View Full Version : Ever been banned from a message board?

08-04-2012, 05:23 PM
And if so, how did you handle it? Did you just call it a day and move along? Did you create another account to get back on the site? Go elsewhere and tell the world how much the site sucks? Call the owner and complain out loud? Send emails showing how upset you are? Send instant messages to be heard?

I've seen and heard it all! I thought this would be hilarious to discuss! No mentioning of names and other sites, just funny stories. If others kind of figure out what you're speaking of, so be it, just leave it at that.

I thought I would maybe write a book someday. The drama that comes with the ban button on forums is downright funny at times, and turns some grown men into sniveling babies and has grown women speaking like sailors!

08-04-2012, 05:41 PM
I'm a liberal. Most message boards are conservative. So do the math. :laugh2:

I've been banned from every kind of board from American Patriots Forum (quickest ban trigger on the net) to Democratic Underground. I was banned from a woman's baseball forum for being a Yankees hater.
My first message board was just for teenage girls. I got banned from that one multiple times. Mostly for being a bitch.
I've been banned from this forum (and it's predecessor) more than a few times.
I never go back to where I have permanently banned. Better to just move on.

08-04-2012, 05:41 PM
Never been banned from a message board.
Although, there is one spot in SoCal I have been legally banned from ever entering again lol.

08-04-2012, 05:46 PM
Never been banned from a message board.
Although, there is one spot in SoCal I have been legally banned from ever entering again lol.

Oh come on, I was only kidding with you. Just don't insult my meat loaf again. :cool:

08-04-2012, 05:49 PM
Oh, and to answer my own post, I've been banned a few times! Of course I was banned a couple of times from democratic underground. That's probably on all of our lists, even most democrats! LOL

I was banned from another political board as well. Admittedly I did break the rules. I was hoping that my post would squeak through, as the lovely girl I was replying to was notorious for trolling the entire place. So I thought maybe my post telling her what a stupid fuck she was would skate. I was wrong! Did I think it was wrong? To an extent, but what I did do was in fact against their rules. Did I think they may have been a little biased? IMO, yes to an extent. The twit I was replying to was more or less worthless and a troll, but was a supporter of Democrats, and was rarely moderated herself. But even if that was my opinion, I took the hint and never looked back. I think I may have peeked in a few times to see how the board as a whole was fairing, but never attempted to go back and never emailed to complain.

Other than that I've been pretty good at avoiding having myself moderated. I think it's because of my fucking pleasant disposition!

08-04-2012, 05:51 PM
I'm a liberal. Most message boards are conservative. So do the math. :laugh2:

I've been banned from every kind of board from American Patriots Forum (quickest ban trigger on the net) to Democratic Underground. I was banned from a woman's baseball forum for being a Yankees hater.
My first message board was just for teenage girls. I got banned from that one multiple times. Mostly for being a bitch.
I've been banned from this forum (and it's predecessor) more than a few times.
I never go back to where I have permanently banned. Better to just move on.

The first bold - where were you, a Yankee forum? Most fans do hate the Yankees 'cept for Yankees fans!

As for the second bold portion, I NEVER would have guessed that. You're always so full of sunshine when you come here!

08-04-2012, 05:52 PM
Never been banned from a message board.
Although, there is one spot in SoCal I have been legally banned from ever entering again lol.

Oh boy, gotta hear this one! What did you do?

08-04-2012, 05:56 PM
There was one conservative board that I was banned from without making a post. Their rules dictated the first ten posts made by every new member had to be approved by a moderator before it was posted. I never made it to ten. :rolleyes:

On another board, there was supposed to be no rules. Everyone was free to say what they wanted. One guy asked me if I had trouble walking around, since all liberals were AIDS-ridden faggots. I replied "Did you find this out because your dad died of AIDS?"
Turned out his father had indeed died. From AIDS.

08-04-2012, 06:04 PM
There was one conservative board that I was banned from without making a post. Their rules dictated the first ten posts made by every new member had to be approved by a moderator before it was posted. I never made it to ten. :rolleyes:

On another board, there was supposed to be no rules. Everyone was free to say what they wanted. One guy asked me if I had trouble walking around, since all liberals were AIDS-ridden faggots. I replied "Did you find this out because your dad died of AIDS?"
Turned out his father had indeed died. From AIDS.

Now you know why it's a wise idea not to talk smack about people not on the board and also about family members!

If I joined a board, made my first post and found out they were moderating them before going live, I wouldn't have made it to a second post. Sometimes moderation is useful, but that would be a pain in the ass and a turn off to new members. People come to share opinions. If their very first one isn't "heard", they're more than likely going to leave.

08-04-2012, 06:04 PM
Never. Everybody loves me.

08-04-2012, 06:11 PM
Never. Everybody loves me.

I should ban you just for the humor value now. :lol:

08-04-2012, 06:43 PM
Currently serving a ban until 8-7-2012 (3 days)

all I did was tell someone to SHUT THEIR PIE HOLE... they called it an insult...

Amazing the lack of perspective some people have......

08-04-2012, 06:47 PM
Yes...I have. And I'm sure some of you men may sneer at this but I laughed my ass off anyway. I used to visit a recap board for TV shows. Television without pity. The recaps were full of mocking and snark (which I thought was actually better than the shows). One of them was about Charmed. From that board I learned that one of the actresses on that show had her own forums called SS. So I checked it out....around the time cat fights broke out on the set of the show.

At any rate. The sight was owned by a crackpot stage mom...who would post these outrageously barfy self aggrandizing posts about her kid....and then all the lemmings would chime in telling her how great she was to have given birth to this marvel of nature. Gag LOL

Later she would post more self aggrandizing posts trashing the other actresses and their fans...again all the brain damaged lemmings chiming in. Every once in awhile her self absorbed twit daughter would show up for a monthly butt kissing fest and post retarded supposedly poetic/artsy fartsy 'thoughts'. It really was gross.

I told her she was an obnoxious self absorbed twit. :coffee:

08-04-2012, 06:48 PM
Currently serving a ban until 8-7-2012 (3 days)

all I did was tell someone to SHUT THEIR PIE HOLE... they called it an insult...

Amazing the lack of perspective some people have......

Wow, I hope you said it differently than "pie hole", as that would be kinda harsh, 3 days for that?

08-04-2012, 06:53 PM
Yes...I have. And I'm sure some of you men may sneer at this but I laughed my ass off anyway. I used to visit a recap board for TV shows. Television without pity. The recaps were full of mocking and snark (which I thought was actually better than the shows). One of them was about Charmed. From that board I learned that one of the actresses on that show had her own forums called SS. So I checked it out....around the time cat fights broke out on the set of the show.

At any rate. The sight was owed by a crackpot stage mom...who would post these outrageously barfy self aggrandizing posts about her kid....and then all the lemmings would chime in telling her how great she was to have given birth to this marvel of nature. Gag LOL

Later she would post more self aggrandizing posts trashing the other actresses and their fans...again all the brain damaged lemming chiming in. Every once in awhile her self aborbed twit daughter would show up for a monthly butt kissing fest and post retarded supposedly poetic/artsy fartsy 'thoughts'. It really was gross.

I told her she was an obnoxious self absorbed twit. :coffee:

No sneering here, I thought it was kinda funny! I used to have a lot of friends like that on Facebook, who would do nothing more than brag about their kids and every little detail of their lives. And I say "used to", because I deleted all of them so I didn't have to read that crap anymore.

