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08-06-2012, 07:14 PM
Should our freedom of speech extend to hate groups whose only reason for existence is to plan the elimination of others?
In my view, white supremacists and neo-Nazis are more dangerous than Muslims. Perhaps they need to be treated as such. Since they are terrorist groups, they should be treated as terrorists.
Since they are easily identified, I would like to see white supremacists with criminal records rounded up and sent to detention camps. Perhaps we can torture them and head up any future mass killings. Think how many lives it could save.

08-06-2012, 07:17 PM
GABBY. Bad news for you. The FIRST Amendment of the U.S. Constitution applies for ALL HUMAN BEINGS who want to speak...without restrictions of any kind.

Read it. It might surprise you.

What will you do if someone who disagree's with you....decides to ROUND YOU UP?
Or, does that not apply as long as you agree, or someone else always agree's with you?


08-06-2012, 07:18 PM
GABBY. Bad news for you. The FIRST Amendment of the U.S. Constitution applies for ALL HUMAN BEINGS who want to speak...without restrictions of any kind.

Except Muslims, right? :rolleyes:

08-06-2012, 07:19 PM
Except Muslims, right? :rolleyes:

Who is denying Obama his right to free speech?

08-06-2012, 07:23 PM
Speech is allowed and shouldn't be restricted outside of current laws, it's the actions that need to be eliminated. And yes, that applies to Muslims as well. It's the actions that people have a problem with. I don't see anyone calling for the freedom of speech being banned from any group prior to this. So it's not like someone is saying Muslims have no right to speak up in America, but others should. Everyone should be on equal footing when it comes to freedom of speech.

08-06-2012, 07:24 PM
Except Muslims, right? :rolleyes:

Since when does the word ALL not make sense to you?

Maybe a little Elementary education will help you.

The FIRST AMENDMENT applies to ALL CITIZENS of the United States of America.
If they happen to be Muslim, and they are citizens. The FIRST AMENDMENT is for them as well.

Unless you would prefer someone like OBL, before his DEEP SIX experience, should have been given Constitutional Protections.
Is that what you want?

Anton Chigurh
08-06-2012, 07:26 PM
The problem you run into with your theory Gabby is, unintended consequences and slippery slope. For once you allow such a precedent, pretty soon it's out of control and far from original "good" intentions which are driven primarily by emotion and not reason, to start with.

"First they came for the Jews...."

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-06-2012, 07:28 PM

^^^^^^^^^^^^ Bravo, freaking -A-, BRAVO! -:clap: :beer:--Tyr

08-06-2012, 07:34 PM
Who is denying Obama his right to free speech?

Oh my. I am now. So confused. Remember, several weeks ago when a major news magazine called Obama Our First Gay President?
Add to that, as gabby might suggest. That Obama IS actually a Muslim as well.
Why wouldn't that same News Mag make a correction and call Obama "Our First Black, Gay, Muslim President"?

(I know...gabby didn't suggest anything. But who wouldn't think otherwise?)

Mr. P
08-06-2012, 07:57 PM
Should our freedom of speech extend to hate groups whose only reason for existence is to plan the elimination of others?
In my view, white supremacists and neo-Nazis are more dangerous than Muslims. Perhaps they need to be treated as such. Since they are terrorist groups, they should be treated as terrorists.
Since they are easily identified, I would like to see white supremacists with criminal records rounded up and sent to detention camps. Perhaps we can torture them and head up any future mass killings. Think how many lives it could save.

Gab, your premise is failed. Simply because Freedom of Speech extends to everyone under the Constitution as written.

The rest of the post is just pure BS.

08-06-2012, 08:14 PM
So, if freedom of speech is right for all and for any reason, what is the problem you have with Ahmedinejad? You all go off on someone who questions or denies the holocaust too.

08-06-2012, 08:21 PM
So, if freedom of speech is right for all and for any reason, what is the problem you have with Ahmedinejad? You all go off on someone who questions or denies the holocaust too.

Ahmedinejad...better known as Dinnerjacket IS NOT A U.S. CITIZEN. Therefore. Not eligible for the protections of the U.S. Constitution, and it's many Amendments.

Simple as Mom, Chevrolet, and Apple Pie....really.

08-06-2012, 08:25 PM
So, if freedom of speech is right for all and for any reason, what is the problem you have with Ahmedinejad? You all go off on someone who questions or denies the holocaust too.

I believe he beat me to it, but yeah, last I checked Ahmedinajad was not in the USA. But like we mentioned elsewhere, even if he did, this freedom of speech does have limitations, and threats are one of them. His threats are the main issue people have with him.

08-06-2012, 08:34 PM
Should our freedom of speech extend to hate groups whose only reason for existence is to plan the elimination of others?

The Democrats wouldn't be very happy with you banning their organization. They get mad.

08-06-2012, 08:40 PM
Should our freedom of speech extend to hate groups whose only reason for existence is to plan the elimination of others?
In my view, white supremacists and neo-Nazis are more dangerous than Muslims. Perhaps they need to be treated as such. Since they are terrorist groups, they should be treated as terrorists.
Since they are easily identified, I would like to see white supremacists with criminal records rounded up and sent to detention camps. Perhaps we can torture them and head up any future mass killings. Think how many lives it could save.

Great... nice to see you want to suspend the First Amendment. When you suspend it selectively for one group you endanger ALL free speech.

Also nice to see that you approve of the suspension of Habeus Corpus for these groups as well... Also nice to see that you support the use of enhanced interrogation techniques to extract information from them... that Violates a few amendments as well...

Lets us know that the Left is working in oblique ways to take our civil rights from us.

You're an absolute IDIOT for even suggesting it...

Study your copy of the Constitution and put down your Liberal playbook....

Anton Chigurh
08-06-2012, 09:17 PM
So, if freedom of speech is right for all and for any reason, what is the problem you have with Ahmedinejad? You all go off on someone who questions or denies the holocaust too.Same reason we opposed Hitler?

You are employing a logical fallacy. And accidentally showing where your true sentiments lie. Sort of like a Freudian slip.

But more to the point and as others have pointed out, Oh-ima-nutjob and the Mullahs he parrots don't have 1st Amendment rights.


You imbecile, while he is on our soil, speaking at the UN? Nobody interferes with his right to speak.

You really are a moron.

Anton Chigurh
08-06-2012, 09:17 PM
So, if freedom of speech is right for all and for any reasonIt's not.

Mr. P
08-06-2012, 09:43 PM
So, if freedom of speech is right for all and for any reason, what is the problem you have with Ahmedinejad? You all go off on someone who questions or denies the holocaust too.

Ya know when I get in a "group" of folks that I don't know, I remain somewhat silent until the IDIOTS speak and reveal their stupidity. Just sayin

08-06-2012, 09:58 PM
OK, even hate groups have First Amendment rights. But we should definitely keep all white supremacist groups under surveillance. We should tap their phones and monitor their communications. We should treat them as a terrorist group, which they are.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-06-2012, 10:18 PM
OK, even hate groups have First Amendment rights. But we should definitely keep all white supremacist groups under surveillance. We should tap their phones and monitor their communications. We should treat them as a terrorist group, which they are.

How about those muslim groups? Does that brilliant suggestion apply to them? :laugh2:
Or is your new love too strong to allow such watching to be applied to the more likely suspects?:laugh:
Keep letting your "inner communist" out there kiddo.--Tyr

Anton Chigurh
08-06-2012, 10:18 PM
OK, even hate groups have First Amendment rights. But we should definitely keep all white supremacist groups under surveillance. We should tap their phones and monitor their communications. We should treat them as a terrorist group, which they are."First they came for the Jews...."

08-07-2012, 06:13 AM
So, if freedom of speech is right for all and for any reason, what is the problem you have with Ahmedinejad? You all go off on someone who questions or denies the holocaust too.

