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View Full Version : Has Anyone Seen 2016?

08-24-2012, 01:55 AM
Moving up the scales.


08-24-2012, 02:52 AM
Nope. Have you? What's it like?

08-24-2012, 07:29 AM
Nope. Have you? What's it like?

I haven't, a friend went last week. She said it was very good. I tend not to go to theaters, too $$$ and my hearing just not conducive to the experience. I need captioning.

08-24-2012, 08:59 AM
I have fundraising phone call/letter fatigue. I'm maxed out on agenda based communication. Give 'em 25 bucks every once in awhile and they "reward" you with bugging you constantly. Somebody shared my contact information with Michele Bachmann. The world will come to an end if I don't give her some money (so she says).

Regardless of ideology, I despise communication that reads/sounds like a fund raising letter. However liberals are worse in this manner than conservatives, right Gabosaurus?

08-24-2012, 09:02 AM
Is it a horror movie? :poke:

08-24-2012, 09:05 AM
Is it a horror movie? :poke:

Only if you make a contribution, then whomever you contributed to will be like an obsession movie such as Christine or Child's Play.


08-24-2012, 11:57 PM
I haven't, a friend went last week. She said it was very good. I tend not to go to theaters, too $$$ and my hearing just not conducive to the experience. I need captioning.


’2016: Obama’s America’ Movie Is Disturbingly Necessary August 17, 2012 11:41 AM...

Yet, I’m glad I saw the hyped-film because it was more informative than I had thought it would be and included less propaganda than I had predicted. If anything, it was nearly too informative as there was an enormous amount of information condensed into the nearly one-hour-and-a-half documentary. Fact after fact is put forth which shows that President Obama definitely has many skeletons in the closet that have not been released prior to the nation’s trust in him with the Oval Office.

To watch this movie and realize – or simply be reminded of – all that is unknown about President Obama is of concern. Much of the information has been ignored by the American media totally. When appropriately reminded as to what is still unknown about Obama to date, one has to ask: How can any logical-thinking person give a damn about Romney’s taxes while not asking any questions regarding our current president’s past?

The man influences the entire globe, but liberal Americans want to know how much Mitt Romney paid in taxes in the past rather than learn about the man who they have entrusted with the country. Unbelievable.

The movie undeniably links Obama to persons of suspicious-interest due to their past actions and statements, such as former radical activist and Chicago educator Bill Ayers. While the media and blinded-liberals cast such facts aside, the movie does not. No, this portion of the movie is not propaganda – it is the display of factual information about relationships between people that cannot be denied. Yet, the “left” does deny the facts that are right in front of them...

...How could one so-highly educated and intelligent as Obama not know what he was doing when he incurred such debt? I left the movie thinking more strongly than I had in the past that the current debt and this economy was part of Obama’s plan all along. Increasingly making Americans dependent on the government is the plan. What’s more, he knew his blind followers would believe it was not the plan and, of course, was all Bush’s fault...


As the closing credits started to role upward across the screen, the audience applauded. Me, I just walked out – reasonably upset.

Those who have already decided to vote for Obama will probably not even see the movie. It’s sad but they probably don’t want to know the truth when it is laid out so clearly for them in this documentary. The independents who are still deciding who they are going to vote for ought to see this film. I’m quite confident that any undecided voter who sees this film will know who to vote for after viewing this documentary. If you know you’re not going to support the “left” in this coming election, see the film out of interest if you like. But, fair warning, it’s disturbing – and quite frightening – to say the least.

08-25-2012, 12:03 AM
Spent today helping my daughter get her apartment cleaned for an 'open house' for 30 of her closest friends. Around 5 pm she got a text from my oldest son that he wanted to come, but fiance had car and was working until midnight. I'd just gotten out of shower, the darling daughter needed to get in. So I went and got him. He was going to take me to movie theater on Sunday, but they we decided better use of money to get my car and oil change and watch Downton Abbey, Season II on Hulu. LOL! Hey, he's even throwing in a Panera lunch!

