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View Full Version : Carney Refuses To Name Capital of Israel

07-26-2012, 05:26 PM
Anyone still doubting where favor lies in this administration?

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/07/26/whs_carney_refuses_to_name_the_capital_of_israel.h tml

White House press secretary Jay Carney is asked by a reporter what is the capital of Israel.

Reporter: What city does this Administration consider to be the capital of Israel? Jerusalem or Tel Aviv?

Jay Carney, White House press secretary: Um... I haven't had that question in a while. Our position has not changed. Can we, uh...

Reporter: What is the capital [of Israel]?

Jay Carney: You know our position.

Reporter: I don't.

Lester Kinsolving, World Net Daily: No, no. She doesn't know, that's why she asked.

Carney: She does know.

Reporter: I don't.

Kinsolving: She does not know. She just said that she does not know. I don't know.

Carney: We have long, lets not call on...

Kinsolving: Tel Aviv or Jerusalem?

Carney: You know the answer to that.

Kinsolving: I don't know the answer. We don't know the answer. Could you just give us an answer? What do you recognize? What does the administration recognize?

Carney: Our position has not changed.

Kinsolving: What position?

Carney then moved on to another question.

Anton Chigurh
07-26-2012, 05:34 PM
"The smart guys in the room."

07-26-2012, 05:46 PM
Obviously. Carney's Position is Normally...on his Elbows UNDER Obama's desk in the Oval office. Carney is the Admin's only White Slave who does his 'Masser's Bidding', and shows exactly how ignorant Obama really is.

07-26-2012, 05:49 PM
In all fairness, it's a loaded question.
I suspect Obama believes it is Tel Aviv but he can't say that without pissing off the Israeli's any further

I wonder how Romney would respond to that question.

07-26-2012, 06:00 PM
In all fairness, it's a loaded question.
I suspect Obama believes it is Tel Aviv but he can't say that without pissing off the Israeli's any further

I wonder how Romney would respond to that question.

Fairness? Fairness to whom?

Carney is nothing but a poster child of Obama. How can Obama piss off Israel any more than he has?

That FAIRNESS idea is just another kind of Obama Distraction, and Refusal to answer the question. Nothing to do with FAIRNESS. More to do with DISHONESTY.

By the way. Thanks for the typical Liberal attempt to CHANGE the subject by doing the typical liberal thing in bringing Romney's name into it.
Any excuse NOT to honestly answer a question is ALL IT IS.

Anton Chigurh
07-26-2012, 06:12 PM
In all fairness, it's a loaded question.
I suspect Obama believes it is Tel Aviv but he can't say that without pissing off the Israeli's any further

I wonder how Romney would respond to that question.:lol:

07-26-2012, 06:13 PM
Fairness? Fairness to whom?

Carney is nothing but a poster child of Obama. How can Obama piss off Israel any more than he has?

That FAIRNESS idea is just another kind of Obama Distraction, and Refusal to answer the question. Nothing to do with FAIRNESS. More to do with DISHONESTY.

By the way. Thanks for the typical Liberal attempt to CHANGE the subject by doing the typical liberal thing in bringing Romney's name into it.
Any excuse NOT to honestly answer a question is ALL IT IS.

Easy cowboy. I'm not a liberal :laugh:.
I am actually curious if Romney would answer the question. The question is the political equivalent of an IED.
Keep in mind, the only people that recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capitol are the Israelis. Even GWB steered clear of this issue.
The entire issue is akin to officially recognizing Taiwan as an independent nation.

Back to Romney:
My gut tells me Romney's personal view is that Jerusalem is the capitol but would he actually answer that question officially?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-26-2012, 06:20 PM
Easy cowboy. I'm not a liberal :laugh:.
I am actually curious if Romney would answer the question. The question is the political equivalent of an IED.
Keep in mind, the only people that recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capitol are the Israelis. Even GWB steered clear of this issue.
The entire issue is akin to officially recognizing Taiwan as an independent nation.

Back to Romney:
My gut tells me Romney's personal view is that Jerusalem is the capitol but would he actually answer that question officially?

I think Romney may not like having to answer that question but he would and his answer would be Jerusalem.
Obama nor his corrupt crew will answer because they refuse to admit that it is Jerusalem. Which points clearly to where their loyalties are IMHO!-Tyr

07-26-2012, 06:20 PM
It would not be politically damaging for Romney to say Jerusalem.

07-26-2012, 06:39 PM
It would not be politically damaging for Romney to say Jerusalem.

I agree. Why? Partially because of common sense, as given in the series of articles about Obama and the Jews. This if the 4th in a series. There's something funky with copying and pasting, so if really interested, you'll have for follow the link:


07-26-2012, 07:37 PM
It would not be politically damaging for Romney to say Jerusalem.
I would not be politically damaging for Romney I agree. However, 10 minutes after officially recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capitol, the rockets would start flying and Israeli men, women, and children would start dying. It could also ignite the Middle East in general. This is not a question that one answers without a great deal of thought for what comes next. It is no wonder that no U.S. President, Republican or Democrat, has taken an official stance on the issue.

EDIT: I just discovered a quote from Obama when he was campaigning for President:
"Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided."

Hmm, now that he is President he appears to be backing away from that stance. Is it because he now has to deal with the geopolitical reality or was it because he was just pandering before?
No need for some of you guys to answer that question. I know what you will say :p

07-26-2012, 08:28 PM
Easy cowboy. I'm not a liberal :laugh:.

If you don't snap your boots hard enough you are. ;)

07-26-2012, 09:30 PM
...which does Isreal consider its Capital, i'm assuming Jerusalem, yes? In which case it is Jerusalem as a fact, not an opinion.

07-26-2012, 10:59 PM
According to the profile of Israel maintained by the State Department, Jerusalem is the capital. But most Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, do not recognize Jerusalem as belonging to Israel.
Pressure from Israel led to a Congressional resolution in 1995 declaring Jerusalem as the capital, for the purposes of relocating the U.S. Embassy. I don't believe the resolution has ever been implemented because of opposition from Clinton, GW Bush and Obama.

07-27-2012, 12:37 AM
I went through school and University knowing that Tel Aviv is the capital of Israel. Jerusalem is a disputed territory.

07-27-2012, 12:43 AM
Jerusalem has been the capital of Israel for the past 3000 freakin years.

What is so difficult about that question?

07-27-2012, 03:37 AM
I went through school and University knowing that Tel Aviv is the capital of Israel. Jerusalem is a disputed territory.

Actually to most in the Middle East, Israel doesn't exist at all. It's all disputed territory.

07-27-2012, 05:04 AM
I think Huma Abedin wrote Carney's answer for him.

07-27-2012, 05:26 AM
I went through school and University knowing that Tel Aviv is the capital of Israel. Jerusalem is a disputed territory.

Most major countries have their embassies and such in Tel Aviv, and IMO it's to stay out of the trouble. Most nations consider Jerusalem "disputed" territory and are afraid to take sides, so they point to Tel Aviv as the capital and ignore the issue.

07-27-2012, 07:55 AM
I went through school and University knowing that Tel Aviv is the capital of Israel. Jerusalem is a disputed territory.

...so if Ireland started disputing that Belfast was not the capital of Northern Ireland, but rather an occupied territory, you'd consider it such?

07-27-2012, 10:33 AM
...so if Ireland started disputing that Belfast was not the capital of Northern Ireland, but rather an occupied territory, you'd consider it such?

the capital of NI should float along with the soccer title.....

07-28-2012, 01:53 AM
Jerusalem has been the capital of Israel for the past 3000 freakin years.

What is so difficult about that question?

Well, since Israel has only been around for 64 years, 3000 years is stretching the truth just a little.

...so if Ireland started disputing that Belfast was not the capital of Northern Ireland, but rather an occupied territory, you'd consider it such?

What is the internationally recognised capital of Northern Ireland? You will then have your answer.

