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View Full Version : Could Obama's re-election cause a civil war?

08-22-2012, 04:50 PM
This county judge in Texas appears to think so. And he wants a funding increase to deal with it.


“I’m thinking the worst. Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war maybe. And we’re not just talking a few riots here and demonstrations, we’re talking Lexington, Concord, take up arms and get rid of the guy.
“Now what’s going to happen if we do that, if the public decides to do that? He’s going to send in U.N. troops. I don’t want ‘em in Lubbock County. OK. So I’m going to stand in front of their armored personnel carrier and say ‘you’re not coming in here’.

08-22-2012, 05:33 PM
That's why he's a county judge and not a higher elected official. Judges aren't lawmakers, and aren't in a position to cause civil wars.

Civil disobedience? Unrest? We've got those things already. Re-electing Barry won't change anything.

Civil war? I doubt it. At least, not from the people who oppose Barry, Nancy, and Harry. Conservatives (and even semi-conservatives, which is what many Republicans are) believe that the spectre of directly battling the government, which carries the risk of destroying it completely, is a very grave matter, one that is far more important than the need to get rid of a big-govt socialist in high office. Conservatives know that destroying (or radically changing the nature of) government, can destroy the many good things about government as well as destroying the bad things, and so is to be avoided in all but the gravest circumstances, which an Obama presidency isn't... quite.

This is far different from the attitude of liberals who have been blithely carrying out (or at least trying to carry out) a systematic radical change in government for many years. The fact that they have used lies, deception, and bribery, instead of weapons and military means, doesn't make it any less destructive of both good AND bad structures in government.

The ongoing war against our government carried out by liberals, might indeed trigger an equally destructive response from those who want to keep our government to what was described in the Constitution. So far that hasn't occurred - conservatives have stuck to persuasion, education, and voluntary votes... so far.

But if it starts to look like the liberals might actually win - that is, might actually succeed in destroying the Constitution and setting a new government on a different path, whose course has been grimly hinted by the actions of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid in the last several years - is it possible that conservatives and semi-conservatives might decide that straight-out war is LESS risky than letting the liberals put their warped and self-destructive courses into action?

Yes, it is possible.

Will it happen soon?

In my measured opinion, no. It will not happen within (at least) my lifetime.

But that doesn't mean it won't happen eventually.

08-22-2012, 05:46 PM
Irrelevant topic, the "Annointed One" will not be re-elected. ;)

That said, excellent analysis by Mr. Littel-Acorn IMO.

Anton Chigurh
08-22-2012, 06:05 PM
Irrelevant topic, the "Annointed One" will not be re-elected.And THAT will be the cause of mass riots and unrest, far more than him being re-elected would.

Think Watts and Rodney King-like riots, in all major cities.

08-22-2012, 06:38 PM
Yeah, I can TOTALLY see that, as Libs can get extremely violent when faced with undesirable realities, such as the elections of Reagan, Bush 41, and to a greater extent, Bush 43.

What they can't win @ the ballot box, even while committing voter fraud, they try to engineer thru the Courts. Total anarchy?

VERY possible.

Anton Chigurh
08-22-2012, 06:44 PM
Yeah, I can TOTALLY see that, as Libs can get extremely violent when faced with undesirable realities, such as the elections of Reagan, Bush 41, and to a greater extent, Bush 43.

What they can't win @ the ballot box, even while committing voter fraud, they try to engineer thru the Courts. Total anarchy?

VERY possible.Never seen "Libs" in general get violent... But have definitely seen urban black America do so. And since none of the "obama money" showed after most of them quit what jobs they had right after he was elected, unemployment in the black community is something like 18% now, I see alot of seething anger out there that will likely explode when Obama loses - especially if it's close.

08-22-2012, 06:48 PM
I find it difficult to believe that there would be any outbreak of violence, regardless of whom is elected or re-elected. Down the road? Time will out.

Anton Chigurh
08-22-2012, 06:52 PM
I find it difficult to believe that there would be any outbreak of violence, regardless of whom is elected or re-elected. Down the road? Time will out.I think they've been prompting violence, the rhetoric coming from the black "leadership" is a good example. The race baiting and playing the race card by the dem candidates and the media for months... the class warfare... All the "studies" coming out, claiming if Obama loses it will be because he is black - the left WANTS a massive race riot over this loss.

I mean, people found it hard to believe violence erupted over the Rodney King verdict too....

08-22-2012, 07:01 PM
We all gonna freakin die man.

I get the feeling that ireland will be a nice place to live in for a few years.:laugh:

08-22-2012, 07:02 PM
I think they've been prompting violence, the rhetoric coming from the black "leadership" is a good example. The race baiting and playing the race card by the dem candidates and the media for months... the class warfare... All the "studies" coming out, claiming if Obama loses it will be because he is black - the left WANTS a massive race riot over this loss.

