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View Full Version : Did Obama Really Attend Columbia University

08-07-2012, 06:07 AM
From the article below:

If anyone should have questions about Obama’s record at Columbia University, it’s me. We both graduated (according to Obama) Columbia University, Class of ’83. We were both (according to Obama) Pre-Law and Political Science majors. And I tho
ught I knew most everyone at Columbia. I certainly thought I’d heard of all of my fellow Political Science majors. But not Obama (or as he was known then- Barry Soetoro). I never met him. Never saw him. Never even heard of him. And none of the classmates that I knew at Columbia has ever met him, saw him, or heard of him.

But don’t take my word for it. The Wall Street Journal reported in 2008 that Fox News randomly called 400 of our Columbia classmates and never found one who had ever met Obama.

Interesting, eh? Hearing a personal account like this, it gets kind of .... scary I guess. Who is this president?


am President Obama’s classmate at Columbia University, Class of ’83. I am also one of the most accurate Las Vegas oddsmakers and prognosticators. Accurate enough that I was awarded my own star on the Las Vegas Walk of Stars. And I smell something rotten in Denmark. Obama has a big skeleton in his closet. It’s his college records. Call it “gut instinct” but my gut is almost always right. Obama has a secret hidden at Columbia- and it’s a bad one that threatens to bring down his presidency. Gut instinct is how I’ve made my living for 29 years since graduating Columbia.

Obama and his infamous strategist David Axelrod understand how to play political hardball, the best it’s ever been played. Team Obama has decided to distract America’s voters by condemning Mitt Romney for not releasing enough years of his tax returns. It’s the perfect cover. Obama knows the best defense is a bold offense. Just keep attacking Mitt and blaming him for secrecy and evasion, while accusing him of having a scandal that doesn’t exist. Then ask followers like Senator Harry Reid to chase the lead. The U.S. Senate Majority Leader appears to now be making up stories out of thin air, about tax returns he knows nothing about. It’s a cynical, brilliant, and vicious strategy. Make Romney defend, so he can’t attack the real Obama scandal.

This is classic Axelrod. Obama has won several elections in his career by slandering his opponents and leaking sealed documents. Not only do these insinuations and leaks ruin the credibility and reputation of Obama’s opponents, they keep them on the defensive and off Obama’s trail of sealed documents.

It's a lengthy article, but well worth the read.

08-07-2012, 06:41 AM
Out of all the stuff he won't release, the school records baffle me the most. Wouldn't someone be proud of their accomplishments? Supposedly he did rather well, so no one is going to fault him if he had an average grade here or there, of if a these or similar was based on some radical idea.

I think it's more like a "Warren" issue (She claims to be Cherokee or some shit, which was an obvious ploy to get a discount) and I think Obama is having records held back as he probably fucked with his location or similar in order to get a discount.

08-07-2012, 06:52 AM
But how come nobody in his department remembers him?

Someone who goes on to Harvard Law School obviously should have been an academic standout.

If anything, he was probably one of the few African-Americans, or plain old Africans, in the department. I remember the early 1980s, and if anything he could be remembered for that alone.

How did he get through Columbia completely "off the grid"?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-07-2012, 08:16 AM
Obama is a "composite figure" just as he was forced to admit that he used in his books, fiction= "just words". Fiction is so convenient because one can be made to be anything such as a genius, a Saviour, a peacemaker, a uniter, a famous author, a caring-loving man , Super hero to the ignorant masses etc..
Propaganda and it has been used so effectively on us . Now since he gained "his throne" even more so IMHO.-Tyr

08-07-2012, 11:37 AM
Excellent article about Obama and how he's going overboard to protect his educational records for some reason. It makes no sense that he would still want to deny access to these records so long after the fact. A damn good read, but I'll only pull out a few paragraphs, go to the site to read the rest.