Freedom of speech does not relieve one of the responsibility of using such freedom wisely nor does it preclude one from suffering the consequences of what is said. In addition, freedom of speech does not in any way mean that others must agree or accept what is said. In other words, you can say anything you like, just don't let your alligator mouth overload your canary ass.

08-07-2012, 06:41 AM
OK, even hate groups have First Amendment rights. But we should definitely keep all white supremacist groups under surveillance. We should tap their phones and monitor their communications. We should treat them as a terrorist group, which they are.

Sure lets break the 4th Amendment to perform illegal wiretaps just because we dont like their philosophy...

08-07-2012, 06:48 AM
OK, even hate groups have First Amendment rights. But we should definitely keep all white supremacist groups under surveillance. We should tap their phones and monitor their communications. We should treat them as a terrorist group, which they are.

If reasonable suspicion is given that they may commit a crime, sure enough, get a warrant and place them under surveillance and monitor them like you said. You did realize that a warrant is still generally needed, right? Even under the Patriot Act, the only time they can do so without one, would be if it's the NSA doing so to a party outside the USA.

As for them being a terrorist group, it all depends on their prior actions. There are plenty of nutty white supremacist groups out there who like to meet up, but have never done a violent thing and have never even done a verbal thing. Getting together and blabbing doesn't make them a terrorist group. But absolutely, if they're proven to have used force in any way to get their way of life furthered, then I agree they should be labeled as such. But you don't get to place a group on a list side by side with Al Qaeda and the IRA just because you disagree with their opinions of a lily white world.

08-07-2012, 06:56 AM
I'm pretty sure the FBI knows about many of them:


08-07-2012, 07:08 AM
I'm pretty sure the FBI knows about many of them:


Yeppers! I read an article last night that talked about various groups and I hadn't realized there were so many! I would have thought they would just have a crappy group like the KKK and stand united. But apparently there are just tons of little groups all over the nation.

I'll bet that Stormfront is watched quite often as a message board, and more so now as I think they said this guy was a member there, recently or in the past.

08-07-2012, 07:20 AM
OK, even hate groups have First Amendment rights. But we should definitely keep all white supremacist groups under surveillance. We should tap their phones and monitor their communications. We should treat them as a terrorist group, which they are.

How about this, we'll start as soon as you do this for the black panther group, and whatever else there is for EVERYONE.

It's hard enough for us white guys not being disrespected all the time. Everyone like you is so worried about not offending everyone, that you take it out on the white guy.
White's are the most picked on when it comes to racism.

You try being a white christian heterosexual male and tell me again that it's white people that're the problem. So screw you and your small mindedness gab.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-07-2012, 07:47 AM
Yeppers! I read an article last night that talked about various groups and I hadn't realized there were so many! I would have thought they would just have a crappy group like the KKK and stand united. But apparently there are just tons of little groups all over the nation.

I'll bet that Stormfront is watched quite often as a message board, and more so now as I think they said this guy was a member there, recently or in the past.

Jim, you would be wise to remember this. We only have government officials telling us that he belonged to neonazi stormfront etc. Remember who runs the government now? Propaganda is a useful tool and obama and crew use it often. It may be years before we get the truth on this guy and why he did this , what groups he belonged to , if any.
How do we even know if he wasnt actually a jew hater, a muslim , a communist, a skinhead, a "anything", fill in the blank. Controlled information is the key and an extremely powerful weapon too! Could be as simple as a suicidal jackass doing a copy- cat of the Colorado shooting to an extent. Even if none of these type incidents are related, government engineered etc, such incidents are used by the government to further its anti-gun agenda and anti-gun agenda is also UN agenda and New World Order agenda too my friend. Remember that and if they use these type crazy incidents then the release of false information to the public would be to their advantage. We conservatives hate KKK, NEO NAZIS so targetting them by association getting us as a group on board would be a clever and slick plan. Additionally KKK ,NEONAZIS hate muslims so right there is a good reason they would be targetted by obama the muslim lover . Holder and obama support and protect the NEW BLACK PANTHERS so turning Americans against its main enemy KKK/SKINHEADS MAKES SENSE and divide and conquer is obama's method. Look how quickly we got liberal bots talking about banning this or that group after this shooting. Government simply has to say a crazed shooter belonged to a group they want targetted/destroyed ! Our current government should be trusted about as far as you can toss you car! How far is that I ask you?--Tyr

08-07-2012, 07:53 AM
How about this, we'll start as soon as you do this for the black panther group, and whatever else there is for EVERYONE.

Funny thing is that the Obama administration wants to go after Arizona for wanting to uphold laws on the books about illegal immigration. They want to go after SC because they want people to confirm who they are in the voting process. Obama thinks if he had a kid, that he would look just like Trayvon Martin. He chimed in on both recent shooting events, in Wisconsin and in Colorado.

Not a single peep from them over the Black Panther Party and their antics at polling stations or calling for the murder of a US citizen.

Anton Chigurh
08-07-2012, 10:23 AM
Here's how we get erosion of our Constitution such as the OP calls for:

It's pure selfishness.

Folks such as the OP see there's hunger, homelessness, prejudice, genocide and other injustice in the world and they merely want to feel better about it, for themselves. They really don't care if any of these problems are ever solved, they just want to feel better.

So calling for more government assuages their guilt. Makes them feel they are doing their part. It's all about them.

08-07-2012, 10:25 AM
If we ban all white supremacy groups we need to ban all black supremacy groups, all Hispanic supremacy groups, all muslim supremacy groups, all homo supremacy groups, all Indian supremacy groups. Etc, Etc, etc.

By default liberals are a supremacy group. They should be rounded up and put into camps. :poke:

Anton Chigurh
08-07-2012, 10:27 AM
What really bugs me is, these hand wringers whine and cry about the homeless, the hungry, the sick, demand change, occupy, all that - but NEVER seem to have a problem with the government throwing BILLIONS down "green energy" ratholes like Solyndra and many others we're learning of. And that's just one recent example.

We never hear them complain about government WASTE, FRAUD, CORRUPTION and MIS-MANAGEMENT, unless of course it fits their partisan bent at the time - like when we have a Republican President, for example.

They really do seem to want to give the most inefficient, wasteful and fraud ridden invention of mankind - The US Government - still MORE power!

It's astounding.

08-07-2012, 10:57 AM
Speech is allowed and shouldn't be restricted outside of current laws, it's the actions that need to be eliminated. And yes, that applies to Muslims as well. It's the actions that people have a problem with. I don't see anyone calling for the freedom of speech being banned from any group prior to this. So it's not like someone is saying Muslims have no right to speak up in America, but others should. Everyone should be on equal footing when it comes to freedom of speech.We agree , the Actions are where the line is drawn until then, it'sjust talk. if the talk get specific there's cause to investigate futher IMO.


So, if freedom of speech is right for all and for any reason, what is the problem you have with Ahmedinejad? You all go off on someone who questions or denies the holocaust too.I've made a similar Point , Ahmedinejad is just talking.
Similar to the Iraqi Minister of information
"God will roast their stomachs in hell at the hands of Iraqis."


Ahmedinejad...better known as Dinnerjacket IS NOT A U.S. CITIZEN. Therefore. Not eligible for the protections of the U.S. Constitution, and it's many Amendments.
Simple as Mom, Chevrolet, and Apple Pie....really.the protections are an out growth of what we understand to be human rights. He does not have U.S. legal protection but "we hold these truths to be self evident" that Everyone has a right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Simple as the declaration of independence, we told a foreign ruler and the world the U.S. position.


Same reason we opposed Hitler?
You are employing a logical fallacy. And accidentally showing where your true sentiments lie. Sort of like a Freudian slip.
But more to the point and as others have pointed out, Oh-ima-nutjob and the Mullahs he parrots don't have 1st Amendment rights.
You imbecile, while he is on our soil, speaking at the UN? Nobody interferes with his right to speak.
You really are a moron.
Hitler Actually ATTACKED people.
that's the difference.
He talked for years about claiming lands as well. But Until he... --as Jim pointed out and many agreed with-- Until Hitler committed a criminal action he and the German people were not attacked.

