and policies of Agenda 21 have been a part of local gov. to some degree but to go all out as they have planned will require a toothless, claw-less society that can only voice an opposing cry....a cry that could easily be silenced through ultimate control of EVERYTHING.

I wouldn't put it past the current White House [occupier] to instigate more violence via the occupy group or through 'agents of mayhem' such as the orange haired SOB that recently shot and killed those at the Batman premier. I've thought for a few years now that it is not within this presidents character to honor anything....much less turn over the keys to HIS white house. I'm seriously looking for some executive order that will place martial law over us or "training exercises" with foreign troops enforcing "peace". Look at B.O.'s right hand man Rahm Emanuel to see a bit into the future:


[Rham Emanuel has once again proven he is a disgrace and should be removed from office at once. Just two days after attempting to ban Chic-fil-A restaurants in the city of Chicago and stating “Chic-fil-A values are not Chicago vaules,” in reference to the restaurant owners comments supporting traditional marriage, Emanuel has once again proven himself an impotent leader and a poor decision maker. Apparently Chicago values are those of THE NATION OF ISLAM. Emanuel has taken it upon himself, in light of the fact that his city ranks #1 in murders to date in 2012, to invite Louis Farrakhan and his rag tag bunch of Allah followers, the “Nation of Islam,”who’s security division – the “Fruit of Islam” – is to come and police the city of Chicago!]

This could (as suspected with the conduct of the New Black Panther Party during the 08' elections) be the Gestapo-like civilian national security force that B.O. mentioned when he ranted: "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." Liberals are all for translating this (as they have mis-translated the 2nd Amendment and anything else that only requires common sense) but as with other topics, they always seem to leave out or avoid CRUCIAL words. Words within B.O.'s speech that is crystal clear to those who are sane. Words such as: MILITARY / FORCE / SECURITY / POWERFUL & STRONG with billions going to those who support and helped get him elected through questionable means. He's been paying them back right under our noses and they are probably VERY well funded by now. Keep a close eye on Rham...he's the RAT in the coal mine and so are cities like LA, Chicago and D.C. when it comes to our 2nd Amendment. This is where martial law will originate from. Just watch and wait.

Anton Chigurh
07-29-2012, 06:08 PM
I've never seen a sitting president so desperate to appease a base that should be in line already. To even touch this hot potato shows the Obama CREEP team is worried they don't have the far-left votes in their pockets assured for November.

How can they be this paranoid and stupid? The far-lefties are always going to vote for the Dem candidate even if that candidate is a spam sammich.

There's NO reason for Obama to touch this, and initially he didn't.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-29-2012, 06:35 PM
Yes, TOTAL gun control must happen in order to place Agenda 21 a reality. Both Gun Control and policies of Agenda 21 have been a part of local gov. to some degree but to go all out as they have planned will require a toothless, claw-less society that can only voice an opposing cry....a cry that could easily be silenced through ultimate control of EVERYTHING.

I wouldn't put it past the current White House [occupier] to instigate more violence via the occupy group or through 'agents of mayhem' such as the orange haired SOB that recently shot and killed those at the Batman premier. I've thought for a few years now that it is not within this presidents character to honor anything....much less turn over the keys to HIS white house. I'm seriously looking for some executive order that will place martial law over us or "training exercises" with foreign troops enforcing "peace". Look at B.O.'s right hand man Rahm Emanuel to see a bit into the future:


[Rham Emanuel has once again proven he is a disgrace and should be removed from office at once. Just two days after attempting to ban Chic-fil-A restaurants in the city of Chicago and stating “Chic-fil-A values are not Chicago vaules,” in reference to the restaurant owners comments supporting traditional marriage, Emanuel has once again proven himself an impotent leader and a poor decision maker. Apparently Chicago values are those of THE NATION OF ISLAM. Emanuel has taken it upon himself, in light of the fact that his city ranks #1 in murders to date in 2012, to invite Louis Farrakhan and his rag tag bunch of Allah followers, the “Nation of Islam,”who’s security division – the “Fruit of Islam” – is to come and police the city of Chicago!]

This could (as suspected with the conduct of the New Black Panther Party during the 08' elections) be the Gestapo-like civilian national security force that B.O. mentioned when he ranted: "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." Liberals are all for translating this (as they have mis-translated the 2nd Amendment and anything else that only requires common sense) but as with other topics, they always seem to leave out or avoid CRUCIAL words. Words within B.O.'s speech that is crystal clear to those who are sane. Words such as: MILITARY / FORCE / SECURITY / POWERFUL & STRONG with billions going to those who support and helped get him elected through questionable means. He's been paying them back right under our noses and they are probably VERY well funded by now. Keep a close eye on Rham...he's the RAT in the coal mine and so are cities like LA, Chicago and D.C. when it comes to our 2nd Amendment. This is where martial law will originate from. Just watch and wait.

I've been thinking about this and come to the conclusion that actually it would make more sense for obama to implement more of his socialist agenda, weaken our nation much more before forcing a showdown with America's patriots. Perhaps the recent surge in Americans waking up and voicing ever increasing opposition to his re-election has caused he and his masters to speed up their plans. Im sure that they want both gun control and gun confiscation to have happened before they pull the trigger on abolishing our Constitution and forever changing our government! With that in mind the may just have an emergncy plan of trumping up/creating an incident in order to declare martial law so as to save their power and remain to continue the overall goal of their original plan.-Tyr

07-29-2012, 07:56 PM
I've never seen a sitting president so desperate to appease a base that should be in line already. To even touch this hot potato shows the Obama CREEP team is worried they don't have the far-left votes in their pockets assured for November.

How can they be this paranoid and stupid? The far-lefties are always going to vote for the Dem candidate even if that candidate is a spam sammich.

There's NO reason for Obama to touch this, and initially he didn't.

