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View Full Version : Obama supporters struggling to defend his $700 billion cuts to Medicare

08-13-2012, 05:58 PM
Rich Lowry (Editor of National Review) had an interview with Rachel Maddow, an Obama shill pretending to be an MSNBC commentator. And for once, Lowry did not let her simply "run out the clock" by changing subjects, ducking clear and straightforward questions, and putting up strawmen instead of honest answers. The interview turned hilarious as Lowry keps repeating the same question over and over to Maddow, who kept flinging every deflection and silly diversion she could rather than answer the question.

Republicans need to take off the gloves like this, far more often. People have had enough of Democrats ducking the issue, trying not to discuss their own President's programs, changing the subject, etc.



LOWRY: And this whole idea of the Obama campaign and the Democrats have been pushing that Romney, because he hasn't said what deductions and loopholes specifically he's going to close, which no presidential campaign ever does, therefore he's going to raise taxes on the middle class to pay for lowering rates is an utterly fantasy made out of utter whole cloth.

MADDOW: What he, Paul Ryan was on the Simpson-Bowles Commission and dissented from it because it did raise revenue. He dropped out. He blew that up. He blew up the Gang of Six. He got zero Democratic votes for any of his budgets.

If only Lowry had mentioned that Obama didn’t get any Democratic votes for his own recent budget proposals. But I once again digress:

DAN BALZ, WASHINGTON POST: Not only because of revenue, but he dissented because he did not think it went far enough on healthcare.
LOWRY: Right. And that's the key thing. Even President Obama, who's cut $700 billion from Medicare, which I guess you support…

MADDOW: Which Paul Ryan will keep doing…

LOWRY: Do you support $700 billion in cuts in Medicare over the next ten years?

MADDOW: I'm not running for president.

LOWRY: Do you?

MADDOW: I'm not running for anything. Paul Ryan is running for vice president.

LOWRY: Do you? Why can’t you answer? See, you can’t answer.

MADDOW: But wait, I'm not running for anything..

LOWRY: This is the key vulnerability. Democrats have cut $700 billion out of Medicare which you won't or can't defend it. Defend it.

MADDOW: Is it good or bad?

LOWRY: Do you support it? You can’t answer.

MADDOW: But wait. Why are you asking me?

LOWRY: You can't answer. Because you're an opinion maker who is supposed to give us your opinion. But you will not tell us what your opinion is.

MADDOW: What I want to know is the logic of…

LOWRY: Democrats cannot defend that.

MADDOW: Wait. I want to know is the logic…

LOWRY: Go ahead. Defend it.

MADDOW: What I want to know is the logic.

LOWRY: [Laughs].

MADDOW: Wait. Rich, hold on.

LOWRY: Answer me. You're not answering.

08-13-2012, 06:01 PM
Someday. I will admit, without laughing. That Maddow really is a Nice GUY.

The FORMER 'MSNBC' is such a low point on the scale of television viewing. Yet we all can understand it much more, and why Microsoft pulled their plug on NBC, after the last two weeks...of OLYMPIC NBC Hypocrisy, Stupidity, and Liberalism.

08-13-2012, 06:56 PM
Here's the video, LA is right, total destruction:
