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08-11-2012, 12:38 PM
Offered to do my yard work and trim my trees for me. Told me I look way too young to have kids in highschool. Threw a pretty great smile into the mix too.

He's hired!!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-11-2012, 12:48 PM
offered to do my yard work and trim my trees for me. Told me i look way too young to have kids in highschool. Threw a pretty great smile into the mix too.

He's hired!!!

Is that , "trim my trees " some kind of codetalk!???-;):laugh:;)
He need to brush up on his flattery, should have said, "You look like you are still in highschool, ma'am " then flashed an inviting smile. These yougins' can still learn a thing or two from we older dogs.;)--Tyr

08-11-2012, 12:49 PM
Offered to do my yard work and trim my trees for me. Told me I look way too young to have kids in highschool. Threw a pretty great smile into the mix too.

He's hired!!!

"Yard work" and "trim trees" are code for he would like to spend 7 minutes on helping with your property before he starts hitting on you and attempting to get into your pants! :poke::beer:

08-11-2012, 12:52 PM
Is that , "trim my trees " some kind of codetalk!???-;):laugh:;)
He need to brush up on his flattery, should have said, "You look like you are still in highschool, ma'am " then flashed an inviting smile. These yougins' can still learn a thing or two from we older dogs.;)--Tyr

Codetalk? You never know...what is it you men used to call the vajay jay back in the day? Trim...fringe? I'm gonna keep my blindfold ready just incase though.:thumb:

08-11-2012, 12:56 PM
"Yard work" and "trim trees" are code for he would like to spend 7 minutes on helping with your property before he starts hitting on you and attempting to get into your pants! :poke::beer:

Well...cleaning my yard...painting my garage doors or fixing my AC are a total turn on to me. So...so far he is on the right track. Might have to ditch his girlfriend though. :coffee:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-11-2012, 01:02 PM
Codetalk? You never know...what is it you men used to call the vajay jay back in the day? Trim...fringe? I'm gonna keep my blindfold ready just incase though.:thumb:

Back in my day we used to say, "going to score some trim" when we had a good line on a pretty gal that seemed freehearted and hot.. Nothing offensive in that term either not even between guys talking about a girl. For its just speaking about the promise of heavenly delight and/or wishful thinking..Tyr

08-11-2012, 01:17 PM
Back in my day we used to say, "going to score some trim" when we had a good line on a pretty gal that seemed freehearted and hot.. Nothing offensive in that term either not even between guys talking about a girl. For its just speaking about the promise of heavenly delight and/or wishful thinking..Tyr

Funny stuff Tyr. Reminded me of some friends when I was much younger. A teenager, and a very naive one at that. But living in the suburbs of Philadelphia where American Bandstand was part of our Daily Diet. Even before Dick Clark took over.
The guys who bragged the most about their female conquests normally, and finally admitted. All they managed to get was a "TAINT".

Wonder how many today know the meaning of that?

08-11-2012, 01:17 PM
Back in my day we used to say, "going to score some trim" when we had a good line on a pretty gal that seemed freehearted and hot.. Nothing offensive in that term either not even between guys talking about a girl. For its just speaking about the promise of heavenly delight and/or wishful thinking..Tyr

Hmmm. The girls I ran with in college had a 'to do' list. guess that's kind of the same thing. LOL

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-11-2012, 01:37 PM
Funny stuff Tyr. Reminded me of some friends when I was much younger. A teenager, and a very naive one at that. But living in the suburbs of Philadelphia where American Bandstand was part of our Daily Diet. Even before Dick Clark took over.
The guys who bragged the most about their female conquests normally, and finally admitted. All they managed to get was a "TAINT".

Wonder how many today know the meaning of that?