Obama and his infamous strategist David Axelrod understand how to play political hardball, the best it’s ever been played. Team Obama has decided to distract America’s voters by condemning Mitt Romney for not releasing enough years of his tax returns. It’s the perfect cover. Obama knows the best defense is a bold offense. Just keep attacking Mitt and blaming him for secrecy and evasion, while accusing him of having a scandal that doesn’t exist. Then ask followers like Senator Harry Reid to chase the lead. The U.S. Senate Majority Leader appears to now be making up stories out of thin air, about tax returns he knows nothing about. It’s a cynical, brilliant, and vicious strategy. Make Romney defend, so he can’t attack the real Obama scandal.


By attacking Romney’s tax records, Obama’s socialist cabal creates a problem that doesn’t exist. Is the U.S. Senate Majority Leader making up stories out of thin air? You decide. But the reason for this baseless attack is clear- make Romney defend, so not only is he “off message” but it helps the media ignore the real Obama scandal.

My answer for Romney? Call Obama’s bluff.

Romney should call a press conference and issue a challenge in front of the nation. He should agree to release more of his tax returns, only if Obama unseals his college records. Simple and straight-forward. Mitt should ask “What could possibly be so embarrassing in your college records from 29 years ago that you are afraid to let America’s voters see? If it’s THAT bad, maybe it’s something the voters ought to see.” Suddenly the tables are turned. Now Obama is on the defensive.

My bet is that Obama will never unseal his records because they contain information that could destroy his chances for re-election. Once this challenge is made public, my prediction is you’ll never hear about Mitt’s tax returns ever again.


But don’t take my word for it. The Wall Street Journal reported in 2008 that Fox News randomly called 400 of our Columbia classmates and never found one who had ever met Obama.

Now all of this mystery could be easily and instantly dismissed if Obama released his Columbia transcripts to the media. But even after serving as President for 3 1/2 years he refuses to unseal his college records. Shouldn’t the media be as relentless in pursuit of Obama’s records as Romney’s? Shouldn’t they be digging into Obama’s past–beyond what he has written about himself–with the same boundless enthusiasm as Mitt’s?


If it’s okay for U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to go on a fishing expedition about Romney’s taxes (even though he knows absolutely nothing about them nor will release his own), then I think I can do the same thing. But as Obama’s Columbia Class of ’83 classmate, at least I have more standing to make educated guesses.


08-07-2012, 11:48 AM
I would like to know about the name changes. His supposed 'birth certificate' says he was born with the given name Barack Obama. So then why would he go through school and be registered as Barry Soetoro?

Anton Chigurh
08-07-2012, 12:18 PM
Interesting that during the 2004 campaign, John sKerry was the "intellectual candidate" but wouldn't release his college transcripts. Yet the press and media and even the same players we hear now howling for Romney's tax returns pretty much badgered Bush into releasing all of his own college transcripts. Those showed him to be not a great student, barely average - which is exactly what the sKerry camp wanted.

It was only until the July after the election that sKerry finally released HIS transcripts, and we found out why - turned out the "intellectual candidate's" grades were actually WORSE than Bush's, by a small margin!

Suddenly though, no press, media or pols are calling for any college transcripts....

I have always fought birthers. But one point they have which I agree with - I want to see Obama's college transcripts, his term papers, student loans he brags he paid off, all of it. He's billed as the "transparency candidate." Well, let's see it!

McCain stayed away from this in 2008, trying to be Mr. Nicey-nice all the way through his campaign. FEARED being labeled a racist and a meanie. Romney's got to know he can't make this same mistake. So I propose to Governor Romney - tell "Mr. Transparency" Obama you'll release ten years of tax returns as soon as he releases all of his college transcripts!

08-07-2012, 12:21 PM





08-07-2012, 12:24 PM





Then if him and his cronies want so much transparency from Romney, he should have no issue with releasing simple transcripts. It's a no brainer, why n the world would anyone have a problem, 29 years after the fact and already President? The only logical reason someone would go to these lengths is if there is something they don't want revealed. College transcripts have never been held as some sort of national secret. I think the educational background of our leaders is important.

Anton Chigurh
08-07-2012, 12:28 PM




http://www.college.columbia.edu/news/barack-obama-83-becomes-first-college-alumnus-to-win-presidencyFive fluff pieces prove exactly what?

The USA Today one is really interesting though, since it contains a glaring GFE (General Factual Error, used to be a Journalism term). It says "his Ivy league educated friend (Obama) stepped in" but later in the article it's obvious they have the timeline wrong, Obama hadn't been to Harvard as yet, during his alleged SIX YEARS at Colombia. He was only 18 when he started there....

See how the facts don't add up, even when they're trying to glorify this guy?

08-07-2012, 12:34 PM
Five fluff pieces prove exactly what?

The USA Today one is really interesting though, since it contains a glaring GFE (General Factual Error, used to be a Journalism term). It says "his Ivy league educated friend (Obama) stepped in" but later in the article it's obvious they have the timeline wrong, Obama hadn't been to Harvard as yet, during his alleged SIX YEARS at Colombia. He was only 18 when he started there....

See how the facts don't add up, even when they're trying to glorify this guy?

There are problems with her citations, but Columbia is considered Ivy. http://collegeapps.about.com/od/choosingacollege/tp/ivy-league-schools.htm

Anton Chigurh
08-07-2012, 12:43 PM
There are problems with her citations, but Columbia is considered Ivy. http://collegeapps.about.com/od/choosingacollege/tp/ivy-league-schools.htmBut he's not "Ivy League Educated" in his first year....

Anton Chigurh
08-07-2012, 12:51 PM
How could Obama have been at Columbia for six friggin years and the only people who've allegedly heard of him there are Pakistani nationals no one can find anymore? How it it that the guy in the OP never heard of him?

08-07-2012, 12:55 PM
But he's not "Ivy League Educated" in his first year....

Occidental? Indeed, correct. One does wonder how he got from there to Columbia. Then from Columbia to Harvard Law.

no trail.

Anton Chigurh
08-07-2012, 01:00 PM
Occidental? Indeed, correct. One does wonder how he got from there to Columbia. Then from Columbia to Harvard Law.

no trail.E-Zackly....

There is NO way he was "Ivy League Educated" at age 18....

None of the fluff pieces Gabby posted have the same timeline in them. I suppose she thinks she can just spam a bunch of links without reading them herself - essentially regurgitating the same crap she was spoonfed - and we're just supposed to do like she does, willingly suspend all skepticism and critical thinking. Or perhaps, she thinks everyone is like her and is just too lazy to read all of that. (She'd be alot closer to being right on that one however.)

It's called trying to baffle with bullshit, because you can't dazzle with brilliance.

08-07-2012, 01:08 PM

There is NO way he was "Ivy League Educated" at age 18....

None of the fluff pieces Gabby posted have the same timeline in them. I suppose she thinks she can just spam a bunch of links without reading them herself - essentially regurgitating the same crap she was spoonfed - and we're just supposed to do like she does, willingly suspend all skepticism and critical thinking. Or perhaps, she thinks everyone is like her and is just too lazy to read all of that. (She'd be alot closer to being right on that one however.)

It's called trying to baffle with bullshit, because you can't dazzle with brilliance.

Nearly 4 years later, this still isn't released:


Allies of Palestinians see a friend in ObamaCAMPAIGN '08: RACE FOR THE WHITE HOUSE
They consider him receptive despite his clear support of Israel.
April 10, 2008 (http://articles.latimes.com/2008/apr/10)|Peter Wallsten

CHICAGO — It was a celebration of Palestinian culture -- a night of music, dancing and a dash of politics. Local Arab Americans were bidding farewell to Rashid Khalidi, an internationally known scholar, critic of Israel and advocate for Palestinian rights, who was leaving town for a job in New York.

A special tribute came from Khalidi's friend and frequent dinner companion, the young state Sen. Barack Obama. Speaking to the crowd, Obama reminisced about meals prepared by Khalidi's wife, Mona, and conversations that had challenged his thinking.

His many talks with the Khalidis, Obama said, had been "consistent reminders to me of my own blind spots and my own biases. . . . It's for that reason that I'm hoping that, for many years to come, we continue that conversation -- a conversation that is necessary not just around Mona and Rashid's dinner table," but around "this entire world."