Your first statement is entirely correct. Your second statement is totally incorrect.
Obama has always been a reactionary political figure. He makes knee jerk reactions. It's a very common flaw among young politicians attempting to secure their own survival.
The far left is more astute that you might think. Many are drifting away from Obama as he moves more toward the center. That is why the GOP selection of Romney is a master stroke. Romney claims to be a conservative, but he is more centrist than anything.
The vote that I question is among Republicans. What percentage of far right voters (such as the Tea Party) will hold their nose and vote for Romney? Or will they concede Obama a second term and hope he screws things up so bad, it will give the far right a much stronger hold on the GOP platform?

red state
07-29-2012, 08:06 PM
I've been thinking about this and come to the conclusion that actually it would make more sense for obama to implement more of his socialist agenda, weaken our nation much more before forcing a showdown with America's patriots. Perhaps the recent surge in Americans waking up and voicing ever increasing opposition to his re-election has caused he and his masters to speed up their plans. Im sure that they want both gun control and gun confiscation to have happened before they pull the trigger on abolishing our Constitution and forever changing our government! With that in mind the may just have an emergncy plan of trumping up/creating an incident in order to declare martial law so as to save their power and remain to continue the overall goal of their original plan.-Tyr

Well, you're probably RIGHT but all I've seen is their "testing the waters" from voting on laws in the middle of the night (EARLY, Early, early Sunday morning), signing things into law that WILL drastically move votes his way and placing homosexuals into the military who will have no problem enforcing FORCE upon those who don't see things their way. It's be hard for them to do but as my statement earlier started off with: I wouldn't put anything past these evil people who I truly believe had those Navy S.E.A.L.s killed. We had to pay for OBL and those GREAT Patriots paid for it with an old fashion back scratching (Obama/Pak-E-Ston) back scratching. I admit that it was/is a bit off the wall in my other 'conspiracy theory" but, again, I wouldn't put it past them to plant a gunman to do exactly what the orange haired libbie did during the Batman Shooting...or much worse! They've already showed what they are capable of with Fast and Furious. Boys, we ain't seen nuthin' YET!!! Wait on it. Just like the devil, B.O. knows that his time is short.

Anton Chigurh
07-29-2012, 08:12 PM
Your first statement is entirely correct. Your second statement is totally incorrect.
Obama has always been a reactionary political figure. He makes knee jerk reactions. It's a very common flaw among young politicians attempting to secure their own survival.
The far left is more astute that you might think. Many are drifting away from Obama as he moves more toward the center. That is why the GOP selection of Romney is a master stroke. Romney claims to be a conservative, but he is more centrist than anything.
The vote that I question is among Republicans. What percentage of far right voters (such as the Tea Party) will hold their nose and vote for Romney? Or will they concede Obama a second term and hope he screws things up so bad, it will give the far right a much stronger hold on the GOP platform?Well.... First of all, nice to see a good intelligent, on topic post from you.:clap:

But..... All the polls do indeed show GOP leaning voters are far more energized then the Dem leaners.

But Obama employing this type of pandering to his loud and shrill, but tiny base just assures more energy for the opposition. This is why it's stupid. The left leaning voters would NEVER vote Romney - Obama is pandering to people who are going to vote for him anyway, and while doing so, alienating Indys, Moderates and of course, further energizing the GOP base. This time it wasn't knee-jerk either, he wisely stayed out of the gun control fray initially.

Obama needs Indys and moderates to vote for him - they represent at least a 1000-1 advantage in numbers over committed far left voters and left leaners, and exponentially higher if they are energized.

I agree with your assessment of Romney - he's FAR from conservative. But the "ABO" trend is so strong, this is 1980 all over again. Obama played the centrist in 2008 and he needs to return to that now, before it's too late. That means he's got to ignore the shrill far left.

But. obviously the CREEP team believes he can't.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-29-2012, 08:35 PM
Well, you're probably RIGHT but all I've seen is their "testing the waters" from voting on laws in the middle of the night (EARLY, Early, early Sunday morning), signing things into law that WILL drastically move votes his way and placing homosexuals into the military who will have no problem enforcing FORCE upon those who don't see things their way. It's be hard for them to do but as my statement earlier started off with: I wouldn't put anything past these evil people who I truly believe had those Navy S.E.A.L.s killed. We had to pay for OBL and those GREAT Patriots paid for it with an old fashion back scratching (Obama/Pak-E-Ston) back scratching. I admit that it was/is a bit off the wall in my other 'conspiracy theory" but, again, I wouldn't put it past them to plant a gunman to do exactly what the orange haired libbie did during the Batman Shooting...or much worse! They've already showed what they are capable of with Fast and Furious. Boys, we ain't seen nuthin' YET!!! Wait on it. Just like the devil, B.O. knows that his time is short.

Great post and on target about obama's willingness to do ANYTHING to weaken this nation! If he gets another term our nation likely will not survive it. For he plans on doing away with the Constitution and increasing the power of the Presidency until its truly a dictatorship. Look how he goes around Congress now, ignores Federal court judgements/rulings and delegates illegal authority to appointed leftist czars that he chooses to do his bidding!-TZ

red state
07-29-2012, 09:12 PM
Great post and on target about obama's willingness to do ANYTHING to weaken this nation! If he gets another term our nation likely will not survive it. For he plans on doing away with the Constitution and increasing the power of the Presidency until its truly a dictatorship. Look how he goes around Congress now, ignores Federal court judgements/rulings and delegates illegal authority to appointed leftist czars that he chooses to do his bidding!-TZ

With the stroke of a pen and, as FDR, plans to re-write or "CORRECT" the Constitution. If we survive, It will likely take 8 years to undo all the WRONG/LEFT that B.O. and his minions have done. He KNOWS he's lost his Center-Right and RIGHT groups of people and he's fairly certain that he's lost those straddling the fence. As discussed a bit earlier, I don't see how in God's green earth Obama can go back to pretending he's CENTER. The man has no center and after the executive privileges and support of border invaders and homosexual marriage and homosexuals withing the military, he's surely cut ALL ties from those with any sense.

No, I see a desperate little marxist who sees his only way of winning is to play dirty (dirty as in how he so adequately trained ACORN to cheat, lie and steal) votes. He'll accept millions, if not billions from Saudi kings and other enemies of the State and will possibly even see no more HOPE for his re-election and put in some amazingly radical executive orders before he's 'escorted' out of OUR house!!! Whatever the case, don't dare think that it will not be interesting. We've seen history and history is always on the move. I just hope it isn't our generations who go down in history as being the ones who allowed ant-freedom monsters to gobble up our FREEDOMS. Make now mistake B.O. and his minions ARE, indeed, evil monsters.

Anton Chigurh
07-29-2012, 09:13 PM
If he gets another term our nation likely will not survive it.Do you even bother to read your posts? Please read the quoted hyperbole again.

It's as completely nonsensical as anything I have ever seen. You really believe this nation is so weak? Our founding ideas so bad? You believe our country is this precarious?

We WILL survive a second Obama term, if need be.

red state
07-29-2012, 09:18 PM
"....A bad leader allows that emotion to build up, either by accident or design, until people begin to panic...."

