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View Full Version : Three U.S. special ops troops killed...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-10-2012, 09:27 AM

Three US special ops troops killed, Afghan officials sayBy NBC News staff and wire reports
Updated at 7:43 a.m. ET: KABUL, Afghanistan -- A man wearing an Afghan army uniform shot and killed three U.S. service members, the U.S. military command said Friday. Afghan officials said the victims were American special operations forces troops.

Reuters reported that an Afghan police commander opened fire on the service members after inviting them to a meeting to discuss security. A U.S. military official confirmed the three deaths and said another service member had been injured during the incident.

NBC News' Jim Miklaszewski reported that a "lone gunman" remained on the loose and was being hunted. U.S. military officials said the victims were part of a "special operations village stability mission."

Citing Afghan officials, Reuters said the American special operations forces members were killed late Thursday while attending a meeting in the Sarwan Qala area, in what appeared to be a planned attack by rogue Afghan forces.


"The commander was Afghan National Police in charge of local police in Sangin," a senior Afghan official told Reuters on condition of anonymity. Sangin is a district of Helmand province.

"It looks like he had drawn up a plan to kill them previously," the official added.

A military official told NBC News' Courtney Kube that it was unclear whether the gunman was a member of the Afghan security forces or whether he was just wearing a uniform.

Taliban spokesman Qari Yousef Ahmadi told The Associated Press by telephone that the attacker, whom he identified as a member of Helmand police named Asadullah, had been helping U.S. forces train Afghan local police troops. However, the Taliban has made false claims about the details of attacks in the past.


If our military does not have a modern day Chesty Puller to put in command there we should just get the hell out!
This nation needs a modern day statesman like Churchill and a modern day military leader and fighter like the great Chesty Puller!
We simply have to relearn how to win and make it stick!!! All those sand dogs need to be treated like the enemy until they are disarmed and stripped searched everytime! -Tyr

08-10-2012, 09:40 AM
Sadly, when you start a war and invade a country, some of your people will end up in body bags.
Discuss the matter with Bush.

08-10-2012, 09:43 AM
Sadly, when you start a war and invade a country, some of your people will end up in body bags.
Discuss the matter with Bush.

Umm, who started the war?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-10-2012, 09:49 AM
Sadly, when you start a war and invade a country, some of your people will end up in body bags.
Discuss the matter with Bush.

Sadly , when we do the liberal thing of trying to fight a kinder , gentler war we end up with too many unnecessary deaths of our men! Something a military leader such as the one I referenced would have never allowed in his war zone! Chesty Puller would have solved that bullshat by killing the right people there wihout hesitation. Instead we now try to kiss thier asses. All a matter of letting our military do its job the way they know to rather than the way a damn politician forces to be used! A great man like Chesty Puller would have had those sand dogs whelping in a few months and begging to be instructed on how to live and not face his wrath. You should read up on the life of that courageous and honorable fighting man is my suggestion..-Tyr

08-10-2012, 09:50 AM
Umm, who started the war?

I don't think Afghanistan invaded the US and it was a Saudi who was blamed for 9/11.
9/11 was, as I'm sure you're aware, retaliation for US intervention in the middle east.

In other words, the US started the war.

08-10-2012, 11:03 AM
I don't think Afghanistan invaded the US and it was a Saudi who was blamed for 9/11.
9/11 was, as I'm sure you're aware, retaliation for US intervention in the middle east.

In other words, the US started the war.

The Hijackers all trained at bases in Afghanistan... but you knew that and ignored it just to make the above statement.

So you're blaming the US for starting the war? No wonder nobody here takes you seriously.

You truly are a troll of the highest magnitude... Just like Jimmy said... and youre not even good at it...

08-10-2012, 12:01 PM
I don't think Afghanistan invaded the US and it was a Saudi who was blamed for 9/11.
9/11 was, as I'm sure you're aware, retaliation for US intervention in the middle east.

In other words, the US started the war.

A sad stretch of logic. Who aided and abetted that Saudi and was given opportunity to hand him over to the US?

08-10-2012, 01:44 PM
What in the hell are we doing as far as security over there ? This event embarasses the shit out our military to say nothing of the personal tragedy. Do we have one of Blackwater's off shoots running the show again ?

08-10-2012, 02:25 PM
What in the hell are we doing as far as security over there ? This event embarasses the shit out our military to say nothing of the personal tragedy. Do we have one of Blackwater's off shoots running the show again ?

