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View Full Version : "Cash for Clunkers": A noteworthy Obama achievement

08-25-2012, 12:45 PM
Back when Obama, aided by a Democrat-controlled House and Senate, was finalizing the GM bailout, (which only cost taxpayers $30 billion dollars so far....but that's a subject for another thread), they needed a way to stimulate the purchase of new cars. Hence the birth of 'Cash for Clunkers'. Working stiffs...people that were driving real clunkers, hoping and praying their '85 Jimmy managed to get them to and from work for just another month, were being taxed so that the wealthy could turn their late model, and perfectly serviceable vehicles into a tax subsidized purchase of a new vehicle? You know, the same people that couldn't afford to buy a new car anyway, and had to make do with what they had? The little people Obama is so concerned with?

Yeah, so we ended up spending over 5 billion dollars to destroy 790,000 vehicles, most of which were perfectly serviceable, many of which were like new...we couldn't even gift these vehicles to the truly needy, (the people Obama claims to really, really care about). But they sure as hell had to pay for this program through their taxes. This wonderful program drove up the cost for used vehicles...and those on the edge were driven from that market too. Thanks, Obama!

Half that five billion dollars ended up in the pockets of foreign corporations, (Thanks, Obama!), and GM...the corporation this boondoggle was designed to benefit, is now, once again, on the ropes. It's stock price, since Obama stepped in, and put you and I on the hook, has plummeted from fifty bucks a share, to twenty, and is going to cost us over thirty billion dollars. This assumes we don't have to bail them out a second time. Obama personally destroyed over 100,000 jobs with his meddling, shut down numerous small businesses, and killed the pensions of tens of thousands of retired workers.

And for what? How much more money, that we don't have, do you on the left expect us to pay for his ill-thought-out grandiose plans?

Let's go to the tape. Here's a Volvo...not exactly a rust bucket, or clunker...but destroyed anyway, in the hopes that a UAW job might be saved....never mind that there are needy people in this country that would have traded their teeth for this vehicle, the same people that are being forced to pay for this program, and are either walking, or trying to nurse their worn out '85 Jimmy just a few more miles:


And you people that support this socialist nincompoop want to keep him in office for four more years because...... why?

Here's another:


Why is it you people on the left insist on pushing your programs and idealistic BS on the backs of the poor? Why? Every one of you on the left knows someone that could have put those destroyed vehicles to good use...yet you still cheer the man that made sure they would never lay their hands on one, even after the government had, in essence, purchased them. It would not have cost taxpayers one red cent to pass those cars off to people that needed them. And you liberals cheered this program....at the expense of people you know that were, and are, hurt because of it.


08-25-2012, 04:46 PM
Not only did they destroy perfectly good cars and depleat the used car market for younger drivers. But, the most popular vehicles purchased were NOT the hybrid fuel economy cars the government hoped for nope.

Trucks win in Cash for Clunkers game


08-25-2012, 04:57 PM
Obama, discussing his economic policies:

“we tried our plan — and it worked.”


red states rule
08-27-2012, 03:00 AM