08-04-2012, 06:57 PM
Wow, I hope you said it differently than "pie hole", as that would be kinda harsh, 3 days for that?

I told the person....

I wasnt speaking to you...SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE.

they're idiots over there....

08-04-2012, 07:19 PM
Oh come on, I was only kidding with you. Just don't insult my meat loaf again. :cool:
Gabby's meatloaf...
Anyone want to help me out here?

08-04-2012, 07:31 PM
Oh boy, gotta hear this one! What did you do?
Funny story but only appreciated in person, around a camp fire, with a case of beer.
I'll just give you the punchline. It ended up with me and my best friend picking up trash at the local dump.

Let me say that again, I spent 6 months picking up trash at the dump


Good times!

08-04-2012, 07:43 PM
Funny story but only appreciated in person, around a camp fire, with a case of beer.
I'll just give you the punchline. It ended up with me and my best friend picking up trash at the local dump.

Let me say that again, I spent 6 months picking up trash at the dump


Good times!

Damn, 6 months? Was it somehow trash related, and that's why that particular punishment? Or was it like a community service thing? That's a pretty long time to make up for any offense!

08-04-2012, 07:58 PM
And if so, how did you handle it? Did you just call it a day and move along? Did you create another account to get back on the site? Go elsewhere and tell the world how much the site sucks? Call the owner and complain out loud? Send emails showing how upset you are? Send instant messages to be heard?

I've seen and heard it all! I thought this would be hilarious to discuss! No mentioning of names and other sites, just funny stories. If others kind of figure out what you're speaking of, so be it, just leave it at that.

I thought I would maybe write a book someday. The drama that comes with the ban button on forums is downright funny at times, and turns some grown men into sniveling babies and has grown women speaking like sailors!

I was banned on what was becoming a LIBERAL CAMP GROUND where they insisted they would use the IGNORE feature against me. But due to their immature attitudes. They just couldn't abide by their own rules long enough.
By now. The place where I was banned has probably...also banned the entire Dictionary as they were declaring NEARLY every word spoken by others they didn't like as School Yard Insults.

How did I handle it?
No problem. Found something more useful to do, and much more educational as well. Dealing with my grandchildren. All of whom are far more Mature than those who banned me.

08-04-2012, 08:02 PM
And if so, how did you handle it? Did you just call it a day and move along? Did you create another account to get back on the site? Go elsewhere and tell the world how much the site sucks? Call the owner and complain out loud? Send emails showing how upset you are? Send instant messages to be heard?

I've seen and heard it all! I thought this would be hilarious to discuss! No mentioning of names and other sites, just funny stories. If others kind of figure out what you're speaking of, so be it, just leave it at that.

I thought I would maybe write a book someday. The drama that comes with the ban button on forums is downright funny at times, and turns some grown men into sniveling babies and has grown women speaking like sailors!

I forgot to answer your first paragraph. No...if banned I would never contact the site and beg to be reinstated...done is done IMO. As a matter of fact... in all of the years I have visitied boards...it never even crossed my mind to contact mods over disputes and/or try to get others in trouble or banned at all...ever. People who do that are cowards IMO. I think I have maybe reported 1 post (here) and 2 posts/ 1 visitor message elsewhere asking for them to be deleted (that's it...from my whole MB experience)...one post in question was my own...the other a birthday thread someone posted for me. I did email the owners of another board asking a question about board rules and regulations though...they blew me off (which I totally expected they would do).

08-04-2012, 08:06 PM
Damn, 6 months? Was it somehow trash related, and that's why that particular punishment? Or was it like a community service thing? That's a pretty long time to make up for any offense!
Community service thing, weekends only for 6 months. Not as bad as it sounds.
Know what the 2 most common items we found picking up trash at the dump?

Diapers and Porn.
No shit.

The worst were the guys that actually worked at the dump. We got to know them and they dished out their porn to us at lunchtime.
Good lord, that was some nasty stuff lol

08-04-2012, 08:13 PM
Community service thing, weekends only for 6 months. Not as bad as it sounds.
Know what the 2 most common items we found picking up trash at the dump?

Diapers and Porn.
No shit.

The worst were the guys that actually worked at the dump. We got to know them and they dished out their porn to us at lunchtime.
Good lord, that was some nasty stuff lol

The porn was probably tossed out during a weak starry eyed moment...with a new girlfriend/love interest.

My ex dumped his huge collection of playboys right before we moved in together. Bet he regretted that for a very very long time. :)

08-04-2012, 08:37 PM
No sneering here, I thought it was kinda funny! I used to have a lot of friends like that on Facebook, who would do nothing more than brag about their kids and every little detail of their lives. And I say "used to", because I deleted all of them so I didn't have to read that crap anymore.

Facebook is pretty interesting. Through it I have learned that I have two pretty self centered friends myself....one of which is obsessed with pictures of her feet and reminding the world about how much money she has. She also apparently likes to stalk the band members from Train and Johnny Depp. :laugh:

08-04-2012, 08:53 PM
And if so, how did you handle it? Did you just call it a day and move along? Did you create another account to get back on the site? Go elsewhere and tell the world how much the site sucks? Call the owner and complain out loud? Send emails showing how upset you are? Send instant messages to be heard?

I've seen and heard it all! I thought this would be hilarious to discuss! No mentioning of names and other sites, just funny stories. If others kind of figure out what you're speaking of, so be it, just leave it at that.

I thought I would maybe write a book someday. The drama that comes with the ban button on forums is downright funny at times, and turns some grown men into sniveling babies and has grown women speaking like sailors!


08-04-2012, 08:55 PM
Oh, and to answer my own post, I've been banned a few times! Of course I was banned a couple of times from democratic underground. That's probably on all of our lists, even most democrats! LOL!

I couldn't stomach DU long enough to get banned. I can't even say I ever even posted something ... just reading the craziness there was a huge turnoff.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-04-2012, 08:56 PM
I posted on a board for over 5 years and was banned three times, all three bannings were in the first two years.. No explaination was ever given and I could find only one possible cause in one of the bannings, that was a possible case of using two SYI'S (School Yard Insult) within a 24 hour period. However twice I couldnt log in for 7 to 10 days at a time but was told I hadnt officially been banned upon my return! Aboutime is right they have likely now got to banning any negative word from --BOO-- right on down! The kicker there was that it was all so selective, being that the conservatives where held to a standard at least 20 times more strict than that of the liberals . My last 3 years there I got no bans because I found a way to get my jabs in without breaking the idiotic rules ! Quite a feat if one knew just how damn biased they were there! It just kept getting worse there.
I left there and came here recently because they wrongly perma-banned a friend of mine on a very obvious trumped up charge. I STAYED FOR MANY WEEKS TRYING TO GET MY FRIEND REINSTATED, BUT NO DICE . With just over 5 years and over 12,000 posts there I chose to leave on principle! A man is nothing if he has no HONOR!
HAHA, I was once fired and banned from a busy club for fighting too much, really funny since I was one of three bouncers there! I was the one that actually did my job while the other two mostly kissed ass and played Casanova's.
I was young back then and went back there about 7 months later to test the ban and was welcomed back if I promised to behave. I did for about 2 months then trouble found me and I solved that problem rather quickly never went back after that! I had to knock the owners lights out for putting his hand up my date's dress(she lived with me at the time) while I was away from the table! She was crying , he was acting as if it was a joke. I DIDNT PLAY JOKES LIKE THAT BACK THEN! He found that out the hard way and should have known better to start with ...but who wasnt wild as hell when young?-Tyr

08-04-2012, 09:01 PM
Damn. A lot of board whores around here. I've only ever been a member of four political boards, one now defunct, and one hometown (Chillicothe Ohio) social board. Of those, I only check in on two with any regularity.

