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07-27-2012, 12:37 PM
Past and present has been saying some silly things, gaffes if you will, seeing how much y'all slammed Obama when he did the same, i'm surprised i haven't see any posts about it yet...

07-27-2012, 12:38 PM
Past and present has been saying some silly things, gaffes if you will, seeing how much y'all slammed Obama when he did the same, i'm surprised i haven't see any posts about it yet...

Which BO gaffe?

07-27-2012, 12:42 PM
I didn't want to start a thread on the topic, he's not doing well. However it seems Foreign Policy, which I cited quite often in the past, really is spinning here. I copied my post from elsewhere:

Unlike the 'context' of Obama's speech, in this case context makes a positive difference. I'm pretty shocked at Foreign Policy. And before anyone says something about Althouse, the 'context' is from the book the Foreign Policy took the graph from:

Althouse: "Romney book: Britain is a tiny island that makes stuff nobody wants." (http://althouse.blogspot.com/2012/07/romney-book-britain-is-tiny-island-that.html)

<!-- google_ad_section_start(name=default) --> July 26, 2012 "Romney book: Britain is a tiny island that makes stuff nobody wants." (http://althouse.blogspot.com/2012/07/romney-book-britain-is-tiny-island-that.html) That's the headline in Foreign Policy (http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/07/26/romney_book_britain_is_a_tiny_island_that_makes_st uff_nobody_wants), which is getting attention (according to Memeorandum (http://www.memeorandum.com/120726/p75#a120726p75)), especially after Romney supposedly said something that upset the Brits today. (Surveying the London Olympics, Romney saw "a few things that were disconcerting." (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/us-news-blog/2012/jul/26/mitt-romney-britain-gaffes) The Brits are keen to mock, and the mockery is magnified here in the U.S., because American media is inclined to boost Obama whenever the opportunity arises.)

Let's look at the paragraph Foreign Policy highlighted:

England [sic/[FP's sic]] is just a small island. Its roads and houses are small. With few exceptions, it doesn't make things that people in the rest of the world want to buy. And if it hadn't been separated from the continent by water, it almost certainly would have been lost to Hitler's ambitions. Yet only two lifetimes ago, Britain ruled the largest and wealthiest empire in the history of humankind. Britain controlled a quarter of the earth's land and a quarter of the earth's population.Oh, there's where they cut it off? Well, obviously he was in the middle of making a point. But you know the rule in journalism: Taking things out of context is okay when you do it to hurt conservatives. But I happen to have my Kindle copy of Romney's book "No Apology: Believe in America," (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0055X6EPW?ie=UTF8&tag=althouse-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=1789&creativeASIN=B0055X6EPW) so it's easy for me to give you the context. Here are the next 4 paragraphs:

Late in the eighteenth century, after the loss of their American colonies...Foreign Policy didn't want to remind us Americans that Britain antagonized us.

... the British set out to compensate for what had been lost, first by defeating Napoleonic France and then by expanding the reach of the crown in colonies from India to the tip of South America and from Africa to the islands of the Western Pacific. And all that imperialism by the British doesn't make them look too appealing.

Britain’s might was military, having built the most powerful navy the world had ever seen. But what enabled their military superiority was their industrial might. The British had pioneered the Industrial Revolution, and they enthusiastically promoted free trade, understanding the huge export potential for their products. By 1860, the nation’s economy was the biggest in the world. Here's the great compliment to the British, but you know there's a big but...

But maintaining leadership proved more difficult than achieving it. Whereas other nations extended the manufacturing revolution by embracing new technology and innovation, the British reversed course and tried to contain it. The country’s culture of class immobility stymied the entrepreneurialism and initiative that propel a competitive economy. Here's the serious critique.

From owner to laborer, the British were eager to protect the status quo. Industrialists secured subsidies for themselves and tariffs on foreigners rather than face foreign competition and technology head-on. When subsidies proved insufficient for the most unproductive businesses, the government took them over. The nation spent national resources to keep sick companies alive rather than inventing new ones and investing in those that were strong.

Britain’s economic missteps were compounded when it was forced to fight and endure the cost of two world wars. By the end of World War II, its national debt had tripled. Massive loans were required to shore up the ailing economy; they came from its former colony. Now Foreign Policy — a respected journal? — ends its out of context squib with snark: "Its roads and houses are small? The trees probably aren't the right height either." I'm giving you the whole context that Foreign Policy didn't want to deal with. It's about the British decline into socialism. What do you say we take that seriously?