I mean, people found it hard to believe violence erupted over the Rodney King verdict too....

The Rodney King issue wasn't planned. No, I give more credit to Americans, whatever the hue. While too many do not understand our system today, blame schools, especially the fed for eliminating civics; most still get that elections are 'the will of the people.' They don't have to like it, but I hope that wouldn't be a point of violence. If it is, it's a game changer.

08-22-2012, 07:29 PM
The Rodney King issue wasn't planned.
Liberal big-govt temper tantrums never are.

No, I give more credit to Americans, whatever the hue.
Ditto. The riots and "unrestful" ones are in a tiny minority.

While too many do not understand our system today, blame schools, especially the fed for eliminating civics; most still get that elections are 'the will of the people.'
They also know that elections are the right way to change things back to what they want. Only if the electoral (or petitioning) process is directly thwarted, does the risk of civil war start to increase. Note that this is exactly what happened prior to the Revolutionary War, and led directly to it.

They don't have to like it,
I didn't like the USSC's Obamacare decision (or the results of the 2008 elections for that matter), but I didn't go out and burn anything down as a result.

but I hope that wouldn't be a point of violence.
I always hope that. Occasionally the spoiled children disappoint me... even if they don't surprise me. But their brand of "violence" is hardly cause for nationwide worry. See my comments on the difference between Watts-and-Rodney-King-style riots, and an actual civil war.

08-22-2012, 07:41 PM
Race riots resulting from Obama's failure to win reelection? Duh, no! If riots eventually erupt, I think they will be multiculture.

Anton Chigurh
08-22-2012, 08:22 PM
The Rodney King issue wasn't planned. No, I give more credit to Americans, whatever the hue. While too many do not understand our system today, blame schools, especially the fed for eliminating civics; most still get that elections are 'the will of the people.' They don't have to like it, but I hope that wouldn't be a point of violence. If it is, it's a game changer.That's the plan. It fits in with Cloward-Piven very well.

08-23-2012, 01:04 AM
That's why he's a county judge and not a higher elected official. Judges aren't lawmakers, and aren't in a position to cause civil wars.

Civil disobedience? Unrest? We've got those things already. Re-electing Barry won't change anything.

Civil war? I doubt it. At least, not from the people who oppose Barry, Nancy, and Harry. Conservatives (and even semi-conservatives, which is what many Republicans are) believe that the spectre of directly battling the government, which carries the risk of destroying it completely, is a very grave matter, one that is far more important than the need to get rid of a big-govt socialist in high office. Conservatives know that destroying (or radically changing the nature of) government, can destroy the many good things about government as well as destroying the bad things, and so is to be avoided in all but the gravest circumstances, which an Obama presidency isn't... quite.

This is far different from the attitude of liberals who have been blithely carrying out (or at least trying to carry out) a systematic radical change in government for many years. The fact that they have used lies, deception, and bribery, instead of weapons and military means, doesn't make it any less destructive of both good AND bad structures in government.

The ongoing war against our government carried out by liberals, might indeed trigger an equally destructive response from those who want to keep our government to what was described in the Constitution. So far that hasn't occurred - conservatives have stuck to persuasion, education, and voluntary votes... so far.

But if it starts to look like the liberals might actually win - that is, might actually succeed in destroying the Constitution and setting a new government on a different path, whose course has been grimly hinted by the actions of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid in the last several years - is it possible that conservatives and semi-conservatives might decide that straight-out war is LESS risky than letting the liberals put their warped and self-destructive courses into action?

Yes, it is possible.

Will it happen soon?

In my measured opinion, no. It will not happen within (at least) my lifetime.

But that doesn't mean it won't happen eventually.
Indeed. " Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed." No truer words, IMHO, have ever been spoken.

Liberal big-govt temper tantrums never are.

Ditto. The riots and "unrestful" ones are in a tiny minority.

They also know that elections are the right way to change things back to what they want. Only if the electoral (or petitioning) process is directly thwarted, does the risk of civil war start to increase. Note that this is exactly what happened prior to the Revolutionary War, and led directly to it.

I didn't like the USSC's Obamacare decision (or the results of the 2008 elections for that matter), but I didn't go out and burn anything down as a result.

I always hope that. Occasionally the spoiled children disappoint me... even if they don't surprise me. But their brand of "violence" is hardly cause for nationwide worry. See my comments on the difference between Watts-and-Rodney-King-style riots, and an actual civil war.

The civil war was a divide which cut to the core of our constitution's federal supremacy. While possessing spatial unity, the secessionists lacked the numbers incongress to represent their wishes, leaving them with no other alternatives but war or subjugation.