Any other Downton Abbey fans here?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-25-2012, 07:20 AM
I havent seen it yet but plan on doing so in the near future. Just have to squeeze it into my schedule . I've talked to a couple people that have seen it and both said it was an eye opener and great..-Tyr

08-25-2012, 10:21 PM
OK, found that the movie was only showing in two theaters here in Tucson, but went this afternoon ... 2:20 showing. The place was packed .... every seat filled, even the front row .... my friend and I had to split up and sit between others. We didn't think there would be so many people. I believe everyone was over 40 and the majority over 50.

Very informative ... gives facts about Obama that the MSM will not show you. Makes perfect sense. However, I was so proud to be part of Debate Policy because there isn't anything in the movie that we haven't covered here on this board ... prior to his election and since his election. The only difference is that the author of this put it all together in a coherent time sequence and explained it in a very factual matter.

What really took me by surprise was the applause afterward. Everyone applauded, even though everyone was shaking their heads. It is scary how much the MSM has used propaganda to get this guy elected.

This is a must see documentary. It might do for Obama what Farenheit 9/11 did for Bush.

08-25-2012, 11:21 PM
Well Sassy, seems you weren't alone:


Box office shocker. 2016 Obama’s America at #3? posted at 8:31 pm on August 25, 2012 by Jazz Shaw
We all know the rules when it comes to political films, right? They’re just not worth sinking your money into them because people don’t watch. With the sole exception of one “documentary” by Michael Moore, they don’t cover their own costs and people don’t turn out to the theater for them. This is particularly true if you try to produce one from a conservative point of view in the liberal lock-down atmosphere of Hollywood. Well, hold on to your hats. It looks like the the very unflattering critique of the current administration, 2016 Obama’s America (http://2016themovie.com/), is set to come in at number three this weekend (http://www.deadline.com/2012/08/first-box-office-anti-obama-movie-1/) and turn a profit in the first 24 hours since its wide release. (It actually premiered six weeks ago and was previously in limited release.)

As predicted Millenium/Lionsgate’s The Expendables 2 will finish in first place Friday and this weekend. It’s followed by Universal’s The Bourne Legacy in second place and the Rocky Mountain Pictures’ documentary 2016 Obama’s America in third place after starting out Friday #1. That’s stunning because it’s playing in a 1/3 less theaters across North American than the other wide release actioners. (See below for more details). However, its hot pre-sales have made the pic frontloaded, and its ranking will fall steeply by end of Sunday. But its new cume after this weekend could make it the #1 conservative documentary (ahead of Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed’s $7.7M). The success of the anti-Obama pic comes on the eve of the Republican National Convention August 27-30...

Entertainment Weekly explains (http://insidemovies.ew.com/2012/08/23/2016-obamas-america-box-office/) why the math involved in this film’s rising status is so puzzling to industry insiders, and not just because of the content.

You see, normally, when a film’s theater count increases, the amount of money it’s earning in each theater decreases. This is the standard performance pattern for a limited release and follows common supply/demand logic.

Here’s how things have gone for 2016: Obama’s America, though: Three weekends ago, 2016 earned $34,133 out of 10 theaters, which gave it a per theater average of $3,413 — not all that remarkable for a limited release. When it expanded into 61 theaters the next weekend, its per theater average did a funny thing: it jumped up to $5,202. Last weekend, the film experienced an even bigger expansion, into 169 theaters, and again, its per theater average substantially leapt up to $7,365.
Let’s be clear: this almost never happens.
Let’s be clear about something else that “almost never happens.” It’s a movie which is critical of Democrats ever seeing the light of day outside the production studio. This film only cost $2.5M to make and it looks like it’s going to have taken in nearly four times that amount by the time the convention kicks off. It’s a fairly remarkable story.