Well said DragonStryk72!!! I don't believe there's ANYTHING B.O. has done that is accidental. I see it as planned. Perhaps not the best of plans but
folks seem so stupid these days that he's actually pulled it off.

red state
07-29-2012, 09:26 PM
Well, I'm sure that Canadians NEVER, EVER thought that their pastors/priests would be jailed or fined for preaching about sins that are clearly within God's Holy Word.

I am also sure that Aussies, who share a similar heritage as we 'yanks', would have NEVER, EVER thought that they'd have to hand over their guns for destruction.

Likewise, I'd bet the Brits would have NEVER EVER thought that they'd lose their Nation to radical groups who plan on 'fundamentally changing" their nation more than it shamefully has already suffered.

The Germans certainly would have never saw their country ruled by a minority group but it happened. We are seeing the same such minority take over, bit by bit, our freedoms through tolerance and political correctness. It (IS) happening and it (WILL) destroy us and everything we stand for if this take over (bit by bit) continues. Sadly, I see no stopping it. As the ole cig commercial once said: "We've come a long way, baby."

Anton Chigurh
07-29-2012, 09:32 PM
Well, I'm sure that Canadians NEVER, EVER thought that their pastors/priests would be jailed or fined for preaching about sins that are clearly within God's Holy Word.

I am also sure that Aussies, who share a similar heritage as we 'yanks', would have NEVER, EVER thought that they'd have to hand over their guns for destruction.

Likewise, I'd bet the Brits would have NEVER EVER thought that they'd lose their Nation to radical groups who plan on 'fundamentally changing" their nation more than it shamefully has already suffered.

The Germans certainly would have never saw their country ruled by a minority group but it happened. We are seeing the same such minority take over, bit by bit, our freedoms through tolerance and political correctness. It (IS) happening and it (WILL) destroy us and everything we stand for if this take over (bit by bit) continues. Sadly, I see no stopping it. As the ole cig commercial once said: "We've come a long way, baby."None of those had our Constitution or our system of checks and balances.

Nonsensical straw man argument. Paranoid mindless rantings. It's exactly like saying "gasoline is a liquid and it will accelerate combustion, therefore water will too!"

red state
07-29-2012, 10:32 PM
None of those had our Constitution or our system of checks and balances.

Nonsensical straw man argument. Paranoid mindless rantings. It's exactly like saying "gasoline is a liquid and it will accelerate combustion, therefore water will too!"

Look, there's no need to get hostile simply because you disagree. I have history to suggest that you are wrong and your rant is your opinion based upon a limited understanding of how easily one can lose the FREEDOM which God has ordained through the heroism of Christian men and women who formed this Christian Nation. Only when good men do nothing can evil prevail and we've certainly did nothing for a long, long while. It is those who are ignorant to how their freedoms are stripped away, bit by bit, that we lose our freedoms. Your desperate rant of water and gasoline is utterly ridiculous and this has only hampered any chance of a logical or reasonable debate.

By the by, a new phrase, other than the same ole, boring "nonsensical staw man" crap would be nice cuz that is growing VERY old. I understand your using it cuz it serves well as a blanket but at some point in time, one must grow up and toss the blanket.

May God bless this Christian Nation as He has done in the past...although some have turned their backs on HIM. I'll pray that these folks have a change in heart because our SAVIOR is the only thing that can save this Christian Nation.


Anton Chigurh
07-29-2012, 10:42 PM
Look, there's no need to get hostile simply because you disagree.I wasn't hostile, I was merely pointing out the obvious and correctly identifying what I saw in a honest way.
I have history to suggest that you are wrongYou don't have jack shit. What, your strawman actually depends upon comparing the US to Germany of the 30s? Or any other country?

Truly you cannot see how nonsensical and paranoid it is?

Anton Chigurh
07-29-2012, 10:44 PM
By the by, a new phrase, other than the same ole, boring "nonsensical staw man" crap would be nice cuz that is growing VERY old. You should then learn not to employ nonsensical straw man arguments so often!:lol:

I calls 'em as I sees 'em and I don't give a red rat's ass what anyone thinks of it.

red state
07-29-2012, 10:54 PM
You should then learn not to employ nonsensical straw man arguments so often!:lol:

I calls 'em as I sees 'em and I don't give a red rat's ass what anyone thinks of it.

Your switch to only using GERMANY is proof that you know that you were called out on your mistake that FREEDOM can easily be lost through ignorance and tolerance to subtle changes. Tyr has pointed this out and your wrongly argued his point. We ARE losing our freedoms and just as the candle continues to burn, soon, there will be no candle left. Learn the history of GB, Canada or Australia. They were never as GREAT as we but at one time, they shared the same freedoms....but not any more because they allowed the same thing we are allowing (inch by inch executive order by executive order). You are surely more intelligent than this?! Perhaps you are simply just another straw man using straw man arguments. And so goes the debate.

3779 3780
One Nation Under God Almighty

07-29-2012, 11:16 PM
Look, there's no need to get hostile simply because you disagree.


07-29-2012, 11:42 PM
May God bless this Christian Nation as He has done in the past...although some have turned their backs on HIM. I'll pray that these folks have a change in heart because our SAVIOR is the only thing that can save this Christian Nation.

First of all, America was NOT born as a Christian nation. This fact was established by John Adams in the late 1700s.
As the U.S. was attempting to establish trade relations with nations along with Mediterranean, its ships came under siege by pirates. In a peace treaty signed in 1796, the U.S. declared its neutrality in disputes among the various nations and religions of the region. One of the articles of the treaty read as such:

Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

Adams introduced the treaty to the American people as such.

Now be it known, that I John Adams, President of the United States of America, having seen and considered the said Treaty do, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, accept, ratify, and confirm the same, and every clause and article thereof.

07-29-2012, 11:56 PM
May God bless this Christian Nation as He has done in the past...although some have turned their backs on HIM. I'll pray that these folks have a change in heart because our SAVIOR is the only thing that can save this Christian Nation.

Oh, and you are going to LOVE this! :cool:

There is a prayer that is often recited during Muslim prayers. Translated from Arabic, it goes something like that.

Only praising the many blessed and powerful names of Allah will preserve our people as throughout generations. Those who turn their backs on the Many wonderful Blessings of Allah will feels the blades of a thousand knives. Your life can only be saved by your praise and prayer to all of the Wonderful Names of Allah. Your life can only be saved by praising the Name of Allah the Most Beneficial, the Most Merciful.