08-23-2012, 03:04 AM
If you guys need any tips on how to get it done right, I know some Egyptians and Libyans with enough experience to help the American Spring go off without a hitch. Hope you guys don't see as much bloodshed.

08-23-2012, 05:08 AM
Never seen "Libs" in general get violent... But have definitely seen urban black America do so. And since none of the "obama money" showed after most of them quit what jobs they had right after he was elected, unemployment in the black community is something like 18% now, I see alot of seething anger out there that will likely explode when Obama loses - especially if it's close.

With all due respect, I didn't make that comment because I'm some kind of partison shill with talking points, in case you're thinking along those lines amigo. It's from experience, starting in 1968. A decade later I was an election judge on the North side of Chicago (R). Did I witness violence & intimidation tactics? You betcha! (nod to Sarah Palin)

Where have you been? Did you perhaps sleep through all the crime and violence during that bullshit toddlers gathering they referred to as "Occupy WallStreet".

Here in Phoenix, they get their panties in a bunch over enforcement of our Federal & State immigration laws, most recently our SB 1070 which is supported overwhelmingly by most Arizonians, approved via referendum, as well as our Legislature. There's been nothing but trouble from these open borders Libs, many times involving violence, followed by arrest! :clap:

They're spoiling for a fight, and when they lose, and they WILL lose, all hells gonna break out. They (law enforcement in Tampa) have already found several roof tops by the Convention Center stocked with bottles, bricks, metal pipes, and assorted other party favors, suitable for creating mayhem and injury. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't even care if they kill someone, afterall, they support the proceedure of sucking out a baby's brains through partial birth abortions. Totally viable fetus, an innocent of no political stripe, and they snuff out Gods light of life as if the child were no more than an unpleasant afterthought.

And then there's the matter of the N.B.P.P., which currently enjoys the protection of the Obonzo Administration via Eric Holder. Liberals, FAR LEFT Liberals, and yes, prone to violence and intimidation.

Liberals (not all but most all), by nature, are violent because they have no core belief system that is based on mutual respect and tolerance for the views or wish's of those who differ with their world view. That view is whatever cause/bandwagon they've hitched on to in their latest, desparate, attempt to "find themselves".

I realize that assessment may seem harsh, but it's based soley on life experiece observing and interacting with Liberals. Hell, my mother-in-law is a dyed-in-the-wool Socialist from Hamburg, Germany, though the old gal isn't the violent type, LOL! My sister-in-law though...watch out if you start talking politics and you're not an Obama, Reid, Clinton, etc..et al Liberal. Back during Slick Wllies reign,i 'd make a crack @ a famly function and then duck...FAST! :laugh: She'd freak out, it was loads of fun.

08-23-2012, 07:47 AM
We all gonna freakin die man.

I get the feeling that ireland will be a nice place to live in for a few years.:laugh:

You've clearly never been to Ireland =P

08-23-2012, 08:04 AM
Liberals (not all but most all), by nature, are violent because they have no core belief system that is based on mutual respect and tolerance for the views or wish's of those who differ with their world view. That view is whatever cause/bandwagon they've hitched on to in their latest, desparate, attempt to "find themselves".

That is such bull. I know plenty of liberals and none of them will be taking up arms when BO loses. Those who will resort to violence are those predisposed to violence and liberal is not the core view that they share. If you want to know who will riot look at your average WTO or World Bank meeting to find your answer.

Anton Chigurh
08-23-2012, 08:39 AM

With all due respect, I didn't make that comment because I'm some kind of partison shill with talking points, in case you're thinking along those lines amigo. It's from experience, starting in 1968. A decade later I was an election judge on the North side of Chicago (R). Did I witness violence & intimidation tactics? You betcha! (nod to Sarah Palin)

Where have you been? Did you perhaps sleep through all the crime and violence during that bullshit toddlers gathering they referred to as "Occupy WallStreet".

Here in Phoenix, they get their panties in a bunch over enforcement of our Federal & State immigration laws, most recently our SB 1070 which is supported overwhelmingly by most Arizonians, approved via referendum, as well as our Legislature. There's been nothing but trouble from these open borders Libs, many times involving violence, followed by arrest! :clap:

They're spoiling for a fight, and when they lose, and they WILL lose, all hells gonna break out. They (law enforcement in Tampa) have already found several roof tops by the Convention Center stocked with bottles, bricks, metal pipes, and assorted other party favors, suitable for creating mayhem and injury. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't even care if they kill someone, afterall, they support the proceedure of sucking out a baby's brains through partial birth abortions. Totally viable fetus, an innocent of no political stripe, and they snuff out Gods light of life as if the child were no more than an unpleasant afterthought.

