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08-07-2012, 11:27 PM
I captured this off Facebook sometime back. I still shake my head at what they are actually asking people to do: Pay money to play with animal poo and then make FAKE poo to take home as a souvenir. :cuckoo:


08-08-2012, 06:51 AM
I heard about people being into "scat" a long time ago. I said back then that these freaks are eventually going to want extra "rights" like gays down the road. It hasn't reached that level yet, but the lovers of this sickness are growing and getting more mainstream, if that's possible. I see more and more of them sticking up for their actions, as business of no one else and they aren't harming anyone, so leave them be. Sounds familiar?

08-12-2012, 11:25 AM
Hmph! Pity it isn't one of my little joys. I play with poo all day and I get PAID to do so. LOL. Does give me a weird feeling though...wonder if any of my colleagues have a little bigger smile on their face at the end of the day?

08-12-2012, 11:59 AM
When my sister was in film school at USC, she did a study of various types of porn. There are specific films marketed to those who get their jollies by having others urinate and defecate on them. Or doing in to others. So if you are interested ( :rolleyes: ), go online and look for scat porn.

You can find porn for pretty much everything. Your imagination is the only limit.

08-12-2012, 12:03 PM
You know we were at the Great Smokey Mountian National Park, they have a class on recognizing different types of animal feces, it was all FREE. Actually if you're in the woods it is nice to know what to look for, especially if you are talking about bears and other large animals around you:thumb:

08-12-2012, 12:09 PM
When my sister was in film school at USC, she did a study of various types of porn. There are specific films marketed to those who get their jollies by having others urinate and defecate on them. Or doing in to others. So if you are interested ( :rolleyes: ), go online and look for scat porn.

You can find porn for pretty much everything. Your imagination is the only limit.

That, and perhaps morals, though I realize that is a commodity in short supply for Liberals.

08-12-2012, 12:18 PM
That, and perhaps morals, though I realize that is a commodity in short supply for Liberals.

What does "morals" have to do with it? Who establishes what is "moral" and what is not?
I think this lies in the area of what consenting adults wish to engage in.

08-12-2012, 01:28 PM
What does "morals" have to do with it? Who establishes what is "moral" and what is not?
I think this lies in the area of what consenting adults wish to engage in.

gabby. Good question, coming from someone who has the Obama kind of audacity to ask "What does "morals" have to do with it?"

Sadly for you gabby. There are millions of us who faithfully follow a set of Human-like standards we like to identify as "The 10 Commandments".
Those Ten rules let us determine the differences between Good and Evil, Right and Wrong, Moral and Immoral attitudes, actions, and how we live together.
My long experience on this Earth as one who follows those rules has been in learning how MANY people today, so easily claim they DO NOT BELIEVE in such rules. Therefore. They can make excuses for not following, or obeying such rules if they claim "Not to believe in them."

Morals are decided by Human beings who practice another rule we call 'The Golden Rule', which today has been distorted, if not destroyed by those who only think in the "ME" or "I" selfish mode that tells them to disrespect, and abuse others freely, without something else we call Personal Responsibility.
Not something...it seems. Many Liberal, Democrat, Progressives even want to learn, or practice. So. To you. There are no Morals you would abide by. Is that how you see it?