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View Full Version : Ryan could bring senior, female votes to GOP ticket despite Dem narrative

08-14-2012, 06:03 AM
Though Democrats are hammering Paul Ryan as the bringer of Medicare's doom, the Republican vice presidential candidate is far more popular among seniors than he's given credit for.

Same goes for women. And independents.

Surveys conducted shortly before Mitt Romney's VP roll-out show Ryan actually polls fairly well among all three of these groups. And while Democrats claim to be ecstatic at Romney's choice -- they say he's an easy target, and they've already gone to town portraying him as "extreme" -- the bookish lawmaker from Janesville, Wis., could end up bringing more votes to the ticket than he turns away.

A recent Rasmussen poll showed that 31 percent of likely senior voters gave Ryan a "very favorable" rating, compared with 21 percent of all legal-age voters giving him that rating. Just 16 percent of seniors gave him a "very unfavorable" rating.

So while Democrats are chipping away at Romney in Florida as the GOP candidate visits the Sunshine State on Monday, drawing attention to Ryan's controversial Medicare overhaul plan, polling suggests seniors might be at least amenable to the VP pick.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/08/13/ryan-has-high-favorability-among-seniors-independents/#ixzz23W8leJpo

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-14-2012, 10:38 AM
Though Democrats are hammering Paul Ryan as the bringer of Medicare's doom, the Republican vice presidential candidate is far more popular among seniors than he's given credit for.

Same goes for women. And independents.

Surveys conducted shortly before Mitt Romney's VP roll-out show Ryan actually polls fairly well among all three of these groups. And while Democrats claim to be ecstatic at Romney's choice -- they say he's an easy target, and they've already gone to town portraying him as "extreme" -- the bookish lawmaker from Janesville, Wis., could end up bringing more votes to the ticket than he turns away.

A recent Rasmussen poll showed that 31 percent of likely senior voters gave Ryan a "very favorable" rating, compared with 21 percent of all legal-age voters giving him that rating. Just 16 percent of seniors gave him a "very unfavorable" rating.

So while Democrats are chipping away at Romney in Florida as the GOP candidate visits the Sunshine State on Monday, drawing attention to Ryan's controversial Medicare overhaul plan, polling suggests seniors might be at least amenable to the VP pick.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/08/13/ryan-has-high-favorability-among-seniors-independents/#ixzz23W8leJpo

You can bet that obama and slow Joe do not like this pick at all. Ryan is by far smarter than the two of them combined. Obama's supposed genius was all hype.-Tyr

08-14-2012, 02:53 PM
Obama, Joe, and every Democrat alive is now PRETENDING they Think Ryan is the One they wanted to see Romney pick.

And, low and behold. Romney laid out his cards...and Obama, with his Dem buddies, are now pretending they were only kidding with their attempts at Liberal Forms of Reverse Psychology...GONE WRONG.

The Dems always seem to forget. Whatever they accuse Republicans of doing. As in dirty politics, name calling, accusations, and using the Racist words were all taught to Republicans, and Conservatives by Following the Democrat lead from the very beginning.

Every time a Democrat accuses a Republican of something, or anything. They are doing nothing but exposing their own hypocrisy....as in, They are being Emulated, Copied, and Impersonated by using their own Tactics which...suddenly become UNFAIR, and Not Tolerant according to their own teachings and practices.
Boo Hoo.
Democrats will just never learn.

08-16-2012, 02:47 AM
You can bet that obama and slow Joe do not like this pick at all. Ryan is by far smarter than the two of them combined. Obama's supposed genius was all hype.-Tyr

No they probably don't. And they would also like us all to believe that seniors are not savvy or up on the issues that effect them personally. They apparently think they are easily fooled and manipulated. Most have been around the block though, and know that Paul Ryan's Medicare plan will not hurt them. So...we will now watch a scared Obama and Biden gin up the attacks.