08-04-2012, 09:09 PM
I'm not sure, but I think Abbey and I created a whole lot of trouble on one board (was reality TV show board) .... tons of liberals but being the sweet conservative ladies that we are, we are incapable of breaking silly rules. ;)

08-04-2012, 09:34 PM
Never been banned; don't think I'd care if I was though. The few boards I've been to have a perspective which I can atone to; if I failed, wasn't meant to be.
Never done the Facebook thing; I wonder if anybody's ever been banned there.

Currently serving a ban until 8-7-2012 (3 days)

all I did was tell someone to SHUT THEIR PIE HOLE... they called it an insult...

Amazing the lack of perspective some people have......
Thats the thing about perspective; say it was a baking forum...Thems fighting words. :laugh:

08-05-2012, 12:46 AM
I'm trying to remember if Jim banned me way back when? I don't think so, just took a lot of smack talk from everyone. LOL!

08-05-2012, 01:22 AM
I posted on a board for over 5 years and was banned three times, all three bannings were in the first two years.. No explaination was ever given and I could find only one possible cause in one of the bannings, that was a possible case of using two SYI'S (School Yard Insult) within a 24 hour period. However twice I couldnt log in for 7 to 10 days at a time but was told I hadnt officially been banned upon my return! Aboutime is right they have likely now got to banning any negative word from --BOO-- right on down! The kicker there was that it was all so selective, being that the conservatives where held to a standard at least 20 times more strict than that of the liberals . My last 3 years there I got no bans because I found a way to get my jabs in without breaking the idiotic rules ! Quite a feat if one knew just how damn biased they were there! It just kept getting worse there.
I left there and came here recently because they wrongly perma-banned a friend of mine on a very obvious trumped up charge. I STAYED FOR MANY WEEKS TRYING TO GET MY FRIEND REINSTATED, BUT NO DICE . With just over 5 years and over 12,000 posts there I chose to leave on principle! A man is nothing if he has no HONOR!
HAHA, I was once fired and banned from a busy club for fighting too much, really funny since I was one of three bouncers there! I was the one that actually did my job while the other two mostly kissed ass and played Casanova's.
I was young back then and went back there about 7 months later to test the ban and was welcomed back if I promised to behave. I did for about 2 months then trouble found me and I solved that problem rather quickly never went back after that! I had to knock the owners lights out for putting his hand up my date's dress(she lived with me at the time) while I was away from the table! She was crying , he was acting as if it was a joke. I DIDNT PLAY JOKES LIKE THAT BACK THEN! He found that out the hard way and should have known better to start with ...but who wasnt wild as hell when young?-Tyr

The highlighted is very true. A board I used to post on has mods with the biggest damn ego's I have ever seen. Wonder if they were always like that or if their fake internet power went straight to their peckers? LOL

Totally biased...and then find the need to lie about it like it is some huge secret that needs protecting. I just think it is funny as hell. Some posters can ask a question that they interpret as "questioning a mods action" ...boom banned on the spot.

Then their little ass kissy buddies can openly and blatantly undermine the board rules for days on end like little whiny 2 year olds...*crickets*.

Once they had a huge board war because a few of the "supporting members" got their knickers in a knot because the admin would not ban posters they deemed 'racists'. This was actually the first time that I realized that the nitwit posters there felt that donating money every month meant they could tell the board owners what to do with their board.

A huge reason I never donated money to that board too BTW.

08-05-2012, 06:23 AM
Been banned a few times, mostly from religious boards when they got tired of me, and a few times from a social forum - once for engaging in 'sexually elicit behaviour and/or cybering' (though I genuinely have no idea what that was in reference too xD) and that's about it. I've never gone back to the religious forums, and I just remake accounts on the social ones.

08-05-2012, 06:50 AM
been banned from an ultra-liberal board I visit twice now.....I dealt with it by spending more time here.....

08-05-2012, 06:53 AM
And if so, how did you handle it? Did you just call it a day and move along? Did you create another account to get back on the site? Go elsewhere and tell the world how much the site sucks? Call the owner and complain out loud? Send emails showing how upset you are? Send instant messages to be heard?

I've seen and heard it all! I thought this would be hilarious to discuss! No mentioning of names and other sites, just funny stories. If others kind of figure out what you're speaking of, so be it, just leave it at that.

I thought I would maybe write a book someday. The drama that comes with the ban button on forums is downright funny at times, and turns some grown men into sniveling babies and has grown women speaking like sailors!

I'm a bit right of centre so my membership of a commie forum wasn't exactly celebrated.
I got a major, sod of ban for whatever reason but returned about a year later under a new name.
That lasted about 3 years or so when I accused people who were rioting at a Greek bank where a few murders took place, of being murderers.
I thought it was reasonable considering the rioters were tossing fire bombs and the murdered people died in a fire cause by fire bombs.
The mods didn't agree.
I did return a third time but all the best posters had left so I did an admission thread and got a third ban.
Urban 75 is a serious load of crap these days. Pity really - it used to be a fun forum.

08-05-2012, 06:54 AM
Remember Liberal Nation? When she joined a military board I was on she got banned, temporarily, a few times. She would come in and post political opinion/news and it was a board strictly for asking questions about military life. After about the fifth time she slowed down and actually started talking about appropriate subjects.

The mods on the military boards take no prisoners!

08-05-2012, 07:06 AM
I'm trying to remember if Jim banned me way back when? I don't think so, just took a lot of smack talk from everyone. LOL!

Yes, I did, whether right or wrong, I man up to it! But hell, I banned Sir Evil several times, and once permanently! I've banned Janeen permanently back in the day, and Jeff for using the N word when I asked him not to.

And I even banned myself a few times, as God knows I deserved it!

08-05-2012, 07:07 AM
BTW: I just put up Chapter 2 of "The Adventures of Jeffro" in my signature yesterday afternoon.

Be sure to check back from time to time for new chapters.

08-05-2012, 07:08 AM
I'm a bit right of centre so my membership of a commie forum wasn't exactly celebrated.
I got a major, sod of ban for whatever reason but returned about a year later under a new name.
That lasted about 3 years or so when I accused people who were rioting at a Greek bank where a few murders took place, of being murderers.
I thought it was reasonable considering the rioters were tossing fire bombs and the murdered people died in a fire cause by fire bombs.
The mods didn't agree.
I did return a third time but all the best posters had left so I did an admission thread and got a third ban.
Urban 75 is a serious load of crap these days. Pity really - it used to be a fun forum.

There are a million forums out there. If you were declared not wanted, why not just move to the next place, why the desire to re-register and do it all over again? Just curious!

08-05-2012, 08:52 AM
Did you create another account to get back on the site?

Just last week in fact, but not a serious effort.

I used the screen name "LorenzoTheLlama" to see if it would set off any alarms. It did. Banned before I even got to post. :laugh:

Funny thing is, it is them over there, the liberal control freaks, who can not let any challenge to their supreme authority go. They monitor behavior across the entire www that references them in any way. Which gives me the greatest pleasure.