And then there's the matter of the N.B.P.P., which currently enjoys the protection of the Obonzo Administration via Eric Holder. Liberals, FAR LEFT Liberals, and yes, prone to violence and intimidation.

Liberals (not all but most all), by nature, are violent because they have no core belief system that is based on mutual respect and tolerance for the views or wish's of those who differ with their world view. That view is whatever cause/bandwagon they've hitched on to in their latest, desparate, attempt to "find themselves".

I realize that assessment may seem harsh, but it's based soley on life experiece observing and interacting with Liberals. Hell, my mother-in-law is a dyed-in-the-wool Socialist from Hamburg, Germany, though the old gal isn't the violent type, LOL! My sister-in-law though...watch out if you start talking politics and you're not an Obama, Reid, Clinton, etc..et al Liberal. Back during Slick Wllies reign,i 'd make a crack @ a famly function and then duck...FAST! :laugh: She'd freak out, it was loads of fun.Well, we're talking about two different things, both of them equally valid. Nothing like a good ole race riot coupled with the anarchists and 'occupiers' to forward the C-P strategy. The more the merrier. Maybe the dormant 'anti war' crowd will finally wake up too, once Obama is defeated and join the fray!

08-23-2012, 09:05 AM
his election in 08 caused an un-civil one....

08-23-2012, 09:20 AM
Please make as generous of a contribution as you can afford to the Emergency Fund to Re-elect Michele Bachmann. It's the ONLY way we can save our society and prevent a civil war.

08-23-2012, 09:21 AM
You've clearly never been to Ireland =P

If the stereotypes are true, i'll just stay away from the high bombing areas, and hide in a bar for a while.

08-23-2012, 11:09 AM
If the stereotypes are true, i'll just stay away from the high bombing areas, and hide in a bar for a while.
Well if noir visits America, I suppose he'd best avoid rural areas, lest he fall victim to gun-toting incestuous hillbillies...he's got a pretty mouth.

08-23-2012, 11:39 AM
...he's got a pretty mouth.

Oooh! Tell us more about Noir's pretty mouth! How long have you been attracted to it? Does Noir know you have these feelings? :rolleyes: :cool:

08-23-2012, 12:44 PM
GABBY is just fishing for a Racist Statement from someone.... Dont give her the Satisfaction of proving her right...

This is a ridiculous theory being put forth by those that would have Republicans and Conservatives make a foolish, Racially based statement...

Very Weak Gabby.... You're playing the Race Card from the Bottom of the Deck!

08-23-2012, 12:56 PM
You've clearly never been to Ireland =P

Lets hear this.... Tell this Irishman about IRELAND Noir.....

08-23-2012, 02:45 PM
Lets hear this.... Tell this Irishman about IRELAND Noir.....

What would you like to know? Though i'm guessing you haven't been an irish citizen for a while (assuming you 'voted for Reagan')

08-23-2012, 02:47 PM
Lets hear this.... Tell this Irishman about IRELAND Noir.....

Allow me, The red headed women are hot, until they're married to you. Pubs are a fun place to be, car bombings happen.

And nobody talks like a leprechaun, only dumb Americans trying an Irish accent.

And i get all my info from the amazing "the Feckin book of everything Irish"

08-23-2012, 02:49 PM
Allow me, The red headed women are hot, until they're married to you. Pubs are a fun place to be, car bombings happen.

And nobody talks like a leprechaun, only dumb Americans trying an Irish accent.

And i get all my info from the amazing "the Feckin book of everything Irish"

Close, car bombings are more for the Northern Irish, than the Irish (:

08-23-2012, 03:54 PM
What would you like to know? Though i'm guessing you haven't been an irish citizen for a while (assuming you 'voted for Reagan')

Dual Citizen.... County Galway is where we hail from.

08-23-2012, 05:22 PM
Dual Citizen.... County Galway is where we hail from.

Oh mys, the West! No wonder you got out while you could ^,^

08-23-2012, 05:38 PM
All of my grandparents were from Ireland. County Cork and County Donegal. What are they like?

08-23-2012, 06:08 PM
Noir Still hasnt answered my question about the Statement he made....I think he's Stalling us Kathianne

08-23-2012, 06:37 PM
All of my grandparents were from Ireland. County Cork and County Donegal. What are they like?

Cool cool, I haven't been to Cork, but from what I understand (from friends) it's has the best Countryside in Ireland, though that is in part caused by the seemingly unending rain lol, and I've been to Letterkenny in Co. Donegal, can't say I though much of it, but that was prob just the city.

08-23-2012, 06:42 PM
Noir Still hasnt answered my question about the Statement he made....I think he's Stalling us Kathianne

What do you want to know about Ireland? It rains a lot and it's wayyy overpriced. Simples (: