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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-02-2012, 06:29 PM

Georgia lumberyard owner hammers Obama on 'You didn't build that'
Posted by Anthony Heath on August 2, 2012 at 10:33amView Blog.
By Maegan Vazquez
Published August 01, 2012

President Obama's message to entrepreneurs that "you didn't build that" prompted one Georgia business owner to respond with a not-so-subtle retort.
"I built this business without gov't help. Obama can Kiss my ass," reads the sign outside Gaster Lumber & Hardware in Savannah, Ga. Owner Ray Gaster posted that and two similar ones at all three of his company's locations in response to Obama's comments during a speech to supporters in Virignia, which struck a nerve with small business owners around the nation.
"When I heard what he said, I said 'I'm going to give him an answer in Chicago language--something he's used to.'"- Ray Gaster

“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help," the president said at a campaign stop last month in Roanoke, Va.. "There was a great teacher somewhere in your life," he continued. "Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”
Since the comments created a firestorm, Obama's campaign has sought to put the comments in perspective, saying that Obama only meant that businesses rely on the community to flourish. Yet, his opponents have seized on the remarks, making them something of a small business rallying cry.
Gaster, a Vietnam veteran, told FoxNews.com he built his now 28-year-old business from the ground up.
"I started on my own," Gaster said. "The government wasn't there. We work long, hard hours and what he said is an insult to any businessman."
The sign has been criticized for its harsh language, but Gaster said that the rough words were necessary.
"When I heard what he said, I said 'I'm going to give him an answer in Chicago language--something he's used to,'" he told FoxNews.com. "If I would have said 'Dear Mr. President...' there wouldn't have been as strong of a response."

Guy is a Vietnam War veteran and dead on accurate with his criticisms of obama's idiotcy IMHO.-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-02-2012, 10:08 PM
Good 'ole boy from the South tells it like it is about obama's socialism.. The man has no fear of the liar that leads our nation.-Tyr

red state
08-03-2012, 09:52 AM
Get over it people! Barry Sorento merely "mis-spoke."

What B.O. will try to explain is the road system and other things that "allow" this guy and others to maintain business. What needs to be addressed to our liar in chief is the gov. regulations, restrictions and other anti-American and anti-business abuse that the gov. seems to have gone out of the way in making such businesses less than successful with solid evidence of CLOSING businesses nationwide. What I'd like to ask the 'occupier' in OUR house in D.C. is; "mr. Barry Sorento, is it not true that Mr. Gaster, through TAXES, paid for the roads he uses?" The fact of the matter is that B.O. knew exactly what he was saying and I see know way to justify B.O.'s comments. Hopefully, those who were ignorant enough to not see what this guy stood for and/or those who refused to see the dangers of what CAN happen (but supported B.O. in '08 anyway), will undo their mistake of 2008 and help provide one of the greatest political upsets in our history. This guy GOT Obl...good! Now, let's get him out of there! Obama-LITE (the white guy) isn't much to get excited about but he definitely wouldn't say such things to upset REAL Americans such as Mr. Gaster, who served our military. To make sure this doesn't happen again, we need to make it to where those who honorably served the military and those WITHOUT dual citizenship or a history of of a citizenship other than AMERICAN can run and serve as president. Allen West wouldn't make that kind of comment and he meets ALL of my expectations of what president should be.

Yeah...we "patriots" need to get over our hatred because it will not allow clear thinking. Just because a black man is in the WHITE House doesn't mean that we should cleanly pick every sentence he says or fear that we are (ARE) losing this Nation (one amendment at a time). We should get over things B.O. has said because he really doesn't mean it and he really can't help having all the questionable people in his life. We should simply overlook things such as: (1) "...it's not surprising then that THEY get bitter, THEY cling to guns or religion or to antipathy [HATE] towards people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain THEIR frustrations," (2) "...mY moo-slum faith...", and (3) Don't even get me on the MANY questionable characters within Obama's life (right down to B.O.'s cousin, Raila Odinga). It is clear that Barry Sorento sees our heritage, our Faith and our success as unfair and the people of America unworthy of success because of their HATE. Yes, if they can 'interpret' his constant mis-speakings, I can translate what most intelligent people can plainly see, read and hear.

Obama didn't simply mis-speak about the success of business owners needing "OTHERS" [GOV]...he means EVERY word he says just as he purposely refused to salute our flag during the National anthem. Yet, "WE" voted him in anyway. Will we continue to voter away our rights and freedoms after hearing such things as "YOU DIDN"T DO THAT"? It looks as thought we may.

Yes, B.O.'s REAL father would be VERY proud!!! B.O. meets all the requirements of a communistic organizer...he needs to GO!


08-03-2012, 09:54 AM
A photo for those who don't click on the link:


red state
08-03-2012, 10:09 AM
SSSsssshhhhhh....I hear the TAX MAN comin'


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-03-2012, 08:25 PM
SSSsssshhhhhh....I hear the TAX MAN comin'


I am sure that he knew the tax man would come if he trashed obama and yet he did so in no uncertain terms. That my friend is a true patriotic and brave American, Vietnam War vet. Guy most likely thinks of obama exactly like you and I do!-:beer:
Notice the media has been largely silent on this but had it been against Romney instead of obama it would have been major newscoverage/headlines for days..--Tyr