HAHA, remember that , when a guy would say to another guy , all you got was some taint.-:laugh:
Plenty of guys lied about it back then , we that knew it was best not to blab about it used to laugh at the liars.
Many of the socalled loose girls were actually tighter than bark on a tree while some of the socalled sweet gals was loosey as a goosey. It was all good at that age and that time iffin' ya could get it! Remember that? I sure do..-TZS

08-11-2012, 01:56 PM
HAHA, remember that , when a guy would say to another guy , all you got was some taint.-:laugh:
Plenty of guys lied about it back then , we that knew it was best not to blab about it used to laugh at the liars.
Many of the socalled loose girls were actually tighter than bark on a tree while some of the socalled sweet gals was loosey as a goosey. It was all good at that age and that time iffin' ya could get it! Remember that? I sure do..-TZS

Some things are best...not talked about here on the Internet. Gotta remember. Anything, anyone says. STAYS on the Internet into Infinity.

By the way. That 'TAINT' thingy had another description too! Remember?

Taint her...., and Taint her....? The SPACE between Both of what it TAINT.

08-11-2012, 02:33 PM
Some things are best...not talked about here on the Internet. Gotta remember. Anything, anyone says. STAYS on the Internet into Infinity.

By the way. That 'TAINT' thingy had another description too! Remember?

Taint her...., and Taint her....? The SPACE between Both of what it TAINT.

Sounds like you fellas knew a lot of tang-patrollers ;)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-11-2012, 02:53 PM
Sounds like you fellas knew a lot of tang-patrollers ;)

We knew enough to laugh at them and not try to imitate them, nuff said..-;)

08-11-2012, 03:46 PM
Sounds like you fellas knew a lot of tang-patrollers ;)

Shadow. Oh, the fond memories of the Nam years. POON-TANG patrols?

Light my Fire, House of the Rising Sun. DANG ME!

08-12-2012, 08:32 PM
Offered to do my yard work and trim my trees for me. Told me I look way too young to have kids in highschool. Threw a pretty great smile into the mix too.

He's hired!!!

Send him up here, he could come fix my pipes - pm me a head shot first, tho! Thanks.

08-12-2012, 08:38 PM
Send him up here, he could come fix my pipes - pm me a head shot first, tho! Thanks.

I will work on that for ya. Do you like semi clean cut...dark hair...dark eyes (long eyelashes)...possible Italian heritage...nice build?

08-12-2012, 08:41 PM
I will work on that for ya. Do you like semi clean cut...dark hair...dark eyes (long eyelashes)...possible Italian heritage...nice build?

Whatever, I'm not that picky. I am very partial to tattoos and leather pants, but I'll provide those. :)

08-15-2012, 07:06 PM
Okay...I think I was just hit on by the yard guy. Something very strange is going on here. :laugh:

So...help me out here fellas. When you are sizing up a woman what do you do/say to her? Are you subtle or blantantly obvious?

Inquiring minds need to know.:thumb:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-15-2012, 07:37 PM
Okay...I think I was just hit on by the yard guy. Something very strange is going on here. :laugh:

So...help me out here fellas. When you are sizing up a woman what do you do/say to her? Are you subtle or blantantly obvious?

Inquiring minds need to know.:thumb:

Myself, I used to be blatantly subtle. Sometimes obviously blatant even but always and I mean when really wanting the gal ALWAYS charming ! If he was charming its blatantly obvious that he wants your body.. Which sometimes is charming in itself.. Just sayin'..-Tyr

08-15-2012, 07:44 PM
Myself, I used to be blatantly subtle. Sometimes obviously blatant even but always and I mean when really wanting the gal ALWAYS charming ! If he was charming its blatantly obvious that he wants your body.. Which sometimes is charming in itself.. Just sayin'..-Tyr

Define blantantly subtle.

08-15-2012, 07:52 PM
Is that , "trim my trees " some kind of codetalk!???-;):laugh:;)
He need to brush up on his flattery, should have said, "You look like you are still in highschool, ma'am " then flashed an inviting smile. These yougins' can still learn a thing or two from we older dogs.;)--Tyr

Are you implying that Shadow needs her tree trimmed?
I would think that would be taken care of before inviting the yard man in. :rolleyes:

08-15-2012, 08:03 PM
Very good looking man knocked on my door just now

Oh yeah, I've seen this movie.