I was banned, ironically, for advocating for members who were banned for strictly ideological reasons, and presenting evidence of double standards in the moderation. I made a habit of posting the transparent double standards which were basically air-tight evidence.

Banning in and of itself doesn't really matter, but what is lame is how they ban people and then carry on the discussion in the bannee's enforced absence to score a cheap victory. But now that I know they monitor me here, and have no power to shut me up, the cheaply scored victory is now mine. :clap:

I think I am a contributing member here, as I was there. I may not be the best poster, but I like to think I have *something* to contribute.

08-05-2012, 10:13 AM
Just last week in fact, but not a serious effort.

I used the screen name "LorenzoTheLlama" to see if it would set off any alarms. It did. Banned before I even got to post. :laugh:

Funny thing is, it is them over there, the liberal control freaks, who can not let any challenge to their supreme authority go. They monitor behavior across the entire www that references them in any way. Which gives me the greatest pleasure.

I was banned, ironically, for advocating for members who were banned for strictly ideological reasons, and presenting evidence of double standards in the moderation. I made a habit of posting the transparent double standards which were basically air-tight evidence.

Banning in and of itself doesn't really matter, but what is lame is how they ban people and then carry on the discussion in the bannee's enforced absence to score a cheap victory. But now that I know they monitor me here, and have no power to shut me up, the cheaply scored victory is now mine. :clap:

I think I am a contributing member here, as I was there. I may not be the best poster, but I like to think I have *something* to contribute.

It's amazing to what lengths control freaks will go to try and silence people they have decided they don't like. Usually though...along with being total 'control freaks' they are also majorly paranoid too. :thumb:

PS...probably because they know just what 'they' are capable of...and assume others are just as looney.

08-05-2012, 10:34 AM
Remember Liberal Nation? When she joined a military board I was on she got banned, temporarily, a few times. She would come in and post political opinion/news and it was a board strictly for asking questions about military life. After about the fifth time she slowed down and actually started talking about appropriate subjects.

The mods on the military boards take no prisoners!

Same with Gun And Gun Collector Boards. If you're a noob you may as well be in boot camp. Never understood the thrill of having virtual power.

08-05-2012, 11:13 AM
The beauty of this board in question is that they have a rule against linking to other forums or discussing what goes on in other forums. So they're obviously reading my taunts, passing them around in PMs, and bursting at the seams wanting to talk about them in the open. But they can't...

They're such a bunch of easily manipulable drama queen gossips. They have entire sections of the board dedicated exclusively to carrying out their drama. :laugh:

Funny thing is, take Debate Policy for instance... there's no overbearing moderation and everything chugs along fine here. Over there, at Brand X, they moderate every damn thing in the name of keeping the discussions moving on topic... and the result is incessant drama. :laugh:

They have this rule against using "schoolyard insults"... OK, I've been to school, I know what a schoolyard insult is..

I called some lib a "miscreant" and got banned under their schoolyard insult rule. Seriously, unless all the moderators were all brought up in British prep schools, what kind of schoolyard is it where the word "miscreant" is tossed around as an insult?

08-05-2012, 11:32 AM
The beauty of this board in question is that they have a rule against linking to other forums or discussing what goes on in other forums. So they're obviously reading my taunts, passing them around in PMs, and bursting at the seams wanting to talk about them in the open. But they can't...

They're such a bunch of easily manipulable drama queen gossips. They have entire sections of the board dedicated exclusively to carrying out their drama. :laugh:

Funny thing is, take Debate Policy for instance... there's no overbearing moderation and everything chugs along fine here. Over there, at Brand X, they moderate every damn thing in the name of keeping the discussions moving on topic... and the result is incessant drama. :laugh:

They have this rule against using "schoolyard insults"... OK, I've been to school, I know what a schoolyard insult is..

I called some lib a "miscreant" and got banned under their schoolyard insult rule. Seriously, unless all the moderators were all brought up in British prep schools, what kind of schoolyard is it where the word "miscreant" is tossed around as an insult?

The highlighted must be a very common phenomenon. I have learned that these little 'social groups'...inhadit multiple boards (maybe we even have encountered the very same posters)...social groups...PM...IM...Skype... and spend hours upon hours obsessing over how to 'win' the internet. Infact...internet drama is what consumes their every waking moment. And don't think the men are immune either...they are just as bad. Create their own MB's specifically to think up hazing tactics to 'get' other posters. lol

As for school yard insults. Probably just another word for anything that I disagree with. ;)

08-05-2012, 11:47 AM
Remember Liberal Nation? When she joined a military board I was on she got banned, temporarily, a few times. She would come in and post political opinion/news and it was a board strictly for asking questions about military life. After about the fifth time she slowed down and actually started talking about appropriate subjects.

The mods on the military boards take no prisoners!
that is so true!
I'm a member on a special forces forum and their policy is "We give no quarter and ask none in return" they have a number of posters who posted to a forum without being vetted in the intro thread--which is a clearly stated board rule-- ip ban!

08-05-2012, 01:02 PM
This thread is in the lounge, and supposed to be for fun, a laugh about bans and how we handled them. But please don't bring any animosity in here or specifics about other forums or people. It's not a thread to try and embarrass a specific forum or any one person. And we also don't want past feuds that started elsewhere to appear here.

I had forgotten about it because it was so long ago. But back in the late 90's I joined a Jacksonville Jaguars message board. It was one of those real cheesy free hosted ones. Kind of how threads appear on Craigslist now if you've ever been there. Anyway, I was also big on newsgroups at the same time. And the Steelers and the Jags were big rivals around that time. The cross posting of threads on the newsgroups between the 2 were huge and we all hated one another. I don't remember how I found out but the guys we fought with had the message board, and I went and joined like I was a Jags fan. I did a pretty good job over a few days getting to talk football with these idiots. Then they were planning for a game and about the tailgating and other crap, when someone talked about a party of sorts prior to the game, with tons of food and what not - and posted the address for everyone to come. Before I could even stop laughing, I copied and pasted it into the newsgroups, cross posted of course. Newsgroups were HUGE back then, so while maybe a couple hundred people posted per day, I'm sure thousands and thousands come to just read. Of course I was banned, I don't recall how they found out or if I just admitted it. Then I was scorned on the newsgroups as well, even by many on my side, for doing the wrong thing. I thought it was funny. :lol:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-05-2012, 01:03 PM
The highlighted is very true. A board I used to post on has mods with the biggest damn ego's I have ever seen. Wonder if they were always like that or if their fake internet power went straight to their peckers? LOL

Totally biased...and then find the need to lie about it like it is some huge secret that needs protecting. I just think it is funny as hell. Some posters can ask a question that they interpret as "questioning a mods action" ...boom banned on the spot.

Then their little ass kissy buddies can openly and blatantly undermine the board rules for days on end like little whiny 2 year olds...*crickets*.
Once they had a huge board war because a few of the "supporting members" got their knickers in a knot because the admin would not ban posters they deemed 'racists'. This was actually the first time that I realized that the nitwit posters there felt that donating money every month meant they could tell the board owners what to do with their board.

A huge reason I never donated money to that board too BTW.