Jafar makes an good but uncomfortable point. not a logical fallacy AT ALL.

A principal that we all Acknowledge and understand in the context of the U.S. gov't relations with it's on people and orgs but somehow seems outrageous when applied towards state players. Only because of the Hyped up war/terror/safety talk.

08-07-2012, 11:27 AM
Seems to me that the Southern Poverty Law Center is behind the labeling of 'hate groups.' However, their definition leaves much to be desired when addressing the issue of terrorism:

I agree that any group that is planning on hurting others for political reasons is a terror group. However, how the SPLC defines 'hate groups' certainly depends on the SPLC determination of 'hate':

Hate Map | Southern Poverty Law Center (http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/hate-map)

...All hate groups have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics.

This list was compiled using hate group publications and websites, citizen and law enforcement reports, field sources and news reports.

Hate group activities can include criminal acts, marches, rallies, speeches, meetings, leafleting or publishing. Websites appearing to be merely the work of a single individual, rather than the publication of a group, are not included in this list. Listing here does not imply a group advocates or engages in violence or other criminal activity.

I think the ACLU would have some problems with the SPLC.

Anton Chigurh
08-07-2012, 11:30 AM
Hitler Actually ATTACKED people.
that's the difference.
He talked for years about claiming lands as well. But Until he... --as Jim pointed out and many agreed with-- Until Hitler committed a criminal action he and the German people were not attacked.

Jafar makes an good but uncomfortable point. not a logical fallacy AT ALL.

A principal that we all Acknowledge and understand in the context of the U.S. gov't relations with it's on people and orgs but somehow seems outrageous when applied towards state players. Only because of the Hyped up war/terror/safety talk.Ahmadinejad and the Mullahs he parrots haven't attacked anyone? Haven't committed mass murders? Those aren't actions? It's the same as all of the killing and attacking Hitler did do before finally the world community had enough of the results of its appeasement.

Jafar employed a logical fallacy and it was blown away. You come right back with a strawman argument - another logical fallacy, and it now lies in ruins as well.

You're just kidding, right?

And once again - has anyone interfered with Ahmadinejad's free speech? Even here on US soil? NO.

THAT is why yours and Jafar's "point" is a fallacy.

08-07-2012, 12:58 PM
Ahmadinejad and the Mullahs he parrots haven't attacked anyone? Haven't committed mass murders? Those aren't actions? It's the same as all of the killing and attacking Hitler did do before finally the world community had enough of the results of its appeasement.

Jafar employed a logical fallacy and it was blown away. You come right back with a strawman argument - another logical fallacy, and it now lies in ruins as well.

You're just kidding, right?

And once again - has anyone interfered with Ahmadinejad's free speech? Even here on US soil? NO.

THAT is why yours and Jafar's "point" is a fallacy.
What attacks/mass murders have the Mullahs ordered outside of their own country? If any, That come close to Hitlers invasions. There ARE NONE. period paragraph end of story.


jafar00 http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=571164#post571164) So, if freedom of speech is right for all and for any reason,
what is the problem you have with Ahmedinejad?
You all go off on someone who questions or denies the holocaust too.

You wrote in reply

Anton Chigurh http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=571174#post571174)
Oh-ima-nutjob and the Mullahs he parrots don't have 1st Amendment rights.
You imbecile, while he is on our soil, speaking at the UN? Nobody interferes with his right to speak.
You really are a moron.

CSM had a good response

Freedom of speech does not relieve one of the responsibility of using such freedom wisely nor does it preclude one from suffering the consequences of what is said. In addition, freedom of speech does not in any way mean that others must agree or accept what is said. In other words, you can say anything you like, just don't let your alligator mouth overload your canary ass.

CSM acknowledges the rights of everyone even non Americans to speak, it's a natural right.
but makes the points others might not agree or like it.

You however make some Reference to Hitler. And the 1st amendment not covering Aminijab and the UN.

I point out what CSM acknowledges Freedom of speech is not a product of the U.S. constitution just an expression of a natural right in U.S. law.

no straw men here. just a clarification.

Anton Chigurh
08-07-2012, 01:06 PM
What attacks/mass murders have the Mullahs ordered outside of their own country? If any, That come close to Hitlers invasions. There ARE NONE. period paragraph end of story.


You wrote in reply

CSM had a good response

CSM acknowledges the rights of everyone even non Americans to speak, it's a natural right.
but makes the points others might not agree or like it.

You however make some Reference to Hitler. And the 1st amendment not covering Aminijab and the UN.

I point out what CSM acknowledges Freedom of speech is not a product of the U.S. constitution just an expression of a natural right in U.S. law.

no straw men here. just a clarification.The bolded is a lie. I in fact said just the opposite. Therefore it's yet another straw argument.

Freedom of speech is specifically laid out in the Constitution, therefore it IS a product of the Constitution. It's important to note though, that right limits GOVERNMENT only, not individuals.

Iran has been orchestrating and financing attacks around the globe. It's been documented. The comparison to Hitler is valid. And the world community will answer soon enough. There HAVE been actions, not just words.

08-07-2012, 02:00 PM
Ahmadinejad and the Mullahs he parrots haven't attacked anyone?

Name someone they have.

08-07-2012, 02:51 PM
Should our freedom of speech extend to hate groups whose only reason for existence is to plan the elimination of others?
In my view, white supremacists and neo-Nazis are more dangerous than Muslims. Perhaps they need to be treated as such. Since they are terrorist groups, they should be treated as terrorists.
Since they are easily identified, I would like to see white supremacists with criminal records rounded up and sent to detention camps. Perhaps we can torture them and head up any future mass killings. Think how many lives it could save.

Ah, thank you Senator McCarthy.

You're confusing supremacist, and genocidal. And what of the Black Panthers? Why is only wrong when whites are terrorists in your opinion? They're certainly a hate group, and a violent one at that, so why do you give them a pass based on the color of the skin?

No, we shouldn't ban hate. Hate will continue to exist, and unless you want a repeat of the McCarthy era, it's simply implausible to do so, and you would turn American on American.

08-07-2012, 02:54 PM
OK, even hate groups have First Amendment rights. But we should definitely keep all white supremacist groups under surveillance. We should tap their phones and monitor their communications. We should treat them as a terrorist group, which they are.

Again, why only the "white" groups?

08-07-2012, 03:02 PM
There are crazy people on all sides of the race spectrum. Why make a point about one of them?

-Paraphrase from another gabs, but still works for this argument

08-07-2012, 03:13 PM
OK, even hate groups have First Amendment rights. But we should definitely keep all white supremacist groups under surveillance. We should tap their phones and monitor their communications. We should treat them as a terrorist group, which they are.

Who defines the white supremheacist groups? The Southern Poverty Law Center? http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/hate-map

08-07-2012, 03:53 PM
Who defines the white supremheacist groups? The Southern Poverty Law Center? http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/hate-map

Kathiannne. Sadly. And most all of us know it, but rarely will admit it. Those who define WHITE anything are generally Liberal Democrats who always have something negative, or racist to say about anyone who doesn't agree with them...or Obama.

The NAACP, and the Democrat Congressional Black Caucus, as well as the American Socialists who are also members of the Democrat party in Congress....use WHITE descriptions to LEGALLY accuse anyone who DOES NOT LOOK LIKE THEM...as racists.
And they REFUSE to allow anyone to talk about it in any way. Lest they admit to being Racists first.

Anton Chigurh
08-07-2012, 05:14 PM
Name someone they have.
Iran has been orchestrating and financing attacks around the globe. It's been documented. It's a fact. Though they don't do it officially with their armed forces, it's attacks and killings nonetheless.

Now, please back up your idiotic assertion that Ahmadinejad's "freedom of speech" has been curtailed.

08-07-2012, 05:16 PM
Kathiannne. Sadly. And most all of us know it, but rarely will admit it. Those who define WHITE anything are generally Liberal Democrats who always have something negative, or racist to say about anyone who doesn't agree with them...or Obama.

