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View Full Version : Just heard a newscaster announcing what Paul Ryan normally has for LUNCH

08-11-2012, 02:28 PM
Yep, they're scared, and digging desperately for whatever they can find.

08-11-2012, 03:56 PM
Rather than talk about how bad the Obama economy is. And how high the Obama unemployment rates have remained for so long.
The Dems will just continue to dig up crap, and make it a distraction to avoid talking about how much of a DISASTER, and FAILURE their BOY Bammer is.

Until election day in November. Obama and the Dems will drag out every form of lie, accusation, and attempt to destroy human beings as they can find.

We all know. Lying doesn't matter to Obama or the Democrats.

They need, and want to convince the other STUPID Americans. The DUMB Americans like the members of the Democrat party, and Obama's admin...that their lies...though proven to be lies. Are still being used...just in case the large number of Ignorant, Stupid Americans who voted for Obama the first time...haven't heard those lies recently, and would never question them. Because DUMB, IGNORANT people generally NEVER ASK ANY QUESTIONS. They aren't smart enough.

08-12-2012, 12:27 AM
Rather than talk about how bad the Obama economy is. And how high the Obama unemployment rates have remained for so long.
The Dems will just continue to dig up crap, and make it a distraction to avoid talking about how much of a DISASTER, and FAILURE their BOY Bammer is.

Until election day in November. Obama and the Dems will drag out every form of lie, accusation, and attempt to destroy human beings as they can find.

We all know. Lying doesn't matter to Obama or the Democrats.

They need, and want to convince the other STUPID Americans. The DUMB Americans like the members of the Democrat party, and Obama's admin...that their lies...though proven to be lies. Are still being used...just in case the large number of Ignorant, Stupid Americans who voted for Obama the first time...haven't heard those lies recently, and would never question them. Because DUMB, IGNORANT people generally NEVER ASK ANY QUESTIONS. They aren't smart enough.

Thus it's up to Romney and his followers to keep bringing the conversation back to where the electorate needs it to be. Where they want it to be. He must spell out his vision of what he'd do. With Ryan he has a true champion to articulate where the country should go.