Today, five years later, Obama is a U.S. senator from Illinois who expresses a firmly pro-Israel view of Middle East politics, pleasing many of the Jewish leaders and advocates for Israel whom he is courting in his presidential campaign. The dinner conversations he had envisioned with his Palestinian American friend have ended. He and Khalidi have seen each other only fleetingly in recent years.

And yet the warm embrace Obama gave to Khalidi, and words like those at the professor's going-away party, have left some Palestinian American leaders believing that Obama is more receptive to their viewpoint than he is willing to say.


08-07-2012, 02:47 PM
Typical braindead ConReps -- willing to take the word of a right-wing blog over five solid pieces of information.

In the past, I have stated my reluctance to post links in my posts because of the general reluctance of ConReps to believe anything that doesn't come from Fox or a right-wing blog. This totally proves my point.
Perhaps you need to stop being sheep and turn on the other side of your thought process. You are merely displaying your radical idiocy.

08-07-2012, 04:27 PM
Typical braindead ConReps -- willing to take the word of a right-wing blog over five solid pieces of information.

In the past, I have stated my reluctance to post links in my posts because of the general reluctance of ConReps to believe anything that doesn't come from Fox or a right-wing blog. This totally proves my point.
Perhaps you need to stop being sheep and turn on the other side of your thought process. You are merely displaying your radical idiocy.

Typical shithead idiot. The entire point of the thread is that he won't release his transcripts. I don't care WHERE you make your posts from, you'll never post anything that shows them.

08-07-2012, 04:28 PM
Typical braindead ConReps -- willing to take the word of a right-wing blog over five solid pieces of information.

In the past, I have stated my reluctance to post links in my posts because of the general reluctance of ConReps to believe anything that doesn't come from Fox or a right-wing blog. This totally proves my point.
Perhaps you need to stop being sheep and turn on the other side of your thought process. You are merely displaying your radical idiocy.

Gabby. Let us get this straight. You expect us to BELIEVE you, above every other source we can find?

Who's the Sheep, or Lamb who follows Obama without question here???

By the way. Please let us know IF, and WHEN you begin to have a genuine, actual, usable Thought Process of your own that isn't determined by others who actually have less ability to think.

08-07-2012, 04:33 PM
Gabby. Let us get this straight. You expect us to BELIEVE you, above every other source we can find?

Who's the Sheep, or Lamb who follows Obama without question here???

By the way. Please let us know IF, and WHEN you begin to have a genuine, actual, usable Thought Process of your own that isn't determined by others who actually have less ability to think.

The thing is, she posted links that dealt with bullshit, with whether he was ever seen at college. My concern, which she ignored while condemning everyone as a whole, is his transcripts. I believe he went there, I just believe his transcripts will reveal more than just his grades. The retarded left, with Gabby, will avoid this by debating anything but. And the Obama team will demand transparency from Romney while avoiding the transcripts at all costs.

08-07-2012, 04:39 PM
The thing is, she posted links that dealt with bullshit, with whether he was ever seen at college. My concern, which she ignored while condemning everyone as a whole, is his transcripts. I believe he went there, I just believe his transcripts will reveal more than just his grades. The retarded left, with Gabby, will avoid this by debating anything but. And the Obama team will demand transparency from Romney while avoiding the transcripts at all costs.

Agreed jimnyc. And now. You are seeing why I, and many others find coming here SO MUCH FUN. It's members like Gabby who are so out of tune with the reality of the Real World. They entertain the rest of us, but still find themselves frustrated when we actually talk BACK to them.
People like us, who meet all of the typical Gabby kinds of Name calling, and accusations from Liberalville U.S.A. are NOT supposed to say anything, or argue in any way with those like Gabby.

Consequently. When we do talk back, and actually answer questions based on SOLID, FACTS. People like Gabby become frustrated, and miserable because they can never find the answers. The honest answers to questions NOT COVERED IN THEIR TALKING POINTS Manual. And that just TWISTS their Skivvies into all kinds of TIGHT KNOTS.