The NAACP, and the Democrat Congressional Black Caucus, as well as the American Socialists who are also members of the Democrat party in Congress....use WHITE descriptions to LEGALLY accuse anyone who DOES NOT LOOK LIKE THEM...as racists.
And they REFUSE to allow anyone to talk about it in any way. Lest they admit to being Racists first.

Last I checked...Street gangs of ILLEGAL ALIENS are responsible for far more murders every year than all the WHITE SUPREMACISTS put together... The Isolated incident of a lone wolf nut job that identifies as a NEO-NAZI/SKINHEAD/WHITE SUPREMACIST is far outweighed by the THOUSANDS OF DEATHS attributed to gangs of illegal that roam the inner cities at will!

Forget about the one nut job that goes on an isolated incident. to catch a lone wolf is almost impossible.. Thugs like MS-13 kill 10's of thousands every year from coast to coast... not to mention the number of innocents killed and maimed by them.

I say start with the illegal black and Hispanic street gangs that have been left to flourish in our inner cities. Eliminate the BLOODS, CRIPS, MS-13, LATIN KINGS, GANGSTA DISCIPLES, and all the others...

Instead of offering them welfare and free citizenship....

Liberals sure have their priorities backward....

08-08-2012, 10:24 AM
Name someone they have.

They attacked US naval forces in the gulf in the 80's. They supply the taliban and AQ in both iraq and afghan. They have been involved in countless bombings and terrorist operations globally. They do it all covertly so as not to draw world condemnation on themselves.

They are not in a position to outright invade anywhere. That's why they want nukes.

08-08-2012, 05:17 PM
Last I checked...Street gangs of ILLEGAL ALIENS are responsible for far more murders every year than all the WHITE SUPREMACISTS put together... The Isolated incident of a lone wolf nut job that identifies as a NEO-NAZI/SKINHEAD/WHITE SUPREMACIST is far outweighed by the THOUSANDS OF DEATHS attributed to gangs of illegal that roam the inner cities at will!

Forget about the one nut job that goes on an isolated incident. to catch a lone wolf is almost impossible.. Thugs like MS-13 kill 10's of thousands every year from coast to coast... not to mention the number of innocents killed and maimed by them.

I say start with the illegal black and Hispanic street gangs that have been left to flourish in our inner cities. Eliminate the BLOODS, CRIPS, MS-13, LATIN KINGS, GANGSTA DISCIPLES, and all the others...

Instead of offering them welfare and free citizenship....

Liberals sure have their priorities backward....

V4R. I think it's safe to say. Most of us here would totally agree with you above, and on every point.
That is the LINE IN THE DIRTY SAND our Liberal, Democrat, Progressive, Obama-ites have never had the Courage to cross because YOU managed to identify...ALL OF THEIR DEPENDABLE voters above in your list.
And we all know. They wouldn't dare call out GANG MEMBERS who practice the Socialist principles used by Obama, and the Democrats in order to maintain total control over the Un-educated, and easily led, gullible Americans who would also...NEVER SNITCH on someone who looks like them if they wanted to improve their life in the neighborHOOD.

08-08-2012, 06:39 PM
Should our freedom of speech extend to hate groups whose only reason for existence is to plan the elimination of others?
In my view, white supremacists and neo-Nazis are more dangerous than Muslims. Perhaps they need to be treated as such. Since they are terrorist groups, they should be treated as terrorists.
Since they are easily identified, I would like to see white supremacists with criminal records rounded up and sent to detention camps. Perhaps we can torture them and head up any future mass killings. Think how many lives it could save.

Should our freedom of speech extend to inner city gangs whose only reason for existence is to defend their block and attack others?
In some peoples view, inner city gangs are more dangerous than Muslims. Perhaps they need to be treated as such. Since they are terrorist groups (try walking through their neighborhood, you'll be terrorized), they should be treated as terrorists.
Since they are easily identified, some would like to see inner city gang members with criminal records rounded up and sent to detention camps. Perhaps we can torture them and head up any future drive by killings. Think how many more lives it could save.

08-08-2012, 06:49 PM
The First Amendment works best when it defends the rights of those whose views we find most repugnant. To limit speech to those only those with we we agree or whose ideas we find acceptable is abhorrent.

08-08-2012, 07:57 PM
Lib thinking is amazing.

Using racism as a pretext to destroy freedom; good thing.

Allowing Black Panther violence and voter intimidation at polling sites; better thing.

08-08-2012, 08:08 PM
Should our freedom of speech extend to inner city gangs whose only reason for existence is to defend their block and attack others?
In some peoples view, inner city gangs are more dangerous than Muslims. Perhaps they need to be treated as such. Since they are terrorist groups (try walking through their neighborhood, you'll be terrorized), they should be treated as terrorists.
Since they are easily identified, some would like to see inner city gang members with criminal records rounded up and sent to detention camps. Perhaps we can torture them and head up any future drive by killings. Think how many more lives it could save.

MtnBiker. As much as I find your statement above easily agreeable in most all respects. I still find myself falling on the side of our Constitution. Despite how much I would like to see all of the actions you mentioned take place, and it cannot be done soon enough.
However. It is difficult to accept that...even those thugs, and gang members who are more dangerous than terrorists from other nations...because they are here; ALSO have the very same First amendment rights as the rest of us who Obey, and Follow our laws. No matter how disgusting, and threatening they are to us.
We must always remember. If we can make, or bend the rules of law to fit our desires because we disagree, or find the words, or languages of others offensive. We ALL LOSE the rights ALL TOGETHER as well.
I know that is hard to accept, and I find it just as offensive, and disgusting as you do. But in the end. If we are forced to change for one, we must change for all.

08-08-2012, 10:19 PM
MtnBiker. As much as I find your statement above easily agreeable in most all respects. I still find myself falling on the side of our Constitution. Despite how much I would like to see all of the actions you mentioned take place, and it cannot be done soon enough.
However. It is difficult to accept that...even those thugs, and gang members who are more dangerous than terrorists from other nations...because they are here; ALSO have the very same First amendment rights as the rest of us who Obey, and Follow our laws. No matter how disgusting, and threatening they are to us.
We must always remember. If we can make, or bend the rules of law to fit our desires because we disagree, or find the words, or languages of others offensive. We ALL LOSE the rights ALL TOGETHER as well.
I know that is hard to accept, and I find it just as offensive, and disgusting as you do. But in the end. If we are forced to change for one, we must change for all.

Agreed, I was simply responding and using the same absurd logic that the OP was attempting to apply to make a point. The very idea that something can be "banned" in order to make society better is weak.

Anton Chigurh
08-08-2012, 10:30 PM
Agreed, I was simply responding and using the same absurd logic that the OP was attempting to apply to make a point. The very idea that something can be "banned" in order to make society better is weak.You both either don't realize, or ignore for the moment, the goal of these leftists is never to make society better.

Equal distribution of misery followed by eugenics is the endgame for them, even if they don't know it.

08-08-2012, 10:38 PM
You both either don't realize, or ignore for the moment, the goal of these leftists is never to make society better.

Equal distribution of misery followed by eugenics is the endgame for them, even if they don't know it.

Ah, good point, however you could say to a liberal equal distribution of misery is making society better, for them nothing is better then misery other than spreading it around.

Anybody see the unemployment numbers or people on disability lately?

Anton Chigurh
08-08-2012, 11:04 PM
Ah, good point, however you could say to a liberal equal distribution of misery is making society better, for them nothing is better then misery other than spreading it around.

Anybody see the unemployment numbers or people on disability lately?They would deny that to their grave.

08-09-2012, 07:26 AM
Where have you gone Gabby? Why arent you here defending you position to suspend the 1st and 4th amendments as well as Habeus Corpus? Have you run away yet again?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-09-2012, 08:55 AM
Where have you gone Gabby? Why arent you here defending you position to suspend the 1st and 4th amendments as well as Habeus Corpus? Have you run away yet again?