Perhaps you guys have more similarities to Muslims than you think.

07-30-2012, 04:58 AM


Anton Chigurh
07-30-2012, 08:10 AM
Your switch to only using GERMANY is proof that you know that you were called out on your mistake that FREEDOM can easily be lost through ignorance and tolerance to subtle changes.Utter nonsense, pablum and word salad. Shrill hyperbole.

YOU were comparing Germany of the 30s to the US, not I. And since apparently you can't READ posts unless they are formatted in bold, I also said "other countries" encompassing all the ones you mentioned in your ridiculous comparison.

You're on record as believing the US is fragile.... Noted.

red state
07-30-2012, 08:44 AM
Utter nonsense, pablum and word salad. Shrill hyperbole.

YOU were comparing Germany of the 30s to the US, not I. And since apparently you can't READ posts unless they are formatted in bold, I also said "other countries" encompassing all the ones you mentioned in your ridiculous comparison.

You're on record as believing the US is fragile.... Noted.

You are apparently missing something...somewhere or refuse to follow logical thought patterns with a probable inability to comprehend what you may or may not have read. The Germany point was in reference to the MINORITY taking control. If you don't know this or see the comparison in the minority we currently see destroying our country. The same minority that is all too eager to keep Chick-fill-a out of "certain" cities then you are completely unworthing of degate time...this is especially obvious with your addressing your points which are nothing short of nonsense, word salad and hyperbull.

This land was discovered (officially discovered) by a Christian, populated by Christians who longed for freedom of religion among their varying protestant doctrines and formed through our Constitution by Christian authors. The overwhelming population of Americans are Christian and do still believe in the Constitution and our rights to self preservation. WE are also a majority who see the threat and realize how history often repeats itself and B.O. and the leftist are certainly the threat that has destroyed freedom throughout history within Nations that were ignorantly blind to the fact that it can happen and it WILL happen if we continue to travel this road of ignorance or 'acceptance' that many such as yourself are so willing to follow. Stop the straw man hyperbull that you ALWAYs spew just because you are shown to be wrong with not even a remote possibility of logic, knowledge of history or common sense to see the comparison of how we are traveling down the same road that ALL others have gone before.

In closing, I'll have to simply agree to disagree because going round and round and round gets neither of us anywhere so I suggest that you 'debate' the lil' lemming losers...that is (if) you guys disagree. Hhmmmmm, kinda puts you in very bad company, doesn't it? Well, at least we know.

07-30-2012, 08:57 AM
You are apparently missing something...somewhere or refuse to follow logical thought patterns with a probable inability to comprehend what you may or may not have read. The Germany point was in reference to the MINORITY taking control. If you don't know this or see the comparison in the minority we currently see destroying our country. The same minority that is all too eager to keep Chick-fill-a out of "certain" cities then you are completely unworthing of degate time...this is especially obvious with your addressing your points which are nothing short of nonsense, word salad and hyperbull.

This land was discovered (officially discovered) by a Christian, populated by Christians who longed for freedom of religion among their varying protestant doctrines and formed through our Constitution by Christian authors. The overwhelming population of Americans are Christian and do still believe in the Constitution and our rights to self preservation. WE are also a majority who see the threat and realize how history often repeats itself and B.O. and the leftist are certainly the threat that has destroyed freedom throughout history within Nations that were ignorantly blind to the fact that it can happen and it WILL happen if we continue to travel this road of ignorance or 'acceptance' that many such as yourself are so willing to follow. Stop the straw man hyperbull that you ALWAYs spew just because you are shown to be wrong with not even a remote possibility of logic, knowledge of history or common sense to see the comparison of how we are traveling down the same road that ALL others have gone before.

In closing, I'll have to simply agree to disagree because going round and round and round gets neither of us anywhere so I suggest that you 'debate' the lil' lemming losers...that is (if) you guys disagree. Hhmmmmm, kinda puts you in very bad company, doesn't it? Well, at least we know.

You use logical fallacy in an attempt to counter what you think is HIS logical fallacy??? How is that aggreeing to disagree?

Point of order - While Chris Columbus might have been a christian - when this land was discovered it remained mostly-populated by natives, who had no knowledge of christianity - unless you subscribe to (what I understand) of Mormon theogoy. The land eventually was populated by capitalists, mostly - in fact, the 'most-religious' who came here (Puritians) were vile, evil people.

Anton Chigurh
07-30-2012, 09:04 AM
You are apparently missing something...It doesn't matter how many times you backpedal, dissemble or try to spin what you were saying. You believe America is soooo fragile, it can never survive another Obama term. That is just plain and simple, flat-out stupid, parabolic hyperbole, smegma-headed blathering.

America survived Jimmy Carter, it can and will survive anything.

red state
07-30-2012, 09:40 AM
I really don't have time for this and will have to allow some other Conservative to refute the foolishness of liberalism. I agree that you are wrong and you agree that you are right. Nothing unusual with many of the dealings that I've had on gun control and dealing with liberals. Perhaps THEY are right. Perhaps a ban on ALL guns will stop gun violence....perhaps we should give it a whirl. I just don't see it as holding water because I know history and can see stats for what they are.

This nation may continue to be called The USA but it will be a nation without a Constitution. As a Christian Nation, founded by honorable Conservative CHRISTIAN men, I am so proud that muSLUMS, lil' libbie losers or pretend-conservatives who spout off at the mouth and spew nothing but hypo-bull salad were not the founding of our Nation....it would have had a VERY short history because it would have been VERY weak. Weak minded and without CHRIST. As one with Cherokee blood line, I fully understand the there were people here before Columbus but it I also understand that the native Americans would have remained a small band of communities and not a unified gov. until THE CHRISTIANS came to form this remarkable UNION. Slavery, invasions and all the evils of the world have always been and always will be. It was here before the white man came and if the Cherokee and Choctaw Nations know this and although we were treated poorly, we see the importance of seeing evil for what it is and TRUE freedom for what it is and the cloud at our horizon is indeed ominous...it is a shame that the pretenders and illogical can not see this.

In closing, and with no further participation (until other have had a chance to chime in) the illogical, ignorant and/or tolerant, good people of Australia, Canada and UK didn't see this cloud of CONTROL as a treat and it cost them MUCH. It has already cost AMERICA much and if it continues, it will cost us our identity. It's a dog eat dog world...Native Americans understand this and so should the ignorant, tolerant and illogical.

