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View Full Version : Study: Smoking forbidden in most U.S. households

05-24-2007, 06:53 PM
ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- Smoking is forbidden in nearly three out of four U.S. households, a dramatic increase from the 43 percent of homes that prohibited smoking a decade ago, the federal government reported Thursday.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which conducted the survey in 2003, said it was the first study to offer a state-by-state look at the prevalence of smoking in American homes.

Utah led the nation, with people in nearly nine out of 10 homes saying smoking was never allowed. The state's large population of Mormons, who eschew tobacco, probably contributed to that statistic, the agency said.

Kentucky was in last place, with a little more than half of households sending smokers outside (or, at least, to the garage).

But even in Kentucky, smokers found fewer place to light up. Ten years earlier, only a quarter of the state's households barred smoking.

"That really says that people are starting to understand the hazards of secondhand smoke," said Dr. Corinne Husten, co-author of the study and chief of the epidemiology branch of the CDC's Office on Smoking and Health.

Tobin Hilliard joined the millions of Americans living in smoke-free homes when he moved in with his non-smoking fiancee 10 years ago. He had to abandon the pleasure of smoking a cigarette at the kitchen table, on the living room couch or in the bedroom.

Lighting up? Step outside
"It was just understood: 'If you're lighting up, you will be stepping out into whatever the weather conditions are,"' said Hilliard, 35, who is still a pack-a-day smoker in Clermont, Florida.

The CDC report was based on a national survey done mostly by telephone every two years. For a household to be included in the results, everyone 15 and older had to respond, and they all had to agree on the smoking rules.

The survey covered 127,000 U.S. households in 2003, the most recent year for which such data were available. The study looked at 900 to 7,000 homes in each state. Similar numbers were surveyed in previous years.

Participants were asked whether smoking was allowed everywhere in the home, only in some places, or not at all.

Among households with at least one smoker, the national prevalence of take-it-outside rules rose from about 10 percent in the early 1990s to 32 percent in 2003. Among households with no smokers, the percentage with such rules rose from 57 percent to almost 84 percent.

The CDC said the increases were driven in part by scientific reports and other information in the last 15 years warning that secondhand smoke causes premature death and disease.

A growing number of state and local smoking bans in restaurants, bars and workplaces may also have been influential at home, Husten said.

Loyd Silberstein, a retired school teacher in California, said he smokes at home -- but not when his children or grandchildren come over. On those occasions, he goes out to the back yard or garage.

"My wife says I don't care about her, just the kids," laughed Silberstein, 75, of San Mateo.

The study was published in the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

In another MMWR article this week, surveys of nearly 750,000 teens in 137 countries and territories showed that students exposed to smoking at home were most likely to take up the habit themselves.

The study found that more than 71 percent of nonsmoking students surveyed in Europe said they were exposed to cigarette smoke at home. The exposure was much lower in other parts of the world -- particularly in Africa, where the statistic was just 23 percent.


05-24-2007, 07:00 PM
I smoke, and I still don't allow smoking in my house..or my car.

05-24-2007, 07:13 PM
I smoke, and I still don't allow smoking in my house..or my car.

You didn't answer the poll question :) I think not allowing smoking in your house or car is a respect issue and show's resppect to whoever you have over.

05-24-2007, 07:15 PM
You didn't answer the poll question :) I think not allowing smoking in your house or car is a respect issue and show's resppect to whoever you have over.

It's not a respect issue at all. I don't want to have to paint my walls every year, and have my car seats reupholstered every few years. :D

If I'm around someone that doesn't smoke, I rarely smoke around them, unless outside. THAT is a respect issue.

Mr. P
05-24-2007, 07:22 PM
I smoke a pipe, but would never smoke it in some else's home unless they smoked and said ok. I won't smoke in a restaurant either. But in my own home, HELL YES!

05-24-2007, 07:27 PM
I smoke a bong in my house...
Its for an actual reason...

Tobacco is just to satisfy a crappy craving.

05-24-2007, 07:31 PM
No smoking in my place.

05-24-2007, 07:36 PM
I smoke a bong in my house...
Its for an actual reason...

Tobacco is just to satisfy a crappy craving.

So isn't drug use and homosexuality.

None of eityer tree in my place. Heck, when I was building a house I would have the contractors smoke outside and gave them an old coffee can to put their butts. Then I'd go around once in a while, pick up butts they threw, divide them up by brand and give them all back.

Mr. P
05-24-2007, 07:40 PM
No smoking in my place.
I shoulda added that, I can smoke in my home but no one else can.

Pale Rider
05-24-2007, 08:55 PM
No smoking in my place. Outside only. I HATE the smell of cigarettes, especially the DAY AFTER smell of the smoke. Makes me wanna puke. When I'm in a bar, if people around me are smoking, I'll get up and leave.

Abbey Marie
05-24-2007, 11:21 PM
I smoke a bong in my house...
Its for an actual reason...

Tobacco is just to satisfy a crappy craving.