Yet gabby called aboutime and I gun toting rednecks full of hate! Of course a liberal's hate is called kindness, concern and caring !-Tyr

08-09-2012, 09:12 AM
I am Calling out Gabby right now.... I will debate her on her original posting in this thread ONE ON ONE. She can defend her assertion that the first amendment should be over looked and I will defend that the First Amendment shall apply to all regardless of how hateful or distasteful the premise may be... WELL GABBY...DO YOU ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE?? I'M CALLING YOU OUT!!

08-09-2012, 12:03 PM
Ahmedinejad is just talking.

Oh, so, there's no nuclear program in Iran, then ?? A program supposedly designed for energy needs which THEY DON'T HAVE ??

Wait for the time when Ahmadinejad does more than talk, revelarts .. you'll know it when it comes. The craters where cities used to be, will be something of a giveaway !!

Getting back on track .. I just want to comment that I find this thread fascinating, as it shows a major difference between your society and mine. Here ... we don't quite have the freedoms that you enjoy, as 'political correctness', born of 'progressive thinking', has put paid to that.

Here .. if someone says something, publicly, for instance of a racial nature, and someone else takes offence from it, it's possible within law for the one uttering the remark to be subject to an official complaint that's then actionable in law.

See ..

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intentional_harassment,_alarm_or_distress#Racially _or_religiously_aggravated_offence

Section 31(1)(b) of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (c.37) creates the distinct offence of racially or religiously aggravated intentional harassment, alarm or distress.


The offence is created by section 4A of the Public Order Act 1986, which was inserted by section 154 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994:

(1) A person is guilty of an offence if, with intent to cause a person harassment, alarm or distress, he:

(a) uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or
(b) displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting

thereby causing that or another person harassment, alarm or distress.
(2) An offence under this section may be committed in a public or a private place, except that no offence is committed where the words or behaviour are used, or the writing, sign or other visible representation is displayed, by a person inside a dwelling and the person who is harassed, alarmed or distressed is also inside that or another dwelling.
(3) It is a defence for the accused to prove:

(a) that he was inside a dwelling and had no reason to believe that the words or behaviour used, or the writing, sign or other visible representation displayed, would be heard or seen by a person outside that or any other dwelling, or
(b) that his conduct was reasonable.

It's primarily geared to acting against anyone acting in a threatening manner, or worse. Nonetheless, sift through the wording, and you'll see that this can be in the eye of the beholder ... and just to use 'insulting words' can be taken as actionable harassment.

Thus .. anyone, say, publicly speaking out strongly against Islam, within earshot of a devout Muslim, could give that Muslim cause within British law to take action against the alleged 'abuser'. It's actually regarded as 'hatespeech'.

We have a political Party here called the British National Party (or BNP, formerly known as the National Front). It was seen to be a white supremacist Party ... it took a strong line on immigration, for example, on largely that basis. Well, a couple of years ago, they were legally forced to change their membership rules to admit non-whites into the Party.

Also, a couple of years ago, their entire membership list was posted online, for anyone to see. This allowed anyone to draw whatever - near-inevitable - conclusions anyone wanted to draw against any one of their members.

You see, here in the UK, it could be said that 'free speech' is allowed ... IF ... the consequences of undesirable speech are suffered by anyone not subscribing to 'normal views'. So yes, the UK, without the equivalent of your Constitution, has been free to undergo all the 'desirable' ramifications of 'progressive Leftie tinkering' ... and we see the results of it.

08-09-2012, 12:18 PM
I am Calling out Gabby right now.... I will debate her on her original posting in this thread ONE ON ONE. She can defend her assertion that the first amendment should be over looked and I will defend that the First Amendment shall apply to all regardless of how hateful or distasteful the premise may be... WELL GABBY...DO YOU ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE?? I'M CALLING YOU OUT!!

Large lettering or not, she very rarely returns to threads in which she is proven wrong, or proven to look silly. No way in hell she returns to accept a debate.

08-09-2012, 12:22 PM
^Especially when satire was the intent.

08-09-2012, 12:27 PM
Here is my point: When the Bushies decided they were going to monitor alleged "terrorists" after Sept. 11 using surveillance, wire taps and other such methods, conservatives were all for it. First amendment rights were thrown out the door.
But now you are defending the rights of another terrorist group to operate without similar restraints?

Large lettering or not, she very rarely returns to threads in which she is proven wrong, or proven to look silly. No way in hell she returns to accept a debate.

True, I rarely return to topics where people have gone off on tangents and made statements that make little sense to rational people. Some of you folks need to realize how close you are to being terrorist sympathizers.
Or perhaps some of you are merely visiting us from Stormfront.

08-09-2012, 12:33 PM
Large lettering or not, she very rarely returns to threads in which she is proven wrong, or proven to look silly. No way in hell she returns to accept a debate.

Jimmy... I have often seen that in those who think like her...

They make a statement like that... then after they are asked for an explanation they never have the nerve or conviction to back it up.

My offer still stands:

I will debate Gabby 1 on 1

She can defend her original argument and I will defend mine.

Someone set it up.....

08-09-2012, 12:36 PM
Here is my point: When the Bushies decided they were going to monitor alleged "terrorists" after Sept. 11 using surveillance, wire taps and other such methods, conservatives were all for it. First amendment rights were thrown out the door.
But now you are defending the rights of another terrorist group to operate without similar restraints?

True, I rarely return to topics where people have gone off on tangents and made statements that make little sense to rational people. Some of you folks need to realize how close you are to being terrorist sympathizers.
Or perhaps some of you are merely visiting us from Stormfront.

No one advocated rounding up people for detention camps based solely on them exercising their freedom of speech. In fact, I don't believe anyone advocated for anyone to have their freedom of speech revoked. Not a single person has stated that they had a problem with white supremacy groups being monitored. You don't even know what you're arguing. This is what happens when you make foolish statements, disappear and then only return when being scoffed at, you lose train of thought about what crap you originally stated.

The replies to your retarded first post were hardly off on tangents. They were in defense of freedom of speech, even if we disagreed with what was being said or who was saying it, but I imagine that concept is hard for you to grasp.

Your continual accusations coming close to calling others terrorists or murderers is disgusting. Your continual accusations of people here being terrorist sympathizers is disgusting. Your accusations that members here are from any type of lunatic fringe groups, without solid evidence, is disgusting. Or is it maybe that this stuff is made up out of anger when continually made to look foolish? And if so, I find that disgusting as well.

08-09-2012, 12:36 PM
So you are going to defend the right of terrorist groups to operate freely in the U.S., without any sort of government intervention?

08-09-2012, 12:40 PM
Your continual accusations coming close to calling others terrorists or murderers is disgusting. Your continual accusations of people here being terrorist sympathizers is disgusting. Your accusations that members here are from any type of lunatic fringe groups, without solid evidence, is disgusting. Or is it maybe that this stuff is made up out of anger when continually made to look foolish? And if so, I find that disgusting as well.

Terrorist sympathizers are disgusting. That is why I am calling them out.
Plus the fact that there are members who imply that jafar is a terrorist or terrorist sympathizer on a regular basis. Does anyone ever call them out? If not, that is disgusting.
If skinhead fits, wear it.

08-09-2012, 12:43 PM
Do what you will, Gabby, most are more than used to your antics by this point and many just ignore it, or chalk it up to another day and another bit of trolling. The adults will get back to conversing when you're done trying to rile other members.

08-09-2012, 12:44 PM
So you are going to defend the right of terrorist groups to operate freely in the U.S., without any sort of government intervention?

I will defend the right of any group to say what they want to say regardless of the message as promised to us in the 1st Amendment.

You seem to think it applies selectively....

Dont try and Spin it Gabby... You defend your original post.... I will take the counter position. You advocated the suspension of the 1st and 4th amendments as well as suspending Habeus corpus .

here IS YOUR exact statement IN CASE YOU FORGOT....

