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08-16-2012, 01:28 PM
I brought this up like a year ago, but apparently my numbers are still pretty bad. I need to completely change my diet to lower my cholesterol. I had pre-op testing done which included a blood test. The doctor called me yesterday and scared me the way he spoke of it and also said he mailed me a prescription for "Lipitor", which I just got in the mail. Also was a sheet outlining the results and my numbers:

Cholesterol - 418 (goal says less than 200)
HDL (good cholesterol) - 32 (goal greater than 35)
LDL (bad cholesterol) - 197 (goal less than 100)
Triglycerides - 1178 (goal less than 150)
Chol/HDL ratio - 13.06 (goal less than 4.0)
Protime INR - 0.93 Ratio (goal between 2.0-3.0)

Then the notation at the bottom of the letter states:

Your cholesterol is much too high
Start lipitor 10mg at bedtime
Avoid eggs, cheese, butter, red meats
re-check cholesterol in one month with follow up appointment

08-16-2012, 01:31 PM
I had made a similar post about a year ago or so, and the main problem was the triglycerides. Now I won't claim to be a great eater, I do eat my fair share of junk food, but I really don't eat many eggs at all, not a whole lot of cheese, butter only a bit when needed with meals - I am guilty of eating a decent amount of steaks and such, but no more than a normal person I would think.

So either these levels are so high as a result of my junk food habits, which are bad, but not THAT bad. Or is is possible that other medications could cause elevated levels of cholesterol? I'm certainly not trying to lay blame, or excuse my horrible habits, just that I need to know ALL the causes so that I can eliminate them. Of course I'll be going over my meds and eating habits with my doctor going forward, but I just opened this letter and thought I would get some opinions.

08-16-2012, 01:32 PM
Well, get on that then.

08-16-2012, 01:34 PM
Here is my thread from 5/2011 - http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?31207-High-triglycerides&highlight=Triglycerides

My triglycerides were 769 back then and my "good" cholesterol at 34

08-16-2012, 01:39 PM
Dude - I'll see if I can dig my 'pre-iraq' numbers up. They looked like yours.

08-16-2012, 01:41 PM
Here is my thread from 5/2011 - http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?31207-High-triglycerides&highlight=Triglycerides

My triglycerides were 769 back then and my "good" cholesterol at 34

jimnyc. If a doctor has checked you out, blood tests and such. And they tell you your cholesterol is TOO HIGH. Don't doubt them.

I had a heart attack three years ago....June 5. I was a heavy smoker, ate too much Red meat, bacon, eggs, and junk food like Greasy burgers, Fries, Onion rings like they were going out of style.

Thankfully. I am still alive to tell you. TOO MUCH Cholesterol in your VEINS, and ARTERIES....clogs them, slows down your body...even to the point of Shutting DOWN your heart.
And we all should know. When the TICKER stops. YOU IN DEEP DOO DOO!

DON'T ASK US. Follow what your doctor tells you to do. Otherwise. You may never be able to ASK US again.

08-16-2012, 01:46 PM
Dude - I'll see if I can dig my 'pre-iraq' numbers up. They looked like yours.

And how are they now? And if you made yours better, how did you do it? Medication or just dietary changes?

08-16-2012, 01:56 PM
3 Jan: Cholesterol: 255, triglycerides: 411
15 Jan: Cholesterol: 112, Trigs: 165.

Lipitor plus Lipofen + controlled diet (low fat, low sugar, low calorie, etc)

haven't had them checked since Feb of 2011.

08-16-2012, 01:58 PM
And how are they now? And if you made yours better, how did you do it? Medication or just dietary changes?

jimnyc. Some people only need one method of treatment. While others may need more than just medication, and a strict diet. Either way. Whatever your case.
It's always good to remember how GREAT IT IS...to wake up every morning.

08-16-2012, 01:59 PM
jimnyc. If a doctor has checked you out, blood tests and such. And they tell you your cholesterol is TOO HIGH. Don't doubt them.

I had a heart attack three years ago....June 5. I was a heavy smoker, ate too much Red meat, bacon, eggs, and junk food like Greasy burgers, Fries, Onion rings like they were going out of style.

Thankfully. I am still alive to tell you. TOO MUCH Cholesterol in your VEINS, and ARTERIES....clogs them, slows down your body...even to the point of Shutting DOWN your heart.
And we all should know. When the TICKER stops. YOU IN DEEP DOO DOO!

DON'T ASK US. Follow what your doctor tells you to do. Otherwise. You may never be able to ASK US again.

I'm going to take the medication and make diet changes, for sure! The part that sucks is that I have tried to better myself since that prior post, and it seems like it made things worse in the cholesterol department. I no longer smoke, and while that may not affect the numbers, hopefully it's lowered my risk for further heart related issues. But I really don't see how things could have gotten worse, unless it's from the 5 gallons of coffee I drink daily!

