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View Full Version : Obama signs Exec Order for new bureaucracy for race-based quotas on school discipline

07-29-2012, 04:17 PM
Yes, yet another bureaucracy. Appaently the President thinks we don't have enough of them.

The EO is full of page after page of flowery language talking about how wonderfult the results of it will be - typical of liberal decrees the world over. Woven into the usual vague statements that the new bureaucracy will watch over theing, make regular reports, etc., are a few statements to the effect that it will make sure that school disciplinary measure are not "disproportionately" given to blacks.

If Obama trying to say that black sttudents are punished more because they are black? Or punished more because they misbehave more? If the former, does he have any particular evidence to back up the assertion? And if it's NOT the former, then why on earth is he establishing a quota for disciplinary actions?

This sounds to me like nothing more than another attempt to recite the usual talking point that whitey is out to get black people (no evidence given) and that government will dial back the punishment on black people whether they deserve it or not... vote for me.

The text of the Executive Order, signed on July 26, 2012, can be found at:

07-29-2012, 09:27 PM
We should all apply to the Rev. Al (notso)Sharpton School of Illiterate Racists, and get in on the new Obama Quota theory.
As for discipline. Is that a Joke?

Anton Chigurh
07-29-2012, 09:33 PM
The "soft" bigotry of lowered expectations continues unabated.