Should our freedom of speech extend to hate groups whose only reason for existence is to plan the elimination of others?
In my view, white supremacists and neo-Nazis are more dangerous than Muslims. Perhaps they need to be treated as such. Since they are terrorist groups, they should be treated as terrorists.
Since they are easily identified, I would like to see white supremacists with criminal records rounded up and sent to detention camps. Perhaps we can torture them and head up any future mass killings. Think how many lives it could save.

That is your assertion....

You sound like those in Nazi Germany, The Soviet Union, Cambodia and other countries where those who were of a different view were systematically rounded up and sent to camps...

I challenge you based on your statement above....

NO SPINNING GABBY.... Based on that Statement.

08-09-2012, 01:11 PM
Terrorist sympathizers are disgusting. That is why I am calling them out.
Plus the fact that there are members who imply that jafar is a terrorist or terrorist sympathizer on a regular basis. Does anyone ever call them out? If not, that is disgusting.
If skinhead fits, wear it.

I accept your calling me out based on your original Statement

"I would like to see white supremacists with criminal records rounded up and sent to detention camps. Perhaps we can torture them and head up any future mass killings. Think how many lives it could save."

Seeing as you have accepted I propose the following

1: A 3 person panel selected by Jimmy to represent the LIBERAL/INDEPENDENT/CONSERVATIVE positions.
2: The 3 person panel will formulate the questions based on the original statement made by GABOSAURUS in the 1st post of this thread.
3: Both sides will have 7 days to prepare their arguments
4: A special thread in the one on one section will be where this debate will be held... Jimmy will present the questions there.
5: Each Panelist will come up with 4 questions to be proposed to both sides based on the original statement made by Gabosaurus.
6: Gabosaurus will be allowed to speak first on the first Question... Voted4Reagan will be given the chance to rebut.
7: Voted4Reagan will get to answer the Second Question first... With Gabosaurus being allowed the Rebuttal.
8: Questions will be alternated until all questions posed are answered.
9: After all questions are answered, The Panel and Jimmy will vote to declare the Winner

red state
08-09-2012, 02:08 PM
When does your school start up Gabasorous? If you take V4R up on his challenge you better do it soon because I assume that most schools have started already or will start soon. Perhaps you teach night school. If you're a regular daytime teacher, I don't imagine we will have to read your ilk and ignorance much longer (IF) you're a teacher and (IF) you haven't lost your job for staying on talk forums during the day while you were supposed to be indoctrinating our children to the glories of communism and the evils of our fat, white, Christian founders. Of course, there's always the risk of reading your garbage at night...while you grade tests and homework. Time zones being a factor as well. Ahhrrrruuummmpphhhhh!


red state
08-09-2012, 02:12 PM
Another day...another dollar OR simply "...another day and another bit of trolling..."

3834 Take V4R up on his challenge. Though it will be a handicap match, I don't think V4R minds beating up on you. I'll get the popcorn!!!


08-09-2012, 02:44 PM
Another day...another dollar OR simply "...another day and another bit of trolling..."

3834 Take V4R up on his challenge. Though it will be a handicap match, I don't think V4R minds beating up on you. I'll get the popcorn!!!

Seeing as she proclaims to be SMARTER than I am... one would have to guess she'll be quite eager to PROVE it to everyone.

Come on Gabby.... Your challenge has been accepted and I am willing to debate you on your original statement in the first post in this thread...

I await your reply as do all the others here...

Refusing to debate will count as an acceptance that you were WRONG in your original statement...

You will lose by default if you dont confront the issue.....

Get ready to change your Tag Line to ..... "Not as smart as I thought I was"

I'm waiting...

red state
08-09-2012, 02:48 PM
I knew she was wrong before a challenge was issued just as I knew she would RUN...until JimNYC called her out on her habit of throwing hand fulls of $#!T before tucking tail and running.

08-09-2012, 02:52 PM
I knew she was wrong before a challenge was issued just as I knew she would RUN...until JimNYC called her out on her habit of throwing hand fulls of $#!T before tucking tail and running.

I really do wish to debate her... I want to really see how she finds her position defensible and how she will prove it....

One of her self proclaimed intellect should have no problem with someone like myself....


Come on Gabby.... Clock is ticking

red state
08-09-2012, 02:59 PM
I really do wish to debate her... I want to really see how she finds her position defensible and how she will prove it....

One of her self proclaimed intellect should have no problem with someone like myself....


Come on Gabby.... Clock is ticking

Leave her be...she's studying, getting all her ducks in a row. In short....she's looking for BULL$#!T excuses and loopholes to get out of what she stated. It should take quite a while to dig that much up.

red state
08-09-2012, 03:01 PM
Of course, she could simply be getting ready for night school....she's a "TEACHER" you know and we all know what the old saying is about some teachers. HA!!!

08-09-2012, 03:03 PM
Ah, good point, however you could say to a liberal equal distribution of misery is making society better, for them nothing is better then misery other than spreading it around.

Anybody see the unemployment numbers or people on disability lately?

Better yet. I heard this morning that 100 Million. That is about ONE THIRD of the entire U.S. Population alive today is....COLLECTING WELFARE. Add that number to the growing Misery index, and something's got to give sooner, rather than later.
Obama can only authorize the PRINTING of Monopoly money to replace borrowed Money from China until those numbers become TOO LARGE for our economy to handle.

Eventually. If those numbers remain the same. The day WILL COME, when the Money runs out if Americans have no jobs to pay Income taxes for, or on.
Then. ALL THE RICH people in the U.S.A. could pay 100% Income taxes, and we'd still be BROKE.
Ask Obama where he'd get his votes then...when 1OO Million Americans...get nothing.

red state
08-09-2012, 03:12 PM
Better yet. I heard this morning that 100 Million. That is about ONE THIRD of the entire U.S. Population alive today is....COLLECTING WELFARE. Add that number to the growing Misery index, and something's got to give sooner, rather than later.
Obama can only authorize the PRINTING of Monopoly money to replace borrowed Money from China until those numbers become TOO LARGE for our economy to handle.

Eventually. If those numbers remain the same. The day WILL COME, when the Money runs out if Americans have no jobs to pay Income taxes for, or on.
Then. ALL THE RICH people in the U.S.A. could pay 100% Income taxes, and we'd still be BROKE.
Ask Obama where he'd get his votes then...when 1OO Million Americans...get nothing.

Old friend, you forget, once 'the ONE' has fundamentally changed this Nation....he won't need any votes. Seriously though, I believe the number will grow till the dimocrats have an overwhelming majority THEN we'll see change where everyone who works will be allowed to keep 5% of what they earn and the lines at the bakery will stretch for miles and miles...By that time, we will be toothless and clawless and voting, along with our freedoms will be a thing of the past. We must progress to the new level and freedom only gets in the way.

08-09-2012, 03:13 PM
Of course, she could simply be getting ready for night school....she's a "TEACHER" you know and we all know what the old saying is about some teachers. HA!!!

I find it hard to believe she's a teacher....

But I welcome the chance to debate her self proclaimed SUPERIOR INTELLECT.


08-09-2012, 03:37 PM
Old friend, you forget, once 'the ONE' has fundamentally changed this Nation....he won't need any votes. Seriously though, I believe the number will grow till the dimocrats have an overwhelming majority THEN we'll see change where everyone who works will be allowed to keep 5% of what they earn and the lines at the bakery will stretch for miles and miles...By that time, we will be toothless and clawless and voting, along with our freedoms will be a thing of the past. We must progress to the new level and freedom only gets in the way.

That's all based on assuming THERE WILL BE BAKERIES for people to stand in line for. Bakers are small business people, and the Obama crowd is doing everything they can to destroy the TERRIBLE Small business owners who make more than 200K profit, or income.

As for votes. Those 100 Million who are now collecting Welfare WILL vote for Obama in order to STAY OUT OF WORK. Why would anyone feel a need to work for a paycheck when someone like Obama and Pelosi just CUT THEM A CHECK????