Anton Chigurh
07-30-2012, 10:01 AM
I really don't have time for this and will have to allow some other Conservative to refute the foolishness of liberalism. I agree that you are wrong and you agree that you are right. Nothing unusual with many of the dealings that I've had on gun control and dealing with liberals. Perhaps THEY are right. Perhaps a ban on ALL guns will stop gun violence....perhaps we should give it a whirl. I just don't see it as holding water because I know history and can see stats for what they are.

This nation may continue to be called The USA but it will be a nation without a Constitution. As a Christian Nation, founded by honorable Conservative CHRISTIAN men, I am so proud that muSLUMS, lil' libbie losers or pretend-conservatives who spout off at the mouth and spew nothing but hypo-bull salad were not the founding of our Nation....it would have had a VERY short history because it would have been VERY weak. Weak minded and without CHRIST. As one with Cherokee blood line, I fully understand the there were people here before Columbus but it I also understand that the native Americans would have remained a small band of communities and not a unified gov. until THE CHRISTIANS came to form this remarkable UNION. Slavery, invasions and all the evils of the world have always been and always will be. It was here before the white man came and if the Cherokee and Choctaw Nations know this and although we were treated poorly, we see the importance of seeing evil for what it is and TRUE freedom for what it is and the cloud at our horizon is indeed ominous...it is a shame that the pretenders and illogical can not see this.

In closing, and with no further participation (until other have had a chance to chime in) the illogical, ignorant and/or tolerant, good people of Australia, Canada and UK didn't see this cloud of CONTROL as a treat and it cost them MUCH. It has already cost AMERICA much and if it continues, it will cost us our identity. It's a dog eat dog world...Native Americans understand this and so should the ignorant, tolerant and illogical.What "liberals" are you addressing?

Clearly I'm not a liberal, although to you and other far righties I must appear to be one. Is everyone who believes the rant of "we can't SURVIVE a second Obama term" is moronic hyperbole, a 'liberal?' Did you not see earlier in another thread where I said, "If guns were as commonly carried as smart phones, we wouldn't have as many mass shooting victims?" Is that the statement of a 'liberal?':lol:

When non property owners were allowed to vote, some said we were "losing our identity." When women were allowed to vote? Same thing. Blacks? Them too. "Manifest Destiny" was hotly contested by those who believed we would "lose our identity" if we expanded too far West.

The whole argument is silly - America won't be destroyed, it's identity won't be lost - it evolves like any other living thing.

07-30-2012, 10:08 AM
...I agree that you are wrong and you agree that you are right.

That's not being a good debater, that's the attitude of a douche bag.

Nothing unusual with many of the dealings that I've had on gun control and dealing with liberals. Perhaps THEY are right. Perhaps a ban on ALL guns will stop gun violence....perhaps we should give it a whirl. I just don't see it as holding water because I know history and can see stats for what they are.

What point are you arguing now?

This nation may continue to be called The USA but it will be a nation without a Constitution. As a Christian Nation, founded by honorable Conservative CHRISTIAN men, I am so proud that muSLUMS, lil' libbie losers or pretend-conservatives who spout off at the mouth and spew nothing but hypo-bull salad were not the founding of our Nation....it would have had a VERY short history because it would have been VERY weak.

Okay - so...we're talking about Gun Control and you're using it as a way to insult Muslims. Hypo-Bull Salad? What are you even talking about now. Try English.

Weak minded and without CHRIST. As one with Cherokee blood line, I fully understand the there were people here before Columbus but it I also understand that the native Americans would have remained a small band of communities and not a unified gov. until THE CHRISTIANS came to form this remarkable UNION. Slavery, invasions and all the evils of the world have always been and always will be. It was here before the white man came and if the Cherokee and Choctaw Nations know this and although we were treated poorly, we see the importance of seeing evil for what it is and TRUE freedom for what it is and the cloud at our horizon is indeed ominous...it is a shame that the pretenders and illogical can not see this.

I thought you were a Christian. My bad.

In closing, and with no further participation (until other have had a chance to chime in) the illogical, ignorant and/or tolerant, good people of Australia, Canada and UK didn't see this cloud of CONTROL as a treat and it cost them MUCH. It has already cost AMERICA much and if it continues, it will cost us our identity. It's a dog eat dog world...Native Americans understand this and so should the ignorant, tolerant and illogical.

Pretty much you're saying "I can't continue in logical debate so I'll leave now."

Simmer down, dude. Stop with the random bs and ad hominem...make and debate your points with reason and conviction. That's how you persuade folks.

07-30-2012, 11:25 AM
Simmer down, dude. Stop with the random bs and ad hominem...make and debate your points with reason and conviction. That's how you persuade folks.


red state
07-30-2012, 01:27 PM
I've got only a few minutes before I have to get back to work....just wanted to make sure that you know that I NEVER run and never give up but before I have to get back; when arguing with idiots, it is questionable who is really the bigger idiot (the idiot or the one arguing with one).

In closing, a Native American can be Christian and as a Christian, I have seen first hand how liberal agendas have ruined this Nation. I'd also point out that liberals really do shoot off at the mouth without any knowledge in history, current events or common sense...case in point is with DUMP and the militant. They simply like to stretch issues to get everyone riled up and POSSIBLY influence the weak minded. Debating them is futile. It doesn't take a genious to know how policies can change and eventually turn a nation into something very unrecognizable. Unconstitutional events can change our Great Nation as well and to deny that these sometimes slow, often time radical changes, such as Obama Care, WILL change this nation. Gun regulations over the years has changed and will continue to change until that is also non-existent. Only an idiot can put their head in the sand and not see what is coming and what has already become of our so-called FREE neighbors.

OK...gotta pay for this tax increase that's coming and this Obama Care that was FORCED down our throats. It'd be nice to be able to post all day long but I haven't that luxury (YET). Have at it!

07-30-2012, 01:45 PM
I've got only a few minutes before I have to get back to work....just wanted to make sure that you know that I NEVER run and never give up but before I have to get back; when arguing with idiots, it is questionable who is really the bigger idiot (the idiot or the one arguing with one).

Ad hominem.

In closing, a Native American can be Christian and as a Christian,

Christians aren't name-callers or full of hate or dispair.

I have seen first hand how liberal agendas have ruined this Nation. I'd also point out that liberals really do shoot off at the mouth without any knowledge in history, current events or common sense...case in point is with DUMP and the militant.

There is no logical point in that comment. Do you have a point there that relates in anyway to the topic, or are you resorting to...

Ad Hominem.

They simply like to stretch issues to get everyone riled up and POSSIBLY influence the weak minded. Debating them is futile.

