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View Full Version : Administration 'Doesn't Want All These Pink Slips Going Out 5 Days Before Election

07-31-2012, 07:24 PM
(CNSNews.com) - President Obama is trying to prevent thousands of layoff notices from going out a few days before the November election, Sen. Jame Inhofe (R-Okla.) said on Tuesday.

Obama's Labor Department on Monday issued "guidance" to the states, telling them that a federal law requiring advance notice of mass layoffs does not apply to the layoffs that may occur in January as a result of automatic budget cuts known as "sequestration."

Inhofe, appearing on Fox & Friends Tuesday morning, said President Obama, through his Labor Department, "is trying to intimidate businesses, companies, corporations -- not just defense contractors -- into not issuing the pink slips," which are required by federal law 60 days before mass layoffs or plant closings.

"(T)he president doesn't really want all these pink slips going out five days before the election," Inhofe said.

(Remainder of article at link below)


08-01-2012, 01:25 AM
Obama is such a weasle. Figures he is ham handedly trying to skirt rules to pull one over on the masses...

Common political tactic though. Bill Richardson did the same....waited until after he was elected for another term to then tell teachers they were going to lose a chunk of their pensions and also be expected to work x amount of extra years to collect their benefits. Bet they felt stupid for voting in blocks against their own interests too.