If Obama wins in November.
All of us. Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and ALL OTHERS will LOSE.

It might be too late. But those who think Obama is just so wonderful should be informing themselves, or reminding themselves of how POLAND, YOGOSLAVIA, HUNGARY, and even the Former U.S.S.R. were in the past.
And let's not forget FRANCE, and GREECE today.
That is how Obama and the Dems WANT Our Nation to look. And it will. Soon enough.

08-09-2012, 04:11 PM
I find it hard to believe she's a teacher....

But I welcome the chance to debate her self proclaimed SUPERIOR INTELLECT.


She's not a teacher. I believe she is a counselor, has I believe an MSW.

Anton Chigurh
08-09-2012, 04:13 PM
This is by far the most straw I've seen gabby erect.

Wait, I said 'erect' heh hehheh heh

Deflect, evade, outright dodge.... It's incredible to watch the strawsaurus in action in this thread!:laugh:

08-09-2012, 04:20 PM
This is by far the most straw I've seen gabby erect.

Wait, I said 'erect' heh hehheh heh

Deflect, evade, outright dodge.... It's incredible to watch the strawsaurus in action in this thread!:laugh:

I took the OP to be hyperbole to make what she thought her 'point' was. Seems her assumption is that conservative yokels would like to round up all the Muslims that belong to any 'groups', I'm assuming she means such as a mosque, and put them in concentration camps.

I saw this as her attempt to get folks to see the 'folly of their ways" according to her projections. Absolute fail.

08-09-2012, 04:23 PM
She's not a teacher. I believe she is a counselor, has I believe an MSW.

Kathianne: Would that happen to be COUNSELOR like Obama was for his ACORN-ITES?

If so. That just about explains everything any of us need to know about gabby.


08-09-2012, 04:26 PM
Kathianne: Would that happen to be COUNSELOR like Obama was for his ACORN-ITES?

If so. That just about explains everything any of us need to know about gabby.


High school counselor, not community organization legal counsel. ;)

08-09-2012, 04:30 PM
I took the OP to be hyperbole to make what she thought her 'point' was. Seems her assumption is that conservative yokels would like to round up all the Muslims that belong to any 'groups', I'm assuming she means such as a mosque, and put them in concentration camps.

I saw this as her attempt to get folks to see the 'folly of their ways" according to her projections. Absolute fail.

You see, Kathianne is far smarter than the rest of you folks. She took my original post in the facetious spirit in which it was intended. Which she is allowed to consider a failure if she wants to.

I am quite taken aback that V4R want to debate in favor of White Supremacist groups. I never imagined him being a skinhead or White Supremacist. But I am not a debater. So consider yourself the winner of such debate, if you wish. Perhaps I shall renew your subscription to American Renaissance.

08-09-2012, 04:32 PM
You see, Kathianne is far smarter than the rest of you folks. She took my original post in the facetious spirit in which it was intended. Which she is allowed to consider a failure if she wants to.

I am quite taken aback that V4R want to debate in favor of White Supremacist groups. I never imagined him being a skinhead or White Supremacist. But I am not a debater. So consider yourself the winner of such debate, if you wish. Perhaps I shall renew your subscription to American Renaissance.

Do you accept or not?

Yes or no?

I'm still scoffing at the Superior Intellect......

08-09-2012, 04:35 PM
Do you accept or not?

Congratulations, you have finally proved her title correct.

08-09-2012, 04:38 PM
I took the OP to be hyperbole to make what she thought her 'point' was. Seems her assumption is that conservative yokels would like to round up all the Muslims that belong to any 'groups', I'm assuming she means such as a mosque, and put them in concentration camps.

I saw this as her attempt to get folks to see the 'folly of their ways" according to her projections. Absolute fail.

What the hell do you think conservatives think anyway?
I'll give you a summery,
FREEDOM, LESS GOV'T, and being able to do what you want with your life without being questioned. if you want to be a homless guy, go do it, if you want to do something amazing with your one shot at life, noone's stopping you.

No matter how much i disagree with anything you say, i'll support your freedom to say it without the Gov't getting involved.

08-09-2012, 04:40 PM
High school counselor, not community organization legal counsel. ;)

I see. So gabby goes to High School where the kids, who are obviously much smarter than gabby, counsel her?

That does tell quite a bit. Thankful none of my grand kids are old enough to find themselves in a class with gabby. Pre-school must have been a terrible challenge for gabby. Still smarting from being identified so easily.

08-09-2012, 04:46 PM
Do you accept or not?

Yes or no?

Reading comprehension is your friend.

I'm still scoffing at the Superior Intellect......

Which school did you get your master's degree from?

And yes, I am a secondary school counselor. Teens have a lot of problems these days. And a lot of decisions they have to make. Someone needs to help them.

08-09-2012, 04:47 PM
Congratulations, you have finally proved her title correct.

and how do you arrive at that conclusion?

08-09-2012, 04:49 PM
and how do you arrive at that conclusion?

And you're quick too.

So consider yourself the winner of such debate, if you wish.

Do you accept or not?

08-09-2012, 04:51 PM
Gabby has now qualified to be just like Harry Reid....

LIKE THIS.....3837

08-09-2012, 04:53 PM
And you're quick too.

all of that doesnt prove her original premise to be correct....

All it shows is that she tries to spin away from an actual debate on her statement and answer in an oblique manner.

But we all know that Liberals NEVER answer with a straight YES or NO

Obviously she knows she cant win and is backing out......

Like the Coward she is....

08-09-2012, 04:54 PM
I am quite taken aback that V4R want to debate in favor of White Supremacist groups. I never imagined him being a skinhead or White Supremacist.

Willing to take that side, that even such groups have the rights to freedom of speech, doesn't make someone a skinhead or a white supremacist. Your much too quick as of late to label people as part of such groups. Your accumulative posts from the last month alone espouse as much hate, if not more, than the people you are accusing of being haters.

08-09-2012, 04:55 PM
all of that doesnt prove her original premise to be correct....

No, no it doesn't. That wasn't the basis for my comment though. ;)

08-09-2012, 04:55 PM
And yes, I am a secondary school counselor. Teens have a lot of problems these days. And a lot of decisions they have to make. Someone needs to help them.

What if one of these teens discusses their opinions with you in confidence, will you ask them if they are part of these hate groups? Or will you just report them to the authorities for the POV?

08-09-2012, 05:05 PM
What if one of these teens discusses their opinions with you in confidence, will you ask them if they are part of these hate groups? Or will you just report them to the authorities for the POV?

The Superior Intellect that is GABOSAURUS has exhibited one thing only...

That when the going gets tough.... She'll run away from a fight...


PS: I don't have a MASTERS DEGREE.... but GABBY... I'd Certainly ask for a Refund from the place that gave you yours if you are that afraid to debate someone that just has a Bachelors....

oh... I turned down MENSA 30 years ago... I find them to be little more then the Liberal Illuminati.... Elitist Snobs that hold themselves above everyone....

my IQ is probably far superior to yours...around 195 the last it was checked... in 1982...

But I dont make it a habit to hold myself above people... as you so often Demonstrate...

Anton Chigurh
08-09-2012, 06:19 PM
I took the OP to be hyperbole to make what she thought her 'point' was. Seems her assumption is that conservative yokels would like to round up all the Muslims that belong to any 'groups', I'm assuming she means such as a mosque, and put them in concentration camps.

I saw this as her attempt to get folks to see the 'folly of their ways" according to her projections. Absolute fail.You know her far better than I do.... But I still have a hard time buying that.:laugh:

08-09-2012, 07:24 PM
You know her far better than I do.... But I still have a hard time buying that.:laugh:

nobody fell for her all too obvious Trap....

So much for the Superior Intellect that Gabby claims to have...


