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View Full Version : Purple heart soldier fullfills vow to slain buddy to play college football!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-02-2012, 07:42 PM

Combat veteran aspires to play college footballDaniel Rodriguez, former Army sergeant and combat wounded veteran takes us on his journey from the military as he aspires to play college football. filmed on November 23 2011 www.wanderinghat.com TWITTER @danielrod88 TUMBLR http://danielrodriguez88.tumblr.com/ Combat veteran aspires to play college football
Daniel Rodriguez, former Army sergeant and combat wounded veteran takes us on his journey from the military as he aspires to play college football. More Daniel Rodriguez, former Army sergeant and combat wounded veteran takes us on his journey from the military as he aspires to play college football. filmed on November 23 2011

Purple Heart soldier fulfills vow to buddy to play college football
There's a "Rudy" in the making at Clemson University, with a more heart-tugging back story. Purple Heart winner Daniel Rodriguez survived the bloody attack on Kamdesh in Afghanistan in 2009; squadmate Kevin Thompson wasn't as lucky. Days before he died, though, Thompson made Rodriguez promise to pursue his dream of playing college football. With Clemson's help, Rodriguez cleared some academic hurdles and has been OK’d to walk on when practice starts Friday. Just 5 feet 8 inches tall, Rodriguez knows he's bucking some big odds, but he has one major booster: Clemson coach Dabo Swinney, who was a walk-on receiver himself at Alabama. "His background and story is an inspiration to us all," Swinney says. [Source]

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is the type of men we have in our military.--:beer:

:flyflag: Can not adequately post my pride in our having men like these guys to defend our nation!!!! ---Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-04-2012, 09:11 PM

Combat veteran aspires to play college footballDaniel Rodriguez, former Army sergeant and combat wounded veteran takes us on his journey from the military as he aspires to play college football. filmed on November 23 2011 www.wanderinghat.com TWITTER @danielrod88 TUMBLR http://danielrodriguez88.tumblr.com/ Combat veteran aspires to play college football
Daniel Rodriguez, former Army sergeant and combat wounded veteran takes us on his journey from the military as he aspires to play college football. More Daniel Rodriguez, former Army sergeant and combat wounded veteran takes us on his journey from the military as he aspires to play college football. filmed on November 23 2011

Purple Heart soldier fulfills vow to buddy to play college football
There's a "Rudy" in the making at Clemson University, with a more heart-tugging back story. Purple Heart winner Daniel Rodriguez survived the bloody attack on Kamdesh in Afghanistan in 2009; squadmate Kevin Thompson wasn't as lucky. Days before he died, though, Thompson made Rodriguez promise to pursue his dream of playing college football. With Clemson's help, Rodriguez cleared some academic hurdles and has been OK’d to walk on when practice starts Friday. Just 5 feet 8 inches tall, Rodriguez knows he's bucking some big odds, but he has one major booster: Clemson coach Dabo Swinney, who was a walk-on receiver himself at Alabama. "His background and story is an inspiration to us all," Swinney says. [Source]

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is the type of men we have in our military.--:beer:

:flyflag: Can not adequately post my pride in our having men like these guys to defend our nation!!!! ---Tyr

I've been trying to get my best friend to join here. He is a retired Vietnam era veteran that married my wife's cousin from Cebu Philippines.. He has visited here a few times reading only but in a phone call this morning he pointed to the lack of replies to this thread and stated it as yet another reason that he has not cared to come here. Seems that he thinks all Americans should be more patriotic and should openly support our military more!
I can't say that I disagree with that ....as I was surprised myself by the lack of interest in this story....
Just sayin'...-Tyr

08-04-2012, 09:27 PM
I've been trying to get my best friend to join here. He is a retired Vietnam era veteran that married my wife's cousin from Cebu Philippines.. He has visited here a few times reading only but in a phone call this morning he pointed to the lack of replies to this thread and stated it as yet another reason that he has not cared to come here. Seems that he thinks all Americans should be more patriotic and should openly support our military more!
I can't say that I disagree with that ....as I was surprised myself by the lack of interest in this story....
Just sayin'...-Tyr

It could be the story, the time of the week, bad month for certain members... But have him look at the very forum it's posted in, the "US Military". And it's 34 pages of awesomeness mostly. And look at the very top of the page, the "sticky" thread titled "Attention Veterans", so that they can check in and be accounted for. This board is full of veterans, although some haven't been around and some come and go. But we're proud of just how many vets post with us. You'll further see them with the "badges" next to their names when they post, as we want a special way of acknowledging those who served our country.

I'm extremely proud to share this place with so many of them. And feel privileged to have been able to read so many cool stories from these men and women. We're certainly not short on patriotism here, nor our acknowledgement for our Vets. We even have the young ones reporting in! One was quite defiant and came back not too long ago to share a picture of himself, graduating from the Marines! Then we have a young liberal girl we watched graduate from HS and ROTC and off to boot camp.

Just have him read this one forum for starters. That one post doesn't represent the boards patriotism or respect to our men and women in uniform, past and present.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-06-2012, 06:24 PM
It could be the story, the time of the week, bad month for certain members... But have him look at the very forum it's posted in, the "US Military". And it's 34 pages of awesomeness mostly. And look at the very top of the page, the "sticky" thread titled "Attention Veterans", so that they can check in and be accounted for. This board is full of veterans, although some haven't been around and some come and go. But we're proud of just how many vets post with us. You'll further see them with the "badges" next to their names when they post, as we want a special way of acknowledging those who served our country.

