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View Full Version : Three U.S. Marines shot dead on military base in A-stan..

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-14-2012, 06:47 PM

Three US Marines shot dead on military base in AfghanistanAn Afghan worker on a military base has allegedly killed three U.S. Marines in Helmand Province. NBC's Brian Williams reports.
By NBC News staff and wire reports
Updated at 9:25 a.m. ET: KABUL, Afghanistan -- Three U.S. Marines were shot dead by an Afghan worker on a military base in southern Afghanistan, an Afghan official told NBC News, raising to six the number of American service members who died in rogue attacks in the country in 24 hours.

The shooting took place on Friday night in the Garmsir district of Helmand province, not far from where three U.S. Marines were killed by an Afghan gunman earlier in the day, Dawood Ahmadi, spokesman for the Helmand province governor, told NBC News' Atia Abawi on Saturday.


In the earlier incident, an Afghan police commander opened fire on the U.S. service members after inviting them to a meeting to discuss security, according to Reuters. Another service member was injured in that attack.

Three US special ops troops killed, Afghan officials say

"Let me clearly say that those two incidents clearly do not reflect the overall situation here in Afghanistan," chief ISAF spokesman Brigadier-General Gunter Katz told journalists on Saturday.

Reuters reported that the Marines killed in the latest attack were shot dead by a base employee who turned his gun on them. Military sources said the man had not been wearing a uniform and it was unclear how he got hold of the weapon.
This is the type of dishonorable lowlife fanatical scum we have to contend with over there.
Hundred thousand such maggots arent worth the life of one of our military!--Tyr

08-15-2012, 03:17 AM
This is the type of dishonorable lowlife fanatical scum we have to contend with over there.
Hundred thousand such maggots arent worth the life of one of our military!--Tyr

Looks like your military needs to work on it's detection of Taliban infiltrators. They are eating you away from within.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-15-2012, 01:13 PM
Looks like your military needs to work on it's detection of Taliban infiltrators. They are eating you away from within.

Nope, we just need to relearn how to cut the head off the snake! then blast its body to kingdom come. Simple really . Politicians get tha hell out of the way and we bringback in real military leaders to fight wars and win peace.The whole purpose for war is to survive long enough to live in peace..
Some things have to be completely eradicated and not just diminished for a while, the Taliban and roaches are two such things IMHO!
By the way, you dont have to be so pleased about it all. Do you???-Tyr

08-15-2012, 08:44 PM
Nope, we just need to relearn how to cut the head off the snake! then blast its body to kingdom come. Simple really . Politicians get tha hell out of the way and we bringback in real military leaders to fight wars and win peace.The whole purpose for war is to survive long enough to live in peace..
Some things have to be completely eradicated and not just diminished for a while, the Taliban and roaches are two such things IMHO!
By the way, you dont have to be so pleased about it all. Do you???-Tyr

Sorry if I seemed pleased. I am not. I hate the Taliban perhaps more than you do for their perversion of my faith.

08-15-2012, 09:52 PM
Is this incident the same as this one?


If not, it is ANOTHER reason why U.S. troops need to leave Afghanistan immediately. Like within a week or so.
Every day we stay is condemning more Americans to die.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-15-2012, 10:28 PM
Is this incident the same as this one?


If not, it is ANOTHER reason why U.S. troops need to leave Afghanistan immediately. Like within a week or so.
Every day we stay is condemning more Americans to die.

No, its not the same incident. In the other incident an Afghan Police commander was the murderer while in this one it was just a worker that had access to the military base . Goes to show that these type people-vermin can never be trusted. A fact not lost on my nephew Chad when I advised against he volunteering for a third tour of duty in A-stan. Adecsion he made largely due to my few talks advising against it because the military is being held on a damn short lease and forced to take insane risks to protect vermin there that have no honor and would shoot a man in the back while pretending to be an ally. He stayed stateside and later was released from duty largely because of injuries he received while fighting in Iraq. -Tyr

08-15-2012, 11:04 PM
Then you should agree that the U.S. needs to leave Afghanistan immediately. There is no further reason why American soldiers should be in a country where alleged "allies" shoot us in the back. Let them try that shit with terrorist groups.

Great warrior
08-16-2012, 06:27 AM
Afghans have the right to defend their country against invaders.

08-16-2012, 08:23 AM
Afghans have the right to defend their country against invaders.

Something which they have always done and always will. Afghanistan is unconquerable.

08-16-2012, 08:47 AM
Afghans have the right to defend their country against invaders.

Never heard of the Northern Alliance i take it?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-16-2012, 08:48 AM
Something which they have always done and always will. Afghanistan is unconquerable.

Bull. Our military turned loose to reign hell on it like we could do and done so without regard to who gets killed we could conquer it in less than a month. Our not being turned loose to kill the scum makes it unconquerable not that it truly is! We have the might to go in there and destroy every human alive there and do so without using nukes. Those people are not Supermen. Barbaric savages but not Super by any stretch of the imagination. Hell, give me absolute control of our forces there and I could conquer the backward place in two or three months by simply leveling every structure and wasting every able bodied man.. The fact that we do not fight like that is never given enough credit, instead we have people like you trying to give our enemy there Superman status, pure poppycock says I..The scum there hide like roaches and prefer attacking from behind then running away. Let them fight like brave men and they's all be dead in less than a month.
So obvious that you have not the slightest concept of the true power of our military! That is because its never been unleashed since WW2! Others know its true power and is why they put obama in to weaken it from within, which he has done already. --Tyr