Sassy, I thought you might like this, so observant on your part:


Entertainment Inspiration For D‘Souza’s Anti-Obama Film Is…Michael Moore
In an exclusive interview with TheBlaze, conservative author and commentator Dinesh D’Souza (http://www.regnery.com/books/obamasamerica.html) spoke about the odd influence leftist filmmaker Micheal Moore had on D‘Souza’s remarkably successful (http://www.deadline.com/2012/08/first-box-office-anti-obama-movie-1/) movie hitting national box offices this weekend. As TheBlaze previously reported (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/dsouzas-anti-obama-documentary-no-1-at-box-office-friday/), “2016: Obama’s America” began playing in 1,090 North American theaters on Friday and opened No. 1 at the domestic box office.

TheBlaze asked D’Souza about his influences for the film and we were surprised to hear that Moore, perhaps the most left-wing filmmaker of our time, was one of them.

D’Souza, who based the documentary off his best-selling 2010 book “The Roots of Obama’s Rage,” said he considered Moore’s successful marketing of “Fahrenheit 9/11,” the documentary the George W. Bush administration.

“Michael Moore made Fahrenheit 9/11 and he dropped it in the middle of the national debate,” D’Souza told TheBlaze, noting that the country was very torn at the time over a controversial president. “So look, the conditions look very similar, except we have a Democratic president, Obama, very controversial.”


08-26-2012, 11:47 AM
Seems the movie must be getting to team Obama, since they spent their time and money making this:


One also wonders about the seriousness of 'The Ticket' of Yahoo news, not that anyone would be surprised at the partisanship of Oliver Knox.

Abbey Marie
08-26-2012, 12:21 PM
Maybe I will go, and bring some Chic-Fil-A to snack on. :thumb:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-26-2012, 12:33 PM
Maybe I will go, and bring some Chic-Fil-A to snack on. :thumb:

Iffin' you have a conceal carry permit pack heat as well. Never know when some deluded fool will start shooting people these days. Isnt obama's healing and uniting of people going along just so well?;)-Tyr

08-26-2012, 03:57 PM
When the ObamaGuard, formerly known as the New Black Panthers, begin to police movie theaters where 2016 is being shown. It might not be a bad idea to just move ALL Viewings of the movie to CHICK-FIL-A stores to draw more customers who believe AMERICA is still the best hope for the World of TRUTH, HONESTY, and non-Obama tactics related to Ignorance.

red states rule
08-27-2012, 03:27 AM
The movie mst be good since it has the left so PO'd and the Washington Compost (that loved Michael Moore's work) hates the movie

The Washington Post film review (http://www.washingtonpost.com/gog/movies/2016-obamas-america,1230760/critic-review.html) of the new conservative documentary 2016 mocked the movie as a "fear-mongering" "infomercial" that is too opinionated. The same paper (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A2290-2004Jun24.html), however, gushed over the "emotional power" of liberal filmmaker Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11, praising it as a "cultural juggernaut."

2016 reviewer Michael O'Sullivan knocked the "slick infomercial," deriding, "As these things go, the movie seems destined to irritate the president’s supporters while mobilizing his detractors, even as it is doomed to win precious few converts. It’s a textbook example of preaching to the choir." In contrast, Fahrenheit 9/11 critic Desson Thomson defended, "Documentaries aren't news articles; they're subjective points of view, which is why Moore has almost endless fun at the president's expense."

Thomson explained away the hard-left tilt of Moore's movie this way:

What counts is the emotional power of Moore's persuasion. With a combination of events and facts that we have already learned, and some that we haven't, Moore puts it all together. You can understand the thread of his argument, even if you disagree.
In comparison, O'Sullivan huffed that 2016 is "anything but crude. The best infomercials rarely are."

The conservative documentary, written and directed by author Dinesh D'Souza, argues that Barack Obama is anti-capitalist and anti-American. The Post's film critic attacked:

Why is the film called “2016”? D’Souza’s one-sided argument ultimately stoops to fear-mongering of the worst kind, stating in no uncertain terms that, if the president is reelected, the world four years from now will be darkened by the clouds of economic collapse, World War III (thanks to the wholesale renunciation of our nuclear superiority) and a terrifyingly ascendant new “United States of Islam” in the Middle East. These assertions are accompanied by footage of actual dark clouds and horror-movie music.
Highlighting key scenes in Fahrenheit 9/11, Thomson praised, "Moments like this mark 'Fahrenheit 9/11' as a potential cultural juggernaut -- a film for these troubling times."