Socialism/capitalism — that's how campaign 2012 has been framed. Let's stare that issue in the face. Sorry if the Brits' feelings are hurt, but this is about us.

07-27-2012, 12:44 PM
With the above the exception, he did step in it on the Olympics comment. Totally wrong to let hubris get the better of him. He needs better handlers.

07-27-2012, 12:44 PM
Past and present has been saying some silly things, gaffes if you will, seeing how much y'all slammed Obama when he did the same, i'm surprised i haven't see any posts about it yet...

Present, yes. Past, not really-see my post.

07-27-2012, 12:48 PM
lol "the brits are keen to mock" damn right xD

Indeed the Mayor of London, Boris, lead the mocking during his welcoming speech today at Hyde Park
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/QCjwUzZuF0s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

07-27-2012, 12:56 PM
Which BO gaffe?

Can't remember specifics, but i remember there being posts about it, i think one was something to do with and exchange of gifts, our PM at the time, Brown, gave Obama some rare/valuable items, Obama gave him back some DVDs, things like that. Stupid things, but things he was slammed for on these boards.

07-27-2012, 12:58 PM
Can't remember specifics...

Oh. Slam away then.

07-27-2012, 01:07 PM
The Daily Telegraph had this to say:
"“Mitt Romney is perhaps the only politician who could start a trip that was supposed to be a charm offensive by being utterly devoid of charm and mildly offensive,”"

It's not far off the mark. This trip was supposed to boost his foreign policy cred and he stumbled.
How bad will this hurt him? I don't think it will be all that bad. As I said before, this election is all about the economy which is still sluggish. All he has to do is get back to that and keep hammering Obama over it and this Euro gaffe will be forgotten.

07-27-2012, 01:10 PM
Can't remember specifics, but i remember there being posts about it, i think one was something to do with and exchange of gifts, our PM at the time, Brown, gave Obama some rare/valuable items, Obama gave him back some DVDs, things like that. Stupid things, but things he was slammed for on these boards.
This is true. I remember the post you are referring to. Turnabout is fair play here. You are correct in calling out Romney for what happened. As I noted in my post above. I won't argue with you, he screwed up.

07-27-2012, 01:30 PM
This is true. I remember the post you are referring to. Turnabout is fair play here. You are correct in calling out Romney for what happened. As I noted in my post above. I won't argue with you, he screwed up.

Yep, gave the Queen an ipod, with pictures loaded on it from her trip to US. He also loaded some of his speeches. She already had an ipod though for over 4 years. He gave David Brown a box set of American Classic Movies. I kid you not. Considering he thinks the brides and grooms should donate wedding gifts to his campaign, he must know that most people, unlike himself, are generous.

07-27-2012, 01:42 PM
Fox News' Bret Baier had a panel discussing this. Charles Krauthammer sums it up nicely:

" All the man has to do is say nothing, nothing in any of the stops on the trip. The statement of the trip is simply the places he's going to, England, and Poland, and Israel, all of which have been treated roughly and badly by Obama. All he has to do is show up and say wonderful stuff about his host, imply we're gonna be strong allies, and everybody in those countries and around the world will understand it's a rebuke without saying so, a silent rebuke to Obama...

It's like a guy in a 100-meter dash. All he has to do is to finish. He doesn't have to win. And instead he tackles the guy in the lane next to him and ends up disqualified. I don't get it."

Full transcript plus video below:

07-27-2012, 03:01 PM
With the above the exception, he did step in it on the Olympics comment. Totally wrong to let hubris get the better of him. He needs better handlers.

Absolutely agree. Romney is a smart man, but his people need to prepare him better in advance when venturing into situations he is unfamiliar with.

07-27-2012, 03:06 PM
Good ol' Boris ... he never misses a chance to hype London all he can. Now, there's a Brit with a capacity for undiluted and unashamed patriotic fervour, the likes of which we don't often see in the UK these days.

Perhaps that will change, even if only temporarily, during this period of the Olympics.

By the way, who here knows that, from birth, Boris held dual citizenship, part UK, part American ? He was born in New York City. He renounced the American side of it a few years ago, following an argument about travel requirements.


07-27-2012, 03:14 PM
Good ol' Boris ...

Hasn't he generally been a good/effective mayor? Even promoting some free-market solutions to London problems and being a proponent of the financial sector and limiting Euro regulation? I could however have that completely backward.