08-07-2012, 04:44 PM
Agreed jimnyc. And now. You are seeing why I, and many others find coming here SO MUCH FUN. It's members like Gabby who are so out of tune with the reality of the Real World. They entertain the rest of us, but still find themselves frustrated when we actually talk BACK to them.
People like us, who meet all of the typical Gabby kinds of Name calling, and accusations from Liberalville U.S.A. are NOT supposed to say anything, or argue in any way with those like Gabby.

Consequently. When we do talk back, and actually answer questions based on SOLID, FACTS. People like Gabby become frustrated, and miserable because they can never find the answers. The honest answers to questions NOT COVERED IN THEIR TALKING POINTS Manual. And that just TWISTS their Skivvies into all kinds of TIGHT KNOTS.

Her links only prove that he actually was there, if it even does that, because I barely read them. I never really doubted that. It could be a host of reasons why he is protecting his transcripts, but IMO, I think he fudged his background and where he was from and what not to get a discount. Similar to his counterpart Elizabeth Warren who lied and claimed to be Cherokee in order to lower her costs.

08-07-2012, 04:53 PM
Her links only prove that he actually was there, if it even does that, because I barely read them. I never really doubted that. It could be a host of reasons why he is protecting his transcripts, but IMO, I think he fudged his background and where he was from and what not to get a discount. Similar to his counterpart Elizabeth Warren who lied and claimed to be Cherokee in order to lower her costs.

jimnyc. The key word Obama lovers, and Democrats always attempt to ignore, and redirect toward Republicans, and Conservatives is "LIAR, LIARS, and LIES"

Everyone with a real brain knows, but not all are willing to admit. That Obama is a masterful Liar. He used that Mastery of Lying to fool millions of Americans who honestly believed Obama, only to discover, and feel the Buyers Remorse of their votes in 2008.
OBAMA IS, AND ALWAYS WILL BE THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF-LIAR until he moves out of the White House. PERIOD. And those who defend him...no matter what. ARE MAKING THEMSELVES LIARS TOO!

08-07-2012, 04:58 PM
Typical shithead idiot. The entire point of the thread is that he won't release his transcripts. I don't care WHERE you make your posts from, you'll never post anything that shows them.


The title of this thread is "Did Obama attend Columbia University."
One of the main points of the source document says "The Wall Street Journal reported in 2008 that Fox News randomly called 400 of our Columbia classmates and never found one who had ever met Obama."
The point of the thread is questioning whether Obama attended Columbia. That is where the debate of this thread is.
I posted links that proved that Obama attended Columbia.
So now all the sudden the subject is his transcripts?

MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MINDS! Or make a new thread and make it clearer.

Geez, do I need to post in bold red font to get your attention?

unwissened Gehirne ihre Schwänze eingefügt :lame2:

08-07-2012, 05:04 PM
Out of all the stuff he won't release, the school records baffle me the most. Wouldn't someone be proud of their accomplishments? Supposedly he did rather well, so no one is going to fault him if he had an average grade here or there, of if a these or similar was based on some radical idea.

I think it's more like a "Warren" issue (She claims to be Cherokee or some shit, which was an obvious ploy to get a discount) and I think Obama is having records held back as he probably fucked with his location or similar in order to get a discount.

Excellent article about Obama and how he's going overboard to protect his educational records for some reason. It makes no sense that he would still want to deny access to these records so long after the fact. A damn good read, but I'll only pull out a few paragraphs, go to the site to read the rest.


Then if him and his cronies want so much transparency from Romney, he should have no issue with releasing simple transcripts. It's a no brainer, why n the world would anyone have a problem, 29 years after the fact and already President? The only logical reason someone would go to these lengths is if there is something they don't want revealed. College transcripts have never been held as some sort of national secret. I think the educational background of our leaders is important.


MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MINDS! Or make a new thread and make it clearer.

How about instead of blabbing like an idiot, you address POSTS and INDIVIDUALS like I have told you so many times. You include EVERYONE in your brain dead comments and like to take swipes at the entire board. I don't give a fuck what the title is, look at my posts in this thread. And then you even call ME out specifically. Sorry, but it's YOU who is wrong.