07-28-2012, 02:14 AM
Well, since Israel has only been around for 64 years, 3000 years is stretching the truth just a little.
Jafar, please present a better argument than this. We know from historical FACT that the Jewish homeland pre-dates Muslim occupancy by at least four centuries. This is from Roman history alone.
It is their historical homeland. This is an irrefutable historical FACT. Will you agree with me on this?

07-28-2012, 03:27 PM
Jafar, please present a better argument than this. We know from historical FACT that the Jewish homeland pre-dates Muslim occupancy by at least four centuries. This is from Roman history alone.
It is their historical homeland. This is an irrefutable historical FACT. Will you agree with me on this?

The Canaanites inhabited that area from the early Bronze age (2-3 centuries BC), Philistines and the Kingdom of Israel (Not to be confused with present day Israel) didn't appear until the Iron age (1-2 centuries BC). Present day Palestinians are descendants of the Canaanites and the Philistines (In Arabic, Palestinian is "filisteeni"). The land is as much theirs as it is the Jews who mostly came in from Eastern Europe in 1948.

07-28-2012, 04:36 PM
Jafar, please present a better argument than this. We know from historical FACT that the Jewish homeland pre-dates Muslim occupancy by at least four centuries. This is from Roman history alone.
It is their historical homeland. This is an irrefutable historical FACT. Will you agree with me on this?

How many different ways can we find for jafar to skirt around how much he Despises, and Even Hates those from Israel.

Jafar's middle name is DENIAL.

07-29-2012, 01:02 PM
What is the internationally recognised capital of Northern Ireland? You will then have your answer.

So a countries capital is only its capital if other nations say its so?

Inwhich case i think we should all not regard Paris as the capital of France, just to mess with the French ^,^

07-29-2012, 02:15 PM
Romney claimed Jerusalem to be the capital so there's your answer.


07-29-2012, 09:47 PM
So a countries capital is only its capital if other nations say its so?

Inwhich case i think we should all not regard Paris as the capital of France, just to mess with the French ^,^

Anyone notice how quickly jafar had to change the subject by asking a totally unrelated question?

Must have really PISSED jafar off today when Romney told the audience. Jerusalem IS the capital of Israel.

Wanna share your claims about Liking, or Loving Jewish people now Jafar???

07-29-2012, 10:33 PM
Romney also supports their right to defend themselves against enemies. Gotta love this guy. Hope his VP choice will go to Israel and suck up too.

07-29-2012, 11:42 PM
So a countries capital is only its capital if other nations say its so?

Inwhich case i think we should all not regard Paris as the capital of France, just to mess with the French ^,^

Despite the Israeli attempts at annexing Palestinian land, Jerusalem is still a disputed territory. They cannot legally claim it as their capital as it would mean that they are also illegally claiming the disputed areas for themselves.

Anyone notice how quickly jafar had to change the subject by asking a totally unrelated question?

Must have really PISSED jafar off today when Romney told the audience. Jerusalem IS the capital of Israel.

Wanna share your claims about Liking, or Loving Jewish people now Jafar???

No, but I might share my thoughts about Romney being a dangerous choice for a Presidential candidate who would be a disaster for the US and for the world.

Romney also supports their right to defend themselves against enemies. Gotta love this guy. Hope his VP choice will go to Israel and suck up too.

One wonders if he would support Iran's right to pre-emptively attack Israel due to the clear threat that is before them?

07-30-2012, 01:47 AM
Well, since Israel has only been around for 64 years, 3000 years is stretching the truth just a little.

What is the internationally recognised capital of Northern Ireland? You will then have your answer.

Hate to break this to you, but israel has existed since Jacob had 12 children.

07-30-2012, 01:49 AM
Despite the Israeli attempts at annexing Palestinian land, Jerusalem is still a disputed territory. They cannot legally claim it as their capital as it would mean that they are also illegally claiming the disputed areas for themselves.

No, but I might share my thoughts about Romney being a dangerous choice for a Presidential candidate who would be a disaster for the US and for the world.

One wonders if he would support Iran's right to pre-emptively attack Israel due to the clear threat that is before them?

Yeah. cause Judea clearly isnt a jewish territory.