07-27-2012, 03:58 PM
I've seen a few screwups myself, or read about anyway. Definitely foot in mouth material, but not on the level of Biden. And Romney did come back with a lot of sucking about about the Olympics to make up for it! I think he'll do just as fine and if not better than Obama relating to foreign affairs, but he is showing that he's still a bit wet behind the ears. I didn't catch any video though - was he taped bowing to any of the leaders over there? :poke:

Maybe no one jumped up and down about any of the gaffe's, Noir, but I believe you'll find the majority of the conservatives here are fair about what they call out. Although it's continually denied, GWB was called out for a ton of shit during his Presidency.

07-27-2012, 05:35 PM
Hasn't he generally been a good/effective mayor? Even promoting some free-market solutions to London problems and being a proponent of the financial sector and limiting Euro regulation? I could however have that completely backward.

I basically agree. Certainly, Boris is way better than his frequently foul Leftie predecessor, Ken Livingstone . who racially abused a Jewish newspaper reporter and never apologised for it, followed through by inviting as a guest of London a certain notably anti-Semitic Egyptian .. see ...


Yusuf al-Qaradawi, an Egyptian national, is internationally infamous for his anti-Semitic views and has previously been banned from entering the United Kingdom following comments he made supporting suicide bombings against Israeli women. In the leaked tape Ken states that “the fact that the man believes Palestinians have a right to defend their nation does not make him a hate preacher.”

‘Sheikh’ al-Qaradawi has most recently been reported as saying Hitler was sent as “divine punishment” for the Jews, and opposes the existence of Israel.

Speaking from Westminster, Mike Freer MP said, “Even the most strident anti-Israeli campaigners have distanced themselves from Qaradawi and his repugnant views, but when his guard is down Ken continues to back him.

Ken’s behaviour is as extraordinary as it is offensive, blaming some sort of media conspiracy against Qaradawi rather than admitting he was wrong to invite him to City Hall when he was Mayor of London. This tape is a shocking reminder of his total lack of judgement.”

Responding to further questions from a Labour supporting audience concerned about his record with the Jewish community, Ken refuses to even support sanctions against Iran.

As if all that wasn't bad enough, he cultivated a friendship with fellow Leftie Hugo Chavez, doing a dodgy deal with him to see to it that London's buses were fuelled by Venezuelan oil ...


Ken Livingstone has signed an oil deal with Venezuela - providing cheap fuel for London's buses and giving cut price travel for those on benefits.
The mayor of London said the agreement will help provide half-price bus and tram travel to some 250,000 Londoners on income support.

The deal follows discussions between Mr Livingstone and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

All of this said, Boris isn't perfect ...


... but, then again ...


07-27-2012, 05:45 PM
Much ado over nothing, the Brits want no more of Obama.

We have 30 RAF in our Hotel, they perceive Preisdent Urkel as quite weak.

07-27-2012, 06:00 PM
Much ado over nothing, the Brits want no more of Obama.

We have 30 RAF in our Hotel, they perceive Preisdent Urkel as quite weak.

... and I'm not much inclined to argue. There will be those Brits, mostly Leftie holdouts, who'll argue that Obama is much misunderstood and maligned. But few Brtitish people these days have managed to preserve their belief in him, which they blindly adhered to when he was newly elected.

I'm sure that Boris now greatly regrets his formerly favourable opinion of him.

red state
07-27-2012, 06:17 PM
Yep, gave the Queen an ipod, with pictures loaded on it from her trip to US. He also loaded some of his speeches. She already had an ipod though for over 4 years. He gave David Brown a box set of American Classic Movies. I kid you not. Considering he thinks the brides and grooms should donate wedding gifts to his campaign, he must know that most people, unlike himself, are generous.

Yes, he most certainly should know. The UK's PM gave our "b.o." a pen holder or something to that nature that was constructed of the very wood from a slave ship. The last slave ship of Britain if memory serves me correctly. So, he gets a custom/one of a kind item with historic and ethnic importance and he shows his gratitude by having a White House staff member pick them up something from Target. That's REeeeaaaAAALL classy! Why did you have to bring that up Nor?

red state
07-27-2012, 06:26 PM
... and I'm not much inclined to argue. There will be those Brits, mostly Leftie holdouts, who'll argue that Obama is much misunderstood and maligned. But few Brtitish people these days have managed to preserve their belief in him, which they blindly adhered to when he was newly elected.

I'm sure that Boris now greatly regrets his formerly favourable opinion of him.

As we all....those stupid enough to vote for him anyway. I don't like who we have as White House "occupier" but at least my conscience is clean. HA!!!