ALL I have talked about myself is his covering up his transcripts and what perhaps is in them. I went on to say WHY I even believe so, as I think he lied on them for a lower tuition perhaps. I have NOT discussed him not being there at all which is what your links went on about. Are you really that fucking dense that you can't debate one single point with a member while debating one single point with another? You have to take both of them, or all of them, and condemn everyone, even though the arguments were 100% different?

08-07-2012, 05:09 PM
And even more. I believe this makes like 7 replies on the subject that I brought up. NONE of them talk about him never being there. But go ahead and mix me in with other arguments. I understand that your brain only works in one m ode.

Typical shithead idiot. The entire point of the thread is that he won't release his transcripts. I don't care WHERE you make your posts from, you'll never post anything that shows them.

The thing is, she posted links that dealt with bullshit, with whether he was ever seen at college. My concern, which she ignored while condemning everyone as a whole, is his transcripts. I believe he went there, I just believe his transcripts will reveal more than just his grades. The retarded left, with Gabby, will avoid this by debating anything but. And the Obama team will demand transparency from Romney while avoiding the transcripts at all costs.

Her links only prove that he actually was there, if it even does that, because I barely read them. I never really doubted that. It could be a host of reasons why he is protecting his transcripts, but IMO, I think he fudged his background and where he was from and what not to get a discount. Similar to his counterpart Elizabeth Warren who lied and claimed to be Cherokee in order to lower her costs.

And what added to the confusion, you'll see I posted an article mid-way through this thread. That was an entirely different thread that was merged into this one, hence my comment about what this thread was about. It doesn't matter though, as MY argument remained consistent the entire time, and yet I got the bashing from the slowly molding beanhead.

Anton Chigurh
08-07-2012, 05:10 PM
I posted links that proved that Obama attended Columbia.You did no such thing. You posted five fluff pieces, one of which was so inaccurate in the timeline it was laughable and raised more questions than it provided answers.

You didn't even read any of the pieces you linked.

I could flood a post with six links too. Anyone can. But clearly you're not able to actually read the content the links point to before posting them, and then merely ignore when one of them is shredded.

08-07-2012, 05:18 PM
I posted links that proved that Obama attended Columbia.

You did no such thing.

While this isn't what I argued, Anton IS technically correct, as this isn't "proof". But releasing his transcripts would settle the situation. It's certainly not asking for too much, like as if people went nuts for the longest time trying to get military information about George Bush, who DID release the info.

08-07-2012, 05:23 PM
Five fluff pieces prove exactly what?

The USA Today one is really interesting though, since it contains a glaring GFE (General Factual Error, used to be a Journalism term). It says "his Ivy league educated friend (Obama) stepped in" but later in the article it's obvious they have the timeline wrong, Obama hadn't been to Harvard as yet, during his alleged SIX YEARS at Colombia. He was only 18 when he started there....

See how the facts don't add up, even when they're trying to glorify this guy?

Columbia is in the Ivy League.

08-07-2012, 05:24 PM
Columbia is in the Ivy League.

Point I think he was trying to make - is that the guy commended the "ivy league guy" for helping him, when he wasn't Ivy league yet at that point. The article was out of order, and outright incorrect in that context.

Anton Chigurh
08-07-2012, 05:27 PM
Columbia is in the Ivy League.Already presented and addressed earlier in the thread.

08-07-2012, 06:01 PM
While this isn't what I argued, Anton IS technically correct, as this isn't "proof". But releasing his transcripts would settle the situation. It's certainly not asking for too much, like as if people went nuts for the longest time trying to get military information about George Bush, who DID release the info.

So we're supposed to take some guys word for it that Obama went to Columbia, but we can't take the word of his paternal granny that he was born in Kenya? Seems like liberals have different standards of proof for positive and negative stories.

08-07-2012, 06:09 PM
So we're supposed to take some guys word for it that Obama went to Columbia, but we can't take the word of his paternal granny that he was born in Kenya? Seems like liberals have different standards of proof for positive and negative stories.

To this day many of them dismiss official documents released by GWB. It was never enough for many of them. But they are content with a couple of unknowns that they saw Obama at College, and no need for transcripts. It's almost ALWAYS a different set of standards applied by liberals.