People are taking you to task on YOUR opinion and you're resorting to logical fallacy to defend, deflect, and deny. You simply lack logical debating skills. I can help you.

It doesn't take a genious to know how policies can change and eventually turn a nation into something very unrecognizable. Unconstitutional events can change our Great Nation as well and to deny that these sometimes slow, often time radical changes, such as Obama Care, WILL change this nation. Gun regulations over the years has changed and will continue to change until that is also non-existent.

those are valid points nobody is debating.

Only an idiot can put their head in the sand and not see what is coming and what has already become of our so-called FREE neighbors.

Logical fallacy - appeal to ridicule.


OK...gotta pay for this tax increase that's coming and this Obama Care that was FORCED down our throats. It'd be nice to be able to post all day long but I haven't that luxury (YET). Have at it!

If you'd spend less time ranting, and more time in a controlled, logical, reasonable mode...you'd do more with less.

07-30-2012, 01:54 PM
I've got only a few minutes before I have to get back to work....just wanted to make sure that you know that I NEVER run and never give up but before I have to get back; when arguing with idiots, it is questionable who is really the bigger idiot (the idiot or the one arguing with one).

In closing, a Native American can be Christian and as a Christian, I have seen first hand how liberal agendas have ruined this Nation. I'd also point out that liberals really do shoot off at the mouth without any knowledge in history, current events or common sense...case in point is with DUMP and the militant. They simply like to stretch issues to get everyone riled up and POSSIBLY influence the weak minded. Debating them is futile. It doesn't take a genious to know how policies can change and eventually turn a nation into something very unrecognizable. Unconstitutional events can change our Great Nation as well and to deny that these sometimes slow, often time radical changes, such as Obama Care, WILL change this nation. Gun regulations over the years has changed and will continue to change until that is also non-existent. Only an idiot can put their head in the sand and not see what is coming and what has already become of our so-called FREE neighbors.

OK...gotta pay for this tax increase that's coming and this Obama Care that was FORCED down our throats. It'd be nice to be able to post all day long but I haven't that luxury (YET). Have at it!

Are you saying DMP is an idiot? A liberal? Can't debate? I'll have to disagree with you on all 3 points. I've been posting with him for about 9 years and he's been a conservative from the minute I first met him. And he's far from an idiot. He may not post as much anymore, especially in long drawn out threads, but he's VERY intelligent. Having opposing POV's doesn't make them less intelligent.

And the "DUMP" thing, been done already, and it was lame when Psychoblues did it in every other post. Unless DMP is doing similar to you, you should probably give him the same respect of using names in return. If he has done that to you, and I missed it, disregard this note.

And for the record, RS, I see you as quite intelligent as well, even though I don't agree with you on every subject. I think your delivery of your message at times serves to hurt your POV more than your stance itself. Like myself, you can be a bit aggressive when addressing other members. I used to do that non-stop, and still do it every now and again. And the same advice to you and I - we only hurt our own arguments.

And I'm not writing this as a mod. I don't moderate how people post and what they say. Just giving food for thought and hoping more and more of us will stick to topics and our messages and less and less of the personal stuff. You can tell me to shove it if you like!

Anton Chigurh
07-30-2012, 03:18 PM
Broad brushing... dmp forgot to mention that logical fallacy as well...

07-30-2012, 04:08 PM
I need to make a note of this: Invite dmp to the next meeting of the Liberal's Club. :rolleyes:

Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
liberal, fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
acceptable, respectable, presentable, a vegetable!

red state
07-30-2012, 04:49 PM
Are you saying DMP is an idiot? A liberal? Can't debate? I'll have to disagree with you on all 3 points. I've been posting with him for about 9 years and he's been a conservative from the minute I first met him. And he's far from an idiot. He may not post as much anymore, especially in long drawn out threads, but he's VERY intelligent. Having opposing POV's doesn't make them less intelligent.

And the "DUMP" thing, been done already, and it was lame when Psychoblues did it in every other post. Unless DMP is doing similar to you, you should probably give him the same respect of using names in return. If he has done that to you, and I missed it, disregard this note.

And for the record, RS, I see you as quite intelligent as well, even though I don't agree with you on every subject. I think your delivery of your message at times serves to hurt your POV more than your stance itself. Like myself, you can be a bit aggressive when addressing other members. I used to do that non-stop, and still do it every now and again. And the same advice to you and I - we only hurt our own arguments.

And I'm not writing this as a mod. I don't moderate how people post and what they say. Just giving food for thought and hoping more and more of us will stick to topics and our messages and less and less of the personal stuff. You can tell me to shove it if you like!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Well, this started with a respectful comment that backed what Tyr was saying (we will continue to lose to regulations, taxes ans anti-constitutional judgements till we are no longer a free nation). I gave references to the UK, Canada and Australia as to how they would have NEVER thought that they'd be without guns. Very logical but you can read and see where the debate was simply shut down with my points being determined as wrong and hypo bull or whatever that redundant and boring comment is. Then DUD, pipes in with a Con Hog type comment in which he does the same. Again, I'm sure you have read the entire thread but you may have missed a few things just as you missed DUD continually acting as though he was Con Hog in referring to me as dude while 'correcting' me. As for Mr. HyperBULL, anytime one mentions GOD, he goes off the deep end YET he wants everyone to believe that he isn't a militant atheist. Now, I gave DUD the option of not referring to me as dude or insulting my intelligence by piping in simply because I don't back down so if you want to go over this thread inch by inch and get back to me, fine. but I, in no way, intend to back down when I hadn't instigated anything and in any way OTHER than to have an opinion.

Tell, me, Mr. JIMNYC, do you believe that if we continue to adopt the policies that Europe, Canada and Australia have found devastating to their freedom (and at varying levels), do you see us as a Nation that you or I would recognize or recognize as FREE? I respect your views because you have proven time and time again to have a quality that I not only admire but respect. Still, I will not back down when we have trolls who are believe themselves better or more knowledgeable when I and many others know this to be false. I am a bit disappointed that I seem to have been in the wrong by whatever you've read or failed to read but being that as it may, I will either stop posting or express myself until you are forced to ban me. The cart can be pulled both ways and I don't back down when I know that I'm in the right.

Now, to make sure that I was not in any wrong and to focus on where this all origniated, I re-read the entire thread and this is what I found:

PAGE 2 POST # 16
Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
If he gets another term our nation likely will not survive it.
HyperBULL Wrote:

Do you even bother to read your posts? Please read the quoted hyperbole again.

