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View Full Version : Gun carrying man ends stabbing spree at Salt Lake grocery store

07-27-2012, 04:43 PM
Let's see how many ways this gets dismissed.

SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) - A citizen with a gun stopped a knife wielding man as he began stabbing people Thursday evening at the downtown Salt Lake City Smith's store.

Police say the suspect purchased a knife inside the store and then turned it into a weapon. Smith's employee Dorothy Espinoza says, "He pulled it out and stood outside the Smiths in the foyer. And just started stabbing people and yelling you killed my people. You killed my people."

Espinoza says, the knife wielding man seriously injured two people. "There is blood all over. One got stabbed in the stomach and got stabbed in the head and held his hands and got stabbed all over the arms."

Then, before the suspect could find another victim - a citizen with a gun stopped the madness. "A guy pulled gun on him and told him to drop his weapon or he would shoot him. So, he dropped his weapon and the people from Smith's grabbed him."

By the time officers arrived the suspect had been subdued by employees and shoppers. Police had high praise for gun carrying man who ended the hysteria. Lt. Brian Purvis said, "This was a volatile situation that could have gotten worse. We can only assume from what we saw it could have gotten worse. He was definitely in the right place at the right time."

Dozens of other shoppers, who too could have become victims, are also thankful for the gun carrying man. And many, like Danylle Julian, are still in shock from the experience. "Scary actually. Really scary. Five minutes before I walk out to my car. It could have been me."


red state
07-27-2012, 05:09 PM

Do you seriously think that we believe this!! I mean, come one now, you didn't say a word about the other dozen or so gun enthusiast nuts who pulled their evil guns and shot each other as well as the remainder of the folks there in a chaotic bit of gun play!!! Come on man! If you're gonna tell it....tell it LEFT! HA!!!! What idiots!!!! Even the questionable ICE-T knows his GOD given rights as a REAL American!!! FREE AMERICAN! I do hope that story isn't too old. There's a litmus test or age requirement for stories around here you know. HA!!!

Thank you SO MUCH for the thread. I had only heard about the 89 or so year old lady who was confronted at her home by to YOUNG thugs. Little did they know that she packed. Her late husband had a 38 (I believe) that he had passed on to her and she darn well needed it and knew how to use it apparently. HA!

Good for the guy who saved so many and good for the lil' ole lady who refused to be a victim.


red state
07-27-2012, 06:06 PM
It looks as though this one will go nowhere. For one, all those with common sense will simply read and say; "Good for him". Those with little to no common sense...those who spouted off about too much chaos from gun nuts shooting the place up at the Batman Shooting would have to eat crow and those who are undecided could care less either way.

Getting back to comments on the Batman Shooting, I still wish, in some way, we could go back in time and inform the cops that a mad man was indeed among them in that nice community BUT at the very least, it would have been nice if the guy in JIMNYC's story could have been at the theater that night and got a couple lucky shots within areas that the vest and face mask wasn't covering. But, it is done and the lil' libbie losers see it as an opportunity to force this Nation to become another European satellite instead of a light unto the world.

Hopefully nothing like this will EVER happen again BUT if it does, I hope all other incidents are dealt with as successfully as the story of this thread.

07-27-2012, 06:53 PM
It looks as though this one will go nowhere. For one, all those with common sense will simply read and say; "Good for him". Those with little to no common sense...those who spouted off about too much chaos from gun nuts shooting the place up at the Batman Shooting would have to eat crow and those who are undecided could care less either way.

Getting back to comments on the Batman Shooting, I still wish, in some way, we could go back in time and inform the cops that a mad man was indeed among them in that nice community BUT at the very least, it would have been nice if the guy in JIMNYC's story could have been at the theater that night and got a couple lucky shots within areas that the vest and face mask wasn't covering. But, it is done and the lil' libbie losers see it as an opportunity to force this Nation to become another European satellite instead of a light unto the world.

Hopefully nothing like this will EVER happen again BUT if it does, I hope all other incidents are dealt with as successfully as the story of this thread.