Hold on just sec.... lemme get my pants down. ... there, that's better.

OK, continue.

08-15-2012, 08:06 PM
Hold up. Who said yard guy was coming " in "? Would need to see his handy work at tree triming first you know....then maybe we will talk about painting the walls.:rolleyes:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-15-2012, 08:06 PM
Define blantantly subtle.

Can not be justly defined better to be displayed.-;)--Tyr

08-15-2012, 08:08 PM
Oh yeah, I've seen this movie.

Hold on just sec.... lemme get my pants down. ... there, that's better.

OK, continue.

You are not the blatantly subtle type I gather.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-15-2012, 08:08 PM
Are you implying that Shadow needs her tree trimmed?
I would think that would be taken care of before inviting the yard man in. :rolleyes:

I never imply that about women but have offered my services numerous times. ;) I'm a generous kind of guy like that.
No complaints yet and Im 58.:dance:--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-15-2012, 08:13 PM
You are not the blatantly subtle type I gather.

Hey, obviously crass works too. I've never used it but have seen it work like a charm many times. Usually with the very sexy hot women too. :beer:
Taft probably has a few dozen methods , you know how those cops are.-;) Handcuffs, guns and badge.;)

08-15-2012, 08:13 PM
Can not be justly defined better to be displayed.-;)--Tyr

Okay. Yes...I like blatantly subtle. A little finger that is run down the arm during conversation...a certain sideways look...leaning in to talk/listen to the conversation...

Yeah...that's not what this was at all.

This was kinda blatantly blatant. :laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-15-2012, 08:21 PM
Okay. Yes...I like blatantly subtle. A little finger that is run down the arm during conversation...a certain sideways look...leaning in to talk/listen to the conversation...

Yeah...that's not what this was at all.

This was kinda blatantly blatant. :laugh:

Well, why didnt you say so! Thats a dude that has the certifiable hots for a gal like a steam engine thats been put into overdrive. Been there , done that . Wife put a govenor on that for me. But your new friend is likely not so restrained. Give him the right kind of smile and walla, message sent and received. Worked everytime on me.. and I was one damn wild mustang back in tha day..-Tyr

08-15-2012, 08:37 PM
Well, why didnt you say so! Thats a dude that has the certifiable hots for a gal like a steam engine thats been put into overdrive. Been there , done that . Wife put a govenor on that for me. But your new friend is likely not so restrained. Give him the right kind of smile and walla, message sent and received. Worked everytime on me.. and I was one damn wild mustang back in tha day..-Tyr

So...a little back story. Yard guy has a girlfriend (and kids with said girlfriend). Is currently doing yard work/odd jobs because girlfriend wants kids to go to private school this year....hella expensive I'm told.

Today (I was off work)...he came to do lawn/trees. Asked if I was going to keep him company (I just laughed at that). Later asks if I date...how often...would I like a boyfriend.... do I need more work done INSIDE the house. For a minute I thought I was being pranked. Still not so sure...it's a strange strange world. LOL

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-15-2012, 08:46 PM
So...a little back story. Yard guy has a girlfriend (and kids with said girlfriend). Is currently doing yard work/odd jobs because girlfriend wants kids to go to private school this year....hella expensive I'm told.

Today (I was off work)...he came to do lawn/trees. Asked if I was going to keep him company (I just laughed at that). Later asks if I date...how often...would I like a boyfriend.... do I need more work done INSIDE the house. For a minute I thought I was being pranked. Still not so sure...it's a strange strange world. LOL

Sounds like to me he is a typical guy looking to hook up with a pretty gal. Happens all the time even when they have a girlfriend. INSIDE house work for a yardman means one thing.. va va voom, lets find that right room! All it takes is too eager parties and its coconut dancing time.-;) I did quite a bit of yard work one summer when a very young man of 18 tender years.... A lady invites a guy in for a glass of cold water is one thing but if its to do some inside work its a totally different ball game usually. Good luck..;)-Tyr

08-15-2012, 08:58 PM
Hmmm, doing yard work to send someone else's kid to private school. Really. It could happen, I guess. :laugh2:

No 'real' job, or is he a teacher?