It's as completely nonsensical as anything I have ever seen. You really believe this nation is so weak? Our founding ideas so bad? You believe our country is this precarious?

We WILL survive a second Obama term, if need be.

My reply to that (POST #18

Well, I'm sure that Canadians NEVER, EVER thought that their pastors/priests would be jailed or fined for preaching about sins that are clearly within God's Holy Word.

I am also sure that Aussies, who share a similar heritage as we 'yanks', would have NEVER, EVER thought that they'd have to hand over their guns for destruction.

Likewise, I'd bet the Brits would have NEVER EVER thought that they'd lose their Nation to radical groups who plan on 'fundamentally changing" their nation more than it shamefully has already suffered.

The Germans certainly would have never saw their country ruled by a minority group but it happened. We are seeing the same such minority take over, bit by bit, our freedoms through tolerance and political correctness. It (IS) happening and it (WILL) destroy us and everything we stand for if this take over (bit by bit) continues. Sadly, I see no stopping it. As the ole cig commercial once said: "We've come a long way, baby."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

POST # 19:
None of those had our Constitution or our system of checks and balances.
[Nonsensical straw man] argument. [Paranoid mindless rantings]. It's exactly like saying "gasoline is a liquid and it will accelerate combustion, therefore water will too!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

POST # 20:

Look, there's no need to get hostile simply because you disagree. I have history to suggest that you are wrong and your rant is your opinion based upon a limited understanding of how easily one can lose the FREEDOM which God has ordained through the heroism of Christian men and women who formed this Christian Nation. Only when good men do nothing can evil prevail and we've certainly did nothing for a long, long while. It is those who are ignorant to how their freedoms are stripped away, bit by bit, that we lose our freedoms. Your desperate rant of water and gasoline is utterly ridiculous and this has only hampered any chance of a logical or reasonable debate.

By the by, a new phrase, other than the same ole, boring "nonsensical staw man" crap would be nice cuz that is growing VERY old. I understand your using it cuz it serves well as a blanket but at some point in time, one must grow up and toss the blanket.

May God bless this Christian Nation as He has done in the past...although some have turned their backs on HIM. I'll pray that these folks have a change in heart because our SAVIOR is the only thing that can save this Christian Nation.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*Granted, I should have not gone to the mire pit with the poster I now know as HyperBULL. I should have simply replied with: "True, they have a Constitution but in earlier posts, it is mentioned that we are allowing our Constitution to be chipped away bit by bit. Would anyone disagree that our Constitution is being abused, if not outright destroyed". Yep, that is what I should have said but I doubt anything I said would have seen a different reply than what I got after returning a bit of HyperBULL's own rude behavior.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Then, in POST # 34
DUMP pipes in with:
That's not being a good debater, that's the attitude of a [douche bag].

*This is after he calls the Puritans vile and evil (a liberal stance/slant on history). And to question my Christianity as though only WHITES can be Christian is another liberal view. Blacks can only be Dimocrat for example. Dump would be better to dump somewhere else and mind his own business when others are addressing one another as was the case with me and mr. HyperBULL.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Now, JIMNYC, please tell me where I was offensive at all, called anyone any names or said anything that hadn't been proven historically to make my point to the subject at hand and how the thread had improved or evolved. It wasn't until the two "debaters" you so generously described, chose to use less than admirable means to debate that I lowered to their poor standards of ignorance and insults.

I'll have to check in on this and you guys a bit later but I'll have to say that I'm not as thrilled in doing so as I may have once been. This seems to be the other place lately and if the newer members are to automatically be treated as second class citizens, I may as well put up with the liberals elsewhere...it is certainly better than wasting time with the intelligence level that seems to be respected. I always enjoy tuning to DP during breaks or after hours but if it leads to this, I'll simply bid everyone a great remainder of the day and all the very best.

07-30-2012, 05:06 PM
Now, JIMNYC, please tell me where I was offensive at all, called anyone any names or said anything that hadn't been proven historically to make my point to the subject at hand and how the thread had improved or evolved. It wasn't until the two "debaters" you so generously described, chose to use less than admirable means to debate that I lowered to their poor standards of ignorance and insults.

I'll have to check in on this and you guys a bit later but I'll have to say that I'm not as thrilled in doing so as I may have once been. This seems to be the other place lately and if the newer members are to automatically be treated as second class citizens, I may as well put up with the liberals elsewhere...it is certainly better than wasting time with the intelligence level that seems to be respected. I always enjoy tuning to DP during breaks or after hours but if it leads to this, I'll simply bid everyone a great remainder of the day and all the very best.

I don't see a point in having a respectful conversation with you about this if you are going to go off on a tangent and continue with "DUMP" and "DUD" talk. Quite frankly, in the midst of a serious conversation, I find it juvenile.

And if me asking questions about these things makes you not want to post here, I'm unsure on what to tell you. Do you think no one should speak up if you continue with little name calling, wrongly calling people liberals or calling anothers intelligence into question when it need not be? In other words, you don't want to be questioned? You don't want to stand behind your own words?

And again, if you can show me where DMP is taking your user name, or real name, and making a joke out of it in addition to his POV, I will say the same to him or retract my statements to you. If he mislabeled your political affiliation, I will correct him. If he has stated you are of lesser intelligence, I will stand up for you too. But I wonder, if DMP would threaten to leave the board if I did those things? Or insult the entire board in return?

07-30-2012, 05:09 PM
Well, this started with a respectful comment...

OK, you lost me here... :rolleyes:

07-30-2012, 05:12 PM
I get confused with the pet names of posters, especially in rants like the one above. I have to go back over the thread to figure out who is whom. Very confusing. Very tedious, Very uninteresting.

There are quote and multi-quote functions. Use them, please.

07-30-2012, 05:16 PM
I'll have to check in on this and you guys a bit later but I'll have to say that I'm not as thrilled in doing so as I may have once been. This seems to be the other place lately and if the newer members are to automatically be treated as second class citizens, I may as well put up with the liberals elsewhere...it is certainly better than wasting time with the intelligence level that seems to be respected. I always enjoy tuning to DP during breaks or after hours but if it leads to this, I'll simply bid everyone a great remainder of the day and all the very best.

First of all, none of us have ever been to "the other place" (I don't even know what you are referring to), so we don't know what you are talking about.
Also, if you don't want to be treated as a "second class citizen," why do you treat others that way?
As for "intelligence level," I have a master's degree. There are many others here who are equally intelligence. Tell us what qualifies you as "intelligent."
Feel free to return (you are fortunate that Jim doesn't ban as easily as most conservative boards do), but also fee free to work in an attitude adjustment.