08-09-2012, 07:31 PM
What if one of these teens discusses their opinions with you in confidence, will you ask them if they are part of these hate groups? Or will you just report them to the authorities for the POV?

jimnyc: Are we. The members of this fine forum expected to be Impressed, Worship, Bow down, or otherwise throw ourselves at the feet of someone who claims to be smarter than all of us? Someone who is even so egotistical that they demand, because of their profession, and so-called higher education...that we are lesser human's, and should never dare to question the obvious patronage intended for all of us from such a mistake of nature???

08-09-2012, 07:36 PM
jimnyc: Are we. The members of this fine forum expected to be Impressed, Worship, Bow down, or otherwise throw ourselves at the feet of someone who claims to be smarter than all of us? Someone who is even so egotistical that they demand, because of their profession, and so-called higher education...that we are lesser human's, and should never dare to question the obvious patronage intended for all of us from such a mistake of nature???

Gabby is a Typical Liberal UFT Lackey...

The CONTRACT takes Priority over the Kids...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-09-2012, 08:10 PM
gabosaurus Smarter than you are number of posts = Too many
number of on topic replies = too rare to bother counting
number of battles when faced with Truth = zero, runsaway

I guess that "smarter" means =faster runner too!--:beer:-:laugh:
V4R, Gabby will never dare take you up on that challenge. I mean, if one has to announce -"smarter than you are" that just about says it all right there!--Tyr

08-09-2012, 08:52 PM
jimnyc: Are we. The members of this fine forum expected to be Impressed, Worship, Bow down, or otherwise throw ourselves at the feet of someone who claims to be smarter than all of us? Someone who is even so egotistical that they demand, because of their profession, and so-called higher education...that we are lesser human's, and should never dare to question the obvious patronage intended for all of us from such a mistake of nature???

Why would you ask such questions?

08-09-2012, 08:54 PM
I've many problems with Gabby, going over years. The few posts that followed my last question, do not add any edification if she bothered to respond. Which in all likelihood she will not.

08-09-2012, 09:13 PM
:flameth: Gabosaurus

Down in Flames again......

08-09-2012, 09:48 PM
So tell me V4R, what have you done all day? Besides sitting on this message board, trying to pick fights? Do you not have a job? A family? Any responsibilities at all?
Unlike you, I can't sit here all day. I have to take care of my house, entertain my daughter and fix dinner.

I believe this thread has outlasted its usefulness and could be better served in The Cage, where those who wish to take further shots can do so.

08-09-2012, 10:01 PM
So tell me V4R, what have you done all day? Besides sitting on this message board, trying to pick fights? Do you not have a job? A family? Any responsibilities at all?
Unlike you, I can't sit here all day. I have to take care of my house, entertain my daughter and fix dinner.

I believe this thread has outlasted its usefulness and could be better served in The Cage, where those who wish to take further shots can do so.

Excuses, excuses, and more of the same old liberal accusations that just don't seem to ever work the way gabby intended them to work. Any excuse to avoid answering, or actually presenting something that resembles an honest answer...and it doesn't have to be in the form of a Debate. It's called Interaction, speaking, communications, and being Human.

08-09-2012, 10:05 PM
Oh hell no. I don't care how dispicable a person is, they have the right to say stupid stuff.

08-09-2012, 10:08 PM
nobody fell for her all too obvious Trap....

So much for the Superior Intellect that Gabby claims to have...


That would be because none of us believe the crap she accuses us of believing.

08-09-2012, 10:10 PM
jimnyc: Are we. The members of this fine forum expected to be Impressed, Worship, Bow down, or otherwise throw ourselves at the feet of someone who claims to be smarter than all of us? Someone who is even so egotistical that they demand, because of their profession, and so-called higher education...that we are lesser human's, and should never dare to question the obvious patronage intended for all of us from such a mistake of nature???

Nope. You can admire me from afar, but i dont like those other things nor do i expect them;)

08-09-2012, 10:11 PM
So tell me V4R, what have you done all day? Besides sitting on this message board, trying to pick fights? Do you not have a job? A family? Any responsibilities at all?
Unlike you, I can't sit here all day. I have to take care of my house, entertain my daughter and fix dinner.

I believe this thread has outlasted its usefulness and could be better served in The Cage, where those who wish to take further shots can do so.

What use did you intend it to have to begin with?

08-09-2012, 10:17 PM
Oh hell no. I don't care how dispicable a person is, they have the right to say stupid stuff.

I should hope so! I'm a (formerly) blonde female, so I've been saying stupid stuff all my life.

And I intended this thread to have no use at all. Other than to point out the fact that some folks have a more favorable view of white supremacists than they do of Muslims.

08-10-2012, 04:53 AM
So tell me V4R, what have you done all day? Besides sitting on this message board, trying to pick fights? Do you not have a job? A family? Any responsibilities at all?
Unlike you, I can't sit here all day. I have to take care of my house, entertain my daughter and fix dinner.

I believe this thread has outlasted its usefulness and could be better served in The Cage, where those who wish to take further shots can do so.

Actually Gabby... I work 3 Jobs...I just took the Day off for my S/O's Birthday... Did all the Cooking, Cleaning and even made her a Lobster Lunch and Steak Dinner...

but thanks for trying.... your personal attack is a dismal failure....


You apply for that Refund on that Masters Degree Yet? You really did get short changed......

08-10-2012, 06:14 AM
I should hope so! I'm a (formerly) blonde female, so I've been saying stupid stuff all my life.

And I intended this thread to have no use at all. Other than to point out the fact that some folks have a more favorable view of white supremacists than they do of Muslims.

That would have worked, had the people you are pointing fingers at actually said these things about muslims here in America. But again, I don't see anyone calling for the freedom to speak to be revoked from Muslims, nor anyone stating they should be rounded up in detention camps, even if they have a record. Then you infer we should torture them, as if others are saying we should do the same to Muslims.

Your comparison is dead in the water. Nobody is calling for these anywhere in American that I can see. I see people with a very unfavorable view of Muslims, just as I know many have an unfavorable view of white supremacists. I think you're just a little miffed at people talking smack about so many true stories involving muslims.

08-10-2012, 09:37 AM
Should our freedom of speech extend to hate groups whose only reason for existence is to plan the elimination of others?
In my view, white supremacists and neo-Nazis are more dangerous than Muslims. Perhaps they need to be treated as such. Since they are terrorist groups, they should be treated as terrorists.
Since they are easily identified, I would like to see white supremacists with criminal records rounded up and sent to detention camps. Perhaps we can torture them and head up any future mass killings. Think how many lives it could save.

They shouldn't be banned.
Their hate shows the world that love is the better way.

Muslims aren't dangerous either.
Just like the Nazi style hate groups don't speak for all Americans, the daft end of Islam doesn't speak for Muslims in general.

08-10-2012, 01:29 PM
Liberals are like spoiled little children who need a swift kick in he posterior from tine to time to try and straighten them out. Actually, Gabby has simply comported herself the way she's been trained by her controllers @ the DNC. While you and I will condemn the condemnable, regardlesss of the letter next to the persons name, she will ALWAYS tow the Party line.

You gotta give her credit, it's so easy to be a mindless, pinheaded, bot, because independent thinking ain't in their nature.

For Gabby's efforts, I award her the coveted "Pinhead" award for outstanding performance in "totally not getting it" yet again. :clap:


08-10-2012, 02:13 PM
I should hope so! I'm a (formerly) blonde female, so I've been saying stupid stuff all my life.

And I intended this thread to have no use at all. Other than to point out the fact that some folks have a more favorable view of white supremacists than they do of Muslims.

GABBY. Since your familiarity with the actual document called the Constitution seems to need a refresher course. One thing you can depend upon, when it comes to your rights, and freedoms according to that Document Obama habitually ignores is...."Under no circumstances will you ever lose your Constitutional Right to be stupid, dumb, or illiterate." That is Guaranteed, since it is not mentioned, and was never mentioned by the authors, or the Founding Fathers who OBVIOUSLY had a great sense of Humor.