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/scott-whitlock/2012/08/24/wash-post-gushed-over-emotional-power-fahrenheit-911-slams-fear-mong#ixzz24jW9xXR3

08-27-2012, 03:32 AM
I have a friend who is liberal and she said it wouldn't matter what the film says she won't believe any of it.....and that she is voting for Obama again because he can relate to the little person. I said "give me a break"! I don't think we will do much talking until after the election.

red states rule
08-27-2012, 03:35 AM
I have a friend who is liberal and she said it wouldn't matter what the film says she won't believe any of it.....and that she is voting for Obama again because he can relate to the little person. I said "give me a break"! I don't think we will do much talking until after the election.

SL, your friend proves Obama Kool Aid is 100% fact free

08-27-2012, 03:44 AM
I know that is a FACT!!! :laugh:

When I put facts on the table the only thing she can come back to is ... he's an honorable man. Plus, she has this irrational fear of Mormons. She if definitely a little unhinged when it comes to politics.

In her favor (court case took several years), is that her child support case against her children's dad is a landmark case in CA that makes this happen now....

The DMV will not renew my driver license because I owe past-due child support. What does the DMV have to do with child support?

California licensing boards, such as the Department of Motor Vehicles, are required to work with the California Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) to enforce delinquent child support <acronym title="A command of the court that decides an issue or directs action." style="border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: dotted; cursor: help; ">orders</acronym>. When a <acronym title="Parent who the child does not live with most of the time." style="border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: dotted; cursor: help; ">noncustodial parent</acronym> does not pay support as ordered, DCSS reports his or her name to the State Licensing Match System (SLMS). The SLMS program requires licensing boards to deny, suspend or revoke driver, professional and recreational licenses.

No license, no business license ... any type of license.

08-27-2012, 09:06 AM
This is a must see documentary. It might do for Obama what Farenheit 9/11 did for Bush.

Get him reelected? :confused:

The movie mst be good since it has the left so PO'd and the Washington Compost (that loved Michael Moore's work) hates the movie

:confused: They'll hate anything that isn't a BO gush-fest.

08-27-2012, 12:27 PM
I have a friend who is liberal and she said it wouldn't matter what the film says she won't believe any of it.....and that she is voting for Obama again because he can relate to the little person. I said "give me a break"! I don't think we will do much talking until after the election.

Relate to the little person? :laugh: He only can relate to his agenda. I haven't seen the movie/doc, but I plan to.

08-27-2012, 12:33 PM
Relate to the little person? :laugh: He only can relate to his agenda. I haven't seen the movie/doc, but I plan to.

You and I know this, and you know this ... his agenda is to eradicate colonialism and capitalism (as it was done in India and Kenya)...and the message he's sending to the "little people" is to take away from the rich and make everyone equal .... that is of course, everyone but the elite politicians like himself.

PS .... if you are going to see the movie, better do this week ... I have a feeling that pressure will be put on them to pull from the theaters....or pressure on theaters to not show it.

08-27-2012, 12:39 PM
You and I know this, and you know this ... his agenda is to eradicate colonialism and capitalism (as it was done in India and Kenya)...and the message he's sending to the "little people" is to take away from the rich and make everyone equal .... that is of course, everyone but the elite politicians like himself.

PS .... if you are going to see the movie, better do this week ... I have a feeling that pressure will be put on them to pull from the theaters....or pressure on theaters to not show it.

What I did was add it to my queue in Netflix. May take a little longer, but I will see it. ;)

08-28-2012, 12:52 PM
Remember how the LEFT, Democrats, Liberals, Progressives tried, and failed to silence other films, and even the efforts to destroy, and silence Rush Limbaugh????

Last time I checked. Those mentioned above...FAILED. The FIRST AMENDMENT won.