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View Full Version : Gaffer.... Johnson ad I was telling you about.....

08-11-2012, 05:07 PM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/IDSUoIVMze8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDSUoIVMze8&feature=share)

08-11-2012, 07:06 PM
Sorry, but...If Johnson had even a tiny chance of winning in our two party system of National Destruction. I might consider relinquishing my sole vote for a Libertarian.

But. I deal in reality, pragmatism, and being awake.

Like Dr. Paul. Johnson has a Snowball's chance in hell to even make a dent in the Electoral college, as directed by the Constitution.

So. Like many other elections I have voted in during my life. I will vote for the candidate I know, and hope...will replace the present Inexperienced person who's only goals have been to destroy the nation WE ALL CLAIM TO LOVE, and the candidate I feel...will once again take my 5 grand children OUT OF their 40 thousand dollar debt...and they are all YOUNGER than 10 years old.

08-11-2012, 08:54 PM
Sorry, but...If Johnson had even a tiny chance of winning in our two party system of National Destruction. I might consider relinquishing my sole vote for a Libertarian.

But. I deal in reality, pragmatism, and being awake.

Like Dr. Paul. Johnson has a Snowball's chance in hell to even make a dent in the Electoral college, as directed by the Constitution.

So. Like many other elections I have voted in during my life. I will vote for the candidate I know, and hope...will replace the present Inexperienced person who's only goals have been to destroy the nation WE ALL CLAIM TO LOVE, and the candidate I feel...will once again take my 5 grand children OUT OF their 40 thousand dollar debt...and they are all YOUNGER than 10 years old.

That's what I told her on the phone. All he's going to do is draw votes away from Romney. While Romney is a politician, he's running against the Dark Lord. Marbles verses bowling balls.

I've said it before. If the libertarians want to really accomplish something they need to go after the house and senate seats. Once established there they can start looking at the throne room.

08-11-2012, 11:42 PM
That's what I told her on the phone. All he's going to do is draw votes away from Romney. While Romney is a politician, he's running against the Dark Lord. Marbles verses bowling balls.

I've said it before. If the libertarians want to really accomplish something they need to go after the house and senate seats. Once established there they can start looking at the throne room.

I agree and that's what the tea party is doing. Sure they've some elected to Congress, but the focus is on the future, at the state, county, and local levels. That's how a crop of new leaders is raised.

08-11-2012, 11:50 PM
I thought I remembered him running in this election, at the time I did some research and found there were reasons I couldn't support him, probably the war. Yeah, the 'war' issue is usually what kills my hopes with Libertarian candidates.


Gary Earl Johnson, the former two-term Governor of New Mexico, declared his entry into the Republican nomination race for the 2012 Presidential Election on April 21, 2011. He subsequently announced his intention to seek the Libertarian nomination on December 28, 2011, :rolleyes: citing the need to bring the Libertarian voice back into the election process. Pundits, however, speculate that the decision was probably made in response to him being sidelined by the GOP leadership throughout the 2011 campaign season...

If he'd waited to run as Libertarian in 2016, I could admire him. This just reeks of hubris.

08-12-2012, 08:41 AM
I thought I remembered him running in this election, at the time I did some research and found there were reasons I couldn't support him, probably the war. Yeah, the 'war' issue is usually what kills my hopes with Libertarian candidates.


If he'd waited to run as Libertarian in 2016, I could admire him. This just reeks of hubris.

Exactly why I wouldn't vote for him. That and like you... I can't really get behind a lot of his policies on war.....terrorism... immigration...legalization of drugs/prostitution among other things.

08-13-2012, 11:53 AM
I've said it before. If the libertarians want to really accomplish something they need to go after the house and senate seats. Once established there they can start looking at the throne room.

That won't help IMO. Their issues would still be co-opted by one of the big two if they got any traction. They either need to buck up and make waves in the primaries of the big two or by attempting to modify the voting structure and requiring a run-off where any candidate for Federal office doesn't reach 50%+1. Then any vote that was previously "thrown away" would be able to be rectified in the run-off. I think this should be required for Federal electors as well. We could have avoided the whole Bush-Gore 2000 BS with a run-off.

08-16-2012, 10:33 AM
That won't help IMO. Their issues would still be co-opted by one of the big two if they got any traction. They either need to buck up and make waves in the primaries of the big two or by attempting to modify the voting structure and requiring a run-off where any candidate for Federal office doesn't reach 50%+1. Then any vote that was previously "thrown away" would be able to be rectified in the run-off. I think this should be required for Federal electors as well. We could have avoided the whole Bush-Gore 2000 BS with a run-off.

Then you don't have a republic any more, just a standard democracy with majority rule and parties forming coalitions. The libertarians always go for the presidency and never consider the house and senate. They need to get into congress and make one of the primary parties irrelevant and replace them.

Aside from his wanting to legalize drugs his foreign policy ideas are even worse than Ron Paul's.

08-16-2012, 12:16 PM
Then you don't have a republic any more, just a standard democracy with majority rule and parties forming coalitions. The libertarians always go for the presidency and never consider the house and senate. They need to get into congress and make one of the primary parties irrelevant and replace them.

Aside from his wanting to legalize drugs his foreign policy ideas are even worse than Ron Paul's.

I disagree, you certainly still have the republic just without the built-in bias for two major parties. Right now, depending on the state, you can have a candidate winning based on less than a plurality, that isn't majority rule. There is also nothing wrong with a coalition, we theoretically have that right now with Sanders and Lieberman in the Senate. Everyone talks about a viable third party but under our current rules it is essentially a non-vote; that is quite the disincentive to participating in the process.