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View Full Version : Okla. Police Capt. Punished for Refusing to Participate in Islamic Worship Service

08-23-2012, 07:11 AM

A police captain that was punished for refusing to participate in an Islamic worship service is awaiting a ruling from a federal court after attorneys filed a motion this week for summary judgment.

Captain Paul Fields of Tulsa, Oklahoma was ordered last year to attend “Law Enforcement Appreciation Day” hosted by the Islamic Society of Tulsa at a local mosque. The event, which was to be held on an Islamic holy day, was to include a tour of the mosque, an Islamic prayer service, lectures on the Islamic faith and meetings with local Muslim leaders.

The police department issued a statement as a result of outrage from supporters of the captain.

“One of the Department’s missions is that of community outreach. To facilitate this effort, the Police Department determined this event was a community outreach opportunity and attendance was appropriate,” it stated. “Contrary to what may have already been reported in scheduling this event, the Police Department and the Islamic Society of Tulsa very deliberately arranged attendance so that officers need not participate in any religious discussion or observance that would create any discomfort or inconvenience for them.”

“[The Islamic event] was a staged propaganda event to proselytize and use uniformed police officers as props,” stated the Thomas More Law Center, one of the two legal organizations that is representing Fields. “The mosque’s plan: photograph officers in the mosque eating and socializing with Muslim leaders for the media and their website. All of this would establish the mosque’s credibility in the community despite its terrorist ties.”

08-23-2012, 08:16 AM

“[The Islamic event] was a staged propaganda event to proselytize and use uniformed police officers as props,” stated the Thomas More Law Center, one of the two legal organizations that is representing Fields. “The mosque’s plan: photograph officers in the mosque eating and socializing with Muslim leaders for the media and their website. All of this would establish the mosque’s credibility in the community despite its terrorist ties.”

That's not his call.

Abbey Marie
08-23-2012, 08:25 AM
If I were the type to get all sensitive about church and state, I'd say this was mixing the two. Luckily, I'm not. :rolleyes:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-23-2012, 08:38 AM

That absolutely was his call to make. Freedom of religion insures him that right. I hope he sues for tens of millions. Anybody rejecting his right to not take part in that lunacy should have their head examined. Islam is now conducting its agenda to get local police authorities biased in its favor. Some more of that "57 states" agenda being financed by that foreign entity and its mandates no doubt. For they see how successful they've been in Britain and attempt to do the same here! They have it Britain now where people are arrested for daring to rant against them!
They attempt to gain favor for their religion while they work to subvert all other religions directly and indirectly.

08-23-2012, 08:43 AM
That absolutely was his call to make. Freedom of religion insures him that right.

Either ignore me or don't but don't be a P* about it. His duty is to follow orders. How were his rights violated?

08-23-2012, 08:49 AM
What's the problem. He was not forced to perform an Islamic prayer but he refused to attend despite being ordered to as a part of his job.

There was a similar outreach in a Mosque I attended in London many years ago. Police, politicians and media attended, they were fed, mingled, watched as one of the 5 daily prayers was performed and basically enjoyed their time meeting with and talking to Muslims.

As a Muslim, I have visited Churches, temples of various kinds and of different religions and other holy sites of other religions and I thoroughly enjoyed learning about other cultures and broadened my mind a lot. Perhaps Capt Paul Fields needs to learn to be a little less uptight, and be encouraged to step out of his usual boundaries and broaden his horizons.

Abbey Marie
08-23-2012, 08:51 AM
What's the problem. He was not forced to perform an Islamic prayer but he refused to attend despite being ordered to as a part of his job.

There was a similar outreach in a Mosque I attended in London many years ago. Police, politicians and media attended, they were fed, mingled, watched as one of the 5 daily prayers was performed and basically enjoyed their time meeting with and talking to Muslims.

As a Muslim, I have visited Churches, temples of various kinds and of different religions and other holy sites of other religions and I thoroughly enjoyed learning about other cultures and broadened my mind a lot. Perhaps Capt Paul Fields needs to learn to be a little less uptight, and be encouraged to step out of his usual boundaries and broaden his horizons.

There shouldn't be a problem. But I will point out that in our country, if a child has to watch someone else pray in their school, or read the Bible, or even sing a religious song, the ACLU will go into attack mode.

08-23-2012, 09:04 AM
There shouldn't be a problem. But I will point out that in our country, if a child has to watch someone else pray in their school, or read the Bible, or even sing a religious song, the ACLU will go into attack mode.