Libs are the same no matter what forum they infest and try to gain dictatorial control of! Forgot to mention in my previous post that several times a reply came to one of my posts that it was being reported to the FBI! Imagine that when that board was many many times more restrictive than this board and THOSE POSTS were inline with even the strict moderation there. That poster also sent me a pm there stating he/she had reported my post to Homeland Security! I replied fine, be sure to come with them when they raid my home as I want to give you your reward in person . I also made fun of his/her snitching in my open board replies and got nothing but cricket responses by the socalled conservatives there as far as supporting my derisions of that poster's attempted intimidations. Who knows how many other posters that guy/girl had used that tactic on and succeeded? That poster was a damn coward that bragged about being a lifelong democrat! Later another poster joined that poster in making threats about reportiing me for my posts. All were posts that even the moderaters there found no fault with but all the posts criticised obama and were about patriotism ! Most libs and many many dems simply hate patriotism. Which clearly points to what azzhats, cowards and often damn traitors they are IMHO!
When I first joined that forum I came under heavy attack and even had one poster post that I had pm him with child porn and child molesting talk and pictures. Only time I ever reported a poster at a board. I did so to clear my name and told the mods there to feel free to check all my sent messages and then I gave the liar permission to post my socalled pms talking of such perversion! See that fact was I had sent exactly zero pms to him , the mods did permaban him and I had a mod on my ass for over a year because another female poster that had agreed with the guy also got a temporary ban for doing that. That poster(the temporary ban one) was a lib and is still there posting liberal trash there and involved in drama all the time! She had special mod protection but ff-her I didnt take kindly being smeared like that with a damn lie nor her agreeing with it! I truly believe that poster that made the lie on open board was only permabanned because I told mods that I had talked to a lawyer about that lie! And lie it was with no basis at all. Such is tactics they use against true conservatives. I am hard right and invite attacks with my posts. I 've been attacked rather quickly at every forum I've ever posted at and this forum proved to be no exception to that . I posted to draw out those that are playing little games, hiding behind a false image and seeking to slide in lib/socialist/marxist agenda while being accepted as conservatives or moderates . I post with brutal honesty and my friend nothing , I mean nothing gets one attacked more or more viciously/repeatedly THAN DOING THAT . Something I've proved to be true many times over . Those that are PC bots simply hate that.-Tyr

08-05-2012, 01:18 PM
Libs are the same no matter what forum they infest and try to gain dictatorial control of! Forgot to mention in my previous post that several times a reply came to one of my posts that it was being reported to the FBI! Imagine that when that board was many many times more restrictive than this board and THOSE POSTS were inline with even the strict moderation there. That poster also sent me a pm there stating he/she had reported my post to Homeland Security! I replied fine, be sure to come with them when they raid my home as I want to give you your reward in person . I also made fun of his/her snitching in my open board replies and got nothing but cricket responses by the socalled conservatives there as far as supporting my derisions of that poster's attempted intimidations. Who knows how many other posters that guy/girl had used that tactic on and succeeded? That poster was a damn coward that bragged about being a lifelong democrat! Later another poster joined that poster in making threats about reportiing me for my posts. All were posts that even the moderaters there found no fault with but all the posts criticised obama and were about patriotism ! Most libs and many many dems simply hate patriotism. Which clearly points to what azzhats, cowards and often damn traitors they are IMHO!
When I first joined that forum I came under heavy attack and even had one poster post that I had pm him with child porn and child molesting talk and pictures. Only time I ever reported a poster at a board. I did so to clear my name and told the mods there to feel free to check all my sent messages and then I gave the liar permission to post my socalled pms talking of such perversion! See that fact was I had sent exactly zero pms to him , the mods did permaban him and I had a mod on my ass for over a year because another female poster that had agreed with the guy also got a temporary ban for doing that. That poster(the temporary ban one) was a lib and is still there posting liberal trash there and involved in drama all the time! She had special mod protection but ff-her I didnt take kindly being smeared like that with a damn lie nor her agreeing with it! I truly believe that poster that made the lie on open board was only permabanned because I told mods that I had talked to a lawyer about that lie! And lie it was with no basis at all. Such is tactics they use against true conservatives. I am hard right and invite attacks with my posts. I 've been attacked rather quickly at every forum I've ever posted at and this forum proved to be no exception to that . I posted to draw out those that are playing little games, hiding behind a false image and seeking to slide in lib/socialist/marxist agenda while being accepted as conservatives or moderates . I post with brutal honesty and my friend nothing , I mean nothing gets one attacked more or more viciously/repeatedly THAN DOING THAT . Something I've proved to be true many times over . Those that are PC bots simply hate that.-Tyr

People are nuts...and as much as they love to deny it...they DO take the internet waaaayyyyyy too seriously. But don't kid yourself...I have been stalked equally by some fairly looney libs AND conservatives alike. See...it really doesn't have to be politics that gets these wackos to join forces. As I was once told by someone elsewhere (in the know)...they don't need a reason.... only a target. And like I said...they post on multiple boards (some not even political in nature).


08-05-2012, 01:27 PM
This thread is in the lounge, and supposed to be for fun, a laugh about bans and how we handled them. But please don't bring any animosity in here or specifics about other forums or people. It's not a thread to try and embarrass a specific forum or any one person. And we also don't want past feuds that started elsewhere to appear here.

I had forgotten about it because it was so long ago. But back in the late 90's I joined a Jacksonville Jaguars message board. It was one of those real cheesy free hosted ones. Kind of how threads appear on Craigslist now if you've ever been there. Anyway, I was also big on newsgroups at the same time. And the Steelers and the Jags were big rivals around that time. The cross posting of threads on the newsgroups between the 2 were huge and we all hated one another. I don't remember how I found out but the guys we fought with had the message board, and I went and joined like I was a Jags fan. I did a pretty good job over a few days getting to talk football with these idiots. Then they were planning for a game and about the tailgating and other crap, when someone talked about a party of sorts prior to the game, with tons of food and what not - and posted the address for everyone to come. Before I could even stop laughing, I copied and pasted it into the newsgroups, cross posted of course. Newsgroups were HUGE back then, so while maybe a couple hundred people posted per day, I'm sure thousands and thousands come to just read. Of course I was banned, I don't recall how they found out or if I just admitted it. Then I was scorned on the newsgroups as well, even by many on my side, for doing the wrong thing. I thought it was funny. :lol:

My very first experience with message boards/and political discussions (believe it or not) Was on a MB for Soap Operas called Media Domain. They had show sections and personal sections. Who knew the gays and stay at home mom's that love the dramas were such activists...but they are. They are also just as passionate about their soaps as they are about their politics. So don't argue about Marlena and John,Bo and Hope or Luke and Laura...cuz they will rip your throat out over it. Much like the Journey fans at the rock boards will... now that I think about it LOL

08-05-2012, 01:36 PM
Anyway, I was also big on newsgroups at the same time.

The most fun I've ever had on the internet were USENET discussions.

Their demise is real tragedy.

08-05-2012, 01:56 PM
This thread is in the lounge, and supposed to be for fun, a laugh about bans and how we handled them. But please don't bring any animosity in here or specifics about other forums or people. It's not a thread to try and embarrass a specific forum or any one person. And we also don't want past feuds that started elsewhere to appear here.