Reason? Beyond the usual reason?

Pale Rider
05-25-2007, 12:19 AM
Reason? Beyond the usual reason?

I suppose he's going to try and say for medicinal purposes, which is horse crap. It's the best way for dope heads to excuse away their need for a cheap high.

05-25-2007, 12:30 AM
I suppose he's going to try and say for medicinal purposes, which is horse crap. It's the best way for dope heads to excuse away their need for a cheap high.

:clap: :laugh2: :clap:

05-25-2007, 12:41 AM
ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- Smoking is forbidden in nearly three out of four U.S. households, a dramatic increase from the 43 percent of homes that prohibited smoking a decade ago, the federal government reported Thursday.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which conducted the survey in 2003, said it was the first study to offer a state-by-state look at the prevalence of smoking in American homes.

Utah led the nation, with people in nearly nine out of 10 homes saying smoking was never allowed. The state's large population of Mormons, who eschew tobacco, probably contributed to that statistic, the agency said.

Kentucky was in last place, with a little more than half of households sending smokers outside (or, at least, to the garage).

But even in Kentucky, smokers found fewer place to light up. Ten years earlier, only a quarter of the state's households barred smoking.

"That really says that people are starting to understand the hazards of secondhand smoke," said Dr. Corinne Husten, co-author of the study and chief of the epidemiology branch of the CDC's Office on Smoking and Health.

Tobin Hilliard joined the millions of Americans living in smoke-free homes when he moved in with his non-smoking fiancee 10 years ago. He had to abandon the pleasure of smoking a cigarette at the kitchen table, on the living room couch or in the bedroom.

Lighting up? Step outside
"It was just understood: 'If you're lighting up, you will be stepping out into whatever the weather conditions are,"' said Hilliard, 35, who is still a pack-a-day smoker in Clermont, Florida.

The CDC report was based on a national survey done mostly by telephone every two years. For a household to be included in the results, everyone 15 and older had to respond, and they all had to agree on the smoking rules.

The survey covered 127,000 U.S. households in 2003, the most recent year for which such data were available. The study looked at 900 to 7,000 homes in each state. Similar numbers were surveyed in previous years.

Participants were asked whether smoking was allowed everywhere in the home, only in some places, or not at all.

Among households with at least one smoker, the national prevalence of take-it-outside rules rose from about 10 percent in the early 1990s to 32 percent in 2003. Among households with no smokers, the percentage with such rules rose from 57 percent to almost 84 percent.

The CDC said the increases were driven in part by scientific reports and other information in the last 15 years warning that secondhand smoke causes premature death and disease.

A growing number of state and local smoking bans in restaurants, bars and workplaces may also have been influential at home, Husten said.

Loyd Silberstein, a retired school teacher in California, said he smokes at home -- but not when his children or grandchildren come over. On those occasions, he goes out to the back yard or garage.

"My wife says I don't care about her, just the kids," laughed Silberstein, 75, of San Mateo.

The study was published in the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

In another MMWR article this week, surveys of nearly 750,000 teens in 137 countries and territories showed that students exposed to smoking at home were most likely to take up the habit themselves.

The study found that more than 71 percent of nonsmoking students surveyed in Europe said they were exposed to cigarette smoke at home. The exposure was much lower in other parts of the world -- particularly in Africa, where the statistic was just 23 percent.


Smoking is NASTY! One time I dated a guy that smoked, it was like kissing an ashtray! YUCK!

05-25-2007, 02:36 AM
Smoking is NASTY! One time I dated a guy that smoked, it was like kissing an ashtray! YUCK!

How many ashtrays have you kissed, to be able to make such a comparison?

05-25-2007, 02:40 AM
Smoking is NASTY! One time I dated a guy that smoked, it was like kissing an ashtray! YUCK!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

05-25-2007, 03:35 AM
How many ashtrays have you kissed, to be able to make such a comparison?

One too many!

05-25-2007, 03:58 AM
One too many!


05-25-2007, 04:06 AM

I was trying to be sarcastic

05-25-2007, 11:01 AM
I was trying to be sarcastic

I agree with you though. I have dated my fair share of smokers, and there was always a thin layer of smoke/ash/whatever on their lips.

05-25-2007, 12:42 PM
I smoke, and I still don't allow smoking in my house..or my car. I am the exact opposite. I don't smoke (for the past five years), but I allow smoking both in my house and in my car.

05-25-2007, 12:45 PM
Reason? Beyond the usual reason? Does it matter? It's his house.

05-25-2007, 12:47 PM
I suppose he's going to try and say for medicinal purposes, which is horse crap. It's the best way for dope heads to excuse away their need for a cheap high.


but also

None of your damned business.

Abbey Marie
05-25-2007, 01:35 PM
Does it matter? It's his house.

Uh, did you not notice that he brought it up?

05-25-2007, 02:37 PM
Uh, did you not notice that he brought it up? Yes I did,. so I asked a question about YOUR comment.