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View Full Version : I'm not making this up: Michell Obama scolds OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST for eating "wrong"

08-14-2012, 12:03 PM
How blinders-on robotic and stupid can these nanny-staters get???

Sure, eating tons of fatty hamburgers, milkshakes, cheezwhiz, and all that stuff is bad for you. And if you do it without exercising, that's really bad for you. No argument.

But, explain to me how that applies to somebody who has worked so hard, watched her dieting so carefully, and gotten in such superb physical shape that she won TWO GOLD MEDALS AT THE OLYMPICS?? Especially someone who is sylph-thin and so well-toned she makes the rest of her (also gold-medal-winning) team look tubby? Someone so energetic her teammates dubbed her "The Flying Squirrel"?

Apparently this sparkling girl ate one (count them, ONE) Egg McMuffin, long after the competitions were over. And Michelle Obama took her to task for it! And even after she explained to Obama how carefully she watched her diet for years while training her @ss off and getting into that superb physical condition... Michelle came down on her like a ton of bricks. Something, I might add, that Michelle Obama is well-equipped to do, 'nuff said. Jay Leno finally had to step in and rescue her.

God Almighty, Michelle, can't you sit back and think for just a moment, who and WHAT you are calling "wrong"?



Michelle Obama Scolds Olympics Hero Gabby Douglas for Eating an Egg McMuffin

By Noel Sheppard | August 14, 2012 | 08:52

America's newest Olympics gymnastics star Gabby Douglas got scolded Monday night by first lady Michelle Obama for eating a celebratory Egg McMuffin at McDonald's after the competition was over.

This occurred on NBC's Tonight Show with host Jay Leno acting as the devil on Douglas's shoulder congratulating her for the splurge.

JAY LENO, HOST: You trained your whole life, you win. How did you celebrate? What did you do?

GABBY DOUGLAS: We didn't have time to celebrate. It was team finals and had to turn the page all-around finals and event finals after that. But, after the competition, I splurged on an Egg McMuffin at McDonald’s.

LENO: Egg McMuffin.


MICHELLE OBAMA: Yeah, Gabby, we don't, don't encourage him. [Laughter] I'm sure it was on…

DOUGLAS: A salad.

OBAMA: a whole wheat McMuffin.

LENO: It was on a whole wheat bun.

OBAMA: Yeah.

LENO: So an Egg McMuffin. Very good.

[Light laughter]

OBAMA: You're setting me back, Gabby.


OBAMA: It's so hard.

LENO: So what were you eating, was it just like protein and cereal and all this. Do they watch you? Oh, you get like one cup of this and two? When you, what is your diet when you're doing that? Is it really strict?

DOUGLAS: Well, yeah, we have to kind of watch what we eat sometimes, and just keep our bodies in shape, and the more protein the better because it recovers our muscles and we like to drink a lot of vitamin D. So, every day I had chicken or beef and cereal every morning. So, it was very good.

LENO: Okay, cool, very good.

08-14-2012, 12:26 PM
Michelle really thinks her shit doesn't stink, does she?

She is SOOOO perfect right?

So perfect that she can't lose that mack-truck sized ass meanwhile the Olympic gold medalist ate a sandwich that was UNDER 300 calories, comprised of a REAL egg and canadian bacon (both good protein sources), and the english muffin has fiber and good carbohydrates. Hardly the worst thing for you on the menu.

Any competing athlete will tell you that it is OK to splurge once and a while on a favorite treat. Some athletes actually do better when they include a favorite treat like that because it stimulates the 'happy neurons' and they have an over-all better attitude and focus. My friend Abby who does fitness modeling treats herself twice a month to a favorite junk food item (not over eating) so she doesn't feel so deprived.

If I was Gabby, I would have put Mrs Obummer in her place and told her where to get off.

08-14-2012, 02:40 PM
Michelle really thinks her shit doesn't stink, does she?

She is SOOOO perfect right?

So perfect that she can't lose that mack-truck sized ass meanwhile the Olympic gold medalist ate a sandwich that was UNDER 300 calories, comprised of a REAL egg and canadian bacon (both good protein sources), and the english muffin has fiber and good carbohydrates. Hardly the worst thing for you on the menu.

Any competing athlete will tell you that it is OK to splurge once and a while on a favorite treat. Some athletes actually do better when they include a favorite treat like that because it stimulates the 'happy neurons' and they have an over-all better attitude and focus. My friend Abby who does fitness modeling treats herself twice a month to a favorite junk food item (not over eating) so she doesn't feel so deprived.

If I was Gabby, I would have put Mrs Obummer in her place and told her where to get off.

KitchenKitten. NO Disrespect intended but. What could any of us expect to hear from the female version of the MAJOR ASS HOLE now living in the White House/
I have observed. As a long time Navy veteran who has sailed upon, and seen almost every kind of ship the navy has. That...MRS. OBAMA is a fine example, or representative of our present Various AMPHIBIOUS ships....all of which have competitive STERN-GATES that allow Marines, their vehicles, and large naval LANDING CRAFT to enter....and Exit the ships at the waterline.

08-14-2012, 03:42 PM
I wonder how often Ms. Obama has Eggs Benedict? Maybe it's cooler to have an Egg McMuffin if it's made by a chef and not a fast food place.

08-14-2012, 04:56 PM
I wonder how often Ms. Obama has Eggs Benedict? Maybe it's cooler to have an Egg McMuffin if it's made by a chef and not a fast food place.
if she did/does, the calorie count is way higher since hollandaise sauce is almost all fat--- egg yolks and melted/clarified butter as the base two ingredients. mcd's sandwich does not include this, obviously.

08-14-2012, 06:20 PM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-14-2012, 06:58 PM
Michelle is a bus butt egotistical arrogant biatch. Obviously an affirmative action leech all the way. Where does she and her two ton ass big as a bus get off criticising anybody's eating habits??? Full on arrogance on parade...-Tyr