I don't see it completely that way. This is what happens though when you expect our soldiers to play the "let's make friends" game. They shouldn't be there to provide security. Nato should maybe pop in after the fact for peace keeping missions. Or perhaps groups like Blackwater, or one with a better reputation, to perform services such as security and training. Marines, special ops, shouldn't be involved in this crap, IMO

But with that aside... It looks like this guy was perhaps a commander overseeing various local police departments. It's kind of hard for a Marine to know the mindset of someone like that, and know ahead of time that he was planning an attack. There's only so much that can be done to prevent such an attack. I don't think it's embarrassing for what happened, the only embarrassing thing I see is our troops being used like they are Nato or the UN.

08-10-2012, 02:47 PM
This is the sort of thing that makes me wonder why the U.S. is still in Afghanistan. We need to withdraw ALL of our military forces NOW. As in the next week or so. We should not be "protecting" a country that does not respect our forces.

As for Sept. 11, 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens traveling on Saudi passports. The preparation and training was primarily financed by the Saudis.
So what did we do in response? We invaded Iraq and absolved the Saudis of all blame. Primarily because Dubya and his Big Oil cronies didn't want to piss off the Saudis, who undoubtedly smirked the whole time.
Who taught the Islamic militants the strategy of flying planes into buildings? The American CIA in the 1980s, while training Afghan rebels to fight against the Russians.
Where did the learn flight training? In the U.S.

08-10-2012, 02:59 PM
This is the sort of thing that makes me wonder why the U.S. is still in Afghanistan. We need to withdraw ALL of our military forces NOW. As in the next week or so. We should not be "protecting" a country that does not respect our forces.

As for Sept. 11, 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens traveling on Saudi passports. The preparation and training was primarily financed by the Saudis.
So what did we do in response? We invaded Iraq and absolved the Saudis of all blame. Primarily because Dubya and his Big Oil cronies didn't want to piss off the Saudis, who undoubtedly smirked the whole time.
Who taught the Islamic militants the strategy of flying planes into buildings? The American CIA in the 1980s, while training Afghan rebels to fight against the Russians.
Where did the learn flight training? In the U.S.


You go after the people responsible, and the ringleader, who were in Afghanistan. How and why you wrote that we invaded Iraq and absolved the Saudi's is beyond me, as it never happened. Iraq was in 2003 and nothing to do with 9/11. But it made sense to chase Bin Laden in Afghanistan where we knew him to be, and the Taliban refused to hand him over. It would have made zero sense to invade Saudi Arabia.

Do you have this little piece you just posted saved somewhere? I'd swear you posted it hundreds of times so far, and it didn't have a lot of truth to it the first time you posted it and it has the same amount now.

They did have Saudi passports. The CIA did help train rebels to fight the Russians. A few of the hijackers did have flight training in small schools in the US. That's about the only solid truths in your post. But if you're going to disagree with me, how about post specifics, without the rhetoric, for each claim you make, with decent links to backup your assertions.

The first sentence I put in red, I agree with you all the way on that one.

08-10-2012, 03:05 PM

You go after the people responsible, and the ringleader, who were in Afghanistan. How and why you wrote that we invaded Iraq and absolved the Saudi's is beyond me, as it never happened. Iraq was in 2003 and nothing to do with 9/11. But it made sense to chase Bin Laden in Afghanistan where we knew him to be, and the Taliban refused to hand him over. It would have made zero sense to invade Saudi Arabia.

Do you have this little piece you just posted saved somewhere? I'd swear you posted it hundreds of times so far, and it didn't have a lot of truth to it the first time you posted it and it has the same amount now.

They did have Saudi passports. The CIA did help train rebels to fight the Russians. A few of the hijackers did have flight training in small schools in the US. That's about the only solid truths in your post. But if you're going to disagree with me, how about post specifics, without the rhetoric, for each claim you make, with decent links to backup your assertions.

The first sentence I put in red, I agree with you all the way on that one.

You'll be holding your breath for a long time waiting for Gabby to back up her claim...

Obviously that fancy college didnt teach her to cite sources when they gave her that Masters degree...

I still think she got it in the mail....she keeps tripping over her own words making the most foolish statements......

08-10-2012, 03:07 PM
This is the sort of thing that makes me wonder why the U.S. is still in Afghanistan. We need to withdraw ALL of our military forces NOW. As in the next week or so. We should not be "protecting" a country that does not respect our forces.

As for Sept. 11, 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens traveling on Saudi passports. The preparation and training was primarily financed by the Saudis.
So what did we do in response? We invaded Iraq and absolved the Saudis of all blame. Primarily because Dubya and his Big Oil cronies didn't want to piss off the Saudis, who undoubtedly smirked the whole time.
Who taught the Islamic militants the strategy of flying planes into buildings? The American CIA in the 1980s, while training Afghan rebels to fight against the Russians.
Where did the learn flight training? In the U.S.

