View Full Version : Rule update - formatting of posts

08-13-2012, 08:57 AM
This was a rule made simply to make the entire board, threads and posts easy to read. We all use colors to make portions of posts stand out at times. The same manner in which we might bold a portion, or italicize or make the text larger for effect. But if every single post is made with one of these formats, it only serves to make the posts stand out each and every time and make them more and more difficult to read.

I made a rule to reel this activity in. I don't want the board to start looking like a rainbow. The words of someones post, and the point they are trying to get across, will remain the same if they post it like everyone else in default colors.

Staff certainly doesn't want to, but we will remove the formatting when we see it, only if it's being abused of course. We much more prefer if members simply write their posts and just hit the submit button.

I'm going to allow a little feedback in this thread, as I always like to get feedback from the community, but the minute it starts to look like it's going sour, it gets locked up.

Anton Chigurh
08-13-2012, 11:31 AM
To me it always comes down to, who are you posting for? Are you posting for the consumers out here, or for yourself? The cartoonish formatting makes most consumers simply skip over the visual noise of your post, therefore you have much fewer readers of your ideas/opinions. It's self defeating, really.

For me it's all about consideration for my fellow forumites.