07-30-2012, 09:58 AM
Romney also supports their right to defend themselves against enemies. Gotta love this guy. Hope his VP choice will go to Israel and suck up too.

I'm confused, maybe - but are you saying that if Romney states that Israel should have a right to defend themselves from enemies, that this is sucking up?

07-30-2012, 09:59 AM
No, but I might share my thoughts about Romney being a dangerous choice for a Presidential candidate who would be a disaster for the US and for the world.

Can you explain what you think this "danger" would be, specifically about Romney? And why you think he would be so different than past presidents, that it would be a disaster not just for the USA but also the world?

07-30-2012, 11:32 AM
I'm confused, maybe - but are you saying that if Romney states that Israel should have a right to defend themselves from enemies, that this is sucking up?

He's only in Israel to get the Jewish vote in America---wake up Jim !

07-30-2012, 12:01 PM
Despite the Israeli attempts at annexing Palestinian land, Jerusalem is still a disputed territory. They cannot legally claim it as their capital as it would mean that they are also illegally claiming the disputed areas for themselves.

...but if other countries did regard Jerusalem as the capital, ten it wouldn't be illegal, by your own terms.

Anyways, you didn't answer the question, is a countries capital determined only by other countries?

07-30-2012, 12:04 PM
He's only in Israel to get the Jewish vote in America---wake up Jim !

I always here talk if 'the Jewish vote...how big exactly is the Jewish political machine (in terms of votes, not money) I can never imagine it to be that great =/

Edit - okay, looking up some number, the larger estimates seem to put the Jews at 6 million. With the US population about 315 million.

Rounding down to 300 million (for ease) that makes the Jews about 2% of the population...an awful lot seems to go into get the vote of this 2% 0,o

07-30-2012, 12:09 PM
He's only in Israel to get the Jewish vote in America---wake up Jim !

Be that as it may, I still don't think that makes a difference to his comments. I can say right now, that ANY country has a right to defend themselves from an enemy. I just don't see it as sucking up. Let's suppose he WASN'T pandering for votes, would he then have said that it would be wrong for a country to defend themselves?

07-30-2012, 12:11 PM
I always here talk if 'the Jewish vote...how big exactly is the Jewish political machine (in terms of votes, not money) I can never imagine it to be that great =/

Edit - okay, looking up some number, the larger estimates seem to put the Jews at 6 million. With the US population about 315 million.

Rounding down to 300 million (for ease) that makes the Jews about 2% of the population...an awful lot seems to go into get the vote of this 2% 0,o

Talk to some nutters over here, they'll tell you that numbers like that don't matter, that the Zionists run the nation and perhaps rig the voting if necessary. Oh, and apparently they control every single mainstream media organization too!

07-30-2012, 01:09 PM
Deny if you wish but getting Jewish support means getting Jewish money.

07-30-2012, 01:18 PM
Deny if you wish but getting Jewish support means getting Jewish money.

Not sure who that's addressed to, but if me... Do you think it's inappropriate for ANY man to say a country has a right to defend themselves from an enemy? I know that you're trying to say that Romney made such comments in the name of Jewish money and votes - but that doesn't do anything to make his comments wrong/incorrect.

07-30-2012, 01:24 PM
Not sure who that's addressed to, but if me... Do you think it's inappropriate for ANY man to say a country has a right to defend themselves from an enemy? I know that you're trying to say that Romney made such comments in the name of Jewish money and votes - but that doesn't do anything to make his comments wrong/incorrect.

How could anyone in their right mind go to Israel and say anything BUT--" I support your right to defend yourself against your enemies " ? Especially when you want their money. Is there a country in the world who doesn't have that right? It's a no brainer and obvious pandering.

07-30-2012, 01:47 PM
How could anyone in their right mind go to Israel and say anything BUT--" I support your right to defend yourself against your enemies " ? Especially when you want their money. Is there a country in the world who doesn't have that right? It's a no brainer and obvious pandering.