08-15-2012, 09:12 PM
Hmmm, doing yard work to send someone else's kid to private school. Really. It could happen, I guess. :laugh2:

No 'real' job, or is he a teacher?

Do not know. He did need to borrow my shovel to plant four rose bushes though...can't be a professional landscaper. :laugh:

08-15-2012, 09:22 PM
Give the kids $20 for the movies and blindfold him. :laugh2:

08-15-2012, 09:27 PM
Refer him to Plenty of Fish, there's a huge market for cheap 'hoes. Pun intended. :laugh2::laugh2:

08-15-2012, 09:36 PM
I think Shadow and the yard guy need to come to an agreement.
He works on her trees and lawn first. Then she works on his. :2up:

08-15-2012, 09:37 PM
Give the kids $20 for the movies and blindfold him. :laugh2:

He is probably a peeker. I can just tell.

08-15-2012, 09:48 PM
Offer him another Schnitzengruber (see Blazing Saddles if you have any questions)

08-15-2012, 09:56 PM
He is probably a peeker. I can just tell.

Guess you'll have to blow out the candles too

08-16-2012, 11:12 AM
Is this your guy? :laugh2:


Abbey Marie
08-16-2012, 11:13 AM
Hmmm, doing yard work to send someone else's kid to private school. Really. It could happen, I guess. :laugh2:

No 'real' job, or is he a teacher?

They are apparently his kids. Sounds like he's not winning any awards in the "faithful" department.

08-16-2012, 01:10 PM
Thanks for giving me the extra work, Shadow. I need the $

Abbey Marie
08-16-2012, 01:42 PM
If he wasn't so involved with his family, you could do what I did in a similar situation many years ago: offer him a beer for "the heat", and wait for him to come back later that evening. I can still remember that gorgeous, sweaty, long-haired, shirtless carpenter working on the deck. :cool:

ETA: Your story reminded me of this; at least until the end of the video, haha

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/fWNaR-rxAic" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>

08-16-2012, 02:21 PM
Shadow must live in a different neighborhood than me. The gardeners where I live would have to look up cute come on phrases on a translation site. :laugh:

08-16-2012, 08:07 PM
Thanks for giving me the extra work, Shadow. I need the $

I think you missed a spot...you free later? :whistling2:

They are apparently his kids. Sounds like he's not winning any awards in the "faithful" department.

Unless of course he is completely innocent and is just inquiring for a 'friend'. Some men are nice like that (just ask them). ;)

Shadow must live in a different neighborhood than me. The gardeners where I live would have to look up cute come on phrases on a translation site. :laugh:

Uh...I think 'cute come on phrases' would be a stretch here...although he WAS pretty clear. :)

08-16-2012, 08:45 PM
I think you missed a spot...you free later? :whistling2:

Honey, I'm really good at attending to certain spots. For real.


08-16-2012, 08:52 PM
Honey, I'm really good at attending to certain spots. For real.


I love a man who takes his work seriously. :)

08-16-2012, 09:16 PM
I love a man who takes his work seriously. :)

AND - my ego wont get in the way if you'd have suggestions for me on how I can best attend to said spot...


There's a recent pic in the "Post your pic" thread - in case you forgot how marginally attractive and slightly overweight I am, toots.


08-16-2012, 09:48 PM
AND - my ego wont get in the way if you'd have suggestions for me on how I can best attend to said spot...

Maybe not your ego...but your wife might (I hear she works out) :laugh:

There's a recent pic in the "Post your pic" thread - in case you forgot how marginally attractive and slightly overweight I am, toots.

That's hot! :thumb:

08-17-2012, 03:22 AM
Maybe not your ego...but your wife might (I hear she works out) :laugh:

Naw - she doesn't like me like that. We're just friends.