07-30-2012, 05:46 PM
I need to make a note of this: Invite dmp to the next meeting of the Liberal's Club. :rolleyes:

Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
liberal, fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
acceptable, respectable, presentable, a vegetable!

If only there were more liberals like Juan Williams...

Anton Chigurh
07-30-2012, 06:47 PM
Well, this started with a respectful comment that backed what Tyr was sayingThat's a outright lie, what Tyr said was the mindless mantra of "America can't stand a second Obama term" and you never addressed that at all... You merely muddied the waters with yet more hyperbolic, nonsensical blatherskite.

Not to mention your insistence in really LONG posts - because you know you cannot dazzle with brilliance, so you try to baffle with bullshit.

Anton Chigurh
07-30-2012, 07:04 PM
And which by the way - people ARE going to call others out on what they deem as nonsense. This isn't a insult - it's not personal attack to call the content of your posts nonsense or any other term. Those are aimed at the content of what you said, NOT at you personally.

Grow a pair and a thicker skin and quit taking it personally.

07-30-2012, 07:09 PM
I'll have to check in on this and you guys a bit later but I'll have to say that I'm not as thrilled in doing so as I may have once been. This seems to be the other place lately and if the newer members are to automatically be treated as second class citizens, I may as well put up with the liberals elsewhere...it is certainly better than wasting time with the intelligence level that seems to be respected. I always enjoy tuning to DP during breaks or after hours but if it leads to this, I'll simply bid everyone a great remainder of the day and all the very best.

Dude, at what point do you consider asking yourself; is it me or is it the forum? Everyone here is treated in the manner that they deserve, by your standard CH was treated as a newbie and he was far from it. He didn't come in here with five of his buddies guns blazing and calling anyone that disagreed with him in the slightest a lib.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-30-2012, 07:52 PM
That's a outright lie, what Tyr said was the mindless mantra of "America can't stand a second Obama term" and you never addressed that at all... You merely muddied the waters with yet more hyperbolic, nonsensical blatherskite.

Not to mention your insistence in really LONG posts - because you know you cannot dazzle with brilliance, so you try to baffle with bullshit.

Nonsense. If you are going to declare obama getting a second term as a minor and trivial matter just say so.
Wasn't anything baffling about his replies except to somebody that disagreed and wanted to attack the poster for his honest heartfelt opinions. He cited Chamberlain's appeasement and how wrong it was when he mentioned all the appeasing going on with the liberals and their policies in our country now.
Other's posts are outright lies and mindless mantra you declare but give no evidence that they are such. How could you when obama hasnt served a second term yet you make a declaration same as I did about the outcome of that term! One about the future consequences of another term for obama according to your opinion that you have also not backed up with any facts. Yet it could be no better or more enlightened than anybody else's opinion on the subject unless you can see the future. Can you?
If you can't see the future then why are you trying to muddy the waters , blather on nonsensical future predictions and attempt to dazzle with bullshit same as you accused redstate of doing?
I'm sure your skin is thick enough so dazzle me with the actions you seem to know that obama will take in that second term! For I made a declaration our nation would not survive it and you spewed forth it could!
Where is your damn proof or are we to simply bow to your magnificent knowledge while you lurk here?-Tyr

07-30-2012, 09:43 PM
For I made a declaration our nation would not survive it...
Where is your damn proof...

And your damn proof is???

Anton Chigurh
07-30-2012, 10:15 PM
Nonsense. If you are going to declare obama getting a second term as a minor and trivial matter just say so.But, I didn't, straw boi. I merely pointed out how stupid the shrill, "we can't survive another Obama term" crap is! It's the same crap they said about Clinton, Bush, and so on. It's not even original.

It's just shrill, over emotional hyperbole. And it only sells to.... Morons.

Anton Chigurh
07-30-2012, 10:19 PM
If you can't see the futureNobody can. Particularly folks like yourself, with the emotional stability and intelligence of a average eight year old.

Abbey Marie
08-01-2012, 01:25 PM

To everyone:
- Let's stop the name-altering. We really don't like it at all.
- People's opinions aren't dumb. They are their opinions. Everyone is free to have their own, and on this board, to express it. Hopefully without being attacked in return.
- And for the umpteenth time, if you do not like someone's posting style, or perceived obsession with a particular topic, feel free to ignore them.
- No need to put down others in an attempt to show us all how smart you think you are. Believe me, we can all tell from your posts.

08-01-2012, 01:36 PM
I also wanted to add, and apologize, remarks about Red State. My initial response when I first came into this thread was to speak up in defense of Darin, who's been a longtime friend. I didn't even try and be a part of the thread, which was my first mistake, I just jumped into the drama instead. I stand by my statements that Darin is intelligent, he's not a liberal, and I don't like the changing of names to poke fun, whether this thread or others, but we all know that will never stop, we can only ask from time to time in hopes of minimizing it.

But for the record, I don't see RS as having been out of line. He was giving back what he was perceived to be getting. My post wasn't meant to come here and jump on him, but rather to say kind things about Darin, but it may have come off as against RS instead of "pro DMP".

No one is perfect and no one is innocent. We all make mistakes and no one is superior to the next guy or gal. It's simply of instincts to want to defend a friend, even if at the same time it may be perceived as attacking another. When I say "Darin isn't a liberal", it's a statement of fact to me without emotion. But I know the person being corrected might feel slighted, but that wasn't an intent. I don't think the comments were out of line by RS, just that in my opinion were incorrect.

I'm sorry if I rubbed anyone the wrong way. Sometimes when I speak up in trying to keep the peace, I rub others a certain way and my efforts can backfire to an extent. But in the end, Darin is everything I stated, and more. I'm not mad or angry at anyone in this thread, nor do I think anyone is wrong. But publicly correcting someone, when I'm staff, may come off as official.

I like the new guys here and have already gained a nice level of respect for them, and hope that continues. At the same time, I have a level of respect for Darin that took a long time to create. I have no desire to disrespect any of the above, and hope I haven't.

Abbey Marie
08-01-2012, 02:04 PM
Great post, Jim.


08-01-2012, 02:19 PM
I'm perfect and innocent. :)

True story.

Abbey Marie
08-01-2012, 02:27 PM
I'm perfect and innocent. :)

True story.

DMP= DamnMarvelousPerson