I agree with what you're saying - but again, if you take away the pandering portion, there is still nothing wrong with his comments. Suppose he never went to Israel, doesn't even support them. But he makes a general claim while here in America, towards all countries in the world, that any one of them has the right to defend themselves from an enemy. HOW is there anything wrong with that comment? Just because he stated it in a place and manner that is beneficial to his campaign doesn't mean that the comment is wrong, incorrect or even politically incorrect. I think it's spot on for Israel, for any other nation and would be correct no matter who stated it.

07-30-2012, 01:54 PM
I agree with what you're saying - but again, if you take away the pandering portion, there is still nothing wrong with his comments. Suppose he never went to Israel, doesn't even support them. But he makes a general claim while here in America, towards all countries in the world, that any one of them has the right to defend themselves from an enemy. HOW is there anything wrong with that comment? Just because he stated it in a place and manner that is beneficial to his campaign doesn't mean that the comment is wrong, incorrect or even politically incorrect. I think it's spot on for Israel, for any other nation and would be correct no matter who stated it.

There's nothing wrong with the comment. It ranks right up there with "I support breathing". I was an idiot to think a non- politician type might come around to take on Obama but we're gonna get the same old shit. He's a clone

07-30-2012, 01:57 PM
There's nothing wrong with the comment. It ranks right up there with "I support breathing". I was an idiot to think a non- politician type might come around to take on Obama but we're gonna get the same old shit. He's a clone

So you want something different than Obama, we agree on that. So what did you expect, for him to say that didn't have the right to defend themselves? For him to avoid the subject altogether? For him to have not visited Israel? Of course it's a typical comment like your comparison, which is why I find it odd that anyone would take issue with it. Taking advantage of things in politics doesn't negate one from also speaking common sense.

07-30-2012, 02:14 PM
Hate to break this to you, but israel has existed since Jacob had 12 children.

The ancient Kingdom of Israel should not be confused with the current Zionist state which is not the same thing at all.

Can you explain what you think this "danger" would be, specifically about Romney? And why you think he would be so different than past presidents, that it would be a disaster not just for the USA but also the world?

The danger is to world peace but more specifically for peace prospects in Palestine. Israel captured Jerusalem in the 1967 war. Romney is contradicting past and current US policy that Tel Aviv is the capital of Israel. He is also endangering the peace process since the Palestinians also want East Jerusalem as their capital in the 2 state solution. Also, Israel's decision to claim Jerusalem in 1980 was condemned and resulted in a UN resolution against it. If Romney becomes president, a lot of people are going to die.

...but if other countries did regard Jerusalem as the capital, ten it wouldn't be illegal, by your own terms.

Anyways, you didn't answer the question, is a countries capital determined only by other countries?

Jerusalem is a disputed territory. Do you recognise the Palestinian claim also?

07-30-2012, 02:26 PM
So you want something different than Obama, we agree on that. So what did you expect, for him to say that didn't have the right to defend themselves? For him to avoid the subject altogether? For him to have not visited Israel? Of course it's a typical comment like your comparison, which is why I find it odd that anyone would take issue with it. Taking advantage of things in politics doesn't negate one from also speaking common sense.

Right--taking advantage of Jewish money. Maybe he will go to China and say what they want to hear too. We have Chinese voters too.

07-30-2012, 02:31 PM
Right--taking advantage of Jewish money. Maybe he will go to China and say what they want to hear too. We have Chinese voters too.

He didn't say simply what they wanted to hear. He spoke a fact that anyone would have stated, and anyone would have stated to any country. You're taking comments that are spot on 100% correct and cannot even be debated, and criticizing Romney for making them.

07-30-2012, 02:39 PM
He didn't say simply what they wanted to hear. He spoke a fact that anyone would have stated, and anyone would have stated to any country. You're taking comments that are spot on 100% correct and cannot even be debated, and criticizing Romney for making them.

The hell he didn't. What he said exactly what they wanted to hear. Are you really going to try to deny that he went there for the sole purpose of getting Jewish money and the Jewish vote ?

07-30-2012, 02:44 PM
Be that as it may, I still don't think that makes a difference to his comments. I can say right now, that ANY country has a right to defend themselves from an enemy. I just don't see it as sucking up. Let's suppose he WASN'T pandering for votes, would he then have said that it would be wrong for a country to defend themselves?

