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View Full Version : Tea Party strikes again in Florida

08-15-2012, 10:18 AM
Another huge upset managed by a Tea Party candidate, this time in Florida


08-15-2012, 11:12 AM
12 terms is too many... house members should be limited to 3 terms... Senators should be limited to 2.

Time for a changing of the Guard.... The people are tired of Politics as usual..

The Obama Administration is just that...Politics as usual...

Look for a changing of the Guard at the White House come November Gabby....

Obama surrounded himself with long time partisan hacks and Lobbyists....

People are tired of it... They showed it in 2010.... They'll Show it in November.

You have good reason to be as afraid as you are.... Dont be surprised if the Senate and the house are in the hands of Republicans come November... and maybe the White House

The Repudiation of the Left Continues.........

08-15-2012, 11:14 AM
The entire country is tired of establishment, big-spending Democrats and Republicans, and is ready and willing to boot them out and replace them with people who will hold the line against the Nanny State the Obama has been so frantically building.

08-15-2012, 11:30 AM
Time for a changing of the Guard.... The people are tired of Politics as usual..

The Repudiation of the Left Continues.........
You said it right in the first sentence. People are tired of politics as usual.
While Democrats seem to have been bearing the brunt of it, Tea Party candidates have been knocking out Republican candidates as well.
All in all, a good thing!

08-15-2012, 11:36 AM
You said it right in the first sentence. People are tired of politics as usual.
While Democrats seem to have been bearing the brunt of it, Tea Party candidates have been knocking out Republican candidates as well.
All in all, a good thing!

I agree completely... If I could have one wish....it would be that ALL MEMBERS OF CONGRESS would be changed at once. That includes the House and the Senate.

The Two Party System is a Dinosaur... we need more Choices... More candidates and an end to the entrenched political machines on BOTH SIDES.

The Tea Party is weeding out the Republicans.....

What are the Liberals doing? Anyone....?


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-15-2012, 12:55 PM
I agree completely... If I could have one wish....it would be that ALL MEMBERS OF CONGRESS would be changed at once. That includes the House and the Senate.

The Two Party System is a Dinosaur... we need more Choices... More candidates and an end to the entrenched political machines on BOTH SIDES.

The Tea Party is weeding out the Republicans.....

What are the Liberals doing? Anyone....?


Change we need but adding another third party will not work IMHO. Currently all that would do is divide the Republican party and leave the socialist/dem party untouched ,giving it many decades of wins and dominate power! We are currently seeing the destruction resulting from one term of dem power that involved their control of the Presidency and the Congress. We can not afford another.. Rather than a third party we need a greatly changed Republican party and a forced to be vastly weakened traitorous dem party that openly advances leftist/socialist treason. For their agenda as is currently being implemented is pure treason IMHO!!-Tyr

08-15-2012, 02:21 PM
The entire country is tired of establishment, big-spending Democrats and Republicans, and is ready and willing to boot them out and replace them with people who will hold the line against the Nanny State the Obama has been so frantically building.

Don't kid yourself. Many people are thrilled with their government checks. This election will tip on the edge of a dime, the slightest vote changing event could tip this election either way.

08-15-2012, 08:32 PM
Don't kid yourself. Many people are thrilled with their government checks. This election will tip on the edge of a dime, the slightest vote changing event could tip this election either way.

Even avowed Constitutionalists. Romney/Ryan need to walk the right line in reform and messaging.