08-16-2012, 11:39 AM
It's the international laws we subscribe to that limit our military; but in the aftermath of WWII, when we sentenced officers to death for war crimes, we set the bar extremely low and sowed the seeds to the cold-war (ie not all-out no-holds-barred war) which dominated the mid to late 20th century. It sucks, but we've also used those same laws to justify invasions, like Afghanistan and Iraq. It's a false air of legitimacy, but one we capitalize on. that, of course, has nothing to do with our military's superior firepower, that's not even up for debate. But the issue, as I see it, is our ability to bomb somebody into the stoneage has little effect when the antagonist actually prefers that condition. we actually transplanted the guerilla tactics used against us in Vietnam into A-Stan in accordance with our soviet containment policies. Now we're trying to put the genie back in the bottle. But go figure, a generation of war has left a people who don't know peace and harmony...someone tryin to kill them has become their way of life. So unless one accepts some quick and final solution, eg genocide, then a long arduous reeducation will be necessary.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-18-2012, 11:11 AM
Never heard of the Northern Alliance i take it?

Looks like your merely mentioning that name ran him away!-:laugh2:
I've always said, beat somebody's ass correctly and they will fear even your name!;)-Tyr

08-18-2012, 09:38 PM
Never heard of the Northern Alliance i take it?

A bunch of warlords in a loose tribal alliance favoured by the US. I remember them.

08-19-2012, 08:24 AM
A bunch of warlords in a loose tribal alliance favoured by the US. I remember them.

You might also remember that they, not the US, took the country from the taliban. They had secured most of the country before the US troops even arrived. Special forces were the only troops on the ground in the beginning. The US didn't kick the taliban out, the afghan's did.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-25-2012, 09:52 AM
Wasted some more vermin!--:beer:
They hide like roaches and try to sneak about at night on hidden rocky trails. Too cowardly to come out and fight like real warriors in the daylight..
Its a fine day in the neighborhood when they get their due !-:laugh:-Tyr


Senior Taliban commander, 12 other militants killed by US drone strike in AfghanistanBy Mushtaq Yusufzai, NBC News
PESHAWAR, Pakistan - The Pakistani Taliban has confirmed that one of their senior leaders and a dreaded militant commander, Mulla Dadullah, was killed in a U.S. drone attack along with 12 other fighters at Sheegal Darra in the Kunar province of Afghanistan on Friday night.

"Someone planted a chip, which was used for spying purposes, on Mujahideen near his compound that helped the drone trace his whereabouts. Mulla Dadullah and his 12 other bodyguards were killed in the missile attack," said a senior Pakistani Taliban leader, who belongs to Bajaur tribal region and is based in Afghanistan's Kunar province.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-26-2012, 10:42 AM
Wasted some more vermin!--:beer:
They hide like roaches and try to sneak about at night on hidden rocky trails. Too cowardly to come out and fight like real warriors in the daylight..
Its a fine day in the neighborhood when they get their due !-:laugh:-Tyr


Senior Taliban commander, 12 other militants killed by US drone strike in AfghanistanBy Mushtaq Yusufzai, NBC News
PESHAWAR, Pakistan - The Pakistani Taliban has confirmed that one of their senior leaders and a dreaded militant commander, Mulla Dadullah, was killed in a U.S. drone attack along with 12 other fighters at Sheegal Darra in the Kunar province of Afghanistan on Friday night.

HAHA, "a dreaded commander had 12 bodyguards!:laugh: dreaded warriors have body guards,:laugh:
There has never been a case of any Native American chief/leader having a body guard in battle or in peacetime. In fact, my ancestors the leaders were the majority of time the first in the fight and the last to leave . This Mulla Dadullah was obviously a coward and its a great blessing he got his ass lit up , fried up and his blasted cooked pieces were scattered far and wide. Say Jafar, do they pick up the pieces of the dead cowards and the blown up prayer rug too? :laugh2:-Tyr

08-26-2012, 12:03 PM
Well it seems like most criminal mafias, the Taliban leaders are also paranoid of someone below them getting ambitious ;)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-26-2012, 12:27 PM
Well it seems like most criminal mafias, the Taliban leaders are also paranoid of someone below them getting ambitious ;)

Are they not muslim? The leaders , are they not Islamists?-Tyr

08-26-2012, 04:47 PM
Are they not muslim? The leaders , are they not Islamists?-Tyr

They can be Muslim and also be criminals at the same time. Just as a rapist or murderer in the US can call themselves Christian. No difference.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-28-2012, 08:31 AM
They can be Muslim and also be criminals at the same time.

Exactly my point. Yet your most often reply was that they are thugs and therefore not = true muslims. You have used that line many times in an attempt to defend Islam when its barbaric nature is brought up! Now after weeks you finally say they can be both muslim and criminal at the same time. I suppose you will now declare they are not "good" muslims when going jihadi and murdering innocent women and children. If that is so(?), how is it that Jihad is a recognised and legitimate part of Islam then?-Tyr

08-29-2012, 08:11 AM
Exactly my point. Yet your most often reply was that they are thugs and therefore not = true muslims. You have used that line many times in an attempt to defend Islam when its barbaric nature is brought up! Now after weeks you finally say they can be both muslim and criminal at the same time. I suppose you will now declare they are not "good" muslims when going jihadi and murdering innocent women and children. If that is so(?), how is it that Jihad is a recognised and legitimate part of Islam then?-Tyr

My objection is to the way you repeatedly state that Islam is what lead them to a life on crime, when the exact opposite is the case.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-29-2012, 08:40 AM
My objection is to the way you repeatedly state that Islam is what lead them to a life on crime, when the exact opposite is the case.

Really? How many go all Jihadi , start murdering innocent people in Allah's name that are not true believers and therefore also true muslims?
I think that your blindness is rather selective.-Tyr