I had forgotten about it because it was so long ago. But back in the late 90's I joined a Jacksonville Jaguars message board. It was one of those real cheesy free hosted ones. Kind of how threads appear on Craigslist now if you've ever been there. Anyway, I was also big on newsgroups at the same time. And the Steelers and the Jags were big rivals around that time. The cross posting of threads on the newsgroups between the 2 were huge and we all hated one another. I don't remember how I found out but the guys we fought with had the message board, and I went and joined like I was a Jags fan. I did a pretty good job over a few days getting to talk football with these idiots. Then they were planning for a game and about the tailgating and other crap, when someone talked about a party of sorts prior to the game, with tons of food and what not - and posted the address for everyone to come. Before I could even stop laughing, I copied and pasted it into the newsgroups, cross posted of course. Newsgroups were HUGE back then, so while maybe a couple hundred people posted per day, I'm sure thousands and thousands come to just read. Of course I was banned, I don't recall how they found out or if I just admitted it. Then I was scorned on the newsgroups as well, even by many on my side, for doing the wrong thing. I thought it was funny. :lol:

I really liked Yahoo messageboards back when. Indeed, that's where Janeen found me and invited me to USMB in early days. Even then, Yahoo was destroying what had been an incredible forum.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-05-2012, 01:57 PM
People are nuts...and as much as they love to deny it...they DO take the internet waaaayyyyyy too seriously. But don't kid yourself...I have been stalked equally by some fairly looney libs AND conservatives alike. See...it really doesn't have to be politics that gets these wackos to join forces. As I was once told by someone elsewhere (in the know)...they don't need a reason.... only a target. And like I said...they post on multiple boards (some not even political in nature).

I agree wholeheartedly with that premise, a target is often all that they need!
See your one and raise you two more.-:beer::beer:--:salute:-Tyr

08-05-2012, 02:08 PM
I posted on a board for over 5 years and was banned three times, all three bannings were in the first two years.. No explaination was ever given and I could find only one possible cause in one of the bannings, that was a possible case of using two SYI'S (School Yard Insult) within a 24 hour period. However twice I couldnt log in for 7 to 10 days at a time but was told I hadnt officially been banned upon my return! Aboutime is right they have likely now got to banning any negative word from --BOO-- right on down! The kicker there was that it was all so selective, being that the conservatives where held to a standard at least 20 times more strict than that of the liberals . My last 3 years there I got no bans because I found a way to get my jabs in without breaking the idiotic rules ! Quite a feat if one knew just how damn biased they were there! It just kept getting worse there.
I left there and came here recently because they wrongly perma-banned a friend of mine on a very obvious trumped up charge. I STAYED FOR MANY WEEKS TRYING TO GET MY FRIEND REINSTATED, BUT NO DICE . With just over 5 years and over 12,000 posts there I chose to leave on principle! A man is nothing if he has no HONOR!
HAHA, I was once fired and banned from a busy club for fighting too much, really funny since I was one of three bouncers there! I was the one that actually did my job while the other two mostly kissed ass and played Casanova's.
I was young back then and went back there about 7 months later to test the ban and was welcomed back if I promised to behave. I did for about 2 months then trouble found me and I solved that problem rather quickly never went back after that! I had to knock the owners lights out for putting his hand up my date's dress(she lived with me at the time) while I was away from the table! She was crying , he was acting as if it was a joke. I DIDNT PLAY JOKES LIKE THAT BACK THEN! He found that out the hard way and should have known better to start with ...but who wasnt wild as hell when young?-Tyr

​ And, for your sticking to those Principles and Honorable tactics. You WERE appreciated....HIGHLY.

08-05-2012, 02:09 PM
I really liked Yahoo messageboards back when. Indeed, that's where Janeen found me and invited me to USMB in early days. Even then, Yahoo was destroying what had been an incredible forum.

I found a board called WhistleStopper (now defunct) from reading the Media Domain board...from there I learned about USMB (if I remember correctly). Every once in awhile a familiar name will show up out of the blue on other forums from the WS board that I recognize.

08-05-2012, 02:16 PM
Damn, 6 months? Was it somehow trash related, and that's why that particular punishment? Or was it like a community service thing? That's a pretty long time to make up for any offense!

jimnyc. Before my permaban at another forum. I had been banned for 13-16 months. MONTHS, but they changed the Software for the Forum and reinstated me back to day one.

Life is much better now since I was banned there. My wife laughed, and told me..ABOUT TIME, after I told her about the Permanent Ban.
She used to read over my shoulder and laugh at them. But it gave her more time on our PC. We only have ONE.
I like coming here. It's fair, and far less intimidating. Wondering whether I might Miss spell, or use a word declared as SYI.
No fun looking over your shoulder when dealing with the perfect definitions of Idiots, and Dummies who aren't strong enough mentally...to fight their way out of a wet paper bag.

08-05-2012, 06:20 PM
No sneering here, I thought it was kinda funny! I used to have a lot of friends like that on Facebook, who would do nothing more than brag about their kids and every little detail of their lives. And I say "used to", because I deleted all of them so I didn't have to read that crap anymore.

A friend of mine posted this on facebook. Made me think of you right away. :laugh2:


08-05-2012, 06:23 PM
A friend of mine posted this on facebook. Made me think of you right away. :laugh2:


Too funny and too damn true! I see some people "good morning" - "time for lunch" - "goodnight all"

Some think it's a diary to be shared with everyone and anyone.

08-05-2012, 06:27 PM
I got banned a couple of times for a few days on different boards. Some folks can sure get their panties in a wad when confronted with the truth. What really gets under my skin though, is the spellin nazis. After havin my grammar corrected a few times and my thoughts poo pooed, by the intellectually superior, I just started typin all country like and it really got under their skin, but I think a lot of people enjoyed it. I know I was havin a lotta fun with it, I'd be laughin so hard as I was typin, I had tears comin outta my eyes. I'm not sure what y'all think about proper sentence structure and punctuation, but I'm not here writin a report or preparin my dissertation, so I sometimes just spell like I'm just talkin. I know there's a spell check, but I'm not perfect, or just like you, but hopefully I can still get my meaning across, while also havin a little fun.

08-05-2012, 06:29 PM
Yes, I did, whether right or wrong, I man up to it! But hell, I banned Sir Evil several times, and once permanently! I've banned Janeen permanently back in the day, and Jeff for using the N word when I asked him not to.

And I even banned myself a few times, as God knows I deserved it!

I hope this doesn't embarrass Jim too much, but he is truly the fairest message board administrator I have ever run across.
I used to be a lot more radical and stubborn than I am now. I would deliberately butt heads with those who held contrary view points. I finally realized how fair Jim was when he banned his own brother for breaking rules.

08-05-2012, 06:33 PM
I got banned a couple of times for a few days on different boards. Some folks can sure get their panties in a wad when confronted with the truth. What really gets under my skin though, is the spellin nazis. After havin my grammar corrected a few times and my thoughts poo pooed, by the intellectually superior, I just started typin all country like and it really got under their skin, but I think a lot of people enjoyed it. I know I was havin a lotta fun with it, I'd be laughin so hard as I was typin, I had tears comin outta my eyes. I'm not sure what y'all think about proper sentence structure and punctuation, but I'm not here writin a report or preparin my dissertation, so I sometimes just spell like I'm just talkin. I know there's a spell check, but I'm not perfect, or just like you, but hopefully I can still get my meaning across, while also havin a little fun.

I like it. Gives your opinions personality :)

I write just like I talk too...bad grammar...run on sentences and all.

08-05-2012, 06:35 PM
I got banned a couple of times for a few days on different boards. Some folks can sure get their panties in a wad when confronted with the truth. What really gets under my skin though, is the spellin nazis. After havin my grammar corrected a few times and my thoughts poo pooed, by the intellectually superior, I just started typin all country like and it really got under their skin, but I think a lot of people enjoyed it. I know I was havin a lotta fun with it, I'd be laughin so hard as I was typin, I had tears comin outta my eyes. I'm not sure what y'all think about proper sentence structure and punctuation, but I'm not here writin a report or preparin my dissertation, so I sometimes just spell like I'm just talkin. I know there's a spell check, but I'm not perfect, or just like you, but hopefully I can still get my meaning across, while also havin a little fun.

Using the famous expression of one GOMER PYLE......"GOOOOLLLLLLLEEEEEE!"

As for bein' perfect Granny. Not ONE of us here knows anyone like that. Cept One. And he sure don't waste time coming here with all the other folks in trouble.
Stay who you are Granny.
If they complain. They ain't worth the time anyhow.

08-05-2012, 06:38 PM
I went on that "Television Without Pity" board once just because I heard about how crazy some of the mods and admins were. There was one TV program that I used to watch (don't remember what the name of it was) that basically had two female main characters pitted against each other. Something bad happened to one of them and I posted that she deserved it. I was banned for being "cruel and heartless." :laugh:

The female baseball board had two admins. One was a Yankees fan and one was an Orioles fan. It was very AL East-centric. I was the only California person on that wasn't a Yankees fan. They removed my thread starting abilities because I kept starting Dodger threads. Then I got banned because I kept invading Yankees threads and talking about how they sucked.

08-05-2012, 06:40 PM
I hope this doesn't embarrass Jim too much, but he is truly the fairest message board administrator I have ever run across.
I used to be a lot more radical and stubborn than I am now. I would deliberately butt heads with those who held contrary view points. I finally realized how fair Jim was when he banned his own brother for breaking rules.

I'd rather some sexy pictures, but if you prefer to tell everyone how great I am, that's cool too! :thumb: I take that back, just send me the pictures! :poke:

08-05-2012, 06:43 PM
I went on that "Television Without Pity" board once just because I heard about how crazy some of the mods and admins were. There was one TV program that I used to watch (don't remember what the name of it was) that basically had two female main characters pitted against each other. Something bad happened to one of them and I posted that she deserved it. I was banned for being "cruel and heartless." :laugh:

The female baseball board had two admins. One was a Yankees fan and one was an Orioles fan. It was very AL East-centric. I was the only California person on that wasn't a Yankees fan. They removed my thread starting abilities because I kept starting Dodger threads. Then I got banned because I kept invading Yankees threads and talking about how they sucked.

A lot of the mods assigned recaps on TWOP are professional writers. And they don't really like it if you disagree with their assesment of the shows either. I butted heads with several myself (especially on the political stuff). Until I got bored and moved on to something else that entertained me. The recaps were fun though. :)

Si modo
08-05-2012, 10:50 PM
I was banned from two separate places. The first place I was banned from, after the ban I emailed the admin to ask if I could retrieve some private info I had in saved PMs. He let me do it the next day. I never looked back. Some of my friends and I there agreed to meet elsewhere in a private forum a friend had. We all decided shopped a bit for a place, then we went there.

Most of us lasted about two months. Again, never looked back.

And, we are currently at a place. None of us have been banned....yet. LOL.

I have never been a sock, and never felt the need to be a sock. The only contact I had after the first ban was to get that stuff from PMs.

So, not too much drama.

08-05-2012, 11:33 PM
Life would be no fun without drama. I always felt that was the best part about high school. It was continuous drama. Especially if you were a female.
That was one of the things about me that my first board didn't like. They hated the drama of high school. I enjoyed it. Primarily because I manipulated so much of it. :cool:

08-06-2012, 01:34 AM

Absolutely delightfull idea for a thread, GREAT CALL JC!

OK, my turn.

You guys ever hear of a joint by the name of "perspectives"? Official motto found right there on the "face/cover page" "Free Membership, Free Speech", although Phil's (owner) changed it now to "Click here for perspectives on everything". Must have got sued under the "Truth in Advertising" laws, :laugh:.

Anyways, it was my 1st experience on a political MB and back in those days the place had 100,000+ members. Today he's over 200,000 strong.

I was a mod on the Republican forum after about a month there because I'm a kind of hard core conservative and they needed help, so I volunteered.. it was a lot of fun doing battle with the Leftists, they've got a ton of them.

I even got voted "Best Conservative Debater" after I was there a year ,and I was able to talk Phil into letting me have my own forum for a virtual government political game, which he has since basterdized into 4 different spin-offs. Anyways, mine was very successfull. I got elected the 1st POTUS, after winning the nomination, then the general. I picked a running mate/V.P., a Cabinet, the whole 9 yards. People ran for Congress, albeit a small one. I served 2 terms, then became the campaign manager for my Veep, who also served 2 terms.

Phil ended up taking the game away from my control as the game moderator, as well as firing me as a GOP mod on the Pub forum, because I got into it with a hard, left-wing, radical, who happened to be female, and who called me a anal retentive, right-wing prick. Naturally, I returned fire and called her a left-wing, commie c _ _ _!. Was I over the top on that? Maybe so, but I believe in tit 4 tat regardless of gender. Phil said he held his mods to a higher standard, blah, blah, blah, but never sanctoned the Lib for starting down the vicious insult path, which I thought was bullshit, and I let him know it.

Then I decided he could go screw him self and I started off on my own. Word got out, and some of my friends and supporters of BOTH sides of the aisle joined me. Phil got pissed and threatened to sue me for stealing his members as if they were his personal property. He also told me I earned a lifetime "permaban". The big pussy never did either. I pop in there once in a blue moon to see how many of the old timers still hang. They've got more rules than Carter has pills, and God forbid if you say something that a mod feels is a "school yard insult" or offensive, especially if you upset a Lib, and "Poof" you're banned. They ban at the drop of a hat, but never me, Phil didn't have the brass.

08-06-2012, 05:13 AM
Anyways, it was my 1st experience on a political MB and back in those days the place had 100,000+ members. Today he's over 200,000 strong.

I think that's way overestimated.

If you monitor "users on line" and "most users ever online," their numbers are never significantly higher than this board's.

I'm sure they may have 200,000 screen names in the database since their founding, but obviously a lot of those names are inactive.

Not to mention, because of their well-known proclivity to ban people, regular members usually have up to 5 sock puppet screen names (I still have several).

An honest assessment would put their size at the very most about 5% of what they claim it to be.

08-06-2012, 07:27 AM
Please, another reminder, let's not call out any specific boards or people. This is meant to be FUN, and we don't want to build animosity with other people and certainly not start any cross board wars.

08-06-2012, 08:10 AM
I think that's way overestimated.

If you monitor "users on line" and "most users ever online," their numbers are never significantly higher than this board's.

I'm sure they may have 200,000 screen names in the database since their founding, but obviously a lot of those names are inactive.

Not to mention, because of their well-known proclivity to ban people, regular members usually have up to 5 sock puppet screen names (I still have several).

An honest assessment would put their size at the very most about 5% of what they claim it to be.

I don't know about the those numbers being the same here, I don't think so. Phil's been around for awhile and the latest face lift there is #3 that I know of since the late 90's. I DO agree that he has a lot of inactive. He doesn't do any prunning @ all of any knd.