Captain Fields is a child now?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-23-2012, 09:05 AM
There shouldn't be a problem. But I will point out that in our country, if a child has to watch someone else pray in their school, or read the Bible, or even sing a religious song, the ACLU will go into attack mode.

ACLU has not went into attack mode when that school activity was one concerning Islam except to protect Islam. They ignore it when its Islam awareness/outreach but attack when it is any other religion. Thats because being leftists they side with Islam . A pact the two ideologies have made with each other. As both hate our freedoms, Constitution and culture!
When will we see Christian , Hindu, etc. outreach by our government or obama that has NASA doing muslim outreach! We have been corrupted and infiltrated far too deeply and far too long..-Tyr

08-23-2012, 09:07 AM

08-23-2012, 09:09 AM
There shouldn't be a problem. But I will point out that in our country, if a child has to watch someone else pray in their school, or read the Bible, or even sing a religious song, the ACLU will go into attack mode.

He is not a child despite acting a little like one :)

He is a police officer who was under orders to carry out his duties in community outreach as required by someone in his position.

08-23-2012, 09:11 AM
When will we see Christian , Hindu, etc. outreach by our government or obama that has NASA doing muslim outreach! We have been corrupted and infiltrated far too deeply and far too long..-Tyr

It's funny you don't mention all the Jewish outreach your government has been doing.

Abbey Marie
08-23-2012, 09:12 AM
Captain Fields is a child now?

Really? You know very well that adults claim the same need not to be exposed to religion. No need to make a false distinction.

08-23-2012, 09:24 AM
Really? You know very well that adults claim the same need not to be exposed to religion. No need to make a false distinction.

Oh please. He's a grown adult POLICE OFFICER. His job is to be exposed. The "need" you proclaim is BS.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-23-2012, 09:34 AM
It's funny you don't mention all the Jewish outreach your government has been doing.

Israel is a nation. We have every right to do well by our allies..
Islam is a religion not a nation. Obama actions concerning Islam and his muslim outreach program is in direct violation of our Constitution.-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-23-2012, 09:38 AM
He is not a child despite acting a little like one :)

He is a police officer who was under orders to carry out his duties in community outreach as required by someone in his position.

He still has freedom of religion. His job does not trump that Constitutional right. This is about forcing -ALL- TO BE SUBJECT TO THE DOMINANCE OF ISLAM..
As I posted before , I hope he sues for millions and gets it.-Tyr

08-23-2012, 09:39 AM
He still has freedom of religion. His job does not trump that Constitutional right.

How were his rights violated?


Hey Jafar, you might have to ask for me. ;)


08-23-2012, 09:43 AM
Hey P. How were his rights violated?

He shouldn't HAVE to go to a religious event that he doesn't believe in. Orders or not, noone in the military would ever say "You have to go to church/the mosque/whatever or you're fired." He has every right to believe in what HE wants, and not be pushed into a religious event.

It may not be in the constitution, but separation of church and state is a damn fine idea.

08-23-2012, 09:51 AM
I have no issue with an officer being told that as a part of his duties he must work with an outreach program and mingle with various religious faiths to make connections within the community. But I don't think ANYONE should have to enter a place of prayer and worship. He can work with Muslims and do many things as part of the outreach without having to enter a mosque.

08-23-2012, 09:51 AM
He shouldn't HAVE to go to a religious event that he doesn't believe in. Orders or not, noone in the military would ever say "You have to go to church/the mosque/whatever or you're fired." He has every right to believe in what HE wants, and not be pushed into a religious event.

It may not be in the constitution, but separation of church and state is a damn fine idea.

He was not forced to believe in anything or worship a God not of his choosing. His rights were not infringed, there is no establishment of religion here.

Besides, I'm sure many in the military were ordered to plenty of mosques in Iraq.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-23-2012, 09:52 AM
What's the problem. He was not forced to perform an Islamic prayer but he refused to attend despite being ordered to as a part of his job.

There was a similar outreach in a Mosque I attended in London many years ago. Police, politicians and media attended, they were fed, mingled, watched as one of the 5 daily prayers was performed and basically enjoyed their time meeting with and talking to Muslims.

As a Muslim, I have visited Churches, temples of various kinds and of different religions and other holy sites of other religions and I thoroughly enjoyed learning about other cultures and broadened my mind a lot. Perhaps Capt Paul Fields needs to learn to be a little less uptight, and be encouraged to step out of his usual boundaries and broaden his horizons.