.. or to put it another way, you're trying to foist some big guilt trip on US citizens. Persuade them to stop fighting terrorists where and when it matters. Ah but, if the US ever helps freedom fighters in a noble cause, and they subsequently turn rogue, then the guilt trip is directed towards Americans !

The US had, and has, EVERY RIGHT to fight terrorists who set themselves up as your enemies !

Oh, and where your Iraq comment is concerned, I note your selective revisionism. There were considerable concerns about Iraq's stock of WMD's, and this was a matter that HAD to be resolved. And as the UN's feeble efforts proved, only a military invasion sufficed.

You know all this as well as I do, if you're being honest.

By the way, have you yet resolved the irony of your avatar ?? I see from your posting no sign that you have ....

08-10-2012, 05:10 PM
I don't see it completely that way. This is what happens though when you expect our soldiers to play the "let's make friends" game. They shouldn't be there to provide security. Nato should maybe pop in after the fact for peace keeping missions. Or perhaps groups like Blackwater, or one with a better reputation, to perform services such as security and training. Marines, special ops, shouldn't be involved in this crap, IMO

But with that aside... It looks like this guy was perhaps a commander overseeing various local police departments. It's kind of hard for a Marine to know the mindset of someone like that, and know ahead of time that he was planning an attack. There's only so much that can be done to prevent such an attack. I don't think it's embarrassing for what happened, the only embarrassing thing I see is our troops being used like they are Nato or the UN.
If a Marine or ANY American in a Muslim country hasn't figured out that Muslims ambush by using suicide bombers, something is terribly wrong. There's absolutely no excuse for this successful assassination. Heads should roll and our troops need to come home.

08-10-2012, 05:37 PM
If a Marine or ANY American in a Muslim country hasn't figured out that Muslims ambush by using suicide bombers, something is terribly wrong. There's absolutely no excuse for this successful assassination. Heads should roll and our troops need to come home.

If this guy was a legitimate police commander for some time, how could anyone have known he would go postal? There doesn't need to be an excuse. A police officer from Afghanistan decided to go a little nutso and shot men that were helping his side with training. I fail to see how the Marines did anything wrong. This wasn't a suicide bomber.

I think the troops should leave as well, that we agree on. If these people don't want our help, leave them to get full time help from the taliban.

08-10-2012, 05:51 PM
I put this attack in the same boat as the Fort Hood shooting. Someone you are supposed to trust decided to betray you. What makes it different is that the attack came from a supposed friendly force.
The Afghan government and military hierarchy should be held accountable. This is not the first instance of Afghans stabbing Americans in the back.
There is no reason for American forces to remain in Afghanistan. If a withdrawal does not begin immediately, someone needs to start asking a lot of questions in the Pentagon.

08-10-2012, 08:31 PM
Sadly, when you start a war and invade a country, some of your people will end up in body bags.
Discuss the matter with Bush.


Sadly, when you repeat falshhoods, it doesn't make them true, but it DOES make you look the fool. You appear to be quite proficient at it.

You win a coveted "Pinhead"! :dance:

08-11-2012, 04:34 PM
Sadly, when you start a war and invade a country, some of your people will end up in body bags.
Discuss the matter with Bush.

And Just as Sadly, when idiots come here to make fools of themselves like Indofred. The rest of us instantly recognize how being brain-damaged would make someone like you Indofred...not shy away from being so willing to expose your ignorance, without hesitation.
Discuss this matter with the doctor, or cab driver that failed at your Abortion site.

08-11-2012, 08:12 PM
Umm, who started the war?

USA. They were not at war with you before.

08-11-2012, 08:22 PM
USA. They were not at war with you before.

I disagree, but it's one of those subjects where neither is going to bend on their opinion. But both Iraq and Afghanistan weren't wars that happened overnight. They both had options to avoid having US coming into town. Both countries chose their paths, however you want to draw that picture. Both of them have a body count SO much higher than those they wouldn't cooperate with. As a result of both playing cat and mouse games, the US Forces decimated both places militarily, and that was going light on them. Both places are lucky that the higher up dolts in the US wanted our soldiers to play nice.

08-12-2012, 11:51 PM
USA. They were not at war with you before.

They were, it's just that no one in the US was monitoring the telegraph hot line from Afghanistan when the message came over. Besides...

Who aided and abetted that Saudi and was given opportunity to hand him over to the US?