Obama will get at least 60% of Jewish vote, down about 10 points from 2008. However, he's not getting as much of the Jewish money that he did before, due to his actions and inactions.

07-30-2012, 02:47 PM
The hell he didn't. What he said exactly what they wanted to hear. Are you really going to try to deny that he went there for the sole purpose of getting Jewish money and the Jewish vote ?

And whether he said it there, or in Russia, or even made his comments regarding Russia, or said the same about Switzerland, or any country no matter where he was for that fact - the comment would remain the same and remain correct and appropriate. And we're not talking about him going there or anything else, so please don't obfuscate the issue, we're talking about the comments he made. They would be appropriate no matter where or why he stated them. Argue all you like about him perhaps pandering to Israel and Jewish voters, I won't debate that.

If Romney wasn't even running for election, the comments would still be made and still be appropriate. No matter how you slice it or explain it, or from what angle you approach it, or from what reasoning you give - his comments still end up being appropriate. But if you choose to believe speaking such an undeniable fact is somehow doing something wrong, or that more people will donate or support him, then so be it.

07-30-2012, 02:48 PM
Obama will get at least 60% of Jewish vote, down about 10 points from 2008. However, he's not getting as much of the Jewish money that he did before, due to his actions and inactions.

And even if Obama stated other countries reserve the right to protect themselves from an enemy, he would be correct too, whether stated from the WH or from the country he is speaking about, or even if he was fishing in the middle of a lake and speaking generally.

07-30-2012, 02:57 PM
And whether he said it there, or in Russia, or even made his comments regarding Russia, or said the same about Switzerland, or any country no matter where he was for that fact - the comment would remain the same and remain correct and appropriate. And we're not talking about him going there or anything else, so please don't obfuscate the issue, we're talking about the comments he made. They would be appropriate no matter where or why he stated them. Argue all you like about him perhaps pandering to Israel and Jewish voters, I won't debate that.

If Romney wasn't even running for election, the comments would still be made and still be appropriate. No matter how you slice it or explain it, or from what angle you approach it, or from what reasoning you give - his comments still end up being appropriate. But if you choose to believe speaking such an undeniable fact is somehow doing something wrong, or that more people will donate or support him, then so be it.

Jesus Christ, Jim. I never said it wasn't appropriate or incorrect. I'm saying it was a disgusting bit of pandering and cheapens the position of president if such a thing is possible. There is NO other country that even cares about hearing those correct and appropriate words. They are code words to Israel meaning we will support whatever Israel wants to do and pay for it too. Israel's influence on US politics is outrageous and just may be the end of us.

07-30-2012, 02:58 PM
Nothing any of us says here, pro, or con, for, or against Romney. We must not forget. There is nothing any of us can do to CHANGE what he said.

I find it interesting that Romney actually said, what Carney, and Obama are not willing to say in calling Jerusalem the Capital of Israel.

Of course. Romney knew where he was, and why he was there. Which also explains why he said what he did.

I see it as rather odd for Obama, who has not visited there. As the head of our nation, being so unwilling...Politically Speaking...to intentionally avoid saying what the Israeli people want, and need to hear from a U.S. President.
Much like the speech JFK gave in Berlin, or Reagan when he said 'Tear down this wall'. Obama is afraid of ruffling the feathers, or insulting HIS FRIENDS who claim to be Muslim like him.
Anyone who can't see the intent of Obama. Deserves to suffer under his rule, as laid out by the Muslim Brotherhood...who specify what he is permitted to say....

07-30-2012, 03:01 PM
I find it interesting that Romney actually said, what Carney, and Obama are not willing to say in calling Jerusalem the Capital of Israel.

Now, if someone took issue with his statement about the capital, that I could understand, and perhaps be construed as "sucking up" to them. But stating they have the right to defend themselves, not sucking up.

07-30-2012, 03:22 PM
The right to defend yourself has a whole different meaning in Israel.

Here's an example.


07-30-2012, 06:10 PM
The ancient Kingdom of Israel should not be confused with the current Zionist state which is not the same thing at all.