I'm not huge in the dairy department. I do like cheese on many things I eat, but no more than normal. I don't drink milk unless in my coffee. We often have various meats for dinner, but no more than the average. While I will eat more eggs in my omelet than others, or scrambled eggs, I usually only indulge in eggs like 2x per month. I used to eat Wendy's, McDonalds, Burger King... No more, not since I quit smoking. I also completely quit soda. My wife is VERY big in the health department and very big in ensuring we eat healthy and so does our son. If I ate ONLY what we food shop for, I'm confident I would be much healthier.

Here's the only negatives, assuming any of my other medications aren't causing problems... I do have a sweet tooth and a junk food tooth, and I do this often. I'll have to look at all the ingredients in this crap. The junk I eat didn't scream 'high cholesterol' to me though. My issues: Doritos, Starburst, Chocolate Chip Cookies (but rarely), plain potato chips, yummy cereals (raisin brain, count chocula), vanilla wafers, pistachio nuts, beef jerky & perhaps the worst on my list, Pringles. And no, not all of these at once! LOL But that's the things I eat over time.

08-16-2012, 02:02 PM
3 Jan: Cholesterol: 255, triglycerides: 411
15 Jan: Cholesterol: 112, Trigs: 165.

Lipitor plus Lipofen + controlled diet (low fat, low sugar, low calorie, etc)

haven't had them checked since Feb of 2011.

Cool, hopefully that'll work for me too, lipitor and controlling my diet. I already started making a list of things to help:

canned beans
fresh fruits
veggies in general
oatmeal <-- they say this is one of the best
whole grain cereal
fish (or omega 3 pills)
skim milk
herring (I LOVE this anyway while most people hate it)
cranberry-grape juice
spinach or other green leafy veggies
whole wheat bread

08-16-2012, 02:09 PM
My brother in law had very severe cholesterol problems a few years ago. He had even higher numbers than you. His doctor told him that unless his numbers got lower, he has a very high probability for a stroke or heart attack within 6-12 months.
Here is a Mayo Clinic explanation of cholesterol numbers:


Here is what they told him to eliminate as far as diet:

Fried foods or limit them to one meal per week.
Anything cooked in trans-fat (includes most fast food) or saturated fat
Ice cream (yogurt is acceptable)
Eggs and bacon, and anything including such

Here is something surprising: Avoid late night snacks and heavy meals within in two hours of bedtime. The reason is that your body doesn't have time to digest it, and it turns to sugar overnight.

08-16-2012, 02:16 PM
Cool, hopefully that'll work for me too, lipitor and controlling my diet. I already started making a list of things to help:

canned beans
fresh fruits
veggies in general
oatmeal <-- they say this is one of the best
whole grain cereal
fish (or omega 3 pills)
skim milk
herring (I LOVE this anyway while most people hate it)
cranberry-grape juice
spinach or other green leafy veggies
whole wheat bread

jimnyc. Forgot to tell ya. I am also a six year, cancer survivor. Had all the great fun with chemo, and radiation. But still alive.
That Cranberry juice, all kinds of beans, fruits, and Fish for eating, as well as the Omega 3. I take Four each day, two times a day. Garlic tablets, and vitamins recommended by the doctor work great. Be careful of IRON. It isn't pretty....you'll have to learn that on your own.

08-16-2012, 02:25 PM
Here is something surprising: Avoid late night snacks and heavy meals within in two hours of bedtime. The reason is that your body doesn't have time to digest it, and it turns to sugar overnight.

That's my downfall, as the crap I eat is generally between 8-10pm. I don't "blame" the medications, as I can still always just say no, but the one "Seroquel" has a known side effect of giving you the munchies, and turns me into a bottomless pit at times.

08-16-2012, 02:26 PM
jimnyc. Forgot to tell ya. I am also a six year, cancer survivor. Had all the great fun with chemo, and radiation. But still alive.
That Cranberry juice, all kinds of beans, fruits, and Fish for eating, as well as the Omega 3. I take Four each day, two times a day. Garlic tablets, and vitamins recommended by the doctor work great. Be careful of IRON. It isn't pretty....you'll have to learn that on your own.

Glad to hear you survived the cancer and have a chance to improve things for a second chance in life :salute:

08-16-2012, 02:28 PM
jimnyc. Forgot to tell ya. I am also a six year, cancer survivor. Had all the great fun with chemo, and radiation. But still alive.

You and I are actually linked on that one. I am an ovarian cancer survivor.

08-16-2012, 02:40 PM
You and I are actually linked on that one. I am an ovarian cancer survivor.