I'm extremely proud to share this place with so many of them. And feel privileged to have been able to read so many cool stories from these men and women. We're certainly not short on patriotism here, nor our acknowledgement for our Vets. We even have the young ones reporting in! One was quite defiant and came back not too long ago to share a picture of himself, graduating from the Marines! Then we have a young liberal girl we watched graduate from HS and ROTC and off to boot camp.

Just have him read this one forum for starters. That one post doesn't represent the boards patriotism or respect to our men and women in uniform, past and present.

Well, be that as it may this thread has recieved only you offering a reply. Something my friend has three times now remarked on. I get why he thinks tha way , he was Vietnam War vet that apparently saw a rough time when he came home from war, with idiots calling him baby killer and scum of the earth. Even a hardened Marine can be affected by such hatred coming from one's fellow citizens. Of course my other Marine friend(now deceased) , a Korean War Vet always said about such idiots, "fuck 'em feed 'em fishheads!"! Jim, you would have loved that guy! He had balls of steel and a quick wit sharp as scapel.. Told me some stories of what having to kill to survive is really all about. Damn sure wasnt bragging but told it like it was, men in battle get hard real quick for its the best way to increase chances of survival and the enemy was ruthless as hell. I surely miss my friend he died 2001 after raising a fine family of kids all of which were college graduates that have done very well in life...-Tyr

08-06-2012, 06:38 PM
I admire that story very much. I feel deeply for a fellow veteran. But. We must all remember as veterans. There are Literally THOUSANDS of our fellow vets who will remain in the shadows, and fall into the cracks most of us know to be the VA.
Thousands of our brethren are still un-treated, and even lost after they returned home from Vietnam only to find. The America they thought they were defending...Wasn't willing to do the same for them.
Look at the huge numbers of veterans with PTSD and other mental, or brain trauma many of them FEAR REPORTING...knowing what the ramifications of such medical status can, and does INSTANTLY put their military career on hold, or it terminates it...without recourse, and the broken promises from a Washington Administration/Congress who only pays LIP SERVICE to veterans WHEN IT LOOKS GOOD in the News.

I apologize for ranting here. I know jimnyc didn't intend for this to happen. But ALL OF US. Veterans, and Civilians NEED TO WAKE UP.
Obama, his wife, and the Democrats in Congress DO NOT CARE. HAVE NEVER CARED, AND WILL NOT CARE IN THE FUTURE about Veterans.

Ask any veteran who must wade through the RED TAPE of the VA experience to be honest with you, and see if they believe OBAMA is being honest with America, and American veterans.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-06-2012, 06:52 PM
I admire that story very much. I feel deeply for a fellow veteran. But. We must all remember as veterans. There are Literally THOUSANDS of our fellow vets who will remain in the shadows, and fall into the cracks most of us know to be the VA.
Thousands of our brethren are still un-treated, and even lost after they returned home from Vietnam only to find. The America they thought they were defending...Wasn't willing to do the same for them.
Look at the huge numbers of veterans with PTSD and other mental, or brain trauma many of them FEAR REPORTING...knowing what the ramifications of such medical status can, and does INSTANTLY put their military career on hold, or it terminates it...without recourse, and the broken promises from a Washington Administration/Congress who only pays LIP SERVICE to veterans WHEN IT LOOKS GOOD in the News.

I apologize for ranting here. I know jimnyc didn't intend for this to happen. But ALL OF US. Veterans, and Civilians NEED TO WAKE UP.
Obama, his wife, and the Democrats in Congress DO NOT CARE. HAVE NEVER CARED, AND WILL NOT CARE IN THE FUTURE about Veterans.

Ask any veteran who must wade through the RED TAPE of the VA experience to be honest with you, and see if they believe OBAMA is being honest with America, and American veterans.

My friend you have nothing to apologise for in speaking your mind. You defended this nation with your Naval service while most of those that criticise our military have not done one thing beneficial to this nation which has insured their lives and freedoms~! Many of them have done just the opposite of service by living like a big fat leech attached to a fat dog's ass! Speak your mind, I do... -:salute:-Tyr

08-06-2012, 06:53 PM
It could be the story, the time of the week, bad month for certain members...

Or it could be that no one really cares about Tyr's threads. Since no one expects him to post anything that's not hateful or totally lame.

08-06-2012, 06:56 PM
Or it could be that no one really cares about Tyr's threads. Since no one expects him to post anything that's not hateful or totally lame.

gabby. Were you born that disturbed, or have you been working on it for a few years?

On the other hand. Never mind. But thanks once again for demonstrating how little intelligence is required to SAY NOTHING.

08-07-2012, 07:19 AM
This board has many, many vets that post. Some of us are old and cranky, some of us are young and cranky. I can honestly say that veterans are more than welcome here and respected too. There are some posters who apparently hold some contempt for veterans but they are rare.

I would point out however, that just because you are a veteran does not mean your opinion/posts are any more special than anyone else's posts. If you post BS, others here will call you on it. If you troll, you can expect the troll killers to come out in droves. Converseley, whether you are a vet or not, if you post your opinion in a reasonable and respectful manner you will receive replies in kind. Courteous and respectful debate is a genuine delight when it happens; I am not talking about a mutual admiration society either.

I am a veteran. I post on this board (and only this board). I like it here.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-07-2012, 08:03 AM
Or it could be that no one really cares about Tyr's threads. Since no one expects him to post anything that's not hateful or totally lame.

Project much???:laugh2:
Thread was not about me genius.
It is about other REAL PEOPLE! Keep trying and maybe after a decade or two you'll figure it out.:laugh:-Tyr