Where are the examples of muslims being forced to attend Catholic masses etc. ????
Such forced attendance rarely if ever happens to muslims(I've never found one). Why is that? You know why, their religion is protected. But not by me and many more like me= patriots! I wage a campaign against it night and day because it is the worst evil and greatest enemy this nation will ever face!
Islam has never seen an enemy like me . Fact.. When has Islam ever had to fight an Native American/Viking that dearly knows and hates it? Fear does not exist in my blood when it comes to fighting this the greatest of all evils. Fact. And I've dedicated my life , whats left of it to doing just that.. Too bad the cowards have not yet came out here openly in the streets with their crap as they have elsewhere. We that are not blind and ignorant know that its coming! Unlike Britain we have not stupidly given up our guns. --Tyr

08-23-2012, 09:56 AM
When has Islam ever had to fight an Native American/Viking...

You're a Viking now too? :laugh:

08-23-2012, 12:13 PM
This whole thing stinks of a propaganda operation.

Most of the time Community Outreach programs and events are initiated by a police department to reach out to the community they serve.
Here we have the opposite. A group of people hosting a "Police Appreciation Day" event and inviting the Police department to attend with the police agreeing and making attendance mandatory. Orders may be orders but this one stinks.

Notice I referred to these folks generically as a "group of people". We all know that certain groups of people are more acceptable than others. Insert any other questionable group hosting the same event and I'm sure the outcome and public response would have been a little different.

08-23-2012, 12:39 PM
We all know that certain groups of people are more acceptable than others. Insert any other questionable group hosting the same event and I'm sure the outcome and public response would have been a little different.

Well, you've already predisposed the answer to agree with you. Of course any questionable group will engender the same response but at what point does an officer have the option of refusing an order. The question is would he have refused going to a synagogue under the same circumstances.

08-23-2012, 12:42 PM
I echo what fj1200 asked. How were his rights violated? He was ordered to do a job as a part of police outreach. He wasn't ordered to pray or convert or anything. Just to attend and talk to people.

08-23-2012, 12:48 PM
I echo what fj1200 asked. How were his rights violated? He was ordered to do a job as a part of police outreach. He wasn't ordered to pray or convert or anything. Just to attend and talk to people.

No rights violation when someone is ordered to enter a mosque and attend services. But I believe yourself and abso are on record as stating that people shouldn't have the right to insult others, or what is known as blasphemy to others. Is this correct?

08-23-2012, 12:52 PM

"Ain't no one gonna violate my rights."

08-23-2012, 01:02 PM
I echo what fj1200 asked. How were his rights violated? He was ordered to do a job as a part of police outreach. He wasn't ordered to pray or convert or anything. Just to attend and talk to people.
As Jim already stated, no rights violation here.
The whole thing just smells to me since this group of Muslims has close ties to the NAIT who also happen to be allies with the Muslim Brotherhood.

08-23-2012, 04:36 PM
I thought this topic interesting and thought too that I knew the answer. I decided to call my brother who was a deputy chief of police and ask him.

My instinct on this was right, the Captain would have to attend any 'Police Appreciation' event by any community group if scheduled for the time period. Of course he could choose to request a lower rank or resign, but if ordered as a Captain, a management level position, he would be required to attend.

As a citizen he has the right to not attend a house of worship he doesn't wish to, but not as a police officer.

08-23-2012, 04:37 PM
As Jim already stated, no rights violation here.
The whole thing just smells to me since this group of Muslims has close ties to the NAIT who also happen to be allies with the Muslim Brotherhood.

All the more reason then to find out what they might by attending. That is part of what community involvement is about.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-23-2012, 10:24 PM
I echo what fj1200 asked. How were his rights violated? He was ordered to do a job as a part of police outreach. He wasn't ordered to pray or convert or anything. Just to attend and talk to people.

Well, if you are going to echo somebody its best to pick somebody that agrees with your general stand on things.
You chose well it seems to me.-;)-Tyr

08-24-2012, 07:42 AM
Well, if you are going to echo somebody its best to pick somebody that agrees with your general stand on things.
You chose well it seems to me.-;)-Tyr

I see that you are comfortable in your ignorance. Good on 'ya.

08-24-2012, 06:33 PM
There wasn't anything unlawful about the order. You can't let a Capt blow off a lawful order without putting the discipline of the entire department in jeopardy.