Same to you, glad you beat it! Cancer sucks and I love to see survivors speaking out. :salute:

08-16-2012, 02:47 PM
Seroquel - That's what I refer to as my "fat medicine", as I gained a ton of weight once I started taking it. It's a known side effect about the crap it makes your body retain and how it's twice as hard to work off the weight. This is also the one I mentioned gives you the munchies. So not only does it naturally cause everyone who takes it to gain weight, but it also makes you hungry on top of that.

I just did some searches on my medications to see if any of them had side effects of causing an increase in cholesterol, and sure enough, this one does. It appears 3 of them do, but this one the most. It supposedly causes a decrease in the HDL and an increase in overall cholesterol and especially triglycerides.

Pristiq is another that I take daily, and apparently is known to increase LDL and triglycerides.

WTF? I know I'm responsible for the medications I take, but this is the first I'm hearing of these cholesterol side effects. I've been on both for many years. Now what? I'm addicted, so it's not that easy to just stop. I suppose I'll have to talk with my regular doctor when this is all over as well and see what we can do.

Imagine that though, taking medication to counter balance other medications. What a racket these bastards have going.

08-16-2012, 02:48 PM
That's my downfall, as the crap I eat is generally between 8-10pm. I don't "blame" the medications, as I can still always just say no, but the one "Seroquel" has a known side effect of giving you the munchies, and turns me into a bottomless pit at times.

Gotta be careful with those late night munchies too! I know. I know. Don't tell you what to do. But...anything you eat less than 3 or 4 hours before you go to bed...doesn't digest because you are laying down, and the stomach acid becomes level with the Bile that creates those little Gobs of Fat...that grow, and can even seep into your esophagus, later causing REFLUX that can hurt you later.
Not to mention....IF YOU NOTICE...your WAISTLINE getting a little larger. Eating before bed. Even as much as your head tells you that you are HUNGRY, and No American should ever go to bed hungry.

That also can help to increase the cholesterol numbers you are trying to lower. If digestion is slowed...by laying down. Fat tissue has a great place to GROW.

08-16-2012, 02:52 PM
You know vegan diets are virtually cholesterol free ;D

Off the top of my head - Oats, Hazelnuts and Walnuts are good for lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, so I'd you're able to work in a bowl of oatmeal in the morning, or snack on nuts at work etc that'd help.

08-16-2012, 03:00 PM
You know vegan diets are virtually cholesterol free ;D

Off the top of my head - Oats, Hazelnuts and Walnuts are good for lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, so I'd you're able to work in a bowl of oatmeal in the morning, or snack on nuts at work etc that'd help.

Very good advice. All kinds of nuts, beans, and veggies are just naturally good for Everyone. Even if you need a steak once in a while.

08-16-2012, 10:25 PM
Fish oil. It helps the good cholesterol and that's the stuff that helps get rid of the bad cholesterol. Two to three tablets a day. Ask your Dr. for best dosage. The Lipitor will help reduce it too. But the Dr. will have to monitor your blood because it can affect your liver. And while taking it don't drink grapefruit juice.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-16-2012, 11:39 PM
Seroquel - That's what I refer to as my "fat medicine", as I gained a ton of weight once I started taking it. It's a known side effect about the crap it makes your body retain and how it's twice as hard to work off the weight. This is also the one I mentioned gives you the munchies. So not only does it naturally cause everyone who takes it to gain weight, but it also makes you hungry on top of that.

I just did some searches on my medications to see if any of them had side effects of causing an increase in cholesterol, and sure enough, this one does. It appears 3 of them do, but this one the most. It supposedly causes a decrease in the HDL and an increase in overall cholesterol and especially triglycerides.

Pristiq is another that I take daily, and apparently is known to increase LDL and triglycerides.

WTF? I know I'm responsible for the medications I take, but this is the first I'm hearing of these cholesterol side effects. I've been on both for many years. Now what? I'm addicted, so it's not that easy to just stop. I suppose I'll have to talk with my regular doctor when this is all over as well and see what we can do.

Imagine that though, taking medication to counter balance other medications. What a racket these bastards have going.

Hate to break it to you Jim but diet alone usually isnt the answer. With proper diet you should begin a good exercise program to get your cholesterol levels right! I've had to do that since my heart attack almost two years ago. I have taken Pravachol 40MG Tab ever since to get my cholesterol levels in line . Your choice stay above ground or not but know that its mighty important to do the diet and the exercise program, ride a bike , walk or lift weights. Additionally the exercise will improve your mental outlook and increase your energy levels too. -Tyr

08-17-2012, 12:23 AM
Gabby's doc reference said avoid bacon, while Jim's didn't...I like Jim's doctor better.

08-17-2012, 12:45 AM
Love this scene.
