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View Full Version : Sickfransico libraries install porno screens , my how nice!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-31-2012, 10:41 PM

San Francisco library installs plastic screens for patrons to view online pornography
by Thaddeus Baklinski
Wed Jul 25, 2012 18:08 EST
Tags: pornography, san francisco

The library's "elegant solution."SAN FRANCISCO, July 25, 2012, (LifeSiteNews.com) - Rather than restrict access to pornography on its computers, the San Francisco Public Library has installed plastic privacy screens so visitors can view pornography more discreetly, according to a recent New York Times report.

“It’s for their privacy, and for ours,” said library spokeswoman Michelle Jeffers.

The move came in response to complaints from library patrons that some computer users were watching hard-core porn in full view of anyone who passed by.

A woman who was exposed to pornography after she passed someone watching hard-core pornography suggested that the library create specific areas or rooms for internet pornography users. But library officials told her that nothing like that would be done, although the facility has designated rooms such as the James Hormel Gay and Lesbian Reading Center that caters to homosexual clientele.

Instead, the library addressed the issue by installing 18 computer monitors with plastic hoods so that only the person using the computer can see what is on the screen.

Jeffers added that the library also intends to place signs near all its computers asking users to be “sensitive to other patrons,” a solution it prefers to placing network porn filtering software on its computers.

“We’re always looking for any kind of elegant solution that strikes a balance between the right to privacy and folks that want to use the library for any other intended purpose,” said head librarian Luis Herrera to local media

This is liberal thinking at its best. Dont outlaw porn watching in a public place, no sir, just make it easier to do!
Whats next, private booths there for gays to have sex in!!??-Tyr

Nell's Room
08-01-2012, 12:14 AM
People are obviously dumb if they can't just watch freaking porn at home on their own computers!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-01-2012, 10:13 AM
People are obviously dumb if they can't just watch freaking porn at home on their own computers!

Perhaps city government there wants more sex crime, more rapes and /or more buttsex!
Quite likely the city officials want to join in on a citywide orgy too.:laugh:
It's Sadfransicko what else can we expect?-Tyr

08-01-2012, 07:55 PM
Perhaps city government there wants more sex crime, more rapes and /or more buttsex!
Quite likely the city officials want to join in on a citywide orgy too.:laugh:
It's Sadfransicko what else can we expect?-Tyr

Tyr. I see this as merely another excuse, or way to collect an Upcoming New Tax for those who visit and Watch.

THAN FRAN THISCO will probably become the Anti-Chick-Fil-A Gay and Lesbian Version of The Canne PORNO Film Festival, right here in Obamaland.

08-02-2012, 09:30 PM
All comes down to a matter of personal opinion...i'm sure (for example) there would be a fair few that would be horrified at the idea that someone could go into a public library and image search 'babes in bikinis' and that would be considered acceptable.

08-02-2012, 09:52 PM
All comes down to a matter of personal opinion...i'm sure (for example) there would be a fair few that would be horrified at the idea that someone could go into a public library and image search 'babes in bikinis' and that would be considered acceptable.

It's a library, and IMO the computers should be used for similar, educational background and speedier access to materials that are on the shelves. They shouldn't be there like internet cafe's where people can come in and do as they please, and perhaps like to hide their tracks. It should be a place for resources. I'm sure those resources include much of the male/female anatomy and clothing and such, but shouldn't be for people to find porn or the latest issues of Maxim and FHM.