The danger is to world peace but more specifically for peace prospects in Palestine. Israel captured Jerusalem in the 1967 war. Romney is contradicting past and current US policy that Tel Aviv is the capital of Israel. He is also endangering the peace process since the Palestinians also want East Jerusalem as their capital in the 2 state solution. Also, Israel's decision to claim Jerusalem in 1980 was condemned and resulted in a UN resolution against it. If Romney becomes president, a lot of people are going to die.

Jerusalem is a disputed territory. Do you recognise the Palestinian claim also?

Sharia Man....there are no peace prospects for Palestine, only a simpleton still tries to sell that shit.

They don't want peace and you know it...now for a hard fact Jaffy.....YOUR people will doing the killing...and you won't have the balls to join them....so you'll cluck from the sideline like some self righteous kid and claim it's Romeny's fault. You disgust even your own people.

07-30-2012, 07:29 PM
Sharia Man....there are no peace prospects for Palestine, only a simpleton still tries to sell that shit.

They don't want peace and you know it...now for a hard fact Jaffy.....YOUR people will doing the killing...and you won't have the balls to join them....so you'll cluck from the sideline like some self righteous kid and claim it's Romeny's fault. You disgust even your own people.

Of course they want peace. I can't imagine anyone who would wish to live under occupation. They just want to go home and live in peace again.

BTW, I'm not Palestinian. I'm not even Arab.

07-30-2012, 07:40 PM
Of course they want peace. I can't imagine anyone who would wish to live under occupation. They just want to go home and live in peace again.

BTW, I'm not Palestinian. I'm not even Arab.

No, they don't want peace....they could have had it a hundred times over.

Never said you were, I said you were a muslim...and not a brave one either.

You won't do a thing to help your brothers in arms, and you won't condemn them and try and stop them from their practiced barbarity.

Your people would spit you out as lukewarm and we both know it.

07-31-2012, 12:00 AM
No, they don't want peace....they could have had it a hundred times over.

Never said you were, I said you were a muslim...and not a brave one either.

You won't do a thing to help your brothers in arms, and you won't condemn them and try and stop them from their practiced barbarity.

Your people would spit you out as lukewarm and we both know it.

You just don't understand the problem there do you?

They were forcefully evicted from their homes by foreign invaders and corralled into ghettos where they have been blockaded ever since.

Let's imagine Iran came in and took over most of the USA for themselves and forced everyone into Texas, built a fence around it and sent tanks and helicopters in every now and then.
Tell me how would you feel? Would you just accept Iranians rulling over every aspect of your life while they sat in your backyard and cooked kebabs on your BBQ and drank your beer, or would you fight to get your home back?

08-05-2012, 07:05 PM
You just don't understand the problem there do you?

They were forcefully evicted from their homes by foreign invaders and corralled into ghettos where they have been blockaded ever since.

Let's imagine Iran came in and took over most of the USA for themselves and forced everyone into Texas, built a fence around it and sent tanks and helicopters in every now and then.
Tell me how would you feel? Would you just accept Iranians rulling over every aspect of your life while they sat in your backyard and cooked kebabs on your BBQ and drank your beer, or would you fight to get your home back?

Wrong again. The arabs living there were told to get out by the other arab countries, because the other arab countries were planning to attack and wipe out the Jews. They weren't thrown out, they left voluntarily. Those that stayed became Israeli citizens and are doing just fine there. The pals expected to move back after all the Jews were dead. It didn't happen and the other arab countries wouldn't take them in. And still won't because they are nothing but pawns.

08-05-2012, 07:30 PM
In all fairness, it's a loaded question.
I suspect Obama believes it is Tel Aviv but he can't say that without pissing off the Israeli's any further

I wonder how Romney would respond to that question.

I'll give you 2-1 odds he says Jerusalem

08-05-2012, 08:14 PM
I'll give you 2-1 odds he says Jerusalem

​Easy odds V4R. We all know Romney already committed the deadly Obama sin, and told his audience...that applauded.

Anyone know if jafar is a comedy writer for people like George Soros?