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View Full Version : Obama Created The Ryan Juggernaut

08-17-2012, 04:57 AM
Well according to Ezra Klein:


How Obama Created the Greatest Threat to His Presidency
<cite class="byline">By Ezra Klein (http://www.bloomberg.com/view/bios/ezra-klein/) </cite> <cite class="byline story_time"> Aug 15, 2012 5:30 PM CT

</cite>Here’s the weird thing about Paul Ryan (http://topics.bloomberg.com/paul-ryan/) being named to the Republican presidential ticket: It’s all part of Barack Obama (http://topics.bloomberg.com/barack-obama/)’s campaign plan -- a plan that’s working better than his strategists could have hoped. It could also backfire more disastrously than they have ever imagined...

As Mitt Romney (http://topics.bloomberg.com/mitt-romney/) emerged as the all-but-certain Republican presidential nominee, the Obama administration began calling Ryan’s budget the “Romney-Ryan budget.” Priorities USA, the Obama-affiliated super-PAC, dedicated its first ad to tying Romney to Ryan. “Mitt Romney says he’s on the same page as Paul Ryan, who wrote the plan to essentially end Medicare,” the ad’s narrator warned.
Unexpected ResultThe Obama team never could have predicted that its efforts would help vault Ryan into the nomination for vice president. But Ryan is a remarkably talented politician -- so good, in fact, that he managed to convince Romney and the Republican Party that the argument the Obama administration pursued so aggressively is actually an argument that Republicans will win.

The result, to paraphrase (http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/h/hlmencke163179.html) H.L. Mencken, is that the Obama administration knew the fight they wanted, and now they’re going to get it good and hard.

Putting the Ryan budget at the center of the 2012 election has the tactical benefit of forcing Republicans to defend an unpopular proposal; more important, it has the long-term strategic benefit of potentially discrediting the Ryan budget as a political document. Prior to Ryan joining the ticket, a Romney loss seemed likely to strengthen the Republican Party’s conservative wing, because the defeat would be blamed on Romney’s moderate past. Now, if the Romney-Ryan ticket loses, it will vindicate skeptics of the party’s rightward shift, potentially strengthening the party’s moderates. That could produce a more cooperative opposition for Obama to work with in a second term.

But if Obama loses, Republicans will have won the presidency with a mandate to enact a deeply conservative agenda. Left to his own devices, Romney might have been a relatively pragmatic and cautious president. Instead, the Obama administration’s three-year effort to enshrine the Ryan budget at the heart of the Republican Party would prove to have been a crucial push toward enacting that budget into law.

<cite class="byline story_time">

Even if he loses, in Klein's world, Obama is still in control. Think he knows more than the polls?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-17-2012, 08:15 AM
Well according to Ezra Klein:


Even if he loses, in Klein's world, Obama is still in control. Think he knows more than the polls?

Thats because far too many people ignorantly believed the lies about his genius and his being a messiah. Such hype when drilled in has devastating consequences.People can not wrap their arms around the fact that obama is a selfserving leftist/muslim azzhat politician that deeply hates this nation. Refusing to admit his treason leads to failing to adequately counter his actions! I am not the only person that knows this but am the only person on this forum that will openly talk of his treason! So be it but I will speak truth about the ffing scum or die trying..-Just that simple. And no , its not politics as usual, that's another well promoted lie coming from those that seek to destroy this nation!-Tyr

08-17-2012, 11:26 AM
There is some sense to this. But it is not as drastic as the author might believe.
Romney needed a VP choice like Ryan to placate the ultra conservative wing of the GOP. Most of whom consider Romney too centric.
At the same time, Romney would have no obligation to follow any of Ryan's budget cutting ideas. He is smart enough to know that Ryan's more drastic guidelines are way to extreme.
If elected, I believe Romney will be a more moderate president than anyone can currently imagine. Ryan will become John Nance Garner.
If you don't know what that means, look it up. :cool:

08-17-2012, 11:54 AM
There is some sense to this. But it is not as drastic as the author might believe.
Romney needed a VP choice like Ryan to placate the ultra conservative wing of the GOP. Most of whom consider Romney too centric.
At the same time, Romney would have no obligation to follow any of Ryan's budget cutting ideas. He is smart enough to know that Ryan's more drastic guidelines are way to extreme.
If elected, I believe Romney will be a more moderate president than anyone can currently imagine. Ryan will become John Nance Garner.
If you don't know what that means, look it up. :cool:
Some decent political analysis there Gabby. Thumbs up.
I think you're right about Ryan placating the far right but I also believe he was chosen because it sends a clear a clear message to voters that the ticket is about the economy.
I also believe that Ryan would be a more involved VP in terms of economic policy. As for John Garner, are you saying that this will possibly lead Romney and Ryan to eventually butt heads and become political opponents or are you saying that Ryan will become "a labor-baiting, poker-playing, whiskey-drinking, evil old man.".
Maybe both? :laugh:

08-17-2012, 12:52 PM
Gabby 'analysis' leaves much to be desired. She's using talking points, starting with the word 'extreme.' Ryan is far from 'far right' and far from extreme. Time will show you that, as would looking at his voting record.

Oh he's 'far right' on abortion-further right than the Catholic Church for that matter. That's about his only 'extreme' position. On the far left though, we have Obama and his, 'You didn't build your business...'

08-17-2012, 01:17 PM
Gabby 'analysis' leaves much to be desired.
It's a vast improvement over the typical hyperbole though.