As for using multiple screen names, they ban by IP so unless you're masking by using a proxy..... They figure it out pretty fast, those guys ain't all dummies. KC's pretty sharp and so is a guy named "Jeffro", just to name 2.

It's a moot issue to me, I hate that p_ _ _ k Phil and would never post there again.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-06-2012, 10:00 AM

Absolutely delightfull idea for a thread, GREAT CALL JC!

OK, my turn.

You guys ever hear of a joint by the name of "perspectives"? Official motto found right there on the "face/cover page" "Free Membership, Free Speech", although Phil's (owner) changed it now to "Click here for perspectives on everything". Must have got sued under the "Truth in Advertising" laws, :laugh:.

Anyways, it was my 1st experience on a political MB and back in those days the place had 100,000+ members. Today he's over 200,000 strong.

I was a mod on the Republican forum after about a month there because I'm a kind of hard core conservative and they needed help, so I volunteered.. it was a lot of fun doing battle with the Leftists, they've got a ton of them.

I even got voted "Best Conservative Debater" after I was there a year ,and I was able to talk Phil into letting me have my own forum for a virtual government political game, which he has since basterdized into 4 different spin-offs. Anyways, mine was very successfull. I got elected the 1st POTUS, after winning the nomination, then the general. I picked a running mate/V.P., a Cabinet, the whole 9 yards. People ran for Congress, albeit a small one. I served 2 terms, then became the campaign manager for my Veep, who also served 2 terms.

Phil ended up taking the game away from my control as the game moderator, as well as firing me as a GOP mod on the Pub forum, because I got into it with a hard, left-wing, radical, who happened to be female, and who called me a anal retentive, right-wing prick. Naturally, I returned fire and called her a left-wing, commie c _ _ _!. Was I over the top on that? Maybe so, but I believe in tit 4 tat regardless of gender. Phil said he held his mods to a higher standard, blah, blah, blah, but never sanctoned the Lib for starting down the vicious insult path, which I thought was bullshit, and I let him know it.

Then I decided he could go screw him self and I started off on my own. Word got out, and some of my friends and supporters of BOTH sides of the aisle joined me. Phil got pissed and threatened to sue me for stealing his members as if they were his personal property. He also told me I earned a lifetime "permaban". The big pussy never did either. I pop in there once in a blue moon to see how many of the old timers still hang. They've got more rules than Carter has pills, and God forbid if you say something that a mod feels is a "school yard insult" or offensive, especially if you upset a Lib, and "Poof" you're banned. They ban at the drop of a hat, but never me, Phil didn't have the brass.

Sounds about right , the place just kept getting worse when I was there(5 years). I was treated like a third class citizen while they catered to the leftists/libs/dem members which is fact not fiction. I was banned a few times officially but also unofficially banned a couple times apparently by a Super mod that I had blasted. Yes many members there had multiple socks and banded together to form a wolfpack to hunt down then engage and get conservatives banned, this they did openly and with the admin there's approval IMHO. I left there of my own free will and came here where its SO MUCH BETTER because we are allowed SO MUCH MORE freedom to express ourselves thanks to the Jim the owner and the Mods here!-:beer:-Tyr

08-06-2012, 10:13 AM

Absolutely delightfull idea for a thread, GREAT CALL JC!

OK, my turn.

You guys ever hear of a joint by the name of "perspectives"? Official motto found right there on the "face/cover page" "Free Membership, Free Speech", although Phil's (owner) changed it now to "Click here for perspectives on everything". Must have got sued under the "Truth in Advertising" laws, :laugh:.

Anyways, it was my 1st experience on a political MB and back in those days the place had 100,000+ members. Today he's over 200,000 strong.

I was a mod on the Republican forum after about a month there because I'm a kind of hard core conservative and they needed help, so I volunteered.. it was a lot of fun doing battle with the Leftists, they've got a ton of them.

I even got voted "Best Conservative Debater" after I was there a year ,and I was able to talk Phil into letting me have my own forum for a virtual government political game, which he has since basterdized into 4 different spin-offs. Anyways, mine was very successfull. I got elected the 1st POTUS, after winning the nomination, then the general. I picked a running mate/V.P., a Cabinet, the whole 9 yards. People ran for Congress, albeit a small one. I served 2 terms, then became the campaign manager for my Veep, who also served 2 terms.

Phil ended up taking the game away from my control as the game moderator, as well as firing me as a GOP mod on the Pub forum, because I got into it with a hard, left-wing, radical, who happened to be female, and who called me a anal retentive, right-wing prick. Naturally, I returned fire and called her a left-wing, commie c _ _ _!. Was I over the top on that? Maybe so, but I believe in tit 4 tat regardless of gender. Phil said he held his mods to a higher standard, blah, blah, blah, but never sanctoned the Lib for starting down the vicious insult path, which I thought was bullshit, and I let him know it.

Then I decided he could go screw him self and I started off on my own. Word got out, and some of my friends and supporters of BOTH sides of the aisle joined me. Phil got pissed and threatened to sue me for stealing his members as if they were his personal property. He also told me I earned a lifetime "permaban". The big pussy never did either. I pop in there once in a blue moon to see how many of the old timers still hang. They've got more rules than Carter has pills, and God forbid if you say something that a mod feels is a "school yard insult" or offensive, especially if you upset a Lib, and "Poof" you're banned. They ban at the drop of a hat, but never me, Phil didn't have the brass.

Neo. Great thread, and statement. Right on target. Matter of fact. I enjoyed being the target where you were mentioning above.
Finally, after it seemed they had almost totally decided...the DICTIONARY in total, was nearly their idea of variations of SYI's.
Of course. I had many members who seemed to only be there for one purpose. Which was...to catch me making a PERMABAN mistake.
Long story short. I finally got them so frustrated. The junior members who constantly repeated their years of pre-school training, and never really gained any knowledge, finally found a way to take their CHUCKY CHEEZE coins away from me. And HERE I AM.

08-06-2012, 11:05 AM
I used to butt heads with Jim a lot. Then we started working things out off the board through PMs.

When I took AP government in high school, we put together a mock Congress. We were the House and the other class was the Senate. The school government chair was president and our instructor was VP.
My best friend was chosen as Speaker and she appointed me as majority leader (pure political patronage, of course). We ruled with an iron fist.
The Senate leaders didn't like our budget and threatened to block, but we bribed them with Double Stuff Oreos. :laugh:

08-06-2012, 11:19 AM
/DP moderator tone on
Carrying over feuds from another message board are prohibited for a reason. Most of us were not on whatever board you guys were talking about. DP discussions should be about subjects discussed on DP.
/DP moderator tone off

(kind of scary, isn't it? :p )

08-06-2012, 11:24 AM
/DP moderator tone on
Carrying over feuds from another message board are prohibited for a reason. Most of us were not on whatever board you guys were talking about. DP discussions should be about subjects discussed on DP.
/DP moderator tone off

(kind of scary, isn't it? :p )

Well said. Did someone squeeze your head and pop out a normal post? :lol: :coffee:

08-06-2012, 12:06 PM
This thread is in the lounge, and supposed to be for fun, a laugh about bans and how we handled them. But please don't bring any animosity in here or specifics about other forums or people. It's not a thread to try and embarrass a specific forum or any one person. And we also don't want past feuds that started elsewhere to appear here.

I tried to reel this thread in earlier and it was more or less ignored. This was supposed to be fun, not a way to point fingers at boards or individuals.