More than likely, the anti-knife crowd will call for stricter knife control and whine about Ginsu lobbying congress for Americans to retain their right to cut their meat and chop vegetables.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-27-2012, 06:55 PM
Here is what would have happened had I been there. I'd walked over to about 10-12 feet from the idiot and shot him twice in the center of his chest, then yelled , drop the knife. Out of two rounds one would have hit his heart and a 45 cal makes a damn big hole. Fear for my life would be my justification. Tough crap to any that do not like my stand , my justification or my attitude. -Tyr

07-27-2012, 09:44 PM
Guess we can all expect to soon hear about a new TV series called "Take a Knife to a Gun Fight".

Democrats, Liberals, and Progressives get to SHARPEN their skills with all sorts of SHARP objects to defend themselves against the Republican, Conservative, NRA members.

Whoever outlasts the SLICING and DICING, or the DRILLING OF .45 Cal projectiles between the eyes....Wins an all expense paid trip to watch OBAMA and his family....Load the U-HAUL in January of 2013.

(Remember the scene from Indiana Jones, and the Temple of Doom...Huge Knife vs. ONE SHOT PISTOL)

Anyone interested. Contact Press Secretary CARNEY and REVERSE THE CHARGES.

Mr. P
07-27-2012, 11:48 PM
Rubber knife, RED food coloring....arrest that guy that pulled a GUN, BUT DIDN'T SHOOT! HE'S a CRIMINAL!

07-28-2012, 01:31 AM
.... because vigilantism always ends well....

07-28-2012, 01:34 AM
.... because vigilantism always ends well....

I'm not saying I agree with some of our more boisterous members, but tell me, when has any position, 'ALWAYS' worked out well?

07-28-2012, 03:37 AM
I'm not saying I agree with some of our more boisterous members, but tell me, when has any position, 'ALWAYS' worked out well?

Like 'NEVER' ;)

07-28-2012, 05:42 AM
.... because vigilantism always ends well....

Stepping in and diffusing a situation with a gun, without even firing a shot, doesn't meet the definition of a vigilante in any respect. It's simply a man that was able to stop a criminal because he possessed a gun. I think most peoples definition of a vigilante would be someone who goes out of their way to AVENGE a crime after the fact. This was during the crime, and he hardly avenged it, just stopped him from stabbing further people and waited for law enforcement - which is another thing a vigilante wouldn't do, as a vigilante tends to believe he/she is above the law.

07-28-2012, 08:27 AM
.... because vigilantism always ends well....

ends much better than a guy continuing to stab people, don't you think?

07-28-2012, 03:23 PM
Great... this will probably lead to people in my career field needing background checks and permits to purchase and carry (in a knife roll/bag) that which is part of their income. That will lead to many unemployed, thus more job openings as anyone who has worked in commercial kitchens could tell you that plenty of co-workers couldn't pass the background checks...

red state
07-28-2012, 07:21 PM
Rubber knife, RED food coloring....arrest that guy that pulled a GUN, BUT DIDN'T SHOOT! HE'S a CRIMINAL!

You almost nailed it...how about the guy who caught a guy coming out of his neighbors window and fired into the air or in the ground because the thief continued to move (which is VERY dangerous for both when a FREEZE command has been given). That stupid drug addicted FAT@$$ that recently died certainly didn't know what the word FREEZE meant. Ha! And that led to the LA Riots!!!

Yes, it is very dangerous to risk pulling someone out of burning car or do what this guy who stopped the stabber. You never know if you're gonna get sued and I will be amazed if this 'vigilanti' isn't sued by someone in the crowd or by the stabber himself. By the way, does anyone know if the guy was a muSLUM after chanting/ranting what he was shouting at everyone? I suspect that he was muSLUM by the way jaFART chimed in. Thanks for lowering the intelligence level with that comment...I knew there had to be at least one lil' libbie loser gun controller out there. So, are you going to answer the question sent your way for that stupid comment you made? Again: "...ends much better than a guy continuing to stab people, don't you think?" Do you THINK? At all?

3766 I don't "THINK" so....