*Never heard from the "ADDRESS" since demands were made. HA!!! You were so very RIGHT and my suspicions are still on target. THANKS!!!

red state
07-27-2012, 06:40 PM
I've seen a few screwups myself, or read about anyway. Definitely foot in mouth material, but not on the level of Biden. And Romney did come back with a lot of sucking about about the Olympics to make up for it! I think he'll do just as fine and if not better than Obama relating to foreign affairs, but he is showing that he's still a bit wet behind the ears. I didn't catch any video though - was he taped bowing to any of the leaders over there? :poke:

Maybe no one jumped up and down about any of the gaffe's, Noir, but I believe you'll find the majority of the conservatives here are fair about what they call out. Although it's continually denied, GWB was called out for a ton of shit during his Presidency.

Yeah...Mittens may be ObamaLITE but I don't see him bowing to anyone.3753

red state
07-27-2012, 06:43 PM
3754 yeah, he was awarded extremely well for his service to is-SLUM. Does anyone recall what the BLING represents. I bet jafar can explain it.

07-27-2012, 07:45 PM
*Never heard from the "ADDRESS" since demands were made. HA!!! You were so very RIGHT and my suspicions are still on target. THANKS!!!

Happy to have assisted, Redstate !

07-27-2012, 11:34 PM
I've seen a few screwups myself, or read about anyway. Definitely foot in mouth material, but not on the level of Biden. And Romney did come back with a lot of sucking about about the Olympics to make up for it! I think he'll do just as fine and if not better than Obama relating to foreign affairs, but he is showing that he's still a bit wet behind the ears. I didn't catch any video though - was he taped bowing to any of the leaders over there? :poke:

Maybe no one jumped up and down about any of the gaffe's, Noir, but I believe you'll find the majority of the conservatives here are fair about what they call out. Although it's continually denied, GWB was called out for a ton of shit during his Presidency.

Actually when I heard more of the interview I don't think Romney did so bad. Because of his experience he mentioned the areas that had been reported, that gave 'pause.' However in the majority he said the athletes are #1, and look to be good. Volunteers are #2 and already proven themselves. #3 is country support, that would be shown with opening.

Brian Williams just set him up.

Can't find the whole interview, but here it seems is a non-edited partial clip:


07-28-2012, 01:08 AM
oops see my post below

07-28-2012, 01:10 AM
Actually when I heard more of the interview I don't think Romney did so bad. Because of his experience he mentioned the areas that had been reported, that gave 'pause.' However in the majority he said the athletes are #1, and look to be good. Volunteers are #2 and already proven themselves. #3 is country support, that would be shown with opening.

Brian Williams just set him up.

Can't find the whole interview, but here it seems is a non-edited partial clip:

I agree, it's not bad. The problem is in the wording. Here's where he clearly went wrong.
1. Questioning London's ability to secure the Olympics. While he is factually correct in his concerns, he should not have voiced them.
2. Questioning whether or not the people of London will come together and celebrate the "Olympic moment"

Let's review my post #12 regarding what Charles Krauthammer said. With that I mind, I give you my answer to the question Brian asked "...you've been here in London, do they look ready to your experienced eye?"

All Romney had to say is along the lines of this:

"Brian, London is one of the greatest cities on Earth. Of course they're ready. The Olympic spirit is palpable here and I am really looking forward to the games"

At least something along those lines. That's all he had to do. Dish out a platitude to London to make Boris and her citizens happy and move on.

07-28-2012, 01:11 AM
[QUOTE=Kathianne;568773]Actually when I heard more of the interview I don't think Romney did so bad. Because of his experience he mentioned the areas that had been reported, that gave 'pause.' However in the majority he said the athletes are #1, and look to be good. Volunteers are #2 and already proven themselves. #3 is country support, that would be shown with opening.

Brian Williams just set him up.

Can't find the whole interview, but here it seems is a non-edited partial clip:

I agree, it's not bad. The problem is in the wording. Here's where he clearly went wrong.
1. Questioning London's ability to secure the Olympics. While he is factually correct in his concerns, he should not have voiced them.
2. Questioning whether or not the people of London will come together and celebrate the "Olympic moment"

Let's review my post #12 regarding what Charles Krauthammer said. With that I mind, I give you my answer to the question Brian asked "...you've been here in London, do they look ready to your experienced eye?"

All Romney had to say is along the lines of this:

"Brian, London is one of the greatest cities on Earth. Of course they're ready. The Olympic spirit is palpable here and I am really looking forward to the games"

At least something along those lines. That's all he had to do. Dish out a platitude to London to make Boris and her citizens happy and move on.

I agree wholeheartedly with both yourself and Krauthammer, I said so earlier. He waded when there was no need. Either he or handlers need to get stronger.